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The Marine Bk. 02 Ch. 03

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More tests for Nate before a weekend with a previous lover.
10.5k words

Part 3 of the 25 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/16/2021
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Previous chapters found in the following:

Chapters 1-10: Incest/Taboo

Chapter 11: Erotic Coupling

Chapter 12: Interracial Love


I came to as I felt cold. Feeling groggy as fuck, it took me a good couple of minutes to open my eyes and sit up. Glancing around, I gave my head a good shake, blinking a few times before ensuring my vision was right. Then I sighed.

"Oh, fuck off. Seriously? Just fuck right off. What the fuck... I'm going to kill that fucking..."

Next to me in the snow was a small backpack. I opened it to find a watch, a knife and a mobile phone... and that was it. The phone needed switching on, waiting for that to find a signal. I attached the watch to my left wrist, checked the time and date. I'd been out solid for two days. So now I was left wondering where the fuck I was.

Standing up, I was on the side of a snow covered mountain. Below me was the treeline of a wooded area, perhaps a forest. While it looked familiar, I knew I wasn't in Montana. I knew this was another test, and there's no way they'd make it that fucking easy. Putting the phone in my pocket and knife in my jacket, there was no other option than heading towards the treeline, then finding the nearest road to follow, or at least village or two to figure out where the hell I was.

Trudging down the mountain and least kept me warm, and while the sun didn't have heat behind it, at least it wasn't raining or snowing. The trees were thick, but I did manage to stumble across a trail, checking the phone every so often for a signal. It certainly wasn't my phone, that was still back at base with all my other personal effects.

Checked my watch occasionally, and it was at least four hours of marching through the trees before I finally found a road. Glancing left and right, there was no sign of civilisation either way, so I pulled out my phone and enabled the location service. Took a couple of minutes to kick in before the map started to work and it told me where I was.

"What the fuck am I doing in Austria?" I shouted at no-one.

I needed answers and I needed them now. I pulled up the contacts and there was only one number listed, no name attached. I called it immediately. To my surprise, it was picked up after the first ring.

"Hello, Nick."


"Good that you've finally called. I'm sure you have a million and one questions."

"Understatement of the fucking year. Care to explain what's going on?"

"Easy enough. You have to survive on your wits and the skills you've learned to make it back to base. Your time started when you woke up one hour and twenty-three minutes ago. You have a total of seventy-two hours to get back to Montana and be sat in front of the Director's desk."

"No pressure then."

"I can't tell you what to do, but I can be your sound board and you can bounce ideas of me whenever you want. I won't be leaving this desk until you're home safe and sound. One warning, however. Your progress is being monitored as if you are under constant surveillance regarding our 'enemies'. The 'enemy', figuratively speaking, knows you're coming. You are not to use lethal force against them, but if you feel it necessary, you can incapacitate. If you are captured, you have failed and... well, things won't be looking good for you." She lowered her voice. "Nick, you're the only one in Europe. No-one else was sent out of the Americas. That is how much faith the Director has in you to make it back here."

"Give me a minute." I gave it some thought. I'd already been told where I'd be based once I was given my first assignment. It made sense it the long run. I'd read over the list of assets I would have at my disposal in Europe. The Director had said that my role would mostly be on the old continent, with occasional forays elsewhere. But everything I'd been learning had been in regards to basing myself back in the United Kingdom. "Okay, let's think about this. I know we have a cache in Berlin that'll have an EU identity card that can get me into the UK. Once there, I have a passport and cash that'll get me into the U.S. It's actually not that difficult, but I'm guessing it's the 'enemy' I'll need to worry about."

"Your watch and phone can and will both be tracked. For the purposes of this exercise, they cannot be switched off. Soon as you make it to Vienna, it'll be game on."

"Fantastic," I muttered, "Hang on, how about at least the GPS? I know phones can be tracked via signal, so they can at least triangulate. So if I use all my training -- avoiding surveillance and all that other bollocks -- then surely I should be given the chance to put some of my training into action."

There was silence before Jen replied. "The boss agrees with disabling the phone GPS. The watch GPS cannot be turned off but is more difficult to track. Otherwise, you're right, use your training, Nick."

"Right. The nearest town is two kilometres east of here, and there's a train station. I know I can get to Vienna from here and at least contact a local asset who can give me something to make it to Berlin. From there..." I sighed again. "Fucking hell... And I can't avoid Vienna from here."

"You've been trained for this, Nick. The 'enemy' will be good. You're better."

"And I can't kill them?"

"No, Nick. Non-lethal force, and only used if your back is to the wall." She paused a moment. "Though, between you and me, the Director knows what you're like..."

"Okay, I'd better get a wriggle on then. I'll talk to you later."

"Good luck, Nick. I'll see you soon."

Sliding the phone into the pocket of the coat, I turned east and started to jog, making sure I ran along the road with the light traffic heading towards me. Didn't take all that long to make it to the nearest town and the train station. I was in luck, at least. Only a ten-minute wait for the next train heading towards the Austrian capital. I had no identification, no cash or cards, so I could only hope a guard didn't come along checking tickets.

I took a seat by the window and ignored the passing countryside as I checked the phone. There was no information on it at all, which sucked, but I figured the boss wasn't going to make it easy. It was a commuter service, so seemed to stop everywhere, but we were pulling into Wien Hauptbahnhof within the matter of three or so hours.

The months of training, of learning to retain information, helped as I walked out of the main station and caught the tram. I remembered the address of a local asset, ensuring I was well aware of my surroundings at all times. So far, I didn't have that sixth sense I was being watched. The apartment I was looking for was away from the city centre.

Stepping up to the door of the apartment building, I pressed the buzzer for the apartment number I required.

"Hallo?" asked a feminine voice.

I returned the NATO phonetic pass code I'd been given for 'agent in trouble'. The door buzzed immediately and I slid inside. Bounding up the stairs, the door to number five was open, a mildly attractive middle-aged woman waiting for me. At least I was greeted with a smile. "I've been expecting you," she said in perfect English, "Please, come in. I know you don't have much time."

Following her inside, it was an ordinary apartment, the same you'd find in most countries. Warm. Comforting. Homely. There was no-one else around as she led me to the living room. Taking a key from her pocket, she opened a drawer at the desk and handed me a small metal box. Opening it up, there were bundles of cash. US Dollars. British Pounds. Euros. Russian Rubles. Other currencies that were worthless to me at present. There were a couple of passports and also a pistol.

"Where are you headed next?" she asked.

"Berlin. Have a proper cache there with ID, more cash, weapons... It's all been set up in preparation for when I'm activated. That's not the only place, but it's the most convenient from here."

"Notice anyone follow you?"

"No. Avoided all cameras, otherwise used counter-surveillance techniques. But I know returning to the train station will alert them." I took a few hundred Euros from the box before closing and sliding it back across the coffee table. "Thanks."

She smiled. "I'm sure I'll see you again the future. I'd offer coffee, but I know you have a deadline."

"Seems everyone knows except me. Thanks again."

I sensed I was being watched upon returning to the main train station. Purchasing a ticket for the first available train to Berlin, the next items I needed was food and drink, buying myself a coffee and pretzel, before loading up my backpack with drinks and snacks that would keep me going, as I figured sleep would be at a minimum.

With an hour until the train I was reserved for departing, I knew I was being watched by at least two people. I was giving off the air of someone without a care in the world, so headed towards the bathrooms, wondering if they'd follow me. One did as I stood at the urinal, whistling a tune, before I finished up, did up my zipper... then I charged at him. Crashing into the wall, cracking his head against the tiled wall before dragging him into one of the cubicles. The look in his eyes was one of complete and utter shock, though they glazed over once I cracked him in the perfect place to knock him out. Sitting him down carefully, I shut the door, washed my hands, and walked out of the bathroom.

Walking up to the other observer, he saw me coming and his face turned a shade of white that would have otherwise amused me. "Might want to check on your partner. And don't be so fucking obvious next time. Fucking amateur hour. Fuck off."

Only when I was on the train, no-one observing me, did I call Jen. "Violence already, Nick?" she asked, hearing the humour in her tone.

"Who the fuck were those clowns? They couldn't have been more obvious if they'd held up signs saying 'We're watching you'. I thought there'd be professionals on my tail."

"Don't get cocky. You're nowhere near home. Where are you headed now?"

"I'm on the train to Berlin. I was going to go by train all the way to Paris, then catch the Eurostar to London. But it'll take too long with the limited time I have. So it's a flight to probably Gatwick or Stansted, go to the cache I need, then get a flight to the U.S."

"When do you arrive in Berlin?"

"Near midnight. It's going to be a long three days."

"You've been trained to deal with it. Just get your cute butt home, Nick."

"That sort of talk will have me back ever quicker."

I dozed for a couple of hours as the train made its way through south-eastern Germany, arriving in the German capital around twenty minutes before midnight. I dialled an Uber and had that take me to the old 'West Berlin'. The Cold War was over, but most western operatives still based themselves in the west of the city. I needed the key first, visiting another local contact, before I found myself walking into a bus station on the edge of the city.

Ensuring I was unobserved, I opened the locker and retrieved the duffel bag. There was an EU identity card with my photo on it. Said I was French, my name was Matthieu. At least I was fluent in the language. I took some more Euros and also Pound Sterling. There were a couple of sidearms but I left those behind. I intended to fly, so that meant leaving the knife behind. No chance of taking that on a plane. Considering I couldn't use lethal force anyway...

"Nicholas Stevens?" I sighed as I turned around to see two big guys standing in front of me. My mistake, I should have known they'd be watching the cache. "Come with us, please."

I broke out my fluent French, telling them I didn't understand, which confused them for a moment. One of them made to grab me, taking him by the wrist instead. A quick jerk had him down on his knee, putting my heel into the left knee of the other man. There was a horrific crack and he went down quickly. Turning the wrist of the man I held, I could have snapped his arm easily. "Look, all I want to do is get home and I don't need you fuckwits trying to stop me."

"Just... Just doing our jobs..."

"Well, you're doing it very badly. I mean, come on, at least take me by surprise next time. How many are attempting to observe me in Berlin?" He didn't answer, so I upped the pressure. He howled, noticing the attention it attracted. "Tell me and I'll only knock you out."

"Half a dozen. We're watching stations and airports."

I snorted at how easily he gave in. I had a feeling these two were simple coppers or very raw agents, not the sort of agents I'd deal with once I was a proper agent with a codename. I put my knee into his jaw, watching him collapse to the ground. Making sure the locker was secure, I headed out of the station, hailing a cab and ordering it to Tempelhof Airport. I called Jennifer again, keeping to French, which I knew she spoke.

"Stupid question, but am I allowed to rid myself of the watch and phone? Just left two guys in a bus station with minor injuries. Nothing broken, just bruises and wounded pride. I know the whole point is to handle this sort of shit, but the boss should know I will resort to violence where necessary. The whole point of counter-surveillance is to be invisible. I can't be that if I'm lit up like a beacon."

"Hold one second, Nick." I waited in silence for at least a couple of minutes before her voice returned. "Sorry, Nick. The boss says you'll just need to keep your wits about you. As for your tendency towards violence, well, that was a given so all he says is do whatever is necessary to get back. But the more violence you use, the more difficult it will become. You're in Germany at the moment. They're not on the highest of alert. The U.K, on the other hand..."

"Aye, know all about that. Well, thought I'd just ask. Guess the other side having an unfair advantage is meant to help in some way, right? Still, I do feel sorry for the poor bastards I'm going to put in hospital. I'm generally not very empathetic nowadays. Tell the boss that, and say I blame him for the people I'm going to put in hospital."

"I'll ensure he knows as soon as you hang up."

"Angie back yet?"

"No, but you're all being tracked. You've made the furthest distance so far, but considering Europe, that isn't a surprise. Half of them have already made it within the borders of the United States, though four of them started within them so... yeah..."

"Fantastic," I deadpanned.

"You'll be fine, Nick. Try and get some sleep when flying over the Atlantic. I won't be around to fuck this time."

"Sure you're not in the UK waiting for me?"

"Don't tempt me, Nick, because you know I'd do it in a heartbeat." I could hear the smile in her tone. "Enough flirting. Get back here pronto, Marine."

"Aye-aye, ma'am."

Being after midnight, the airport was actually closed up for the night. Checking what time the first flight to London was, I found a cheap hotel nearby, giving myself approximately four hours to relax, switching off my phone and watch. I wasn't going to be caught fast asleep. I enjoyed a hot shower and a couple of hours' nap before walking back to the airport just as it was opening.

I knew I was being observed the moment I left the hotel. Approaching the ticket desk, I purchased the first flight to London Gatwick. Passing through security, I glanced back once through as those observing me hadn't followed me through. For the time being, I could relax ever so slightly, though I figured there would be at least one watching me on the plane, and god knows what sort of reception I'd receive arriving at Gatwick.

I filled my stomach with a hearty breakfast and more than one hot coffee. The hot shower and nap had done me some wonders at the same time, thinking with a clear head for the first time since waking up. I'd have to ask the boss when I got back just what the fuck they'd knocked me out with. Horse tranquilizer? The last thing I could remember was... well, fucking Angie, being honest.

Just before boarding, I approached a woman holding a phone to her ear. Rather attractive, looking all professional, wearing a suit jacket and skirt. Tapping her on the shoulder, she turned and I leaned forward. "Go home," I whispered, enjoying the scent of her perfume for a moment. She lowered the phone as her jaw dropped. "Look, it'll save you getting on the plane, then following me for a while in London before I eventually lose you. Go home. Don't waste your time and mine."

"Thanks for not hitting me, at least."

"You're welcome. I generally don't hit women, particularly those of an attractive sort."

The compliment earned a slight grin. "When did you figure it out?"

"You keep looking in my direction and you're nothing if not obvious. And I'm not that damned attractive to warrant that sort of attention."

To my astonishment, she slid a business card into my hand. "Well, if you're ever in Germany again, maybe I can prove that idea wrong." Then, with a smile, a soft kiss on the cheek and a whisper of 'Good luck', she picked up her small bag and headed away. I looked at the card, felt the grin form, and slid it into my pocket. Might be worth keeping hold of.

Passport control at Gatwick was a breeze, the border guard giving my identity guard the briefest of glances before sliding it back to me. My phone had been switched off during the flight, but apparently my watch had the technology to be tracked constantly. As I needed to check in with Jennifer, I turned my phone back on as I walked through the departures terminal. I didn't want to go on a stopping service towards central London, paying for an overpriced ticket on the Gatwick Express. At least it got me into London quickly.

Pulling into London Victoria, as soon as I stepped out of the station, I felt at least four sets of eyes monitoring me and London is one of the most surveyed cities on the planet. I was on the phone immediately as I avoided the all-seeing eyes of the ever present cameras.

"This is bullshit, Jen. They know when I'm coming and if they're tracking me..."

"Are you in London?"


"Know where you're going?"


"Then do what you need to do. They know the risks."

"I'm going to take that advice to heart. You realise that?"

I heard the smile again when she replied. "I look forward to reading your report upon your return."

The cache was one of the largest in the UK. It was a lockup in one of the storage places you find all over the UK. First thing was first, I had to lose my tails. Best place was the Underground. No signal down there. Heading into Victoria tube station, I knew all four were on my tail, ensuring I caught the Victoria line north to King's Cross. I then double backed, using the crowds and lack of signal, aware I'd lost three of them quickly, switching to the Piccadilly line that would take me west towards London Heathrow and the storage unit I needed. I changed trains three times. First at Covent Garden, then at Piccadilly Circus, and finally at Earl's Court, heading in and out of the station each time, before joining the next service. Getting off at Hounslow Central, I was one of only half a dozen people to disembark, and the final observer had no choice but to follow at a distance. I led him left, right, left again until we ended up in an alleyway, far away from residential and commercial areas, on the edge of an industrial estate. Only then did he seem to realise what I'd done. There was no-one around.

"How far away are the others?" I asked, striding towards him.

"Shit," he muttered, "They probably think you're in at least five places across London at the moment."

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