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The Marriage of Martin Hastings Ch. 12

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Martin meets his new in-laws.
2.3k words

Part 12 of the 21 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 04/25/2011
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Martin was hurried down the hall to meet his husband. It wasn't that he was eager to get to him, but the pace he was being forced to take made him have to run to him. If nothing else the morning treadmill walks were schooling Martin in how to move quickly in high heels.

"MMPPPFFF!!" Martin snorted as they reached the Baron. Martin pulled away from the man that was escorting him and glared at his husband. Martin's fist were clenched and he backed away a couple of steps as the Baron appraised Martin's looks beginning with his toes and slowly looking him up to the mask.

The Baron chuckled. "Oh my yes. You look very special today my love. I'm sure my mother is going to love you as much as I do," he said smiling reaching for Martin's hand.

Martin pulled back again. He shook his head "no" as his mind raced, "Don't take me in there dressed like this." Martin's confused thinking was evident in the moment as he didn't want to appear like this in front of the Baron's parents. He wanted to wear something more appropriate for this meeting. It was a perverse and desperate thought as he was dressed as a woman either way. He was being presented as a "seeded" bride anyway. What difference did it make. The lesser of two evils in his desperate mind perhaps?

"MMMPPPPFFF!!!!" Martin grunted again as his husband took his arm and forcibly escorted him to the dining room. The door were opened to the dining room and there at the end of a long table sat the Baron's parents. Very elegant in appearance and dressed rather formally for the occasion. The Baron's mother, "Constance" wore a black dinner dress and her hair was swept up in an elegant french twist. A small tiara sparkled just above her forehead, that matched her large diamond choker and dangling earrings. Her face was madeup to look glamorous but just short of overdone.

The Baron's dad was in a tie and jacket as he always was. They both looked up as the Baron entered the room with Martin in tow. Constance had a surprised look on her face as she looked at Martin being escorted in.

"OH MY GOD!" she exclaimed her hand coming to her face in disbelief.

Martin walked towards them in his 6" spike heel sandals and fishnet stockings, the tops of which weren't even covered by the dress he was wearing, exposing the garters that held them up. His toenails bright red against his all white attire, and the rings on his toes caught his mother in laws eyes and she turned away and smiled as she rolled her eyes at her husband. Martin's hands were manacled in front of him and of course he wore the Bliss Mask. His hair teased nice and high for this special occasion by Leanne and a large bow was pinned in the back, which was fast becoming a fashion statement for Martin. Even the Baron was in a suit. Martin had only ever seen the Baron wear a suit, well and his birthday suit. Everyone was so elegant and semi formal and here he stood in a skin tight sequined dress that was barely mid thigh and a D-cup padded bra pushing the front of his dress out in a display of exhibitionism that made Martin feel even more degraded.

"Marcia, these are my parents," the Baron said as Martin stood in front of them. "My mother Constance, and my father Leonard, but you can call him Leo." he smiled as he introduced them. Looking to his parents the Baron then said, "And this is my lovely bride Marcia." he smiled as he kissed Martin on the side of his head. Martin pulled away as he was kissed staring at the mother. Constance stood up and slowly walked around Martin evaluating him up and down as she appraised the image he portrayed.

"Oh my," Constance said appraising Martin. "What's the matter honey? Your mother dressed you like a girl and wouldn't let you play with the other boys when you were little?" She smiled as she ran her hand down his dress.

"Mmmppff...." Martin pulled back from her touch insulted by her remark..

"Is this how your new bride dresses for special occasions?" she said looking to the Baron now. "You think this is appropriate? Skirt is a little short don't you think?" she continued her assessment. "You think you look sexy dressed like this, don't you. Hmmmm?" she asked. "You put on some spike heels, a short, short dress. and some stockings. You even painted your toenails. How quaint." she smiled looking at his feet. "I bet your mother is so proud of her son."

"MMPPFFF!!!!" Martin grunted as he jerked away from her hand again that was now squeezing his padded chest.

"Isn't she beautiful mother."

"HE!!! Isn't HE beautiful," she said correcting him. "This is a man Anthony, not a woman." She looked hard at her son then softened her look and looked at Martin. "At least for now he's a man," she smiled.

Martin felt a sinking feeling inside. She was evil, he could feel it. As she stared at the mask she waved her hand for her husband and son to leave her alone with Martin. She had an elegance to her look. Attractive, even glamorous, with a warm smile, yet she was cold inside.

"Give us some time alone please. I'm entitled to that as the mother of the groom." she said looking through the eye holes in the mask into Martin's eyes.

"MMMPPFFF!!!" Martin snorted loudly as the Baron kissed Martin on the side of the head. Martin pulled away, backing up and stomping his heels. Glaring at the Baron as he exited the room with his father, Martin's fist were clenched but cuffed at his waist.

She circled Martin grinning. "So you're the little slut who has somehow seduced my son into marriage." she smiled as the words had bite.

"MMPPFF!!!" Martin shook his head.

"OH YES! YOU ARE A SLUT!" she raised her voice. "And a........... pervert I might add." she spat out at the end. "Why would a young man such as yourself want to dress like this?"

"MMPPFF!" Martin was shaking his head frantically.

"SHUT UP YOU WHORE!! I don't want to hear your excuses as to why. Anybody that would present themselves dressed as you are is a SLUT!" she said again.

Martin realized that his reactions were being misinterpreted by her. She thought he was objecting to being called a slut and a whore, trying to defend his situation, when in fact he was denying all of it. "I'm innocent" he wanted to scream out.

"So you got in his pants, and somehow got a ring on your finger." she looked at her nails and then at Martin. "You must be really proud of yourself. Well..........that mask tells me you have had sex with him, and now you think I'm going to just accept this like I would any other girl?"

Martin just stared at her teary eyed in frustration. He didn't want to give her any opportunities to take verbal swipes at him again.

She appraised him again as she circled. "What did you have to offer that a real woman didn't."

"Mmm," Martin moaned.

"Shut up!" she snapped. "Anybody can wear sexy clothes. must have something to do with promises of sexual grandeur, and the satisfaction a man could bring to the show. Am I getting close? He likes the way you spread your legs in bed for him? Or are you on your knees? I can see you are the type who loves to suck dick aren't you. You're the type that gives guys blowjobs in parking lots or driving down the road in the car, it really doesn't matter with you does it:?" She looked for a reaction from him. "You swallow don't you!" she said grinning.

She paused and looked out the window for a moment organizing her thoughts. "I'm sure you have many boyfriends" then she turned back to the young man wearing the mask of a lady climaxing. "The only thing you could bring that a real woman couldn't, is you have a penis, but my son is not a homosexual!" she said raising an eyebrow.

"MMPPFF!!" Martin shook his head. He couldn't take this anymore.

"Ok, ok." she said. "I think he married you just to make me angry. He doesn't love you honey and never will. He's just showing me how weird things can get if I don't agree to certain things financially. I know that is it."

Constance believed this was all a scam on her son's part and Martin must have been in on it, or promises had been made for his help.

"Well I'll tell what I'm going to do to help you out. I think it only appropriate that we have commitment here to this family and this marriage. If you want to live like a woman in this family and be accepted, I will insist you be one. I don't know how, but I will convince my son that you need to have your penis and testicles removed, and I'll get you a nice huge pair of breasts to go along with it. Would you like that?"

Martin shook his head NO as he stamped his foot, and screamed through his gag again.

"No? I thought this is what you wanted? Not part of your plan is it?" she smiled a sinister smile. "Well let's just say there may be modifications to your plans. I'll push whole-heartedly forward on this for you then. I will not have a MAN pretending to be a WOMAN in this family. You will have to change. When you have been castrated...........and yes you will be castrated," she said glancing up at him, "I will settle with Anthony. He will no longer need your services and divorce you. Even if I have to concede to his demands. You might gain a little money, but you will lose a little manly pride in the process." She then smiled. "That is how I feel about you and your little seduction game ......What did you say your name was again?.......Marcia?" she smiled as Martin backed away. "Where are you going young man? What did you expect. I'd just play along? I'm trying to help you honey. I'm your mother-in-law." she laughed now.

Martin held his hands out so she could clearly see they were cuffed to his waist. "I'm not part of a scheme! I'm a prisoner here damn it!" His mind raged but he couldn't say a word.

"Yes, yes, I see your fingernails. Very pretty," she said as she turned. "I have no problems with your wanting to dress and act like a woman Marcia. To each his own I say, but you are pushing into a private family matter and I will not be tolerate it."

The Baron and his dad now entered the room again. Constance was composed once more and walked over to her son with a smile, "He's everything I thought he'd be Anthony."

"She is special isn't she," the Baron gave a smile as he looked at Martin.

"I warned you about this years ago Anthony." she said as she was staring at Martin. "All the whores and sluts would throw themselves at you promising you anything you desired just to have some of your wealth," she turned and looked at her son. "So why did you allow yourself to be seduced by this tramp?" she hissed in a low voice. "This is a man."

"Mother, I'm in love with Marcia," he said as he smiled remaining very calm.

"Why Anthony? What has this man promised you that you feel you needed to marry him. Look at him. He's just a crossdressed man that looks like a slut," she said throwing up her hands at Martin. "What are you up to Anthony. I'm not buying you're in love with this guy. I've seen you with too many beautiful women."

"Mother, why are you so upset?" The Baron said looking for an answer.

"First of all, that's my Bliss Mask that pervert is wearing!!" she screamed in anger. Martin and Leo both were startled by the sudden change of mood."I wore that mask during my wedding consummation and your sister wore it during her consummation. The family women have a pride in that mask and you put it on some pervert in a dress? Yes I'm upset about that. Why didn't you just let him wear my wedding dress too while you were at it?" she sneered at her son.

"We had her try your wedding dress on but it didn't fit, properly. I didn't want it to be altered since it was a keepsake of yours," the Baron said with a slight grin. "She wore Melissa's wedding dress instead. We had it altered for her."

"You let him wear your sister's wedding dress?" she pointed at Martin as she tried to stay calm.

"Tradition mother. Of course She wore something from each of the women closest to our hearts," he said looking at his bride. "She wore her grandmothers earrings, Melissa's wedding dress, and her mother's favorite perfume."

"And my dress. You wanted him to wear my dress, but it wouldn't fit him. I can't believe you let him put it on."

"Yes. So he wore your panties with the cute little saying on the back you wore on your wedding night," he smiled.

Constance glared at her son for a moment then looked at Martin shaking her head in disapproval and then hissed at her son as she walked away, "You should be ashamed of yourself."

Martin feared what this woman may be capable of. She was very angry........and very powerful.


Please let me know if you'd like this tale to continue here. I will be spending more time developing other stories to post. Feedback indicates this may need a break here for now.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Hey, that went well....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

One of the best, carefully worked out, tho a touch of cane would be nice. Thank u.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I agree with DeleriousDaeva, this is one of the best stories of it's kind. The fact that Martin is in a situation he had nothing to do with and can do nothing to get out of is so erotic to me. He really is truely trapped.

I like how the other characters all refer to him as "Mrs., "bride", "wife", etc. all the while still acknowedging that he is male. It serves to emphasise for the reader that this is a man, who is from this point forward expected to act and take on the role of a woman whether he likes it or not.

I'd like to hear more about the pills he's been given to cause his impotence. It would be nice if they also caused him to shrink back to the size he may have been before puberty and do away with the unattractive bulge in his panties that you've mentioned several times so far.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Awesome :)

Im glad you are continuing with this story.

Love it!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Great story

I have been avidly following Martin's story and really want to read more. Please continue as this hits so many hot spots for me and my own fantasies.

Thanks for your great story Rik

rik581rik581almost 13 years agoAuthor
Thanks for the Comments

Thank you. I will continue the adventure of Martin as he approaches his coming out banquet. It should be interesting. There are still many surprises for Martin yet to come as we follow his dilema. Look for the next installment soon as I'm touching it up now.

DeliriousDaevaDeliriousDaevaalmost 13 years ago
I just wanna say...

...this has quickly become one of my favorite story series' on this site! Martin's descent into his forced femininity and submission to the Baron has been an absolute joy to read, and everything about this story plays to the masochist in me. It's actually quite refreshing to read something where the victim is genuinely suffering. It's not some suppressed desire or something he's always wanted and has been afraid to show. Martin is genuinely being abused in this story, and quite frankly I've been seeing too many stories where our little sissies end up loving their new lives. I want to see this played out to its completion. I want to see our little protagonist stretched to his limits until he's finally broken. I've loved your work so far, including the stories you've written outside of this series, and I'd love to see more of your work, but I really do hope you intend to give this particular tale the proper ending it deserves~<3

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
No revenge

Please get his balls off SOON! no turning back make him suffer!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
continue on!

Yes, Kill off the Baron and have Martin get everything! He should have some "legal reason" where he has to continue as a crossdresser, but getting revenge on those who harmed him would be a wonderful story in and of itself.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
don't stop

please finish this story. I also would like to see the baron die mysteriously...maybe a heart attack following another night of consumation. A young man like the Baron probably doesn't have a will so this leaves Martin as a widow who will inherit all the baron's assets, regain his freedom, and now with the means to pursue revenge on those who arranged his marriage.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

plz continue

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
dont stop

great story, dont stop. for all of your loving fans, continue!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

please continue with the story. Well written and exiting. You should give Martin his voice back again and let him partly accept his role as the wife of the Baron. Red hair, some percing and a lot of sex at different locations (car, during taking a walk etc.). Wish you best luck with the story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

One of the most interesting, well-written, domination, forced fem stories I've read in years. I implore you to continue .. and to stay on theme.

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