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The Martin's Family Sire Ch. 03


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"I want to feel them," Ali chimed in finally.

By this time Nancy had released Sam's spent cock and he went ahead and swam away from them in order to compose himself. Rachel noticed a healthy amount Sam's spunk floating in the water and splashed it away before Ali took his spot beside Nancy. Both twins now felt their mother's swollen breasts and questioned her on what being pregnant felt like.

Sam made it to the opposite side of the pool and looked back. Ali was lifting the breast closest to her and feeling its weight, while Tiffany softly squeezed the other one in her hands. Meanwhile, Rachel sat in front of them listened to her mother as she informed them on how she alleviated soreness.

"It's different for everyone but sometimes it helps putting a warm wet towel on them to help blood circulation," Nancy said.

"Mom, when does milk start coming out?" Ali asked.

"Ah, well that depends love. If you have already had kids like I have, it usually come in early. Mine dropped last week. Rachel on the other hand might not get hers until after her baby is born."

"Wait mom, are you saying you can already make milk?" Tiffany asked in surprise.

"Yes and no. I've started leaking a little bit but the first batch that comes out isn't exactly milk, it's actually called colostrum and that's the real good stuff the baby needs when it's first born," Nancy replied.

She then squeezed gently on one of her tits until a little bit of white cream came out her nipple.

"That's amazing, I didn't know you were already making milk mom," Rachel said in complete surprise.

A few minutes later Sam rejoined them having composed himself.

"Sam, did you know mom can make milk already?" Rachel asked Sam deliberately knowing fully well Sam was a sucker for his mother's breasts.

"Oh yeah it happened last week. We talked to the doctor about it and he said all was normal," Sam said matter-of-factly catching Rachel by surprise.

"Which reminds me," Nancy said as she stood up. Her pregnant belly sheening off water as it came out of the pool.

"I need to double check my hospital bag and make sure everything is packed," Nancy told them.

Sam climbed out of the side of the pool and went around to help his mother. His sisters stole glances between his legs. He was no longer sporting an erection like he had been earlier but his meaty balls and girthy cock still demanded their attention nevertheless.

Sam walked his mother over to her lounge chair and grabbed the towel so she could dry. Although his mother had squeezed and nice cumshot out of him only minutes before, he couldn't help but harden slightly when he saw his sisters come out of the pool. Their bodies were covered in water droplets and he could tell all three had goosebumps on their skin. The twins perky tits contrasted beautifully against Rachel's softer and fuller tits. Both twins simultaneously adjusted their bottoms and pulled their wedgies out from between their butt cheeks.

"Fuck they look so tight," Sam thought to himself.

Nancy appraised her son and wondered how long it would be before Sam thought of making a move on her youngest daughters.

Thanksgiving Day at the beach (Nancy has given birth, Rachel is now 5 months pregnant, the twins are in heat):

"Mom! Sam is going to burn the campground down," Ali yelled.

Nancy peeked through the window of their new 16ft camper trailer and saw Sam lowering the turkey into a makeshift deep fryer.

"Be careful Sam," she called out to him deeply concerned.

Sam had prepared the turkey himself and Nancy couldn't help but realize how Sam had completely eclipsed his father in everything he did including cooking their Thanksgiving meal. He had stuffed sliced onions inside it and had injected it with an enormous of amount of melted butter and marinade. Only thing left to do now was to actually place it in the fryer. Nancy could hear the sizzling from the oil but after a few tense moments Sam had fully dunked the turkey.

"See sis, easy as pie," he said confidently not wanting to admit how nervous he had been that he might melt his face off.

A few minutes later Rachel and Nancy stepped out of the trailer carrying the other food items they were going to prepare for their annual Thanksgiving feast. While Nancy and Rachel prepared the food, Ali and Tiffany watched over their new baby brother Ethan. He was now 3 months and was growing fairly quickly.

"I'm so glad we got this camper. Makes camping so much easier," Rachel said as she sat down at the table.

"No kidding. I'm so glad we'll be sleeping in an actual bed tonight," Ali added.

"I'm just glad we can continue this tradition even now with your father gone," Nancy said solemnly.

"Sam, I can't thank you enough honey, for taking care of all this. We would be lost without you, we really would," Nancy told him.

"Well the trailer is not as big as the one Grandpa had given us, but it'll work nicely for tonight," Sam said proudly.

He had taken the plunge a few weeks earlier to buy the small trailer. Now that he had finally towed it and parked it at their site, he couldn't be happier with his purchase. It was designed to sleep 4 adults with its two separate beds but he figured they could make it work somehow.

"It'll be nice and cozy," Tiffany chirped as she rocked her new baby brother in her arms.

After about an hour or so Sam pulled the turkey out of the deep fryer and the family gathered around for their big feast. The girls had made steamed vegetables, mashed potatoes with gravy and had even baked dinner rolls in the small oven inside the trailer. Soon they were all eating and laughing and enjoying the their hard work.

"Sam that was delicious. I can't believe we've never tried cooking a turkey that way before," Nancy told him.

"I'm glad you guys liked it, I was hoping it came out alright."

"No really Sam, that was like the best turkey I've ever had," Tiffany complimented him.

"Well it was a family effort," he said modestly.

"Well either way, we are going to have to reward you somehow," Nancy said coyly as she bumped her hip into him.

Sam's felt a small shiver down his spine as he recalled how exactly one year ago he and his mother had made love for the first time inside their old family tent. He recalled fondly how wonderfully bad they had been while his sisters and father slept. He shook his head and smiled.

After a bit of cleaning, the twins decided to walk down the beach to see the sunset and to take selfies. The rest of the family stayed behind. As soon as the twins were out of earshot Nancy quickly pounced on her son.

"Rachel love, can you keep an eye on the baby while I reward your brother for our wonderful meal?" She asked devilishly.

"Ugh! I wanted to reward him," Rachel whined

Nancy stared at her pleadingly until finally Rachel gave in.

"Fine, I'll be your lookout," she said while sticking her tongue out at her.

Soon Mother and Son were rolling around inside the small camper making out and fondling each other. Sam wasted no time in stripping his mother's out of her tight jeans and panties. He pawed at her thick bottom and dug his fingers into her flesh as he kissed and bit into her the side of her neck and shoulder. After a few moments of groping her, he undid the buttons of her blouse, revealing her black maternity bra underneath. He had watched her numerous time unlatch the front of her new bras to feed his newborn son and made quick work of peeling both flaps down in order to get to her her milky tits. Sam quickly and hungrily sucked at his mother's breasts knowing fully well she had milk inside.

"Only a little bit baby. We need to leave some for Ethan remember."

Sam didn't respond but instead attacked her other swollen tit and gulped down the steady stream of warm milk from her erect nipple.

After letting him suckle for a bit, Nancy reached down and undid Sam's belt. He quickly pulled his shorts and underwear down so that Nancy could grab his throbbing cock. Nancy rubbed it gently between her puffy lips until his fat head parted the petals of her mature pussy. Sam sunk deep into her within seconds.

"Oh... my... God! That feels sooo damn goood!" she cried out.

Sam bottomed out and slowly gyrated his hips to feel every inch of his mother's pussy. Nancy cooed as she felt him literally stirring up her insides.

"It feels so fucking good to be inside you mom," he said as he flexed his cock fully inside her.

Rachel, having heard her mother's voice from inside the trailer, peeked through one of the side windows just in time to see Sam pull out of her mother's swollen pussy. His cock was pulsating and angry and she couldn't help but bite her lip as Sam buried himself once again in motherly flesh. Her own pussy quivered as Sam's cock became slick and frothy with her mother's love juices. For a solid 15 minutes the trailer's suspension could be heard rocking and squeaking as the young stud pummeled the lovely mother. Rachel moved her chair closer to the trailer to listen. She wished it was her inside.

After about 30mins, Rachel heard the unmistakable slapping sounds of flesh on flesh growing louder and louder. Once again Rachel peeked through the window and this time saw that her mother had completely surrendered to Sam. He was fucking her with deep powerful strokes from behind and was on the verge of cumming. His strong hands were locked onto her hips and he was slightly lifting her off the ground. On the last stroke he slammed deep inside her causing Nancy to collapse onto the bed. Sam followed her down, his cock still buried inside her and injecting rope after rope of baby batter into her. Her ass was still completely squished against him when she felt his cum ooze out of her.

Rachel's pussy screamed in jealousy.

A few minutes later Nancy stepped back outside to join Rachel. She was now wearing a loose sundress and had fixed her hair. Rachel couldn't help but shake her head at her mother knowing what she had just done. Nancy only smiled, still beaming with sexual energy.

"Your turn sis," she heard Sam suddenly.

"You're joking right?" Rachel asked incredulously.

Sam was at the the entrance of the trailer shirtless and sweaty.

"Not joking. Get your ass in here," Sam said sternly.

Rachel looked towards her mother but Nancy only shrugged her shoulders.

"Don't look at me love. I gave him everything I had and looked how he left me," Nancy rubbed a finger between her legs and showed Rachel a sticky string cum that clinged between her fingers.

"He injected me with more butter than that turkey," she said laughing at her dorky joke.

Rachel's pussy didn't need any convincing. She was moist and ready. She quickly ran up the steps past Sam. He slapped her ass loudly making her yelp.

"I'll be right back mom," Sam said with grin.

"Be careful with her Sam. Remember her condition," Nancy said, referring to her pregnant state.

"I'll be gentle," he said shyly remembering how he had been the one that knocked her up.

Sam quickly stripped his sister of all her clothes and had her back in the same bed he had just fucked his mother in. Rachel could smell the scent of wet pussy and and cum. It made her even more wet knowing her mother had just been fucked on the very same bed.

Sam settled behind her in a spooning position and gradually worked his cock inside Rachel's pregnant body. Once he had found a good position, he placed a hand on her belly and started working his slick baby maker in and out of her in a quicker pace. A mixture of mother, daughter and son lubricated the young tireless cock as it ravaged the well bred pussy.

Rachel moaned softly as Sam got his fill of her. She enjoyed laying there and letting him take complete control of her. She loved the way he used her and loved how she could make him tense up by squeezing him with her pussy. She couldn't wait to have his baby aswell.

Rachel's climax came suddenly when Sam gripped tightly onto her hips and churned away like wild dog behind her. Her entire body spasmed as Sam turned her inside out. Sam was still sawing away at his sister's pussy when his mother came inside the camper.

"You guys better hurry up, Ali and Tiffany or on their way back," she told them.

Nancy watched for a few seconds as Sam got on his knees and positioned himself near Rachel's bottom. Rachel was still on her side trying to recover from her powerful climax when Sam deftly pried her legs opened and positioned himself between them. He dipped his veiny cock back inside her while holding one of her legs up in the air.

"Oh! Jesus Sam!" She cried out in pleasure as Sam split her open again.

Nancy knew Sam wouldn't last long when he placed Rachel's leg on his shoulder and started kneading on her ass cheek. She had come to know this tell-tale sign where he would knead her own ass frantically before he came.

Nancy forced herself outside and intercepted the twins as they arrived.

"Where's Rachel and Sam?" Tiffany asked.

"I think Sam was in the bathroom and Rachel was taking a nap," Nancy said loudly trying to warn the two lovers inside.

"Oh a nap does sound good," Tiffany said happily as she let out a yawn.

"I think I'll take one too," she said as she started walking towards the trailer.

"Oh before you go in, can you watch the baby for a quick second? I need to grab a bag from the car," Nancy said.

Nancy quickly ran to the Suburban and pulled a bag of belongings she really didn't need. She hoped this would buy Sam and Rachel enough time to finish and clean up. However, by the time she closed the door to the SUV she watched hopelessly as Ali stepped into the trailer unannounced. All Nancy could do was wince as she realized her young daughter might be walking into the shock of her life. After a few moments however, Ali came back outside wearing a sweater and holding her earphones in her hand.

"Rachel still sleeping?" Nancy asked cautiously having sat back down in one of the fold up chairs.

"She was, but I woke her up because she looked like she had nightmare," Ali said somberly.

"The bed was a mess and she looked like she broke a sweat. She said she was going to take a shower as soon as Sam was done," she finished.

"Oh I hope she's ok," Nancy replied feigning concern.

A few minutes later Rachel and Sam joined the rest of the family outside. Sam started their bonfire and soon they were all bundled up as the temperature dropped. Baby Ethan was placed inside the trailer and slept peacefully as the Martin family joked and told stories into the midnight hour. Nancy was the first to announce that she was ready to turn in. The girls all followed her. Sam on the other hand secured the food and loose items around the site. He wondered what the sleeping arrangements would be. The main bed area where Sam had recently plundered his mother's and sister's pussies measured 4ft by 6' ½" ft. Two people could fit fairly comfortably but three would be a tighter squeeze. The opposite side of the trailer had the dinette area that converted into a second bed that measured 3' ½ ft by 7ft. Fitting 3 people on that side was next to impossible.

Sam was still mulling the sleeping arrangements in his head when he entered the trailer. He felt himself get a little dizzy as blood rushed back down into his cock. What he found there was four women in different states of undress. Nancy was wearing white lacy panties that were of proper style for a woman her age. The only problem was that her big beautiful ass was impossible to contain and Sam was treated to large amounts of bare ass cheek as she bent down to store away her sandals. She was in the middle of removing her bra when Sam eyes locked on Rachel. She was on the same side as her mom and was climbing into bed. She was wearing one of his old shirts that covered her past her hips. But as she crawled on to the bed and away from Sam, she unintentionally exposed her naked pussy and ass to him. Sam gulped involuntarily as Nancy pulled her bra off and flashed him. She intentionally wiggled side to side when she caught him staring at her motherly bosom.

"You're going to have to squeeze in with Ali and Tiffany honey," Nancy informed when he was finally inside..

Sam turned to look at the other side of the trailer where the bigger bed was. The twins were both wearing booty shorts and tank tops. Sam could see their perky nipples beneath the thin material.

"I don't mind sleeping on the floor, it might be too tight of a squeeze with three people up there," he said out, genuinely concerned with his sisters comfort..

"Nonsense young man. Girls, make room for your brother so he can sleep there with you guys."

Tiffany and Ali both hopped into bed and fixed their pillows. Sam turned down the lights and pulled off his shorts and shirt, leaving him with only his boxers on. He made his way over to them and tried to discern what side of the bed he would sleeping in.

"You can be in the middle so you can keep us warm," Tiffany informed him in a cute voice.

"Alright sounds good," Sam said as he crawled over her. His cock was already at full mast and rubbed against her torso as he slipped between them.

Sam laid on his back and already knew this would be torture if he didn't do something. It was one thing to have sex with his mother who openly invited his sexual advances it was a whole different situation when presented with his innocent sisters. He tried to sleep but feeling Ali's and Tiffany's warm bodies next to him was driving him mad. Sam tucked a hand under his waist band and discreetly started to stroke his cock.

Meanwhile on the other bed Rachel and Nancy were quietly playing with each other's pussies. They were both still creamy from being with Sam and they found it very easy to slide their fingers into one another. They both wondered if Sam would try and make a move on Ali or Tiffany. Nancy figured it he did, it would be on Ali, considering she was the most adventurous of the two.

Sam continued to stroke his cock. He was pretty sure his sister were both asleep until Ali turned to her side and away from. He stopped momentarily until she was settled. Once he was sure she was not moving he started stroking himself once again. This time however he let his free hand wander and brush against Ali's butt. He continued pleasuring himself until suddenly he felt Tiffany's hand on his crotch. He looked towards her and found her looking straight up at him. Without saying a word he pulled his underwear down and placed her hand on his meaty hot cock. Her hand felt a small and delicate. Sam could tell that unlike her mother and older sister, Tiffany was fairly new as she clumsily moved her hand up and down his shaft. He went ahead and wrapped his own hand around hers and showed her how he wanted her to move. Gradually, she got the hang of it and soon was stroking her brother vigorously. Sam all the while, continued to rub Ali's butt with the back of his hand. He enjoyed the smooth material of her booty shorts and loved the way her skin felt.

After a short while however, Sam needed more.

"Do you want to suck it?" he whispered to Tiffany.

Tiffany nodded obediently. Sam placed a hand on the top of her head and led her under the sheets. Sam's body crawled with renewed sexual energy as he felt Tiffany's soft warm mouth envelope the top of his cock.

Tiffany was still steadily suckling on Sam when he felt Ali back up into him. He had momentarily stopped petting her as he concentrated on Tiffany but now it seemed she was asking him to resume. Sam wasn't sure if that was the case until he felt her push back firmly against him. Her invitation couldn't be clearer, he went ahead and palmed her ass cheek and relished the smooth bubbly butt his sister possessed.

Thoroughly convinced that both his sisters were willing to have him Sam went ahead and pulled Tiffany back up and kissed her deeply. Her mouth was wet with saliva from working on his cock. At the same time he pulled Ali's hip towards himself causing her to turn around and face in his direction. In a very short notice both girls realized what was happening and soon all three were hungrily kissing one another and fondling one another. Both girls' gripped his cock and stroked him while Sam freely groped, kissed and bit whatever he could put his mouth or hand on.


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