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The Maturation of Vinnie Pt. 01

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Vinnie grows up and finds a new life and a new lady.
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Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/19/2022
Created 02/24/2008
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For those of you who read Quartet: Jenny, you will remember Vinnie Blanton as the troubled brother of Tom Blanton who needed help to straighten out his life. This is the continuing story of Vincent (Vinnie) Blanton.


Chapter One:

My name is Vincent Blanton but almost everyone calls me Vinnie. I am 28 years old; or as my older brother used to say, 28 going on 18. He used to say that and for the most part, he wasn't wrong. I took me a long time to grow up; not physically, but emotionally. I'm probably still going through that, but things are a lot better today than they were a year or two ago. Just to fill in the background, I'll tell you a little bit about my life to date and then I'll tell you the reason for this story.

I was never much of a student, unlike my older brother, Tom. I scraped through High School by the skin of my teeth and I'm not sure they didn't give me a diploma just to get rid of me. I wasn't really interested in getting any more than the absolute minimum education for the least amount of work and that's what I accomplished. I'm a pretty decent athlete, but again, I just didn't have enough interest to concentrate on that either. It was too easy, I suppose. The one thing that I did concentrate on was having a good time. I picked up that interest when I was about sixteen and it stuck with me until just a year or so ago.

For me, a good time was hanging out with the guys, drinking a few brews, now and then smokin' some dope and, of course, getting it on with the ladies. I'm not an ugly guy; about six foot and 185 lbs with dark hair and dark brown eyes. I've had more than one girl tell me I look sexy, so I've pretty well assumed that's the case.

Life was pretty good for me. My old man owned a construction and renovation company that did a lot of high priced work and we lived a pretty good life. When my brother joined the company after he graduated from Tech School, I was already a crew chief and he came on to head up the second crew. It meant we were able to take on more work and that meant more money in the pot and that was fine with me.

I admit I was a little pissed when Dad made Tom the head guy and I had to report to him. After all, I'd been there longer and I thought I was doing a good job, so I should have been the guy. The truth is, Tom was better organized and had a lot more know-how than I did, but I just couldn't admit it to myself. When he brought in another guy to run the second crew and then started ragging' on me about how this new guy was getting the work done quicker and smarter, I was really pissed. I guess I was pretty unhappy and I think that led me down the path that got me in all the trouble.

I was just showing up to work to get the paycheck. As far as I was concerned, I'd do what I had to do and no more. At night, I was out with my boys and we were working over the night club scene downtown. In the meantime, my brother got married and took off for Europe on his honeymoon and that's when the shit really hit the fan. My Dad had a stroke and there was no one around but me and Robbie, the other crew chief, to run things. When the little guy started giving me my assignments, that's when I knew I'd had enough.

Like my brother, I owned a share in the company; a one quarter share. It was probably worth a lot of money, but I didn't know how much. About the time my brother was talking about getting married to Jenny, I met a girl I really liked. Her name was Marcia Raymond and she was a beauty. She really liked me too, or so I thought. She liked to go to the casinos and play blackjack and poker and stuff and I liked being with her, so we became a couple.

I guess I was gambling a bit more than I realized and I was running short of cash now and then. Marcia said she knew a guy who would lend me some dough until I could get even again and that's when I made the biggest mistake of my life. I went along with it and borrowed ten grand from this guy Tremblay. I figured my luck would change but it didn't and the next thing I knew, I owed this guy close to fifty grand. I was in shit up to my neck and I needed to find a way out.

That was when Dad had his stroke and Tom had to take over the company. I was really upset that Dad was sick, but I figured maybe that would force Tom to sell the company and I'd get my share and pay off Tremblay. Then Tom came along and offered to buy me out. I wasn't doing very well on the job because of all the problems and finally Tom called me and insisted on a meeting. He knew all about my money problems and worse than that, he said Marcia was Tremblay's girlfriend and was just setting me up for him. I didn't believe him. Tom said he'd help me, but I knew the only way out was to accept his offer to buy me out.

Two days later, I got a visit at my apartment from Tremblay and some goon friend of his and he worked me over pretty good. I ended up in the hospital with a bruised kidney and ribs. I told Tom what happened and he said he'd look after it. I guess he did. He said he paid the debt to Tremblay and the guy who put the beating on me was in jail for parole violation. It was then that I knew I couldn't keep going on the way I was. I had to get my head straight and do something about my future.

I got to see the special side of my brother then. I knew he was a black belt in karate and I figured that would protect him from Tremblay, but I saw the smart side of him too. He had figured out how to let me run my own business as a framing contractor and still pay me out for my share. It was such a good offer after all the shit I had caused him that I would have been an even bigger idiot if I didn't say yes. It would take me a while to recover from the beating, but at least now I had a future to look forward to.

For all the problems that my brother and I had over the years, I knew he was one cool guy under pressure. I'd seen him lots of times in hairy situations and he would just 'ice down' as he sized up the problem and the options and then make a decision. I had no idea that it would carry over into real physical danger situations until I heard what happened a few days later. His wife Jenny told me in private because I don't think Tom was very happy with how it all came down, but I just shook my head in amazement when I heard the story.

Apparently, Tremblay was unhappy that he didn't get every dime that he figured he was owed which included a fifty percent interest payment. Tom had made him understand that he was going to get about half that interest and he was going to like it. Tremblay must have stewed about it for a few days and then one night, after more than a few drinks, decided he needed to get the rest and then some. He got a gun and went to Tom & Jenny's house and when Jenny answered the door, he pulled the gun on her and backed her into the house.

The way Jenny tells it, it was like something out of a Steven Segal movie. Tom came in, looked her straight in the eye and told her not to move and then turned around, shielding her from Tremblay. When Tremblay started making demands that Tom go and get the money he wanted, Tom just said No! Jenny said it scared her to death; she was sure Tremblay was going to kill them both and maybe even their little girl, Nikki.

Tremblay must have moved toward Tom and Jenny said it happened so fast that in just a second, the gun was on the floor across the room and Tremblay was on the carpet in serious pain with a broken wrist and blood running out of his mouth and his ear. Tom sent her downstairs to look after their daughter and cool as a cucumber, picked up the phone and called the cops. I would have given anything to see that.

Chapter Two:

So that's how I got to the stage that I knew I had to grow up and carry my own weight. It took me a month to heal up, but when I did, I sat down with Tom and his financial advisor and we worked out a plan on how I could have my own business. Tom would be my banker for a while, but in the end, I had to make it work on my own. To tell the truth, I was scared. I realized I didn't have any business experience and while I knew how to follow a framing plan, I didn't know anything about payroll or taxes or Workers Compensation and all the other stuff I needed to run a business.

Tom said he would get me started, but sooner or later, I'd have to learn how to run my own affairs and if I couldn't do it myself, I'd have to hire someone. When I looked at how much business I had in front of me and how much more there was available, I was pretty sure I would have more work than I had people to do the work. I put the word out that I needed some rough and framing carpenters and with our family's reputation, it didn't take long to find some extra guys. Most of my first jobs were for my brother and that was a good way to get started.

I'd like to pat myself on the back and tell you what a sharp businessman I was, but the truth is, it was all set up for me. Right off the bat, I knew I needed someone to look after the paperwork and the money and naturally I went to Tom for advice. He just smiled and handed me a card from B.C.I.T. and told me to ask for an instructor in the Financial Management faculty. I should ask for some recent or about-to-be graduates to interview for a permanent job and then call him when I had some names.

When I got the list of names, I called Tom and he set up a meeting with his financial guy, Steve Inhalt and we looked over the résumés. He helped select five likely candidates and then we started calling to see when we could meet with them. Steve agreed to be with me for those interviews because he could assess their skills and I couldn't. After that, it was up to me to pick someone I could trust and work closely with. Steve and Tom emphasized that this was the next most important person in any company, so you wanted to make the best choice possible.

We were lucky and were able to get all the interviews arranged over a day and a half stretch and since Steve worked out of his house, he agreed to let us do them there. We had renovated his house a few years ago and it was really something for just 1500 square feet. Before we interviewed anyone, the three of us sat down and figured out who was going to do what. We decided that I would tell them what the business was all about and Steve would tell them what kind of systems I would need. Tom was there to fill in any blanks and also because he thought it might be time for him to have someone as well and take the responsibility off his shoulders. He had a "part time" accountant, but all the other paperwork was being handled by him after Dad had his stroke. With all the new business and the regulations and bylaws that Tom had to deal with, it was getting to be too much. This way we would probably kill two birds with one stone.

It sort of worked out the way we planned. I say "sort of" because Tom and I got into an argument about which one of the candidates was the one best for me and it turned out we both wanted the same person. I threatened to tell Jenny on him because the one all three of us agreed was the best was a girl. I mean, she was a woman. 100% all woman! She was hot! Tom said I was letting the little head do the thinking for the big head again and I asked him which head was doing his thinking and he was stuck for an answer. Steve thought this was all too funny and just sat back and watched the comedy act.

In the end, we agreed that it was my need that was the most important and the reason for the interviews in the first place. I got the girl! If I had it to do over again, I might have reconsidered, but that's another story that I'll get to. Tom grumbled a bit, but then admitted that any of the candidates would be fine for his needs and he would make his own decision. I don't remember the last time I got one up on Tom, but it was a long, long time ago. Maybe this was the start of a new trend?

The new girl's name was Dana McNabb and she was a drop-dead gorgeous blonde with a body to rival any Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader. She was also pretty self-confident and I got the impression when we interviewed her that she didn't take any shit from anybody. We weren't allowed to ask her age and she didn't offer one on her résumé. I guessed she was mid-twenties, but these days it's tough to tell. Steve said she had all the right answers when he talked to her about what the accounting and reporting needs were, so that was good enough for me.

Since we didn't have an office, we would be working out of our homes, or in her case, out of her apartment. I phoned her to tell her she had been chosen for the job and got a bit of a surprise. Right off the bat, she laid down some ground rules that I hadn't expected.

"Look, Mr. Blanton, I'm really happy I got this job. I just want you to know that I don't date anyone where I'm working and there aren't any exceptions." It was as straightforward a statement as I'd ever heard and it completely caught me off guard.

"Ah ... well fine ... I understand. I hope you didn't think that ... well ... that you got this job ..."

She cut me off right there. "No! I know I was the best candidate. I just want it understood that I'm not date material. I'm there to work and I'll do a damn good job for you ... but that's all. OK?"

"Yah ... sure ... like I say ... don't get the wrong impression. We wanted the best person and that was you." I finished uncertainly.

"Good ... then we understand each other." she said in a more friendly tone. "When do you want me to start?"

"You can start tomorrow. I'll meet you on our main jobsite and take you around and give you an idea of what we do. Then we can sit down and talk about suppliers and employees and the other things involved with the business." I gave her the jobsite address and we agreed to meet at nine the next morning.

Things were a lot calmer the next morning. I had four houses on the go; two reno's and two new structures. Our part of the business was to frame and sheath the new parts and cut the openings for windows and doors and that was it. I showed her the list of jobs we had lined up and it would keep us busy for at least a month. In the meantime, new jobs were being proposed almost every day, so we wouldn't be short of work from March through October. The trick was to make sure we had the manpower to do all the work and not get behind.

She looked at what we did with interest; I mean, she didn't just ooh and aah at the houses; she looked at what we were doing. She asked questions about what the hard parts were and what could cause problems like delays and such. She was just as smart as we thought she was.

I invited her to lunch and she seemed hesitant, but agreed. We ended up at the White Spot and I finally got her to relax and tell me a bit more about herself. She was probably a bit older than I thought because she had finished High School and gone to work for five years in a food processing plant out in the Valley. She hated it at first, but then she got a chance to work in the Lab and it was more interesting. After that, she got a chance at supervision, but she got tired of the long hours during the seasonal high period and she decided to go back to school.

She chose BCIT because she saw how well prepared the graduates were when they came out into the workforce and she also saw how quickly they were hired; even over University graduates. She chose accounting because it was an everyday skill that every kind of business needed and it was always portable. Besides, she liked working with numbers and she soon figured out that the top accountant in any firm had a lot of power.

She owned her own Condo in Burnaby and drove a late model, bright red, Mazda Miata. She dressed smartly and I guess you would say professionally, but then, I wouldn't know. All in all, she was a very independent lady. She was also going to be a challenge. I would have to use more than just my normal charm to get though that tough exterior. I wondered what had made her so wary of men that she had to lay down rules before they even said hello.

Tom had asked me to find out if she had her own computer and she said yes, she had a new laptop and yes, she had all the usual programs on it. She talked about which accounting package to use and she though she should find out from Tom what he was using. It might be smart for the future to use the same package. It was something that I hadn't even thought of, but that shouldn't be any surprise. That's why I needed her!

Her first day on the job was a Wednesday and by the end of the day, Friday, she had all the systems up and running with all the information loaded on. I was impressed. I asked her if there would be enough for her to keep busy and she said she wasn't sure yet, but if not, she'd probably offer to take on some of Tom's work. He hadn't hired anyone yet and was still using the part-time services.

A month later it was mid-April and we were running full blast just to stay even. I'd never worked harder in my life as I ran from job to job and made sure things were running on schedule. One thing I had to learn was to control my temper. When things went wrong, I would normally blow my top and swear and carry on until I could figure out what to do or one of my workers would come up with a suggestion. I was the total opposite of Tom when it came to solving problems. I just had to learn to calm down and deal with the situation the best way I knew how. It was tough, but I had to force myself if I wanted to run the business without blowing up every day.

The best lesson I got on keeping my temper was one Friday afternoon when Dana brought the paychecks to the jobsite. Someone had framed the whole side of an addition backwards with the window openings at the wrong end. It would take almost a whole day to fix the mistake. I flipped as I usually did and was stamping around the site swearing and spitting and generally acting the fool. When I finally calmed down, I heard this laughing and just before I blew up again, I turned around and saw Dana.

She was almost doubled over as she watched my performance and my first reaction was embarrassment. She didn't have to do anything else; she had me red in the face and it wasn't from anger.

"Do you always go off like that?" she laughed.

I exhaled loudly and stuffed my hands in my pockets as I looked at her with what must have been a stupid grin. "Yah ... pretty much." I admitted.

"I'll have to come around more often. That was very entertaining." she continued with a big grin.

"Well, I'm glad I made your day. I wish it wasn't necessary. It just cost me my Saturday." I moaned.

"Too bad. You'll have to tell your girlfriend she'll need a rain-check." Still with the big smile.

"Ah well, there's one thing I won't have to do." I said ruefully. "No girlfriend to tell."

"Really! Now that's a surprise." She was obviously having fun on this particular Friday afternoon. It suddenly dawned on me that it was the first time I had seen her in this mood. I looked back at her and gave her a big smile in return. I was almost sure I saw her blush before she turned away.

I informed the guys we needed to fix the mistake and when we figured out who had screwed it up, we had free beer for our next pub outing. As it turned out, one of the guys showed us how we could just take the wall out in one or even two pieces and turn it around. It would be quicker than ripping it all out and starting again. I think he had just become the most popular guy on the site. It meant a half-day on Saturday and not as many angry girlfriends and wives.

I turned back to Dana and walked over to her as she finished distributing the checks.

"Can I buy you a drink after your long week?" I asked casually.

"You know my rules ... no dates." she said with a straight face.

"It's not a date, just a drink after work." I tried.

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