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The Mature Model


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"Wow, one day with two young men and cameras has brought out the woman of my dreams." Steve said as he cooked for is wife. He looked over at her as she strummed her clit; this caused a tent his shorts.

She looked at her husband with smoky eyes, Anne asked. "Is that a rocket in your shorts or do you love me?"

"I love you." He said as he brought breakfast to her and gave her a tender kiss on her lips.

She grabbed his tool though the cloth and stroked him a few times, this caused him to stiffen more. "Stop that Anne or I will be late for work I need to get going." Steve said as he followed his pecker to the bedroom.

Steve came to the kitchen dressed for work and Anne was still nude. "What are you going to do today?"

"It is a nice day. I think I am going to get some sun. It will make me look better, if I tan the areas that haven't seen the sun before, so the photos of me will look better."

"Okay, have fun." Steve said and he gave her a kiss.

She walked him to the door while nude and stood in the doorway until he left, without any concern that someone may see her. Steve enjoyed the sight of his naked wife as she waved good-by to him from the front door totally exposed to anyone who happens by.

Anne cleaned up the kitchen and the house; she made the bed and dusted. Around eleven thirty she picked up her sunscreen and went out by the pool. Their back yard was semiprivate the only one that could see their pool was Louie Garzone a seventy-year-old man that has a garden near their fence. Lou always smiles and looks at Anne when she is out by the pool, with a sad look on his face, as his wife just passed. He is harmless and she wants to give the old gent a show today. He always gives Anne vegetables from the garden.

Anne applied her sunscreen and waited, but Louie never went to his garden and by four PM a frustrated Anne, still nude went into the house to start dinner for her husband. Five PM Steve walked into the house to the sound of Anne as she hummed while she cooked.

"My, My, My! My lovely wife has the outfit that I love the most on today." As he walked up behind her, reached around, and made a hand bra, while he rubbed his package against her behind.

"Go get comfortable and dinner will be ready in a few minutes."

About fifteen minutes later Steve entered the kitchen. "Let me take over sweetie why don't you go sit down." He said with a smile on his face.

"Where do you want me to sit on the high-top stool like this?" Anne said as she mounted the stool, hooked her feet into the step and spread her legs."

"You amaze me Anne two days ago you wouldn't leave our room unless you were dressed now your outfit is your birthday suit, which I love by the way."

She had a pout on her face. "I was outside by the pool nude all afternoon to get a tan for my photo debut and Louie was nowhere to be seen."

"It is his loss my dear." Steve said, astonished that his wife wants other people to see her nude.

The couple cleaned up the dinner dishes and went into the living room to watch TV. The new Anne who remained completely nude, put her feet on her husband's lap and leaned against the corner of the piece of furniture. They conversed as they hadn't done in a long time, while Steve played with his wife's moist pussy.

When he noticed the curtains were open Steve asked. "Do you want more privacy?"

"No, it is exciting me to see the cars slow when they come by to look into our window at me."

"Wow, what did you do to my shy modest wife?"

"She left when I took my clothes off to have my pictures taken." Anne giggled, as she dropped one leg to the floor to give her husband better access to her overheated manhole.

The room is filling with the scent of Anne's pheromones. This caused Steve to get a hard-on, Anne felt her husband's erect member and used one foot to rub the length of it on the underside.

"OH, Steve that feels so good!" Anne said, Cumming on her husband's fingers as he strummed her clit.

Steve let her rest, but he kept his fingers in her pussy because he loves the feeling of her sex.

After coming down from her orgasm high, Anne captured her husband's cock between her feet. "Do you want a sheath for that weapon?" She asked as she rubbed his tool.

"Yes, I do. You have any suggestions my dear?" He asked as he removed his shorts, and his pecker led him to her overheated opened box. He got between her legs and Anne helped him aim his spear. Steve pushed into his wife balls deep and she let out a contented moan as he started his slow sawing motion, he picked up speed as both became more needy.

"Faster I am almost there, pound me hard!" Anne demanded "I'm Cumming." She screamed in orgasmic pleasure.

This show of affection is all taking place in the living room with the shades open and it is twilight out, so everything happening in the room can be seen from the road by passing vehicles.

Steve rolled over onto his back while still connected to his wife's pleasure palace and she laid on his chest until his tool fell out of her manhole, the act started to seep out of her pussy and onto his balls. The room has the wonderful scent of consummated lust.

Being after eleven they walked to their bedroom arm in arm and took a shower together, something they haven't done in a long time.

"It is a lot easier if someone else washes your back." Anne said as her husband washed her from her pussy to her neck, and she did his back in return plus paying a lot of attention to his cock and balls also, but she couldn't get a rise out of him because he was worn out for the night.

Sated they went to bed nude and happy, falling asleep spooning with Steve's arms holding his wife and she, feeling secure in his embrace.

Saturday again Anne awoke to the smell of coffee brewing, thinking. "I could get used to this treatment." It was a warm day, so she entered the kitchen nude to her husband's approval.

"I see you have the outfit that you look the best in again today, are you going to change or keep it on all day?"

"I am going out to work on my tan today, so this is my outfit for the day." Anne is saying as she goes to one of the high stools, she sits and spreads her legs in front of her husband who is cooking breakfast. This action causing a swelling at his midsection, to Anne's delight. "I haven't been able to get his attention in this way in a long time and l like it." Thinking with a smile on her face, while rubbing her pussy lips in front of her husband.

"Wow it looks like you're ready for action my dear. Hopefully, you can wait until after breakfast to satisfy your longings or are you going to take care of it yourself?" Steve askes as he is dishing out the meal.

"I will eat first then while you are cleaning up, I will put on an after-breakfast show for you." Anne says as she offers her moist fingers, she was using to pleasure her womanhood to her husband, while continuing. "A little desert before breakfast."

Licking his wife's fingers and saying. "You make a marvelous desert my dear." Smacking his lips.

The couple hurried through breakfast; Anne brought herself off in front of her husband as he was trying to clean up the breakfast dishes. Steve took a shower and Anne went out by the pool. Today she hit paydirt Lou is in his garden weeding when she went out to sit in the lounge chair. She made believe she didn't see him and sat with a book reading, she spread her legs rubbing her pussy while reading.

Lou looking in Anne's direction and calling to her. "Beautiful day isn't it." He says walking toward the fence, the sun causing a glare in her direction, so he didn't realize she was nude, he thought she had on a bathing suit that was skin color. When realizing she was nude he said? "Anne you're nude!" He turned away from her embarrassed.

"Don't freak out Lou, I have a new job and need to tan for it."

"What are you a figure model?" Lou asked as he peeked around to look at the naked woman.

"Lou, I don't mind you can look." Anne told the older man with a smile on her face but didn't answer the question he asked.

"In that case would you like some garden vegetables?" Lou asked happy he received conformation it was okay to look at his naked neighbor.

"Sure, bring them over, sit down and I will get you a glass of Lemonade." Anne said as she arose and went into the kitchen to retrieve a glass of the cold liquid for her neighbor.

Steve in his swimsuit entering the kitchen asking. "Who it the lemonade for me?"

No silly, it's for Lou, but I will pour you a glass and you can bring this out to our neighbor." Anne said as she poured another glass for Steve.

"You mean to tell me he is sitting out on our deck, and you're going visit with him while you are nude?"

"Steve I am going to show him everything before he leaves this morning." Anne says rubbing her pussy.

"I believe a monster has been created." Steve states with a big smile on his face.

"I have to make up for lost time, I have been very modest for over thirty years and I just found out all the fun I have been missing."

They walked outside together with the drinks, Anne gave Lou one and Steve took the other. Anne sat down, swung her legs onto the lounger in such a way to give their neighbor a brief view of her pussy, and then sat with her legs together, one hand covering her pubic area and the other holding her drink. She began conversing with Lou and covertly rubbing her pussy lips together as they talked, extremely excited to see the expression on the men's faces, as they couldn't keep their eyes above her breasts during the conversation.

Steve looking at his wife's pubic area while stating. "Lou did you know Anne will be modeling for figure studies?"

"I had a sense she was doing some modeling. I asked her but she didn't answer me."

"Lou what do you think does she need to have her vaginal area waxed?" Steve said as he walked up to his wife kneeled to the side of her and had her spread her legs, so Lou could see if in fact she needed to be groomed somewhat.

Lou brought his chair to the opposite side of Anne and brushed his fingers through her womanhood in vicinity of her lady lips, noting that her sex was swollen and moist as he stated. "There is some stubble there it would probably be better to have her lower lips waxed before she models."

His forwardness surprised Anne, but she didn't say anything to her neighbor and neither did Steve, but it turned Steve on to see another man touch his wife in an intimate way.

"That is what I figured also, so I took the liberty of scheduling a waxing session for one o'clock today. Would you like to accompany us to the salon?" Steve asked their neighbor.

"Wait a minute you two, don't I have a say in this it is my pussy after all that will be exposed to the stylist."

"Well you are looking for new experiences, so I thought this could be one of them." Steve stated as he rubbed her clit which brought a moan from his wife. "I though so." He stated when he heard her moan.

"Oh, what the hell, yes, and Lou can come with us, but you have to finish what you started." Anne moaned as she directed her comment to her husband.

Removing his fingers from her pussy after she agreed to go Steve stated. "I think we will wait until you're done with your grooming then we can satisfy you."

They conversed until it was time for the group to get ready to go. Steve being a nice guy retrieved from Anne's closet a dress that buttoned down the front and a pair of sandals for her to wear. She dressed without undergarments as she figured they will have to come off anyway, combed her hair and they were off for the half hour trip to a salon that Steve's friend owns.

"Where are we going?" Asked Anne to make conversation more than anything else.

"We are going to Carl's Cuts Hair Salon. He just opened up you remember Carl Winters?" Steve stated.

"You mean our friends Kathy and George's youngest son who used to follow me around like a puppy when he came over?"

"Yes, one and the same." Steve laughed.

"Oh boy, before I even model most of our friends will see me nude, I guess."

"That is what you wanted isn't it?"

Meanwhile Lou is in the back seat taking in the conversation thinking. "It is going to be very interesting these coming months in our neighborhood."

They arrived at the salon in an upscale part of town, there are ten cars in the lot.

"How come there are so many cars in the lot Steve?"

"I don't know. It is Saturday, so maybe that is the answer." Steve stated as he went around to open the door for his wife, something he rarely does.

Lou gets out and stands by the passenger door also.

"What are both of you looking at? Oh, I know." Anne says with a smile, as she pulls her dress up, thus giving her escorts a beaver shot while she exits the car. "This is fun." She thought.

The group entered the salon to find a group of twenty, some of Steve's friends and some of Carl's friends there.

"Hi Mrs. Grant, you look marvelous as usual, how are you doing today?" Says Carl with a smile.

"I am doing well, just nervous that is all. I need to talk to my husband alone for a minute."

"Sure, go into my office the door on the right." Carl says pointing the way.

Anne walks into the room and shuts the door. "Steve what is this are they all going to watch me being waxed?"

Stuttering as he sprung this on Anne without warning her says. "Well I thought you wanted to be the only woman naked, that is what you told me you like, so I set this up just for you my love."

"Steve cut the shit. You set this up, so you can see me naked in front of a group, because you were pissed off with me for going to the audition and stripping nude without your consent. Admit it Steve."

Turning red Steve said. "That could be some of it, but you said you liked the exposure, so couldn't you do this for the group? Another reason is everyone here has never seen a woman getting a wax in person accept Carl I believe."

After a long pause and giving Steve a look of disgust for good measure, Anne was excited she said. "Okay I will let all here watch, as long as they are willing to pay twenty-five dollars apiece for the experience." She figured she might as well make some money in return for her consent to be watched while she had her intimate area groomed.

"My wife has agreed to let everyone watch her waxing that is willing to pay a twenty-five-dollar donation for the privilege." Steve says to the group. After they emerged from the office.

You could hear wallets being opened, all lined up, they gave their donations to Steve.

There are twenty men who donated but there are twenty-three men there including Carl, Steve, and Lou.

"Steve, and Lou put your donation into the pot please. Carl you're going to be doing my waxing and you're not going to charge me, right."

"No, Jenifer is going to be doing your waxing. I am going to watch, as I have never seen a waxing done either." Carl said.

"Carl you're not going to charge me, I want a twenty-five-dollar donation from you, and I will pay Jenifer for the service."

"You have a deal Mrs. Grant." Carl said as he put his donation in the jar.

"Call me Anne as in a few minutes you will see as much as my gynecologist sees. Jenifer how much does it cost for a wax."

"Between one hundred and one hundred- and fifty-dollars Anne." Jenifer who is under thirty years old, quoted the older woman.

There is Five hundred and seventy-five dollars in the kitty. Anne removed two hundred dollars and gave it to Jenifer saying to the group. "You have to come up with a two-hundred-dollar tip before we get started."

There was no push back they put in over two hundred dollars in the jar.

"Lead the way Jenifer let's get this over with, so I don't waste the whole afternoon here." Anne said as she removed her dress to the delight of the group of men.

The room they entered had an exam couch in it. The room was small, but they had a portable wall that opened to make more room for clients that wanted beauty treatments not associated with waxing. The couch was turned so the foot faced into the room that opened. They had ten chairs and the rest of the guys had to stand in back to watch.

Once everyone was settled Anne mounted the couch laid back with her legs together waiting while Jenifer warmed the wax. She has never had her genitals waxed before, and never had so many men, see her nude.

While the wax was warming Jenifer asked. "Where do you want me to wax?"

Steve stepped forward and said. "Around her womanhood and bottom."

Surprised that her husband answered her question. "Okay Anne I will need to see the area." Jenifer said.

Reluctantly Anne spread her legs a little in front of the group, but it wasn't enough for Jenifer to inspect her intimate area, so she pushed her knees further apart, ran her fingers over her pubic mound and along her slit.

The action of the stylist brought a moan from Anne. "Oh, that feels good." The embarrassed older woman said.

"I'm afraid I can't wax around your womanhood because the hair is too short the only thing I can do is shave you or use the laser on that area, but with the laser the hair may not come back. What would you like me to do?"

"Shave me and only around my womanhood and back side, I don't want the hair on my mound removed." Anne groaned as she spread her legs further apart in front of the group.

Jenifer gathered her shaving equipment, lathered up the area to be shaved and started at the juncture of Anne's legs and shaved toward her opening. The beauty consultant stuck her fingers in Anne's pussy to grab her lady lip and continued shaving her. This brought a moan from the reclining woman. The group was mesmerized by the grooming process, there wasn't a limp dick in the room, as for Anne, her excitement was running down between her legs and Jenifer was wetting her panties with the exhibition.

By the time Jenifer finished the grooming Anne said. "I need to cum, Steve get over here I need some help." Spreading her legs open further, so her husband has access to her overheat manhole in front of the assembled group.

While Anne held open her pussy, Steve strummed her clit while finger fucking her the room was so quite that you could hear the squishing sound of her pussy as her husband finger fucked her. She came in a few minutes with a scream.

The sated woman looked around the room to see all the men had pitched tents in their pants and Jenifer had her hand in her panties. She loved the control she posses over a group when she is naked. She dismounted the table and walked to the group. They thanked her that she allowed the group to observe her while she was intimately groomed.

"You are welcome, maybe I will let you watch again when I can actually have my privates waxed." Anne said as she put on her dress and only buttoned the three middle buttons.

Anne was escorted to the car by the group in the salon. They formed around the passenger side of the car as Steve opened the door for her. She knew what they wanted to see, so Anne sat in the car with one leg in the car, the other on the sidewalk, and talked with the group for a few minutes. She was intimately exposed while Anne conversed with the group. She felt the power she had over the men and liked it.

When the three were in the vehicle they left for home. Anne turned sideways to talk to Lou and put on leg on the seat this exposed her womanhood to her husband. Lou moved so he could see the action that took place at Anne's pleasure palace. Steve in turn started to rub her pussy, as she conversed with both men between moans and groans, until she laid her head back and tried to stifle a cry as she came.

When she came down from her after orgasm high, she giggles as Steve drove into their driveway she stated. "I guess it is a one orgasm trip from the Salon to here. onlyfictionJessica rabbit raped by jabbasorority orgy pussy felt story"erotic stories"gay total control kristen literotica Precious did beatrice repliedIncest,clit,nipple,non consent,literoticaliteroticabeastialitystories"literotica anal"Raksha bandhan aani tai sex storiluckiest son taboo sexstories"literotica femdom"literotica emptied balls "womb"literotica malepussydinkleberry asstr"erotic comics"literotica wife pool "cuckold literotica"feminist gangbanged sex storyuh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh literotica machinelatest strappers milf story luch reluctantly milking his prostate xxx stories student"gloryhole literotica"Peeche se "touch" kiagonewildaudio beastliterocia basketball sister"incest sex stories"Mom Had No Idea lyricmaster neswangyAnny's lesbians family story literoticaniftygay market white slavswife plays with big cocks in theater storyyou grope your cock between my ass.i feel it so hot in my ass/erotic couplings/"massage orgasm"mother son abduction taboo sexstoriesmaking a horny slut mind control literoticathe world is her toilet literatica"stories of incest"johnnieblue44literocticadaddy cums inside daughter's cervix literoticaஅம்மா மாலதி காம கதை"literotica femdom"widow daughter became wife,literotica"literotica bdsm""home invasion" "her sweatpants" pornsilver daddies handsome cheekscastaways of the new purgatory"mom son sex stories" Younger sister catches brother in her panties lliterocia"erotic wife stories"newsexstory com exhibitionist stories my boyfriend likes to expose me part 04Wife naked at party storiesPastor fucks mom like a whore letorica"futa sex story""literotica crossdressing"Student put his teacher in a chastity belt bondage literticaaudition goes wrong litterotica forced abused acting in a porn movienatygutierez pornmovie mastrubationমা বাবার কাছ থেকে চোদা দিবার গলপSarap ang kantutan ng mag inang alicia karen at jimboy sa sex storiescoolval(the bitchBackseat Dad Literotic sinful affairErotic lesbian stories of student tribbing"literotica indian"fanfic nicole spanking waverlykirsten archives peepinglitertica aunt sissy"i straddled his chest"asstr modern family