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The Miller Ch. 04

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Margaret serves the Master and the Mistress.
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Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 01/25/2012
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As it happened, the dour Mrs Latimer preferred Margaret to serve up the staff meal in the kitchen, rather than attending to the Master and the Mistress in the dining room. It seemed Mrs Latimer liked to take her praise directly from the Master and so explained to Margaret that, despite what Franklin might intend, there would be no-one but herself serving the Master and the Mistress their dinner.

The staff meal was an uncomfortable affair with very little conversation. Franklin presided over the five of them with an air more reflective of a lord than a head steward. It was Margaret's first opportunity to meet the Millar's nurse, Anne, a woman perhaps ten years her senior, with a full bust, wide hips and a comely face. However pleasant the nurse appeared, she was not one for much talk and remained unanimated as she sipped her soup, cowed slightly as if shying away from attention. At the end of the meal, Margaret began to assist Mrs Latimer in clearing the dishes. Unexpectedly, however, Franklin put a restraining hand on her wrist, before directing his comments to the housekeeper. "Margaret is required in the library now, Mrs Latimer. I am afraid you are without assistance. Unless of course you would like Cedric to assist you?"

Cedric's pained look was met with a gleeful sneer from the housekeeper. "What a good idea. Come Cedric. You are mine tonight."

Margaret noted how the blood drained from the young man's face and that Franklin and Mrs Latimar appeared to share a look between them. She could not be afraid for Cedric, however, as her own anxiety of having to make another library appearance came to the fore.

Surprisingly, both the Mistress and the Master were in the library as Margaret entered on request. The Master spoke to her from his armchair by the fireplace, which remained unlit. "Good evening, Margaret. I hope you enjoyed your evening meal?" His wife sat on the settee opposite him.

"I did, Master. Thank you."

"My wife tells me that you were a little disconcerted this morning seeing young Cedric with his mouth on the Mistress' breast."

Margaret was unsure how to respond to this statement. The Master was looking at her expectantly whilst Vivian Millar remained with her eyes on her husband. "Master, I was a little taken aback, to be sure, but the Mistress explained that Cedric offers her some relief from her motherhood symptoms."

The Master chuckled. "Motherhood symptoms? By this you mean the fact that her tits are full to the brim with milk?" Margaret blushed. "This is the case. However, Cedric has enough on his plate at the best of times and assisting my wife is the reason you have been employed." There was a moment of silence; Margaret waited in vain for clarity, whilst Vivian Millar finally turned towards her maid. "Come, sit yourself next to my wife, Margaret. You are about to learn one of your new duties."

There was nothing about this household that ceased to surprise Margaret. Now she was expected to sit on a settee next to the Mistress of the house! Did these people not care about their position in society that they placed their staff so intimately and so equally with themselves? Margaret seated herself timidly at the far end of the settee, vaguely worrying about sullying the expensive fabric with her skirt.

The Master shifted his attention to his wife. "Vivien, remove your bodice. Margaret, help her." Obediently her Mistress turned to her for assistance in unfastening her bodice. "Next, remove the stays and petticoats," the Master instructed. Margaret, increasingly breathless and curiously excited, unhooked her Mistress' stays and untied her petticoats until the lady was left in her drawers and chemise. The chemise was of a fine cotton and scooped low around her neckline. Margaret could see now how wet the fabric was at the breasts and how it clung transparent to two large brown nipples.

"Vivian, your legs please." Understanding this was an implied instruction, Margaret watched her Mistress sit back and spread her legs wide open, so that her husband could observe the light thatch of hair exposed between the open inside seams of her drawers.

"Now your hair, Vivian." In response, the Mistress removed a number of pins from her hair until it fell in soft blonde waves past her shoulders. All this while Margaret kept looking for signs in her Mistress that she was uncomfortable with her husband's demands or that her compliance was under duress. But no, the Mistress performed all these tasks with seeming calm and contentment, as if her husband had been merely asking her to shift a vase on the table, or pass him the salt. She gave no mind to it at all that Margaret could observe, and the lady appeared as comfortable sitting before her in her drawers and chemise as if she had been sitting down for a cup of tea with Mrs Latimar, an activity Margaret knew was scheduled each morning. Despite herself, Margaret grew conscious of her own arousal, an arousal that heightened with each new instruction delivered by the Master from his armchair in a low and dispassionate voice. "Pull your mistress' breasts out of her chemise, Margaret."

Margaret's belly contracted with excitement. Inspired by the uncomplicated compliance of her Mistress, she leant forward and inserted a slightly sweaty palm into the chemise, cupped one of her Mistress's soft, warm breasts and lifted it clear of the neckline. She shifted herself closer to her mistress and savoured the feel of her hand wrapping around the other breast and lifting it over the neckline too. Margaret felt a warm flush through her abdomen. Her mistress was a picture of loveliness; her full, round breasts cresting her chemise, the tips of her nipples glistening with leaking milk, her hair loose and her splayed legs an invitation for the eyes to enter where her sex sat open.

Margaret looked up to see that her Mistress was watching her with a smile. But it was the Master who spoke. "Margaret, Franklin has reported that you have nicely developed sucking instincts. This is good. There is more than cock that you will need to suck here. Right now you are to suck on your Mistress's right breast, swallowing the milk that you suck and giving your mistress some much needed relief. Do you understand?"

Too full of anticipation and desire, Margaret could only nod.

"Yes, Master," her Mistress whispered to her with the slightest tone of admonishment.

"I mean, yes, Master," Margaret said quickly, grateful for the prompt.

"Now suck me." Margaret felt her Mistress pull her head down towards her breast.

Margaret seized the breast and encased the nipple area with her mouth. She had never sucked on a breast before, not that she recalled, but knew that babies responded instinctively and so would trust to her own instincts now. She used her tongue and lips to pull the nipple and tease it until it was hard and distended, at which point she pulled it into her mouth and sucked forth the warm flow of milk, letting it dribble down her chin as she paused to swallow, before continuing to drink.

"Vivian, find out how much Margaret is enjoying herself."

Margaret felt her skirts shifted and her legs opened and the insertion of a finger, not brutal as the Master or Franklin's had been, but coaxing and gentle, nudging apart her cunt lips and flicking about in the fluids that had massed in her cunny.

"She is very wet, my Lord."

Margaret knew it was true. To her shame, she was as aroused by her own spread legs and fingered cunt, as she was by the act of sucking on her Mistress's tit.

"Margaret, remove your clothes." Obediently, Margaret began disrobing. "From now on, please take note that undergarments will not be permitted to be worn whilst you work here, unless you have your monthly bleed, in which case Mrs Latimer will give you rags and you may wear your undergarments as normal. Apart from this time, however, you will ensure that your holes are available to be accessed at all times."

"Holes, Master?" It was the plural form to which Margaret could not help but react. "You do not mean..."

"Your back passage will be used in the same way your cunt will be used. It is a particularly delightful experience to take a nice tight asshole. From here on in, Margaret, when you hear the directive, "asscunt open!" you will simply lift your skirts, bend over, reach behind and pull your asscheeks open so that whosoever might like, be it myself or Franklin or your Mistress-"

"My mistress?" How could her Mistress desire her back passage? What on earth could she do with it being without a man's particular equipment?

Master sprang out of his chair and delivered a resounding slap to Margaret's face. "Do not interrupt! Your Mistress delights in abusing the holes of others using the tools and toys she has at her disposal. You will not question what she does. You must simply submit to her, as you would to me, understanding that as my wife, she is an extension of myself. Do you consent to this, Margaret? It is a very important point."

She knew then that she had been employed less as a lady's maid, than as a domestic toy for the household. But her back passage! She could not fathom... could not begin to think what manner... what sense of...this is from whence she toileted! Margaret's mind went blank with the shock and incomprehension of such an act. Surely this was not regarded as pleasurable? It must be a punishment. But she would give them no cause to punish her. She would be the most perfect maid, and she had learnt to suck cock quickly and would gladly do it in order to avoid this... this unthinkable act.

"Margaret? You are silent. If you do not consent to this, speak now. We shall pay you for the day and Franklin will drive you back into town tomorrow."

Margaret was yanked free from her verbal paralysis by the prospect of losing her employment. "Master, I will submit to you or the Mistress or Franklin with gratitude." It did not sound confident, but it was clearly uttered.

"Good girl. Then on your hands and knees now before your Mistress. It is time to demonstrate your commitment to your employers." The Master grabbed her hair and pulled her head forward into his wife's cunt opening. "Suck here now. Show your Mistress how appreciative you are of her faith in you, Margaret."

Margaret opened her mouth and sucked on the warm red folds and tight bud of her Mistress's cunt. As she worked her way with her tongue along the length of the folds, slipping it into the hot slit, her Mistress twisted her fingers through Margaret's hair, gripping the girl's head at both sides and guiding the location of Margaret's mouth on her cunt.

"Lick my cunt, Meg," her Mistress moaned, and Margaret in that moment had acquired a new name that immediately spoke of affection and acceptance. As a consequence, she was even more motivated to pleasure the writhing woman beneath her mouth. With enthusiasm did she bury her face into her Mistress's cunt and inhale her scent as she speared her tongue into the woman's hole, plunging it in and out as if a miniature cock. She could sense the desperation of the Mistress to gain release. Margaret was intent on getting her there and applied her whole mouth to the woman's mound like a suction cap and sucked vigorously on the woman's clit.

As she sucked, Margaret felt her own cunt hole invaded by the rough fingers of the Master who violently rammed her sex with his hand. Despite the rough treatment, or because of it, Margaret could not be sure, she felt her body seep the fluid that belied its readiness. Reading her body, as if reading her thoughts, Master observed how ready she was to feel his cock for the first time.

The Master grabbed her hair and yanked her head back. He leant forward so that she could feel his breath on her face. "Are you ready to take my cock, Margaret?"

"Yes, Master."

"Excellent!"The Master shoved her face back in the Mistress's wet cunt. "I am going to fuck you whilst you pleasure your Mistress. You will not be allowed to cum yourself until she is taken care of, do you understand? If you cum before your Mistress, you will be severely punished."

Again, he yanked her head back. "I understand, Master. I will not cum until you let me."

"Good girl. Now spread your legs as you take care of your Mistress." Margaret reburied her face in the patiently waiting cunt of her Mistress, spreading her own legs as wide as possible whilst she anticipated the first penetration of a cock inside her.

The Master massaged Margaret's cunt, spreading the lubrication that would assist his stiff rod to prick the maidenhead of his domestic servant. That she was a virgin, he had expected and to which he applied no value. It was not her purity he desired, it was her obedience. She would be developed into a compliant pleasure slut, willing to take any cock in the house and open to use by whomever and whenever. Anything short of this outcome was a failure and eventually the girl's employment would be terminated. Hamilton Millar demanded compliance in everyone, but in his women, he enjoyed compliance with a mixture of debasement and humiliation. The desirability of his wife, and the young girl diligently licking between her thighs, was measured by the extent to which they would go to please him. His wife already understood the benefits of ensuring her husband's needs were met first and foremost. That she applied herself with enthusiasm to meeting his perverted desires gave Hamilton enormous satisfaction. Now he wanted a second cunt in the house to abuse, to watch one cunt fuck and suck the other cunt, to see tits squashed against tits and the soft lines of female bodies twisted and gyrating together for his viewing pleasure. His wife, he knew, craved a woman's touch as much as she wanted a man's and was another reason why he regarded her now as having been an excellent purchase.

So far Margaret had submitted to all that had been thrust upon her. That she was now eagerly sucking on his wife's cunt was a great indicator that she would be willing to comply with all that was in store for her. Hamilton was hopeful. This thought pumped his rigid cock with more blood, so that his immediate reaction was to remove his hand and thrust his cock into the slick cunt before him in one quick movement.

Margaret screamed. Her cunt had just been torn open. She could not believe the pain. She pushed away from her Mistress and tried to crawl away from the cock invading her desperately sore hole, but the Master had her by her hair and her hips and he continued to piston her cunt without a care for what she was enduring. Margaret gasped aloud as each violent thrusting of the Master's cock into her small body pushed her forward, mashing her face into her mistress' cunt so that she was forced to hold her breath.

Hamilton watched as his cock emerged sheathed in blood before disappearing inside the neat cunt lips of the girl. She had a tight hole and every time he thrust into her, she unconsciously clenched against the pain and so squeezed his cock into a state of unbearable pleasure. He held her hair like the rein of a horse and powered his hips into her.

Vivian's eyes shone with the satisfaction of seeing her own perversions enacted; she enjoyed the experience of her husband's cock inside her, but she enjoyed the experience of viewing her husband's cock inside someone else even more. That she was able to watch her husband's defilement of her maid, whilst her own cunt was skilfully eaten by the young victim, was almost too much to bear, and Vivian could feel the growing urgency of an impending orgasm.

"I am going to cum, Meg," she announced and threw back her head against the settee as her pleasure exploded against the mouth of her maid.

Margaret tasted the thick muskiness of her Mistress. The experience of having a woman's cunny in her mouth was one thing, but to feed from it, was another entirely. But it seemed feeding habits in the Millars' house were as unconventional as everything else, and something to which she must adjust. Whilst her Mistress laid back in a state of satiety and observed the pounding of Margaret's cunt through heavy-lidded eyes, her husband punctuated each forward drive of his cock with grunts and comments that she was "taking it like a good whore", that her cunt was "deliciously tight" and that soon she would "crave cock like a hunger".

The Master continued to abuse Margaret's cunt with his rough hammering of her hole, feeling the gradual build up in his balls, the pressure to explode inside her. "Steel yourself," was all he said, before he thrust himself deeply and violently into the bloodied cunt in his grip and unleashed his load , spurting his hot cum into the savaged sex of his servant. That the girl was crying and shuddering in the arms of his wife, whilst he stood over them with a bloodied cock dripping with his seed, aroused him still more, to the extent that he began to feel his softening cock start to stiffen again.

"Vivian, suck me clean then see that Margaret is able to bathe and rest."

"Yes, my Lord," his wife responded, gently moving Margaret to the side as she assumed her position on her knees in front of her husband. She licked clean the blood and cunt juices from her husband's cock and held it in her mouth by the cock head for his inspection.

"Good, my pet. Now go and take care of Margaret." Hamilton tucked his cock back into his pants and dismissed the women with a curt nod.

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lottie_8853lottie_8853over 11 years ago

Agreed. Please let there be more, it's soo good!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Please write more chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

there is a mistress in lower case

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