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The Missionary Position Pt. 06

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Two missionaries are kidnapped on foreign mission.
1.5k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/30/2021
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Back downstairs, the officer led Chris to a well-appointed bathroom. "You first need to take a shower and clean yourself up before we go. I will come back for you in a few minutes." With that, he existed and she was alone.

Chris was still trying to rationalize what had happened. Yes, she had lost her virginity to me. But she had only consented to that to prevent being brutally raped. She told herself what she had done was justified. But she could not help feeling dirty. And the water from the shower could not wash it away. As the water washed over her, she sunk to the floor and sobbed uncontrollably.

By the time he returned for her, she had composed herself. She was out of the shower and had dried. The officer led her back to his office. There, Chris saw a new wardrobe laid out for her on the desk. He explained, "The client has been informed of your relative inexperience. We can actually use that as an asset here by portraying you as the wholesome, 'good girl.: Chris dressed in a skirt that flowed loosely around her knees and a modest button-down blouse. A bra and panties were included. The shoes still had heels but were much easier for her to maneuver in.

"Sit down," he began politely. "I will fill you in on the details. You will address the client as 'Carlos.' He is from Venezuela. Tomorrow, we are closing a deal to sell them weapons. We think spending time with you can put him in a mood to pay our full asking price. That is your mission."

"First, you and I will join him for dinner. Then, I will leave and you will accompany him to his suite. I will return in the morning to pick you up and close our deal. Any questions?"

To Chris, it was clear what was happening. She had only come to this country to help people in small churches. Now she was being forced into prostitution. But she responded to the officer by just shaking her head, "No."

The two of them made their way out of the building and were driven back into the city. They stopped at what Chris had heard to be one of the most upscale dining establishments in the area. When they entered, Carlos was already there. Joining them at the table, the officer sat across from him and motioned Chris to sit at his side. When the waiter came, Carlos presumed to order for her. Otherwise, Chris was largely ignored as the two men engaged in animated discussion. She was not sure but assumed it was about their business.

When the dinner was over, the officer stood up from the table. "Well, I will be heading out," he began. "I will see you two in the morning." As he turned to walk away, Chris desperately wanted to follow him. But she knew that was not an option.

Her "date" had basically ignored her throughout dinner. Now that they were alone, he put his arm around her and bluntly asked, "So, dearest. I understand that you were a virgin until very recently."

Taken aback by the query, Chris looked away and responded, "Yes."

Pulling her toward him with the arm around her shoulder, his other hand began to fondle her chest. "That is so sexy," he continued. "I am so much looking forward to our time together here.'

Carlos arose from the table. Taking Chris by the hand, he led her to the elevator. When the doors opened, they entered and he pushed "P" for the penthouse. As they ascended, Chris felt her heart beating faster. Her breathing became labored. The elevator stopped and the door opened to the most elegant surroundings she had ever seen. As they stepped out, she told herself, "This is wrong. It goes against every moral principle that I have lived by." But what choice did she have? Silently, Carlos reached over and kissed her passionately. She kissed him back.

Carlos immediately led her toward his bedroom. He sat on the side of the bed as she stood awkwardly in front of him. Leaning back on his elbows, he inquired, "So how old are you, again?"

"23," she muttered.

"23, and a virgin," he continued. I did not think that was possible in your country." Chris stared at the floor and said nothing. "Why don't you undress for me and show me what you can offer to a man."

Mechanically, Chris unbuttoned her blouse. Carlos became impatient with how long this was taking, as her fingers were shaking and she could undo the buttons only with difficulty. "Can't you speed it up," he snapped. Trying to comply, she removed her skirt as quickly as she could. Reaching behind, she unhooked her bra and pulled it away from her. Biting her lip, she pulled down her panties and kicked them away.

Chris was standing naked in front of him. "Excellent," he began. "Now, turn around for me. But slowly." Shaking, she did as instructed. "You are really a beautiful young thing," he commented. "And a recent virgin, at that. I am going to enjoy this." Rising from the bed, he began to undress himself and commanded, "Lay down on the bed." While taking off his clothes, he barked harshly, "Spread your legs." Chris pushed her legs apart. Carlos laughed, More assertive, he ordered, "No, wider. Open your legs." Closing her eyes, she sighed and pushed her legs as far apart as she could. With her eyes closed, she could not see him. But she could feel him leering at her.

Turning her face to the side, she pleaded, "Please just do not hurt me."

She felt him on top of her--and then inside of her. "Honey, I am not going to hurt you. You want this. And you need it." The sensation of his cock in her was quite different than what she had experienced with me. Now, the action was much more forceful. He was hurting her but she looked away and let him do as he pleased. He exploded with an intense orgasm inside of her. Chris prayed for this torment to be over. Rising from the bed, Carlos barked at her, "Just lay there. I will be back for you shortly." Chris buried her head in her hands. Her prayer for this to be over would not be granted. She could now only pray that she be permitted to get through whatever came here.

Carlos' sexual appetite was seemingly insatiable. He did everything with her that I had done--and many things that I had not. The experience was very different for Chris. With me, I had at least tried to be respectful and considerate. I was genuinely concerned for her wellbeing. With Carlos, there was none of that.

As dawn approached, he ordered her out of the bed. Weakly, she pushed herself onto the floor. He had her stand at the foot of the bed. From the nightstand, he produced cuffs and cuffed her wrists to the bedpost. Returning to the nightstand, he drew out a vibrator and announced, "I do not believe for one minute this 'good girl' routine you gave me." Turning on the device, he announced, "I want to see you cum like the slut I know that you really are." He roughly shoved the loudly humming vibrator between her legs. Chris moaned and squirmed. "Tell me you are a slut and you just want to cum for me. Tell me," he shouted.

Chris gritted her teeth. "I am a slut and I just want to cum for you," she said.

When she did reach orgasm in front of him, he was not satisfied. Pushing the vibrator harder against her, he commanded, "I want another orgasm. Harder. Show me what a slut you really are." She showed him. Four times.

When the ordeal was over, he tossed the vibrator onto the bed. Releasing the cuffs, Chris crumbled to the floor. He ordered, "Get up and get dressed. It is about time for me to close our business deal and for you to be leaving." He then proceeded to begin to get dressed and ready for his day, ignoring her.

Silently, Chris arose and mindlessly put back on the clothing she had been ordered to strip out of the evening before. Soon, Carlos was leading her out of the penthouse and back to the elevator.

In the lobby, she waited in the restaurant while Carlos and his officer contact closed their deal for the weapon purchases. Eventually, the officer appeared at her table, smiling broadly. "You apparently did very well," he oozed. "Carlos paid a premium price with no hassle, He said that he has been with many prostitutes and escorts in his day. But that you were without a doubt the sexiest woman he has ever slept with. If he visits here in the future, he definitely wants to see you again."

Hearing this did not make Chris feel any better. She simply stared out the window on the drive back to the military compound. She felt cheap and dirty. And she wondered if she would ever feel any other way again.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

That's not prostitution, that's rape and sexual slavery. Prostitutes do get paid for what they do.

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