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The Naked Cleaning Company Ch. 10

Story Info
Tony is abducted and Rachel provides the ransom.
1.3k words

Part 10 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/01/2021
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It all happened with frightening speed.

Tony had locked up for the day, heading across the car park to his Audi. A dark grey SUV was idling near the building. 'Nice motor,' he noted, but thought nothing more of it as he passed. Then a black cloth bag was pulled over his head from behind and someone punched him in the stomach. Tony bent in pain, grunting, and felt strong, burly arms grabbing him and dragging him sideways. All he managed was 'Hey!' as they pushed him into the SUV. A couple of doors slammed as the vehicle pulled away quietly.

He swore, screaming at them, but no one replied. He was held firm on the back seat and his hands were cable tied behind him. Then he was punched again.

"Shut the fuck up!" somebody grunted. Tony shivered in fear. He could only think of one explanation: Mazur.

After 20 minutes the car pulled up and they dragged him into a building. He was dropped on to a chair and more cable ties were applied to his legs and arms. Without warning, one of them punched his face several times and he yelped in pain. He felt warm blood oozing from his nose and lips. Then they left him in the darkness of the hood.

"Do you know who I am?" came a voice. Eastern European accent, probably Polish, thought Tony.

"Mazur," he spluttered through the blood that was dribbling over his lips. He had no way of wiping it away and he could feel it dripping down his chin and on to his shirt.

"Fucking right!" growled Mazur. "And this is my fucking territory!"

Tony was terrified. He was a strong guy, but with his hands and legs bound, he was completely helpless. 'I'm going to die,' he thought and shivered.

"Well? Got nothing to say?" spat Mazur.

"Sorry," Tony blurted. "It's just a few guys. I didn't know you..." He wasn't sure what might appease the thug. He changed tack. "I'll shut it down. Today. We won't do any more cleaning."

"What the fuck! Hey guys, he ain't gonna do no more cleaning!" The room erupted with laughter. Tony realised there were 4 or 5 guys standing around him.

The bag was pulled off and he emerged into dazzling light. Momentarily blinded, Tony squinted, trying to adjust, and the snarling face a Mazur came into focus, inches from his. He was an ugly fucker, that's for sure!

"I don't give a shit about your cleaning. Nobody operates in my territory unless I say! You got that? No girls. No guys."

Tony swallowed hard and nodded. All he could manage was a croaked "OK!"

Mazur turned and walked across the room. Tony realised it was large living room - couple of sofas, arm chair, TV. It briefly occurred to him that killing him here would really mess up the carpet. Blood's a nightmare to get out of carpet fibres.

"Twenty grand," said Mazur calmly. "That's just for setting up without my say so. 60% of your take from now on. And one of my guys will be checkin' on you."

Tony sighed with relief. He wasn't going to die after all. But the thought of working under the control of this mindless thug filled him with dread. "I'll just shut it down..." he started but Mazur cut him off.

"Get him a phone," Mazur grunted and one of his minders fished a mobile out of his pocket. "Twenty grand. Call someone. We'll pick it up now."

Tony's soul filled with dread.


Rachel was scared and confused. Tony was in trouble but she didn't know how much. He sounded petrified on the phone and she knew him well enough to know it wasn't a wind up. He'd told her to listen carefully and not ask any questions. Go the office and empty the safe. He gave her the combination. He wasn't sure how much was in there so take it all. She wanted to ask questions, but heard the fear in his voice. Whatever was going on, he was in serious trouble. He'd strictly forbade her to speak to anyone. Just get the money and wait outside the gym.

She threw the money into a carrier bag, still reeling that he even had this kind of cash sitting in an office safe. Her anger was rising, and her previous suspicions about the guys messing around with women descended to darker places. Was this drug money?, she thought and shivered. Or worse? Prostitution? Exploitation? Trafficking? But she was also terrified that Tony might be in mortal danger. His voice had been croaky over the phone. The nagging thought that he was being coerced in some way gnawed at her.

A grey SUV glided into the empty car park and pulled up alongside her. The rear door opened and a male voice said "Get in." His face was hidden in shadow and she could see the outlines of the driver and another man in the passenger seat. Tony had said the money would be collected and she started to object.

"D'you ever wanna see your boyfriend again?" said the voice. A tear leaked from her eye as she welled up with fear.

"Yes," she croaked.

"Then get in you stupid bitch."

From the window of the upper floor of the gym, Gus watched as Rachel climbed into the SUV. "That ain't right," he murmured.


Rachel was slumped on one of the sofas, hemmed in by two of Mazur's goons. She was sobbing softly. Tony was still bound to the chair. Much of the blood had dried on his face, but he was mess. She'd burst into tears when they pulled off her blindfold.

"Sixteen," said one of the men across the room at the table, surrounded by the piles of cash Rachel had brought.

Mazur lounged in the armchair, dragging on a cigarette. He was in no rush. He stood up slowly and stared at Tony.

"I said twenty, fucker," he said calmly.

"Sorry!" cried Tony. "I didn't how much we had. It's everything we've..."

"I don't give a fuck," said Mazur. "Boys, show this prick what four grand of pain feels like."

Two of the heavies moved towards Tony. Rachel screamed and jumped up, surprising the goons who'd been guarding her.

"No!" she screamed. "Please! I can get it. I have money." The room fell silent and all eyes turned to Mazur. He looked Rachel up and down, noticing her curvy hips and fulsome tits.

"You wanna help your boyfriend, how about you get on your knees and suck my dick," he said with a grin.

"Oh Jesus no," moaned Tony.

"Shut it, cleaner," spat Mazur, without taking his eyes from Rachel's. She was shaking and her face was still wet with tears, but she slowly stepped forward and kneeled in front of him. She knew she had to do it. 'I deserve it,' she thought. 'My penance for messing around with Mike.'

Mazur chuckled and upziped his flies, pulling out his flaccid penis.

"Hands behind your back, slut," he ordered and she complied.

Rachel flinched as he took a step closer and presented his penis to her face. Tony couldn't watch. He was miserable with guilt. But every other man in the room stared hungrily at the woman on the carpet as Mazur fed his growing hardon into her mouth.

He fucked her face for a few minutes, occasionally slapping his cock against her cheeks, grunting as he pushed it back into her mouth. He ignored her tears and the gagging when he throated her. She retched a few times, but he just laughed. Then he grunted and swore, pulled out and shot his jizz over her face. "Nice!" he laughed. Rachel hung her head, praying it was over.

"So what's that, boys? About fifty quid?" There were sniggers around the room. "How many BJs does this little whore owe us now?"

"79," said one of the men at the table and they laughed.

"So who's next then?" chirped Mazur, zipping up and returning to his armchair. "Help yourself, lads. BJs all round."

Tony's head dropped and his heart sank. Rachel just kneeled in silence, head bowed, a gob of Mazur's cum dripping off her chin.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I have been reading this story from chapter 1 which I liked. it has completely gone off the rails. It has been all over the place. I just read my last chapter. When you start a story have some idea where you want it to and don't just play all your wild thought to it. Pappasleaze!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

All done reading this. Way too over the top. Started out nice though.

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