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The Naked Filmmaker Pt. 06

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Dana hosts a sex party. Sam and Tom are the entertainment!
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Part 6 of the 10 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 01/19/2014
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"So when is our next movie?" Kate asked Sam as they were getting ready to leave.

"I don't know, I haven't seen a good request yet." He answered.

"What do you mean? There are like a hundred requests on your website and some of them have pretty good money backing them up." She replied.

"Yeah, but have you read them? They are almost all gay!" Sam said sheepishly.

"Don't waste your time, Kate," I said. "We've been all through this. He isn't even going to consider it."

"Homophobe!" She chided him.

"I am not and I have the video to prove it!" He said with a smile.

There was a knock at the door and Tom entered. They were headed to the movies and I was so happy that Sam and Tom remained friends and nothing got weird after the last video.

"What time should we be back?" Sam asked.

"Whenever you want, don't stay away on my account. I'm sure the ladies won't mind you being here." I told him.

I was hosting a Passion Party with some of my female friends—you know the ones where a bunch of horny women get together, have some drinks, talk dirty and buy sex toys. My friend Paige is a representative and brings a bunch of sexy lingerie and sex toys with her, she shows them off and we discuss and or buy them. When I was young my Mom had Tupperware parties—my how things have changed!

I invited Kate to stay for the party, but she wanted to hang out with her boys—I don't blame her.

"I don't want to interfere." Sam said.

"You mean, you don't want them salivating over having all seen your hot young naked body!" Kate joked.

"Well that too." He said turning red.

And with that they left. I took a shower and got ready.

Paige arrived first and set everything up. As I gathered the snacks together in the kitchen she was setting up in the living room.

"Dana, come here and see what I got for you!" Paige said.

I walked out into the living room and was amazed at what she had made for me. It was a six-foot cardboard standee of Sam—totally nude with Tom standing behind him gripping Sam's hard erection! I almost passed out!

"Good Lord! How did you do that?" I asked.

"I had my daughter make it from a still she took off his website. Do you like it? It isn't too much is it?" She asked.

"It's WAY too much and I love it! I don't know how Sam will feel about it. My god it's wonderful"

We both stood back and looked at the cutout. We surveyed every square inch of the two beautiful young men.

"The girls are going to flip for this thing." I said.

"I know. I thought with Sam and Tom's permission he might want to sell these on his site." Paige said. "He is a gorgeous man, Dana. You're very lucky!"

"Well he isn't mine. Not like that."

"He could be." She said with her devilish laugh.

I flushed and didn't say anything. I jokingly set the standee over in the corner of the room and wrapped a towel around it to maintain Sam's modesty.

I was right the girls loved it. It was the first thing they saw when they entered the house and every single one of them tried to peek under the towel, but I told them not until Sam gets home.

All in all seven women showed up for the party. It didn't take long for the booze to start flowing and soon we were all snookered.

The conversation turned to my live in porn star Sam. And the girls were all envious of me seeing him make the movies he made. Every one of them were members of Sam's site and watched his videos over and over. I was surprised at how open they were about how they masturbated to Sam's videos even though most of them insisted they don't watch porn. The idea of all my female friends fingering themselves over the nude body of my beloved stepson really turned me on.

The party was a great time for all of us, there were dildos, butt plugs, vibrators, movies, sexy underwear (female and male), and things I didn't even understand what they were, how they worked, or why anyone would want them.

I kept checking the clock knowing Sam and his friends would be returning soon. I couldn't wait for him to arrive and I only hoped he didn't try to avoid us.

Before I knew it Sam opened the door. Sam, Kate and Tom all walked in.

Sam tried to sneak through the room, but these horny, juiced-up women wouldn't let him go. Then he noticed his cardboard cut-out.

"What the hell is that!" He bellowed.

"Don't you love it, Honey? It's out new living room decoration!" I said and everyone laughed.

"My daughter made that for you, Sam. How do you like it?" Paige asked.

"Is it . . . complete?" he asked looking at the towel.

"Let's find out!" Kate said and pulled the towel off exposing Sam in all his glory.

The room erupted with delight.

"Oh, come on!" Sam exclaimed trying to cover his likeness up.

"Looks good to me!" Tom said. "Where can I get one?"

"I want one too!" Kate said.

"We all do. These will be big sellers, Sam" I said.

"Okay, you had your laugh." He said wrapping the towel around the photo again. "I'm embarrassed."

"Look how red his face is!" Tina yelled.

"Sam take my word for it, you have NOTHING to be embarrassed about. That was the greatest movie of all time!" My friend Diane said.

"Your body is perfect." Angie told him.

"So when do we get to see you naked, Tom?" Kelly asked.

Everyone laughed again.

"I'm just a helper, not the star." Tom said now it was his turn to be embarrassed.

"Well you can help me like that anytime!" Diane told him.

Tom was speechless—guys are so cute when they are shy!

Jennifer got up and sat Sam and Tom down on the couch.

"Okay, boys sit down we need to talk." She said. "I want to know what it was like making that video; for both of you."

"I enjoyed it." Tom said. "Sam has a great body."

"So you're gay right?" Jen asked.

"Yup, so far!" Tom joked.

"Do you want to fuck Sam?" Jen asked.

I love Jennifer she is that friend that will ask the questions nobody else has the guts to ask.

Tom and Sam looked at each other and laughed uncomfortably.

"What the hell kind of question is that?" Sam blurted out.

"An honest one. Seriously, Tom, would you?" She asked again.

You could hear a pin drop in the room.

"I mean . . . Sam is a good friend and I wouldn't want to ruin that, or make anything weird between us . . ." He said trying to find the right words.

"I'd do him!" Kate said.

Sam shot her a look of shock.

Jen looked at Kate, "Well duh, we all would, but Tom would you?"

"Yeah, I guess I'd fuck the shit out of him!" Tom said with a huge grin.

The cheers exploded in the room so loud I thought the walls would collapse.

Sam looked at Tom in shock and horror.

"Really?" He asked.

"Well, I mean yeah. It doesn't mean I want to, but I would, you know, if I HAD to. I mean if there was a law or something that said I had to have sex with you I would enjoy it." Tom said.

"This is too much." Sam said shaking his head. Then he looked back at Kate; "You would have sex with me too?"

"If it was a law—I'm a law abiding citizen." Kate said and now it was her turn to blush.

I decided to bail them all out, "Who needs a drink?" I asked. "I think we all need to cool off before the house burst into flames from all this sexual friction!"

Things cooled off a little then. Sam, Kate and Tom continued sitting on the couch and took the occasional sexual jab from one of the girls. Sam seemed like he was exhausted from all the horniness, but being a horny guy himself he wasn't about to leave the situation.

Tom noticed a giant dildo on the table and picked it up.

"This is impressive!" He said.

"Do gay guys use dildos?" Jen asked him.

"I don't, but I'm sure some do." Tom said.

"So Sam tell us, how was Tom at giving a handjob?" Jen asked him.

Sam dropped his head back in embarrassment. "I don't know. Good I guess. I haven't had a real one before—other than myself so I don't really have anything to compare it to."

"You mean you never had sex of any kind?" She asked.

"Nope!" Sam replied.

"Good gravy! Dana we need to get this boy laid!" Kelly said.

"Yeah, Kate what are you waiting for?" Paige asked.

"I don't know. I didn't say I WAS going to have sex with him, I just said I would." She answered.

"So you're saying your first sexual experience was with a guy, Sam?" Jen asked.

"Yes." he said incredulously.

"And how was it having a man touch your penis like that? I bet he was good at it. After all he must have a lot of experience with his own penis, right Tom?" Jen said smiling.

"Oh yeah, A LOT of experience. On myself and a few others." Tom said with pride.

"You're not a virgin are you Tom?" Jen asked.

"Nope." Tom answered.

"You mean with a girl?" Sam asked him.

"No, I'm not a virgin with a guy. I've never had sex with a girl," He said.

"But when you say sex . . ." Sam said.

"Yes, Sam I've had a wiener in my butt, okay!" Tom said and everyone applauded.

"You're not alone!" Jen said.

"Oh my God, this is getting intense!" I said really feeling my buzz.

"Sam would you ever let a guy in your butt?" Paige asked.

"Hell no! I don't want anything in my butt!" Sam said and this time he meant it.

"Don't knock it till you've tried it, Big Boy!" Tom said.

"Did you like it Tom? I didn't like it at all." Jen told us.

"I like it, yeah. It's very stimulating," He said.

"Well you guys have those prostates, I think that makes the difference, because I didn't like it at all." Jen said.

"Yeah, I definitely think it feels better for a guy. You should try it Sam." Tom said. "I don't mean with a guy, just with a finger or something it feels great! The old prostate massage isn't just for gay guys."

"No thanks." Sam told him.

"Yeah, Sam give it a shot." Jen said and threw the big dildo on his lap.

We all laughed again.

"Don't be so uptight!" Paige said.

Sam grabbed the dildo and held it like a sword as he spoke, "Uptight! I let my male friend crank me off on the internet and now I'm sitting here in a room full of Cougars with a giant dildo in my lap and a six-foot cardboard cutout of my naked, erect self standing in the corner. How much less uptight could I be?" Sam asked.

"Sit on that dick and we'll see!" Jen said laughing at him.

Sam was so funny and cute sitting there in mortification (is that a word?) and wielding a giant rubber cock flopping it around with his every gesture.

"Cougars, huh?" Paige uttered. "Do you think we are sexy Sam?' She asked while pushing her fingers through his hair.

"Yes." He said so sheepishly, so adorably.

"Really?" Jen said and joined Paige in fondling Sam's head. Jen leaned in and rubbed her cleavage into the back of his head. The poor boy looked like he would blow right there.

Sam handed the dildo to Tom and grabbed a pillow from the couch to cover his crotch with.

The tension in the room intensified.

"What are you hiding there, Big Boy?" Paige teased him.

"Don't be so shy, Sam. Let your body do whatever it feels it needs to do!" Jen taunted.

Sam's face was on fire now.

"Ease up Girls, you're going to kill him!" I said.

This just made them double down even more. Paige put her face on one side of Sam's and Jen put hers on the other. He was now locked in on both sides of these women while their hot breath whisked across his face. Sam licked his lips.

"Are we Cougars getting you hard Sam? Tom why don't you reach down and feel if he is hard yet?" Jen asked.

"Damn! You ladies aren't going to let it up!" Tom said.

Paige smiled, "We won't let it up till Sam gets it up." And with that they began rubbing their breasts into Sam face and head. He didn't move, but he had a very firm grip on that pillow covering his crotch.

Jen leaned in and whispered in his ear with her sexiest voice, "I'll tell you what Sam. We have some really sexy lingerie that we bought. How would you like to see us try it on?"

"Yes, please." Sam said almost in a trance.

"But first, you have to do something for us." Paige added.

"Anything." Sam said.

"I want you and Tom to try some stuff on for our enjoyment first." Paige said.

"How did I get involved in this?" Tom said.

Paige just winked at him; "Oh Tom, please don't tell me you aren't enjoying this too. I see that lump in your jeans. Besides don't you want to see Sam wearing nothing but this?" She held up something that looked like a very skimpy Tarzan Loincloth.

"Well, sure I guess." Tom said.

"Good, because we want to see YOU in this!" Jen said holding up a small little Speedo.

"Oh, I don't know about that," Tom said. "I'm actually pretty shy." He said laughing nervously.

"If you guys model these for us Jen and I will model these for you!" Paige said holding up the very revealing nighties they bought for themselves.

Sam and Tom looked at each other. "Please do this for me, Tom," Sam said.

"I'm hard as a rock!" Tom said.

"So am I! But come on—I need to see this!" Sam argued.

There was nervous silence in the room. Hearing these two boys talking about how hard they were was super hot and I couldn't imagine how they would even fit into those outfits in their current state, but I really wanted to find out.

"Let's go!" Tom agreed.

I flushed with fiery desire. It was going to happen! I was going to see Sam and Tom's bodies in the flesh.

I knew both Jen and Paige had even more in mind; their exploits in the past are legendary. This was just the beginning Sam and Tom had no idea what they were in for, I almost felt sorry for them!

I couldn't wait to see Sam in that skimpy little Tarzan outfit. And this time I would get to see what Tom was packing too! What Tom didn't know was that earlier Paige had demonstrated that Speedo Tom was about to try on. It was designed to rip apart with ease when necessary and Tom didn't know that. We were about to see Tom's penis and he had no idea!

More to come . . . literally!

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SpankyJSpankyJabout 10 years ago

look forward to more. the pacing is perfect.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Interestingly addicted to 'CFNM' ordered public milkings of all remaining viable ejaculate, effectively castrated & made anally available to this writer for filming purposes.

A five star, most worthy erotic contribution from an 'ANZUS NFNM' group of hairless male submissive sperm volunteers, willing to be fisted or fucked on film.

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