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The Neighbour Pt. 01-02

Story Info
Her home should be a safe place. But not tonight.
3.8k words
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Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 10/23/2021
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**AUTHOR'S NOTE: Firstly, the story depicted is purely a work of fiction and I do not endorse any kind of nonconsensual interactions. Nor do I condone any type of sexual violence.

Secondly, thank you for reading. This is my first post and my first try at writing erotica. I included the first two "chapters" here but there are three others that I will post later on. I welcome any feedback you may have, and moreover, I hope you enjoy.**



The elevator abruptly stopped as the door opened slowly. Painfully slowly. Come on, she thought wearily. All she wanted was to eat dinner, curl up, and binge some Netflix. It was already almost midnight and every second she wasn't in bed felt like an eternity. The late shifts were killing her and they were definitely not worth the extra cash. The door finally rolled open fully and she stepped out into the hallway.

She adjusted the bag of groceries she had nestled in the crook of her arm and jammed her hand into her purse as she sauntered towards her apartment. The hall seemed too long on days like this. She just wanted to be home.

She clumsily fumbled with her keys as she pulled the jingling mass from her bag. Why do I have so many fucking keys? The familiar question went through her mind every day after work as she struggled to find the correct key for her apartment door.

Finally reaching her door she stood for a moment and took a long look at the faded paint on her door and the jagged cracks along the door frame. The lights along the long corridor to her left flickered, showing the rips and tears in the gaudy wallpaper that lined the hall. Dust and grime was packed into the grout between the small tiles along the floor and she cringed thinking of when they were last cleaned.

She sighed. I really need to move out of this shithole.

She shuffled again through her collection of keys before triumphantly pulling a small silver key from the bundle. She smiled and started to place the key into the door.

Suddenly she felt the firm grip of a hand on her waist as another enveloped her mouth before she could render even a gasp. Her keys clattered to the floor along with the bag of groceries.

Her hands flew to her mouth to pull the hand away so she might scream, or flee. Her heart beat into her ears and she struggled to breath against the palm that was pressed firmly against her face. Her ears were ringing as panic set in and she could feel tears welling up in her eyes. The harder she pulled at the hand on her face, the tighter the grip on her face and waist became.

With her back to her assailant, she could feel their breath high on her neck, and as she wriggled and twisted to break free, she found herself blocked by a broad chested figure. She tried to kick her feet against the door, thrashing her legs wildly, but the figure was unmoved. Whoever it was, they had to be over six feet tall and the grip on her body told her they were strong. She was tall, not what one call petite. But even still, she measured herself up against the figure behind her. With his size and strength advantage she stood no chance. She was trapped.

Both of her hands attempted to pry the strong hand away and as she managed to free her nose from beneath the pressing palm she was overcome with a familiar scent. The musk of a colonge that she knew but could not quite place. It was a pleasant scent, intoxicating even. But she drove herself mad for a moment wondering why it seemed familiar. With this brief moment of clarity she began to thrash desperately. Throwing her arms, trying to land a hit at the figure behind her.

Suddenly the hand released from her waist and grabbed her wrist, wrapping both her own arm and a strong arm around her torso. The arm was covered by the sleeve of a black shirt. Any tattoos, scars, or identifying marks were hidden. The figure remained a stranger.

She could feel their breath against the side of her face now and as she turned away, the hand on her face tightened it's grip, holding her in place. She whimpered below the hand and allowed the tears she had been holding back to fall freely as she silently sobbed beneath the shadow of her captor

The only sound in the silence was her quiet sobs and various noise from the other apartments in the hall. So many people nearby and yet no one could help her.

Overcome with the reality of her situation she struggled against the figure behind her. A voice growled into her ear. She could feel the phantom lips move against her earlobe and she tried to turn her head away again. "Now, now. No need to act like that."

She froze and her breath became ragged beneath the hand over her mouth. "Aren't you going to invite me in Princess?"

The sentence was punctuated by a sharp bite along the side of her ear.

She was numb to the pain of her ear, numb to the hands on her-- numb to everything as a wave of realization washed over her. The colonge, the voice, and the nickname "Princess". She had heard it dozens of times before and suddenly the phantom image behind her became clearer.

"Why don't you pick up your keys, tidy up these groceries, and we can go inside?" The voice said gently before placing kisses along the side her neck.

She shuddered and jostled against the grip on her. The arm around her squeezed her tighter and she was pulled against her captors chest.

"I'll remove my hands...but if you scream, turn around, or try to run, you'll pay for it. Nod if you understand."

She stood against the figure, frozen in place and terrified of what would happen if she let him inside her apartment. The hand on her mouth moved quickly to her throat and wrapped around it tightly.

"I said nod if you understand. This evening will be so much more fun if you follow my instructions Princess."

She whimpered as she heard the nickname again. She knew who he was, and she knew what he wanted. She felt the hand tighten at her throat again.

"Nod. If. You. Understand." Each word was punctuated with a squeeze around her throat.

She struggled to breathe, feeling her blood pumping in her ears. Meekly she nodded her head as best she good. The grip loosened.

"That's my good girl. Now, gather your things. We are already behind schedule."

The arm loosened around her waist, releasing her own hand, as the hand fell away from her throat. She gasped, catching her breath and trying to steady herself as she slowly lowered herself to the floor. Her hands shook as she wrapped her fingers around her keyring. She moved to put the keys in her pocket when suddenly the figure was behind her again, lowered to her level.

The hand snatched her keys out of her hand. "Let me help you."

The figure stood up, and with her head facing the ground she heard the jingling of her keys and the familiar click of the lock slipping out of place. She heard the doorknob turn and a second later the door to her apartment swung open.

"Don't forget your groceries dear." The voice said down to her.

Absent mindedly her hands groped for the paper bag and various items that lay scattered in the doorway of her apartment. She stared up at the dark entryway in front of her.

I could run, she thought. I could run in and block the door and call the cops.

As if he was reading her mind, she suddenly felt a stinging pain in her scalp as he had reached down and grabbed a handful of her dark hair. Gripping at the roots, he pulled her up violently, and slapped his hand back over her mouth before she could scream.

"You are wasting my time and trying my patience. Let's go inside."

He unceremoniously kicked the groceries she had gathered into the dark apartment and she watched through blurry, tear-filled eyes as the brown paper bag and bright colored produce disappeared into the darkness before them.

Realizing this was her last chance for freedom she tried desperately to break free. Kicking wildly and thrashing her limbs, her body rocked through the air trying to escape. Her scalp burned from his firm grip on her hair but she blocked it out. She needed to run.

Her blood ran cold as she heard a chuckle in her ear.

"Don't tucker yourself out, pet. I want you to keep some of that fighting spirit for me"

She sobbed into his hand and her eyes widened as he stepped forward. She tried to dig her heels in but he pushed her forward. She stuck her feet out to hold her away from the door but he kicked her feet out from under her, and dragged her into the apartment.

Terror gripped every part of her as he blocked the light from the hall with his broad frame. He pushed her forward with a rough shove and she fell to her knees. She turned quickly, just barely catching a view of his profile in the light as he closed the door. She heard the lock latch into place and the chain for the deadbolt slid loudly into the catch.

She was blind in the darkness. The only sounds were her own ragged breathing and whimpering sobs as tears freely fell down her cheeks. She was at his mercy now and she knew it.

She heard a heavy foot step and the rustle of his clothes before she was suddenly engulfed with terror. She looked around hopelessly. Her eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness but she saw only ghostly outlines from the dim street light outside her apartment.

She gasped and tried to scuffle back along the floor as she heard another footstep. The figure lowered himself to the floor, resting on one knee. He reached out one hand and gently caressed the side of her face. She trembled against his hand and sobbed quietly. He wiped her tears away carefully and leaned forward into the light, illuminating his dark eyes in the shadows.

"We've no time for tears Princess. It's time for us to play."


She stared into his eyes for a brief moment, horrified at the sudden realization and full comprehension of who her captor was.

Her mind spun through every time she had passed him in the hallway, every time she had greeted him in the elevator. She remembered the time he had helped her lift a new bookcase into her apartment and had noticed her "Princess" tiara from her birthday that year on her dresser. From that time on she was known to him as Princess. Her breaths shook and her lip trembled as she stifled a sob.

This shadow--this phantom--he was just a man, not an unknown boogeyman. It was her own next door neightbour, and she was his prisoner.

She shuffled back on the floor, trying to escape his reach. Hitting her back into her couch, she realized she had nowhere to go.

Again, she heard heavy footsteps as the tall, shadowy figure approached her in the darkness. Shaking and gasping between sobs she could make out the face of her attacker in the dim light that filled her apartment.

Seeing the famililar face, her terror suddenly turned to brazen rage. She lashed out angrily, getting to her feet and approaching him.

"What the fuck do you think you're doin--"

Before she could finish her sentence the back of his hand struck across her cheek. She cried out and stumbled back, putting her hands up to her stinging red skin on the side of her face.

She stood there in shocked silence, cradling her cheek and trying to make sense of what was happening.

Suddenly she heard a click and the entryway of her apartment was flooded with light. The lamp on the table near her front door shone brightly and next to it, he stood. A look of resigned frustration rested on his face and he let out a sigh.


"Don't call me that." She snarled at him, still holding her face in her hands.

A bemused smile crossed his lips.

"Tsk tsk, you poor thing. You think you have a say in anything I do?"

She stepped back, knocking again into the couch back as he stepped forward.

He strolled past her to the middle of the room and switched on another lamp.

"You know I've seen you glancing at me in the hallway. No. Not glancing. I'm sorry." He laughed and stopped to look at her. "I obviously meant eye fucking me in the hallway."

"What are you talking about I--"

He stopped on the other side of the couch and looked sternly at her. She stopped talking.

He smiled. "Good girl."

He walked to the windows and ripped the curtains closed before turning again to face her.

"Did you know that you tease me every time you walk through the front hall and shoot me a look when I'm getting my mail? Do you think I don't notice? You think I don't notice your little laughs and fleeting glances when I make a joke?"

She looked down, ashamed. It was true that she had flirted with him in the past. He was around her age, attractive, and charming. Maybe she did try to put on a show when she knew he was watching but it was just innocent fun. She meant nothing by it.

Flicking on one final lamp and letting the other side of the room fill with light, he looked back at her and smirked before he walked across the room. Rounding the couch to stand in front of her, she felt as though her heart would pound out of her chest. She tried to back away from him towards the kitchen.

He caught her with one of his hands around her waist and raised his other hand to her face and pulled back her hand to reveal a red hand print on her cheek. He looked almost upset.

"I didn't want to do that...but you have to learn the rules."

She looked confused. "What rules?? Seriously I don't know why you're doing this--"

Yet again, he struck out across her face. She turned back towards him, and saw a new look on across his features. His face was dark, dangerous, and cruel. It horrified her.

"The first rule, which you will learn quickly is that you do not say my name. You can call me Daddy. If you use any other name you will be punished."

She stood frozen with her cheek still throbbing and only then realized she was still crying.

"Do you understand?" He asked.

She nodded.

He chuckled lightly and closed the distance between them. Her breath quivered and she closed her eyes. "No. No, sweet girl. Daddy asked you a question and you had better answer it."

He reached out and cupped her chin in his hand, tilting her face up towards him. "I asked, do you understand?"

She weakly opened her eyes that were now shadowed with smeared mascara from her tears that streaked down her cheeks like tiny dark streams. She stared up at him and nodded. "Yes, Daddy. I understand."

He smiled triumphantly. "Oh good girl. You're a fast learner." He tucked her hair behind her ears gently before continuing.

"Rule number two. You do exactly as you're told or you will be punished. And lastly, when I ask you a question, you will answer me. Do you understand?"

He looked at her expectantly and stroked her cheek lightly, prompting her.

She whimpered and stared back at him, "Yes Daddy."

He grinned at her and walked towards the kitchen.

"So obedient. You'll have fun tonight."

"Why are you doing this?" She whispered.

He stopped suddenly midway to the kitchen and looked at the front door, not answering.

"Please tell me why you're doing this." She asked again.

He did not answer and she realized why. Voices in the hallway and footsteps. Probably someone coming home from the club but regardless it meant a chance at freedom.

He turned quickly to look at her as she ran for the door, getting to it before him and wildly banging on it. "HELP! PLEASE!" She screamed.

He ran behind her, pinning her to the door and reaching around to cover her mouth. "Shut the fuck up," he growled.

She trembled against the door trying to scream but being muffled by his hand across her mouth.

"Oh does my Princess want to scream?" He whispered sharply into her ear.

He stopped as he heard the noises continue in the hall. He leaned over her shoulder to look through the peep-hole in the door. He chuckled. "You want to scream, don't you sweetheart?"

She sobbed into his hand, unable to raise her voice to be heard.

He chuckled again and ran one of his hands down her side. "Come on, you want to scream for your friends in the hallway don't you? Let's see how loud you can scream."

His hand found its way to the front of her body. She pushed herself against the door to keep it from her waistband but he pulled her hips back against him.

"Go ahead, look at your friends." He pushed her face against the door once more and she could see out the peephole.

It was her neighbours from down the hall. Infamous party animals who caused constant noise at all hours but tonight she was elated to see them. Her eyes widened and she tried to scream, but she was still inaudible. They laughed and drunkenly walked along the hall, stumbling against the walls and doors as they came. They were two doors down. She had to get their attention.

She struggled against him as she felt his fingers brush past the waist of her jeans, popping the button and guiding the zipper down.

"NO!" She screamed against his hand.

"Tsk tsk, already breaking rule number two. You have to obey," he chuckled.

With that he slid his hand into the front of her jeans and pulled her panties aside.

He groaned and pushed her further against the door sliding his fingers along her smooth pussy. "Did you shave that just for me Princess?"

She struggled to pull away but it was futile. She tried to scream, staring out the peephole to see the drunkards knocking on the door across the hall. The door opened and the sleepy faced tenant appeared at the door, seemingly bemused at his friends' antics.

He nestled his head along the side of her neck, biting it roughly. "Go ahead and scream. Tell them to come help."

His fingers crept along and finally found her slit and he laughed. "For someone who keeps saying no, you are absolutely dripping for me Princess."

She whimpered in shame. She didn't want his hands on her. He disgusted her. But she felt pangs of undeniable pleasure as his fingertips teased her pussy.

"Come on Princess...scream for me."

His fingers plunged into her soaking pussy and she moaned against his hand, shutting her eyes tightly.

She cried out, pleading that someone would hear and suddenly by some miracle he removed his hand from her mouth. She was confused about why he had, but she didn't care. She cried out.

"Please! Help!! Please! Please!!"

He smirked and bit her neck again, groaning against her as his fingers continued to slide in and out of her effortlessly.

"PLEASE!" She screamed.

She continued to stare out the peephole and saw the drunks look up. One girl signaled to her friends to quiet down. "Shhh shhhh," She slurred. "Do you hear that?" She pointed at the door across the hall.

Thank God! I'm saved!

The drunks congregated outside and one cheekily pressed their ear to the door.

She took a breathe but before she could scream again he slid his hand back over her mouth and finger fucked her harder.

"Yeah baby, scream for me! You better cum for me you little slut!" He called out loudly.

"OH MY GOD, someone's getting fucked in there!" The drunk proclaimed.

The group laughed, whooping, hollering, and banging on the door in support before disappearing down the hall.

He chuckled and pulled her closer, sliding his fingers deeper and deeper. He whispered in her ear "No one is coming to help you tonight. You're mine. Now they just think you're a whore getting fucked."

She sobbed against his hand silently realizing finally that no one was coming to save her, while still feeling pangs of guilt and pleasure as he buried his fingers into her soaking cunt.

He finally relented and slowly pulled his fingers out of her. His hand reemerged from her jeans, glistening and slick from her cum.

"Did Daddy get you excited Princess?" He asked, whispering into her ear.

She stared at him, eyes wide, unable to speak from the sheer terror of what he could have planned for her.


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