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The New Job

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Jennifer gets a new job and needs to make the most of it.
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Jennifer walked in the office building, full of hope and a renewed sense of self-worth. The interview of a lifetime awaited her, and an end to the misery she was having for the last two years. It was the second round of interviews, and all doubts she had originally were deflated when she was called back for another interview. At twenty-three, she had a chance to make something of herself.

It was two weeks ago that Jennifer recalled applying for a low level data entry job. It was just a numbers punching job with almost no benefits and a salary that could be compared to Walmart. Now, she was heading towards the top floor for her shot at a senior assistant position. Something she didn't even think she could ever get, now was within her grasp. It was like winning the lotto without buying a ticket she thought because she did not even apply for the position.

She walked past the waiting area, figuring it was for the low paying jobs, given to people who either come off the street or apply online. As she saw the people writing on the clipboards, she remembered doing the same thing not too long ago. It was during that initial contact that the guy from Human Resources said she was being considered for a senior executive assistant position.

Jennifer walked past the waiting area and towards the elevators and the inner sanctum of the building, past the guards who waved her on. She channeled her inner strength and remembered what she did right when she was called in after the initial visit. Playing the giddy pretty girl came naturally, but she calmed it down just enough to come across as professional as she could.

She walked out of the elevator to a receptionist that greeted her with a grin of disapproval. The office looked completely different from the downstairs as everything looked modern and expensive. When she explained that she was there for the interview, the receptionist motioned for her to sit in a very small waiting room.

Jennifer sat down and could see two other girls waiting and looking at their phones, and she quickly realized they were applying for the same position; it was then that fear struck. The two other girls were both immaculately well dressed and beautiful. The dread of not getting the job grew as she listened to both girls talk about their colleges. The one girl mentioned Yale, while the other one spoke about her times at Notre Dame. Her heart dropped knowing that she did not even get into her second semester of college before her life problems hit.

Jennifer was worried that her past was going to catch up with her on the interview. Even though she went to Duke, she feared mentioning it could lead to further questions about her leaving. It was not the drunk driving charge that hurt, but the leaving the scene of an accident that stung. The legal fees and lawsuits drained away all her money and killed her dreams of college. Now selecting the box listed for felonies almost ensured not getting the job.

With her long flowing dark hair pulled back and up, she put on just enough makeup to look professional and yet stay sexy at the same time. Being the girl with both beauty and brains was a gift that she loved, but she knew it needed to be toned down if she was going to work in a professional setting like this one.

Her skirt still showed off her ass and the perfect curve it had while still covering up her thighs as it came down to her knees. Her blouse was not tight even though she loved to show off her fit body that years of dancing perfected. She then went with a sports bra instead of her normal one as showing off her large D-cup breasts might seem too much. At five foot five she felt like a walking bomb for men's hearts and libido sometimes. But today, she needed to be a professional and not a sex symbol.

When her name was called it was George that met her at the office door. She greeted him with a handshake and sat across from him in a small but elegant room. It had only a small table and two chairs. The room had a large TV on the wall that she assumed was for video conferencing.

The first time she saw George was during the initial interview. She instantly noticed that George was either bi-sexual or just straight up gay the first time she saw him. His high tone and brightly colored blue suit were instant signs that he was more fashionable than a man should be. His hair was long and flared up in a weird style, but it seemed to work for him.

The interview seemed basic and bland. It was more of a get to know you meeting with no real in depth or hard questions. The only thing they did ask was to clarify the felony charge that was against her. Jennifer hated telling them that she got hammered at a party and drove drunk. How she hit three cars and then drove away only to be arrested when she crashed into a house. How all her college savings was spent on legal costs and compensations. She did leave out having to leave college due to grades from her hard partying too.

George stepped out and she wondered if the entire interview was out of pity and they already hired someone else. It was the longest five minutes as she reeled in all hope of landing this job. In her mind it was an experience in failure.

George walked back in with two other woman and she wondered what was wrong. The two other woman seemed uptight and lesbians or nerds like they wanted to get even with all the popular girls. George slid a paper towards her telling her she needed to con-sent to a drug screening before she could begin a probationary trial at the position. Once she signed it, George slide another paper in front of her telling her that it was a confidentiality agreement and that anything said or done in the office could not be spoken about.

Jennifer walked out of the office and drove home wondering if she did get the job or not. She was going to work next Friday but only that day. She heard George say that if she did work out she would be given another day to prove herself. She did hear that after the second probationary date that they would then determine if she got the job. She did hear that she would be paid for the trial dates, but her mind was in a fog after hearing what the assistant to the company gets.

She read the paper quickly and looked up in total shock. It was a salary position that made more than her father made plus a company car, full health benefits, vacation time, and an expense account. Her heart raced with the thought she could land a job that would allow her to move out of her parents' home after only the first paycheck.

The whole week the buildup was killing her. She did not want to spoil or jinx it and did not tell anyone that she could land a job of a lifetime. Jennifer did not want to get her hopes up in her mind and played it off as a normal day as a temp.

She dressed professional again with her mid length blue skirt and dark blue blouse. Makeup was good but not over the top. Hair was put up and her heels were changed out for flats as she could be walking a lot. She knew she was there to get the job and not look pretty.

Walking past security and up to the top floor, she waded past all the other secretaries heading towards the back office and where she was supposed to be. The place seemed to change to a more elegant area once she stepped past the two other secretaries. The feeling of being out of place hit her and maybe she did not deserve or warrant a shot at the job.

She saw George in his large office talking on the phone and he pointed to a desk as she assumed it would be hers. He stepped out of his office dressed as a man with too much fashion sense. "There is a folder of the company's regional managers in the top drawer. I need you to memorize their names."

Before she could speak he was back in his office with the door closed. She opened the drawers and saw a large leather bound binder. Opening it up, she saw color photos and biographies of twenty different regional managers. She quickly began to scan their names and faces the best she could as she then read their biographies.

It was an hour later that George came out with another binder in his hand. "These are the adjusted company figures for this quarter. I want you to create a letter stating the percentage change from last year."

George walked off quickly, and Jennifer seemed scared. She looked through the book and did her best to find the percentages and write up a professional letter. She wondered if the letter looked like shit or was it up the company standards. The only thing she could muster was to make sure the grammar was good.

A few more men walked in the office and right past her into George's office. This was followed by another gentleman who went into the bigger corner office. George immediately walked out of his office with the two guys still in there waiting for him. "I need you to get coffee, donuts, bagels, and leave your number with Lori at the front. She will call you with anything else we might need."

The weird stress of knowing she was an errand girl hit her. She wanted to be perfect and saying no was the last thing she wanted to do. Asking questions about the items was another thing she thought about but felt she needed to think on her feet if she was going to impress him.

Jennifer repeated everything back to herself in her mind then walked to the front. A girl was already there with a notepad to write down her phone number. She assumed it was Lori and gave her the number to her cellphone. She did not even say a word and she assumed it was because she was one of many applying for the job.

Once downstairs in the lobby her phone began receiving texts about more things to get. Added on the list were men's white shirts, black pants from a tailor, a bottle of scotch, and she had to get the food first. Once again repeating the list back to herself, she ventured out to get the food and coffee. The fear of not getting the job began to creep in her mind, but she pushed it back thinking and telling herself that she had it.

She walked back in less than an hour later with eight coffees and a dozen bagels. She did not know what type of coffee they wanted so she got multiple types just in case. She hated that she did not ask for the expense account card as her own money was being used. Instead of walking it up herself, she brought it right to the front desk of the lobby demanding they bring it up to the top floor. She summoned her inner bitch tone to get the point across and it seemingly worked as she was back out of the door to get the other items.

The tailor she was instructed to go to had an hour wait but was able to charge it to the company credit line. Jennifer then made her way to buy the scotch while another text told her to pick up cigars from a store on Madison Ave. Not deterred, she made her way to each store getting exactly what was on the list.

Another trip to other various specialty stores had her walking all over the city like she was on a scavenger hunt. It was past lunch when she made her way back to the top floor. When she returned back she felt like she won, but was only greeted by the two receptionists who told her that everyone was gone and went to lunch. She retreated back to her desk not knowing what to do.

"Jennifer, can I see you in my office?" a male voice said as she looked around to see who it was.

It was the man from the corner office that beckoned her to come. The name on his door said Mr. Sloan. Thinking she was going to dictate notes, she grabbed a pencil and paper knowing she had to write in shorthand. This was her time to shine and no mistakes could be made.

Jennifer walked in to see a room filled with computer monitors playing everything from the news to stock prices. The man had to be in his early forties with slight streaks of grey hair. He was fit and looked like a man who visited the gym a few times a week. His suit also looked form fitted, and she just knew he had to be the boss.

"Don't think we met. I am Joe," he said with his hand extended.

"Jennifer Hastings, it's nice to meet you," she replied softly shaking his hand.

He then closed the door and the blinds before going back to his desk. He motioned for her to sit in one of the big leather chairs across from his desk. She also saw two large couches and a table as his office was deceptively huge.

"So as my assistant, I am going to need you to send and receive all of my correspondence. This is on top of running any miscellaneous errands for me. The job does require you to travel every month too. I will need you to work nights and weekends depending on my needs."

She knew before going in that a personal assistant to a company CEO had its high demands. The compensation was more than she could dream of she reminded herself. "I understand and am able to meet all of your needs."

Joe stood up and walked to one of the monitors on the wall not looking at her. "So, did George explain the company expense account?"

"Yes, I believe he did. Anything that is needed I can use the account to pay for it."

"Good, because I know you spent your own money today. Please give the receipts to Lori so she can pay you back from petty cash," Joe said again, still looking at the monitors as she thought something was wrong with one of the stocks that was on the screen.

"Is there anything else I can do?" Jennifer asked as she wanted to make sure he liked her and would hire her.

"Yes...yes there is. Did George explain to you the other things that are needed from you?" Joe said firmly as he turned around finally.

"No. I don't think he did," she replied, wondering what else she was responsible for but knowing she could handle it.

Joe walked over to her and strangely put his finger through her hair. She wondered why and if there was something wrong with her hair. He then looked down at her as she looked up at him. "Well, I have other needs and I am hoping you could handle them."

A sudden sense of doom resounded in her body. Her whole world felt like it was collapsing the moment he said it. The president of the company wanted male needs satisfied and she was the only girl in the room he was referring to that should fix those male needs.

"Ahh no," Jennifer stated, not looking up but at his desk trying to get herself grounded and firm in not breaking.

Joe pulled around the other chair and sat right next to her. Jennifer wanted the job and was thinking of getting up and walking away, but still had hopes that a firm no might be the end of it.

"I see. I thought you wanted this job."

"I do. I do want this job, but I am not having sex with you or whatever else you want."

"Well this is part of the job.

"Nooo, that is sexual harassment."

Joe stood up and motioned for the door. "Look, I got three other girls more qualified than you and just as cute. I don't have the time or energy to fight with you about this either. I just thought you could use a job where you can earn more money than you ever could."

"I do want that, but I am not a prostitute or your sexual slave. Please hire me for the job...not to be your personal slut."

"I don't think you know how this works. You work for me and you handle all of my needs when I need them. The last girl was perfectly fine giving me head and she will be back next week for another chance to impress me. The job pays triple what the market offers, so think about that when you leave here. Not just the pay either, the job calls for a degree and all you have is a felony conviction with no work experience. So, when you walk out of here, I can give you a reference to Walmart."

Jennifer wanted to cry as she knew everything he said was true. Her life being in shambles was just pointed out by her boss as he made a direct pass at her. This was her one chance at freedom from past mistakes and she did not know if she wanted to pay the price. The stinging pain in her heart was that she would not be hired or fired for her abilities but for her willingness to have sex.

The urge to get up and tell someone or bring a lawsuit was there, but so was the fear of what could happen to her. Between the nondisclosure agreement and feeling nobody would believe her, she sat and watched him get up and look back at the stock prices.

The idea of just giving him a blowjob ran through her thought process faster than she wanted it to. It was gross that he would ask, but she did know he was right about her and hated him for knowing it. She wanted to cry and hit him for knowing she was so vulnerable and that she needed to cave in to his demand.

"Fine...I'll give you head," Jennifer meekly said, wanting it to end before it got started.

Instead of responding, she watched him turn around and take the few steps towards her. Without a word spoken, she watched him unzip and reach into his pants as if he was pulling it out for her. It was then that the sinking feeling set in, like her whole life was going to be forever altered and it was all happening in slow motion. The strange sensation of something wrong was hitting her, washing over her while she was almost unable to stop it.

She had seen a few dicks in her life, but it was her ex-boyfriend's dick that she gauged everything by. It was him that took her virginity and all experience lay with when it came to giving head. She dared a few guys at a college party to show her their members but nothing happened other than her looking at them. Now she watched as a man was pulling out his soft member that looked much larger than anything she had seen before. She felt is was almost a monster and wondered if she could even get it halfway in her mouth.

Slowly she reached out to touch this man's large phallus, still amazed at how big it is. It hung there before her as a reminder of what she had become now. Hesitating a little, she finally succumbed and gripped his soft member. With one final look to his face, she saw that he really wanted her to suck it.

Placing her lips to the head she felt the spongy mushroomed head. The close proximity to his manhood also brought the smell of it as the male musky aroma of his sexual organ filled her nostrils. Opening her mouth wider she took in his manhood easily. Jennifer easily took half of his girth in her mouth feeling the soft flesh of a male prick and the unwavering aroma of male musk. She breathed in and she finally moved back and forth letting her mouth fill with saliva.

"Ohhh yes...suck it," he moaned as she felt the first twitch of growth in her mouth.

Jennifer continued to move back and forth letting the guilt escape while focusing on pleasuring his male organ. Going back and forth she felt his manhood extend and widen right in her mouth. The fullness in her mouth persisted as she slid her lips back and forth on his prick.

Reaching out and holding the base of his tool she could finally tell the full measure of his size. She closed her eyes and began to stroke and suck with her lips. Keeping her motions in unison she could hear his moaning grow louder and deep. There was no doubt to her being able to please him or question on her ability as his moans were confirming it.

She opened her eyes again and moved faster. Almost slurping a little, her mouth instinctively began to produce more lubricating saliva for him. Her hand stroking faster as her mouth was only able to go halfway down his long shaft.

His moans grew more intense and she just knew he was ready to explode. Not stopping, Jennifer decided that she was just going to keep him in her mouth instead of being some slut who took it on her face. His cock was throbbing and without being told, she moved back on the tip and began to swirl her tongue around it to speed up the process while her hand furiously began to stroke him to a finish.

"Ohhh YESSSS!" he moaned, and the first splash hit right on her tongue. The salty unforgettable taste of his male essence now filled her taste buds. Her hand never stopped stroking him, massaging out more of his warm cream.

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