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The New Neighbor

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He makes it clear he wants busty blonde wife.
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Another story request, this time from an anonymous reader.

I hope this is what you had in mind.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

The Beginning

It was the consistent thudding noise against the wall that finally woke them. And it was the high pitched squealing that accompanied it that was going to keep them awake for much of the remaining night.

"Oh god not again," moaned Brooke Byrum as she turned onto her side and irritably plucked at her pillow before trying to bury her head beneath it. "For fucks sake give it a rest."

Also now awake her husband Scott turned over to face her, her eyes flickering open as he did so.

"Does he never stop," she whispered angrily, as the squealing from next door turned into a long drawn out wailing noise, "doesn't he realize we can hear EVERYTHING."

"I'm sure our feelings are the last thing on his mind," Scott replied with a faint smile. He paused for a few minutes, both listening as the unmistakable sound of two people enjoying hot and heavy sex penetrated through the paper thin walls. Scott felt his cock start to react as he finally spoke again.

"Babe ... now that he's woken us up ... how about we join him ... you know we could ... well it's been a while ..."

Scott let his words trail off, to leave the idea just dangling there right in front of his wife.

"You've got to be kidding me," she snorted derisively, "after the week I've had, you've got no chance buddy."

She rolled away from him, turning her back so as to fend off the hand that had crept up to touch her boobs.

"Come on babe, it's been weeks ..."

"No Scott ... I mean it ... NO," she said as this time she swatted away the hand that she'd allowed onto her boob but which had come too close to her nipple, "I'm really tired. Just go to sleep."

"Fat chance of that!" he retorted as the sound of their next door neighbor's bed thudding up against the wall grew in intensity and the wailing of the female reached new heights of operatic loudness.

Scott turned over to lay on his back as he listened to the sound of their new neighbor fucking his latest guest. Every weekend since he'd moved in they could hear him having sex. Every weekend ... without fail. And it was very loud. It sure sounded to Scott like the ladies enjoyed his dick so he'd come to the very male assumption that his neighbor must be well endowed. He'd certainly never heard his wife grunting and panting so intensely like that when they had sex. And it wasn't an isolated occurrence. It was every single one that had loud, mind blowing and seemingly never ending orgasms.

As the grunting and groaning intensified next door so his cock, which had been semi flaccid began to grow. He resisted the urge to touch himself knowing that Brooke would know instantly he was masturbating even though she already seemed to have gone back to sleep.

"You're going to have to speak to him again Scott," Brooke said quietly from beneath the covers. 'So she wasn't asleep yet' thought Scott as he willed his erection to deflate. He sighed to himself. Speak to him again she said. He couldn't wait. The last time their neighbor had just rudely laughed in his face.

It hadn't always been like this. Scott and Brooke had been living in this apartment complex for three years. It had probably been very nice when it was built but now it was definitely showing it's age. When they had moved in most of the tenants were elderly but over the course of time many had either moved into old people's homes or died to be replaced with an ever increasing younger element.

Of course there was nothing wrong with that but Scott and Brooke had become used to the relative peace and quiet especially as their original neighbor's, Mr and Mrs Smithson made almost no noise at all. But then a few months ago they'd moved out and Chase Kramer had moved in.

Their new neighbor was a single guy in his mid thirties. They'd met him a few times but never really bonded. Certainly Scott and Chase were never going to be be buddies and over time Brooke had come to think of him as a narcissistic asshole.

She couldn't deny he was good looking and had a buff body but she wasn't too enamoured with his attitude towards women and her in particular. It was a fact that the first time she'd bumped into him in the hallway he'd come on to her. And then every time after that. It had made her increasingly hostile towards him and she'd come to the point of trying to avoid him at all costs.

The Reveal

"Yeah, I'll call you," Chase Kramer said as he ushered the stunning brunette out of the door. His partner from last night seemed reluctant to leave but he was already tired of her. Her voice, now that he was sober, really grated on his nerves. There was no denying that she'd been a good fuck, but he was wired in such a way that once he'd fucked his conquests he couldn't wait to get rid of them. How he wished he could wave a magic wand to make them instantly disappear!

He rudely closed the door on her and padded back towards his bedroom to tidy up and get showered and dressed. No sooner had he reached his bedroom than he heard the knocking on his apartment door. He tried to ignore it but to no avail.

"Fuck," he exhaled fiercely. He strode determinedly back to the door and flung it open fully expecting to see ... what was her name again? ... and was surprised to see his neighbor, Scott Byrum standing there.

"Howdy neighbor," he said as he peered around Scott to see if his busty wife Brooke was with him. To his disappointment she wasn't. He looked directly at Scott. "What can I do for you?" he asked.

Scott looked at Chase who was naked from the waist up. Even though Scott had no interest in men he still thought Chase looked chiselled. No wonder he had so many female visitors. He wished he could have a body like that, not thinking that all he had to do was put some time in at the gym every day, as Chase did.

"Yeah, morning Chase. Look I don't want to complain again but it's about last night ... well actually every Saturday night since you moved in ..."

Chase cocked his head as a slight smile broke on his lips. He knew what was coming. This would be the second time Scott had come around to complain. That first time he'd just laughed in his face. But then again he'd only just moved into the apartment block. Now, a few months later and he was prepared to listen to what his neighbor had to say. After all, he deserved a little courtesy because that's what good neighbors did, didn't they?

Scott cleared his throat and continued. "It's the noise Chase, you have to realize that the walls of these old apartments are very thin. Building Code was different when they were built and there's not much in the way of sound proofing ... well probably none actually."

"Oh right ... I guess you could hear me and ... erm ... erm ..."

'What was her name again? Bianca ... Briana ... Bree ... Brittany? He was sure it was something beginning with the letter B. But no matter. He wouldn't be seeing her again anytime soon'.

"... last night?"

"Just a little bit," Scott replied. "Look obviously we can't get you to stop what you're doing ... and why would we," he added hurriedly when he saw the expression on Chase's face change, "... but it is disturbing our sleep, so if you could tone it down a bit, that would be great."

"Fuck off Scott!" Chase retorted and then burst out laughing. He then stopped abruptly. "Oh, you're serious. Ohhh, I'm sooo sorry. So what do you suggest?" he bristled, his condescending voice heavily tinged with sarcasm.

"Well I don't know," Scott replied, instantly feeling uncomfortable. Chase's laughter had been mocking but now the mood had changed and he seemed somewhat aggressive.

"Maybe you could move your bed off the wall, or move into your other bedroom?" He knew that Chase's apartment had two bedrooms the same as theirs.

"No can do buddy," Chase snapped back, "my gym equipment is set up in the second bedroom and I'm not about to move that. But I guess I could move my bed to the other side of the room, if that would help you and Brooke get a good night's sleep."

"Yeah that would be good, thanks," Scott replied nodding his head, now anxious to get away. He turned to leave.


He turned back as Chase called out his name. "Yeah?"

"That goes for you and Brooke too you know," Chase said with a contemptuous leer, "I can hear you two fucking as well, you horn dog! So why don't you move YOUR bed?" he added scornfully as he closed the door.

Scott felt himself flush with embarrassment and as he walked away he was sure he could hear Chase laughing derisively behind his door. Jerk!

Inside his apartment Chase stripped off his shorts and stepped into his shower. As he washed himself he smiled as he thought about the times he'd heard his neighbors fucking. In truth it had only been on a few occasions and he'd really had to strain to hear anything.

It had occurred to him that Brooke might be unfulfilled as he'd never heard her scream like his women did when they climaxed. He shook his head. It was such a shame. She was a good looking girl with a lush body just ripe for fucking.

She was a blonde, which he liked a lot. Okay ... he knew it came out of a bottle but the color suited her. She was pretty, definitely not gorgeous but had an earthy kind of sexuality that made her very attractive to the opposite sex. Well it certainly had attracted him. Plus she was married and he did so enjoy seducing married women, especially when they looked like Brooke. He smiled to himself about that as he returned to his thoughts about his neighbor's body and appearance.

Her eyes were a nice feature, a smoldering deep brown in color and her lips were just a bit fuller than thin and when she smiled her whole face lit up as she displayed perfect white teeth that must have cost her parent's a fortune when she was a teenager.

He guessed she was around 5'3" - 5'4", small for him - he usually preferred his women taller - but she had a really fit body that curved in all the right places. She certainly couldn't be accused of being thin but her stomach was flat, her legs shapely and her ass was to die for.

But her best feature by far was of course, her boobs. Natural and a weighty 32DD they were a joy to behold for any hot blooded male. He'd found out the size of those glorious globes when he'd arrived in the laundry room to find her emptying her clothes from the washing machine. In her haste to leave quickly she'd left a bra inside.

Yeah, she certainly had a great body but it had taken him quite a while to actually get to appreciate it. The first time he'd seen her was the day he moved in to the apartment. He was ferrying boxes from his car to his new home. As he exited the building to get his next load a small figure shot past him. He knew it was a girl by her size and stature. She was wearing a sweatshirt that appeared to be at least four sizes too big with the hood pulled up over her head even though she was wearing a baseball cap. She had all the appearance of a young teenager so he thought nothing of it.

The following day, the same waif shot past him again, this time going out. He had no idea where she lived but he surmised it was somewhere along the same hallway as him.

After four days he realized there was a pattern. It was the same time every day that she went out for a run. Surely this couldn't be a teenager. Only a woman would be so dedicated to run every day. And as there was a pattern, surely she had a job and this was her only free time to do her exercise.

Determined to find out if his suspicions were correct he kept an eye out for her. On the fifth day he looked out of his kitchen window to watch her exit the building. He knew she would be back within forty minutes so timed his departure from the building to coincide with her return. As she passed him by he caught the unmistakable aroma of an expensive perfume. This was most definitely not a teenager.

It was the second week and pure luck before he saw her properly for the first time. He'd missed her departure but was just leaving his home when he was aware that someone was at the door of the apartment next to his. He turned to see a woman struggling to insert her key into the lock of the door.

He recognized the baseball cap immediately but on this unseasonably warm day there was no hooded sweatshirt to hide her body. Instead she was wearing a white tee shirt that molded itself tightly around a pair of extremely large breasts.

"Having trouble?" he'd asked as he drank in the curves of her shapely upper body, before dropping his gaze to take in the sight of her full, round ass highlighted beautifully by her skin tight black yoga pants.

"No, I'm okay thanks," she'd replied back. She had a husky sounding voice that was just so sexy. "The lock's a bit temperamental, you've got to get the angle just right ... like so ..." she said as with a final jiggle of the key in the lock her door swung open, "... and you're in."

"Chase Kramer," he said smiling as he stepped towards her with his hand outstretched. "Your new neighbor."

"Oh ... hi ... Brooke ... Brooke Byrum," she'd replied nervously as she shook his hand. She saw his eyes wander down her body, pausing at her main attractions. She sighed to herself. She was used to being ogled although for some reason his stare unsettled her.

"Very nice to meet you too Brooke," Chase replied with a smile. "I have to say how great it is to finally meet you. And to actually see your body. You've run by me a few times but you've always been wearing that really large sweatshirt," he added, in response to Brooke's questioning look.

"Oh," she replied, slightly nonplussed. She realized that Chase was still shaking her hand. Vigorously. She tried to free it but he seemed reluctant to let go.

"But now I can clearly see your assets and I have to say I like what I see." He smiled as he paused and dropped his gaze to her impressive cleavage. Brooke felt her cheeks begin to burn, a hot flush rushing quickly through her body as it reacted to his intense stare.

"Yes, I think I'm going to like living next door to you Brooke. Maybe we could get together ... sooner rather than later?"

"I'm ... I'm married," she replied, "so ..."

"Yes indeed you are," he retorted as he interrupted her, "but as I was saying ... we could get together anyway. How long have you been married?"

"Three ... three years, why?" she stammered, unsure why she was even answering such personal questions from a man she'd only just met.

"No reason." He pursed his lips and then said, "Three years you say ... it's just that I doubt your husband rocks your world anymore. And with a body like yours you deserved to be serviced regularly. I'm absolutely certain that I could keep a beautiful woman like you well satisfied!" He ended by grinning broadly as he saw the expression that now formed on Brooke's face.

"Ohhh for fucks sake! Men - you're all the same! I'm going inside. Nice to meet you, I DON'T THINK!" she retorted angrily, as finally freeing her hand from his grip she entered her apartment and closed the door firmly behind her. As she made her way to the kitchen she could clearly hear him laughing outside. Although that only served to incense her more, she also realized that her heart was beating just a little bit faster than normal and that it wasn't just due to her run.

* * * * *

"So did you see him?" Brooke asked as soon as Scott returned. "What did he say?"

"Yeah, I saw him. He told me to fuck off, laughed at me and then said he would move his bed. He also said the same applied to us. He said he's heard us having sex too," Scott replied as he took a seat at the small kitchen table..

"He said what!" Brooke exploded indignantly. "That's just SO not true," she stormed, "How dare he. We're never that loud."

Scott mentally shook his head. Unfortunately it was true. His wife had just made a damning indictment of their lack-lustre sex life. He couldn't remember the last time they'd had sex and she certainly never vocalized her enjoyment as much as Chases' lady friends did.

"God he's such an ASSHOLE!" she snapped, "I knew I was right about him all along!"

After that first meeting in the hallway Brooke seemed to run into Chase all the time. It became so regular it fleetingly crossed her mind that he might be stalking her and that worried her for a while until she realized he wasn't a crazy man but just a sex obsessed pussy-hound. But for many reasons, the fact that seemingly she had been selected to be an object of his desire annoyed her.

For one thing, he was too good looking for his own good and as far as Brooke was concerned he knew it. She soon realized that he was a cocky and arrogant individual and very aggressive at times. He was certainly full of himself especially with the self confident way he looked at her.

She should have known from that first meeting. He'd shaken her hand extremely vigorously and it took her a little while to realize that her boobs were moving about inside her bra. Certainly Chase had seemed pleased with what he saw. Brooke had eventually extricated her hand from his with a look of distaste plastered all over her face.

After that their relationship had disintegrated. She could barely stand to look at the smug expression that became plastered all over his face when they bumped into each other either in the hallway, the laundry room or in the car park.

After that first blatant attempt to proposition her outside her apartment the constant innuendo had started. The flirtatious remarks that were mild to begin with had become more intense as the weeks went by. At first she had dismissed them. Working in a bar, she'd been hit on plenty of times but with Chase it was different. He was far more circumspect, constantly playing with her emotions, unsettling her with his devious comments, surreptitiously exposing her frailties and after a while, even slyly casting doubts in her mind about Scott's ability to fulfil her sexually.

The almost constant and blatant propositioning became tiresome. She knew it was stupid to react but she couldn't help herself. He'd gotten under her skin. She knew that was his aim but she still beat herself up about it and was annoyed that she was allowing herself to obsess over it. But then one day the talking was over as it all came to a head. She'd bumped into him again, this time in the laundry room.

"God neighbor, you look as sexy as hell," Chase said with a big grin on his face as he entered the room carrying his wash basket. He'd only just finished an intense work-out session in his home gym. He stripped off the sweat soaked vest he was wearing to leave himself standing there in just a pair of loose fitting shorts.

"Chase," she irritably snapped in reply, angry that she'd bumped into him. She'd tried to time her laundry runs so that they didn't meet.

She'd had her back to him when he entered but as she turned to leave she stopped abruptly. Her eyes went wide. Wow! She couldn't help but stare at his rippling muscles and well defined abs, his upper body glistening with sweat. Without realizing she bit her lower lip nervously as her eyes were drawn down to his shorts. She could see a sizable bulge now tenting the fabric. Was he really that big? My god no wonder the women shriek so much if he's plunging ...

"See what you like there Brooke?" he suddenly said making her start. Busted, it shook her out of her illicit thoughts. She looked up into his face to see him leering at her.

She shook her head as she rolled her eyes. "My god, you're so full of yourself aren't you Chase? ... Mister I'm so Fantastic!" she said scornfully, "why don't you just leave me alone. I know what you are and what you want. Jeez I deal with asshole's like you every day at work and I don't ..."


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