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The New Neighbor


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The Halloween Party

As the month of October commenced and the nights grew colder so the atmosphere inside the Byrum's home became decidedly frosty. It seemed to Brooke that she was working longer and longer hours and yet they still appeared to be struggling financially judging by the number of threatening letters they were now receiving.

They'd had discussions, some heated; about their money woes, which Scott placed firmly at his door. Yes he did appreciate how hard Brooke worked but equally he worked just as hard. It was just sometimes due to the pressure he was under at work he forgot to take care of some of the bills.

Every year since they'd been together as a couple Scott and Brooke had hosted a big Halloween party. It was one of their favorite times of the year. They both enjoyed the spirit of Halloween although not in the soppy, cliché riddled Hallmark Movies sort of way. Sure their apartment was a bit cramped to host a big party but no-one seemed to mind. It all added to the atmosphere.

Despite their money troubles this year they were still determined to go ahead with their event. They'd already invited their usual friends and now were debating whether or not they should invite Chase. Brooke wasn't keen.

"What kind of neighbors would we be if we didn't invite him?" Scott said. Brooke though reluctant had eventually agreed. She still remembered that kiss and didn't trust Chase.

Now for as long as Brooke had worked at Garry's new bar Scott had pestered her to wear her revealing work uniform for him at home but with thigh high white stockings, garter belt and high heels instead of the white socks and black pumps. It would be just for him! He'd usually wiggled his eyebrows when he said that.

She'd resisted in fulfilling his bedroom fantasy but feeling bad about her constant haranguing about their money problems had decided that just for tonight she would bow to his wishes. It was after all a special occasion and it would save the expense of renting a costume.

Scott whistled long and hard when she appeared before him. "God Brooke, you look sen ... sational," he stuttered as he drank in the sight of his wife's curvaceous body.

The white crop top blouse was still there but it was scooped lower and tied tighter underneath her breasts. It forced them up higher giving her an even better cleavage than usual although they were barely contained by her skimpy, lacy black bra, the plaid work bra having been discarded.

She slowly turned around. "OH MY GOD," Scott gasped.

For added devilment she'd slashed half the length off her already short plaid skirt. It was so short now that it barely came close to covering her bubble butt ass. Her legs were clad in sheer white stockings, which were clipped to a black garter belt, the straps of which could clearly be seen due to the shortness of her skirt. The completely slutty look was completed by black 5" stilettos.

She felt fantastic and wonderfully slutty and couldn't help but smile and be pleased with his response.

"So you like," she preened, as she coquettishly twirled from side to side, "you did say you wanted me to wear a slutty Halloween outfit."

"Oh yeah," he sighed as he stepped forward and grabbed hold of her around her waist. He tried to kiss her but she twisted away.

"No kissing, you'll mess up my lip gloss," she said as she escaped his grasp. She was wearing more makeup than she normally did. Her hair was piled high. It was a sultry look and that turned Scott on even more.

He went for her again but was interrupted by the hammering on the door.

"Go answer that, it'll be our first guests," Brooke giggled as she swirled away once more from Scott's lunge.

And then the lights went out. They were plunged into instant darkness.

"What the fuck!" exclaimed Scott. Brooke could hear him scrambling to the kitchen. He returned with a torch. "I'll check the circuit breakers," he said.

He returned within seconds. "No, they're okay. Maybe I'll check with the neighbors and see if it's only us."

He was back within minutes with a grim look on his face.

"They're okay aren't they?" Brooke said slowly, "It's us isn't it?"

"Yeah," Scott replied, looking sheepish.

The realization of what had happened filtered through into Brooke's head instantly. Her good feelings about tonight and Scott were gone in a flash as her tiredness from working long hours swept unchecked through her body. And her temper flared.

"Oh my god, you've not paid the utility bill have you? We've been cut off!"

"Sorry, I forgot," Scott said meekly.

"Forgot. FORGOT! How the fucking hell can you forget to pay the utility company you idiot. For fucks sake, what are we going to do now?" she stormed.

The tapping on their front door stopped them in their tracks.

"Excuse me ... erm ... it's Chase." He pushed the door open wider and stepped inside their apartment.

"I can see you have a problem ..." he ventured.

"A problem he says," interrupted a snarling Brooke, angrily staring at her husband, " do you hear that Scott ... we have a problem!"

"Erm yes," Chase continued warily, "a problem, but I may have a solution. If you want you can move your party to my apartment. It seems a sensible solution to your ... erm ... problem?"

Brooke stared at Scott, never taking her eyes off him for a moment as she replied. "Well thank you Chase for your kind offer, which we gladly accept, don't we Scott!"

"Yes, yes of course, thank you Chase," Scott stammered in reply.

They began to move the food and drink and some of the decorations next door into Chase's apartment. He was thrilled to watch Brooke as she stormed around organizing everything, her anger visibly bubbling just below the surface but tipping over when she was anywhere near Scott. She was quick to anger and slow to forgive when it came to her husband's stupidity.

Chase meanwhile was loving her outfit. She looked so hot and he couldn't wait to seduce her into his bed. He knew she was primed. All he had to do was push the right buttons to set her off. And he knew which buttons to press.

The night was a riot. Scott drank heavily as he sulked alone trying to avoid and to protect himself from Brooke's ire. But all it did was add fuel to her anger towards him as he became a drunken slobbering mess. She was beyond embarrassed when she had to ask Chase to help her get Scott back to their apartment and put him to bed.

"Thanks for all your help tonight," Brooke said as she closed the door to the bedroom.

"No problem, happy to help," Chase replied. "Well goodnight then," he added as he turned to leave.

"What do you mean goodnight?" Brooke said.

"I assumed you'd be stopping with Scott," Chase replied, a little nonplussed.

"Well you thought wrong then, didn't you? Fuck him. If he can't handle his drink it's not my problem. And the night is yet young. The bewitching hour is not upon us yet," she smiled as she took Chase's arm and allowed him to lead her back to the party.

The Final Countdown

It was late and the party was pretty much over. There were just a few stragglers left and even they seemed to be getting ready to leave. But Brooke was still there. She had to be, she was still the hostess of her party even if they had been forced to move it into her next door neighbor's apartment.

She watched as Chase said goodbye to the last couple and closed the door behind them. He'd been dressed as a Roman Centurion for the party but at some point during the night the fake armor had been discarded and he was now only wearing the white tunic. It came to just above his knees. He had nice legs she thought.

She looked away from him to let her eyes roam around his room. He'd been a charming host, getting on comfortably with all her and Scott's friends unlike her husband who'd been surly and increasingly offensive to everyone all night as he drank himself into oblivion. She shook her head. Even now she was still so angry with him.

Chase closed the door on the last couple and turning around was delighted to see Brooke still seated on his sofa. And she didn't appear to be in any hurry to leave. His stomach muscles clenched. If only she knew what effect she had on him, especially the way she was dressed tonight. He took a deep breath, which didn't quell the gnawing ache of desire in his belly.

She didn't seem to be aware of him observing her. With legs crossed, she was quietly looking around the room, taking in her surroundings. He let his eyes slowly scan her entire body.

Her blonde hair was normally straight except when she'd been out running or been caught in the rain. Then it would develop a bit of a curl and kink to it. Chase smiled at the cute visual image and then frowned. How did he recall that? He shook his head to clear it. Dismissing that strange thought, tonight her hair shone with a lustrous vitality he'd not seen before as it cascaded in loose waves to reach halfway down her back. It had long since fallen down from the loose bun she'd had at the start of the evening.

As usual her makeup was flawless but tonight by using more eye shadow, her brown eyes smoldered with a burning hot intensity not normally seen. Bright red lipstick that matched the color of her outfit adorned her lips. They had never looked so luscious or tempting. He couldn't wait to taste them.

His eyes dropped lower and he let out an inaudible sigh of longing. Ah yes - her breasts. So big, so weighty, so juicy, he couldn't wait to get his hands on them. Her cleavage as always when she wore her plaid waitress uniform was stunning and the amount of boob flesh on display almost obscene. Did women not realize or even care what the sight of big breasts did to a man?

And her bra! No longer partly obscured by her white blouse, which at some point in the night had been discarded, it revealed a lot more boob flesh than the plaid bra she wore for work and he thought that was borderline indecent.

His eyes dropped lower still. Fuck! He exhaled long and deep as he took in the sight of her legs. Gone were the hideous knee length white stockings and awful black pumps synonymous with the pub brand, which did absolutely nothing for the women who wore them. Tonight they had been replaced with a pair of sheer white stockings complete with black garter belt. A pair of black stilettos with what he took to be a 5" heel completed the slutty look.

He swallowed hard as he drank in the sight of her legs. Of course he'd seen her large and curvaceous thighs before. You couldn't fail to notice them when she was working. Their shapeliness bore testament to the many hours she spent in the gym and out running. But tonight they had even more allure. Her slashed skirt was so short every last inch of her stockings was visible along with with the straps of her garter belt. It was sexy beyond belief.

As his eyes greedily drank in the sight of her fit body she shifted in her seat and recrossing her legs, sank back deeper into the cushions. The result was that her leg came up slightly to stretch out and make it appear longer than it actually was. That was enough for Chase. Refilling his glass and getting a new drink for Brooke he joined her on the sofa.

"Room for one more?" he quipped, smiling as he held out the fresh glass for her. He sat down on the sofa next to her. "Miss me?"

The sound of his voice had made her jump. She'd been watching him on and off all night interacting with the women at the party. She wasn't quite sure why she'd been doing that. She shifted away from him, trying to maintain a reasonable distance between their bodies. She could see him scanning her legs.

"You're quite full of yourself," she said, as she took the offered glass. She knew she probably shouldn't have as she was already feeling the effects of her previous drinks.

He laughed lightly. "Not really," he answered, "I've just found it helps more if you appear confident around people."

"Ha ... well you're certainly not lacking in confidence Mr Kramer. I saw the way you were chatting up all the women here tonight," Brooke replied with a smile.

"Oh, so you were watching me all night were you?"

"No, not at all, it's just that from time to time I saw you, that's all." Brooke sipped at her drink, anything to stop her talking. He was so infuriating and she cursed herself for letting him get the upper hand. The thought crossed her mind that she should go.

"It was a good party. Thank you for inviting me," Chase finally said after a slight pause.

"Thanks ... but no ... I should be thanking you. Without you stepping in to save the day, god only knows what would have happened. My husband's so fucking useless!" Brooke's anger at Scott's oversight flared again.

"You shouldn't be too hard on Scott," Chase said, "we all make mistakes. We can all overlook things."

"What even you Chase? You're not telling me that you make mistakes are you? I thought you were Mr Perfect!" Brooke said with a teasing grin.

"I'm far from perfect. Sure I make mistakes, I'm a man so it sorta goes with the territory. Well according to you women it does," he teased back at her.

There was a silence for a few minutes, both sipping their drinks before Brooke spoke.

"You've changed. You're not what I first thought," she said softly.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he replied with an easy smile.

"I don't know. Maybe first impressions aren't always right?" she added.

Chase grinned at her. "Ohhh ... don't go start liking me now," he said, "that will ruin our love-hate relationship."

"I don't hate you," she replied.

"Sure you do, you love to hate me and I would hate to love you."

"Why? Why would you say that?" Brooke was confused by Chase's sudden revelation. She reached out and put her hand on his arm.

He looked away.

"Chase, please ... tell me ... why would you hate to love me?"

"I just would that's all." He stood up abruptly. "Drink?" he said as he shook his empty glass at her. Not waiting for her reply he walked across to the table and poured himself another shot. He stood there and took a sip. And suddenly she was there, stood by his side. Her large bra encased breast brushing against his arm. Her lush perfume wafting across his nostrils. It was overwhelmingly intoxicating. She handed him her glass and he poured her a drink. She held it in her hand as she tried to look at him full on. He resisted the urge to turn and face her.

"Tell me Chase," she said softly, pulling at his arm, "what is it?"

"You wouldn't understand," he said as he turned and walked away. She watched as he moodily wandered around his room before he stopped and picked up a picture frame. He looked at it longingly and

then replaced it before going to sit down on the sofa once more.

She too wandered around the room seemingly innocently looking around but eventually homed in on that picture frame. She picked it up. It was a picture of a woman and two young children. Her eyes widened as she looked closer at the woman. There was a passing resemblance to her.

She looked across at Chase to see his eyes locked solid on her eyes. Not her body ... her eyes.

"No ... not mine," he said answering her unasked question. "The kids anyway. And yes she does look a little bit like you."

"Oh," she said as she put the picture frame down. She walked back towards Chase, her hips swaying from side to side, her boobs moving around inside her bra. His cock hardened as he reveled in her sexy look especially her white stockings, contrasting black garter belt straps and her black stilettos.

He could see she was intrigued but there was no real mystery. He had no idea who the woman and kids were. Presumably they were relatives of the previous occupants. He'd found the photo under a pile of rubbish that had been left in a closet. He'd just bought a nice frame to put it in thinking it might come in handy one day. Like tonight perhaps? And it was pure chance that she looked a little bit like Brooke.

She sat down next to him and crossed her legs. Chase shot a quick glance at her stocking clad thighs. God she had great legs.

"Who was she?" Brooke asked. She knew the question was blunt but she had an aching need to know who the mystery woman was. Had she been so wrong about Chase all along?

"My past," Chase replied quietly. He turned to look at Brooke. Her smoldering brown eyes were locked onto his. Her mouth was slightly open, her breathing shallow as her tongue flicked out to slowly lick her red lips. It was such a sexual act and he felt his cock respond instantly. Shit, he so badly wanted to kiss her right now and shove his tongue down her throat. But he resisted. It was up to her to make the first move.

"I don't really want to talk about it if you don't mind. It kinda ended badly."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Brooke paused. "Yet you still keep that picture," she added softly.

"Yeahhh ..." Chase replied, shivering as she put her hand on his arm. Her fingers felt ice cold against his hot skin.

He cocked his head to one side and looked down into her eyes. Her face was tilted up towards his, her lips still parted, her red lip gloss still bright.

She couldn't help herself. Later she would question why she did it but at that moment he looked so sad and she felt so sorry for him. She pushed herself towards him that extra inch or two until their lips met.

It was meant to be a friendly peck on the mouth. Instead the kiss was soft, lips casually brushing against each others until her unwanted and alcohol fueled desire flooded through her body. She moved closer, pushing her body against his as she kissed him deeper.

Chase responded to the kiss immediately. He couldn't believe how easy this had been. He felt his cock growing as he dropped a hand onto her knee and ran it along her stocking clad thigh. Her stockings were so sheer his fingers slid smoothly and easily along until they reached the lace top. He slipped his hand onto her bare flesh and continued up under her short plaid skirt.

Brooke without thinking uncrossed her legs. It was a natural act, unhindered, brought on by the primeval instinct to copulate. They opened wider as his hand moved higher and then he was there. His hand nestled up against her mound, his fingers probing through her wet panties to feel her pussy lips were engorged and swollen. She moaned softly.

Drunk though she was, Brooke had a moment of clarity. She was alone with her good looking neighbor, in his apartment, scantily clad, looking for all intents and purposes like a cheap stripper. But she couldn't deny she was aroused. And that wasn't right. She was a married woman for christ's sake.

She forced herself to break free from Chase's embrace.

"No," she said, "you can't ... we can't ... I can't do this," she blurted out.

"Okay." Chase pulled away but left his hand on her body just above her skirt. He slowly ran his fingers across her bare stomach, gently massaging her before slipping lower. Brooke's eyes flickered and closed as his hand crept under her skirt to nestle once more into her mound.

She moaned as he traced around the prominent bulge that were her pussy lips. They were engorged and she was wet. His fingers worked her over, his middle finger slipping into her slit, only her lace panties preventing him from penetrating deeper.

"Ohhhh," she moaned as her hips rotated gently to the exquisite sensation that was now beginning to flow through her pussy. Her eyes opened.

"Ohhh Chase ... no ... please ... we ... we can't ..."

Chase looked at her and smiled. "Of course we can. You know I've made it perfectly clear many times that I want you and I know you want me. I've seen the way you look at me Brooke. You try to hide it but I know you're curious. You have a niggling desire that just won't go away. You're desperate to know how I satisfy my girlfriends. You want to see what makes them scream."


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