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The New Neighbors

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New neighbors force couple to stay for dessert.
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The two story house behind us down the hill just sold and the new neighbors were moving into it. We were like spies from our backyard as we watched the furniture being transferred from the truck into the house. It was hard to determine who the new owners were since there were a large number of people working. The next day, when all the workers were gone, all that remained was a couple.

A week later we were out working the lawn when we first got a chance to talk to our new neighbors. The couple's names were Dave and Susie. They were slightly older than Molly and I. Susie was still working, Dave had retired and was staying at home.

Susie was sporting short blond hair and I noticed that she filled out a sweater very nicely. Dave projected strength. He still had a good crop of hair, with a spot of gray here and there. Dave had worked in the construction industry all his life and when we shook hands, his strong, callused, grip bore testament to the fact. He was a big guy, with a rugged look, but his smile was warm and friendly and I took an instant liking to him. Their kids had grown up and were out of the house living on their own. They were a very nice couple and it was easy to talk to them. They invited us down to their house for a drink that day, but given the work we still needed to complete, we declined.

Three months later Molly was out back when Susie yelled up the hill. I watch from the window as the ladies met midway at the property line and chatted a while.

Molly came in after finishing her yard work. While Molly washed she told me she had talked to Susie and that we had been invited to their house for dinner next weekend. Molly had suggested to Susie that it really was our place to welcome them into the neighborhood, not theirs, but Susie had insisted, saying that they would love to have us over. Molly said she would get back to Susie with an answer after she had a chance to talk to me. As I had no objection, Molly said she would set it up with Susie.

Four o'clock the following Saturday afternoon we walked down the block, around and up to the neighbor's house. I had not been down that way in years so it was interesting to see the neighborhood from a different perspective. We knocked on the door and were greeted by Dave. He took our coats and invited us into the back of the house where the family room was located.

At the far point of the room the wall consisted of a row of windows that presented a clear view up the hill. I wandered over to get a better view and looked out through the glass. There was my house. It looked so different from this angle. The back of my home was clearly in view. What I did not know was how open it really was, but I was going to find out shortly.

We had drinks in the family room. Susie showed us around the house and then it was dinner time. We moved into the dining room. Susie had prepared a wonderful dinner starting with a salad and ending in dessert. I pushed away from the table with a full belly.

We helped the ladies clear the table, moving most of the dishes into the dishwasher. When we were done, Susie asked Molly if she would like to see the dress she was sewing upstairs. Dave handed me a beer and asked me to join him in the family room.

The ladies went upstairs. Dave and I went back to the family room where we talked about sports and the neighborhood for quite awhile. He was telling me about all his electronic toys when he finally asked. "Would you like to see this tape I made?"

"I would love to see whatever tape you have."

"Rusty, sit down over there on the couch across from the flat screen and I'll play the tape." Dave said, fishing out a tape from the drawer.

I walked over to the couch, sat down while Dave stood by the large plasma picture screen and inserted the tape. Shortly the screen came on and a video tape started to play. It took me only a short period of time to realize that I was looking at a picture of my back yard without the leaves on the trees and any flowers in bloom.

"Watch closely now," said Dave. "I think you will recognize the next shot."

I watched the camera view move up so the back of my house was in view. The camera then locked on my back window and zoomed in. As the window grew larger in the view you could clearly see a person in the window, it was Molly, and she was naked!

"I bet you didn't know you were on Candid Camera, did you Rusty?" Dave chuckled.

Watching the picture on his screen, it was possible to see me behind Molly and it was clear that we were making love. Molly and I have always enjoyed an occasional session in the woods, but that was not always possible. Still, we both knew we enjoyed making love outside. For years we use to make love only on the bed, but in time moved our love sessions over to the window. When we were at the window, Molly would pull up the blinds so we could view our backyard. During the warmer months the trees and bushes were full of leaves and would block the neighbor's view, but this was shot in late fall and the leaves were down. I now realized the neighbor's were watching and, in Dave's case, recording.

"Susie and I started catching your act just as the leaves fell. I recorded this tape three weeks ago. We have watched this tape twice already. And I must say Rusty, you and Molly have enriched our sex life by watching the two of you in the window."

I sat there not drinking or saying a word. My mouth hung slack, shocked as I watched Molly's breasts swaying at the window. I looked towards Dave, who was sitting watching the screen and smiling, reliving the moment he had captured of us on tape.

"Susie and I both enjoyed watching the two of you, but as you can see, much of the action is obstructed. So we decided to invite you over and confront the two of you with this tape."

"So you have the tape, now what?" I snapped, feeling my face reddening.

"We will do nothing with the tape, if the two of you do what we ask." Dave's eyes fixed on me firmly and I felt myself squirming awkwardly under his gaze.

"What do you mean?"

"We would like to watch the two of you make love here in this house."

Averting my gaze from his penetrating stare I hesitated as I tried to comprehend his words. "And if we say no?"

"Then I know a website that would love to have a copy of this tape." He replied calmly, pushing himself back in his seat.

I could still feel his gaze upon me as Molly and Susie entered the room. I turned and my jaw dropped in surprise. Molly's face was white with apprehension, and she had changed her clothes. She was now wearing a short Japanese style robe and a pair of high heels. Behind her was Susie. She had also changed her clothing. She had on a long flowing nightgown that had a long slit up one side to her waist. As Susie descended the stairs you could see her legs and her heels pop through the slit. Susie was smiling while Molly was not. Molly made her way over to me quickly and sat down. Susie continued past us, walking over to stand by Dave and put her arm around him.

"So it appears that Molly has made a decision. What is your answer Rusty?" asked Dave.

"What do you mean she made a decision?" I queried.

"Well, look at how she is dressed Rusty. Molly, stand up and walk over to the fireplace!" Dave instructed. Molly hesitated, looking at me as if I could somehow resolve this. I didn't know what to say or do and when I remained silent, Molly slipped from the sofa and walked across to stand before the fireplace. Her gaze remained downcast. A small pensive frown marred her forehead as she stood uncomfortably in the middle of the room.

"Molly, turn around for us, doll," Dave chuckled keeping his eyes fixed on Molly.

Molly turned around slowly, letting her arms hang freely at her sides. As she turned I suddenly noticed how her hair was brushed out, the sparkle of her earrings and the soft sheen of her red lip-gloss, and the way her heels accentuated her shapely legs. She was truly beautiful to look at and I was proud to have such a lovely wife. Dave's words broke the magic spell, bringing me back to reality with a thud.

"Molly, open the robe." commanded Dave.

"No, please, I don't want to do this." She pleaded.

"Molly, I told you what we would do if you resisted us." Susie looked at her sharply.

At first Molly hesitated, then slowly raised her hands to the small belt holding the robe together around her waist. She pulled the bow and let the belt slide away. The robe fell opened. You could now see the sides of her breasts. She looked to be naked but it was hard to see if she was completely naked under the robe.

"Turn around slowly for us, Molly. We want to enjoy this as long as we can." Susie directed with obvious amusement.

Molly's face was a picture of resigned embarrassment as she looked up and started to turn. She moved very slowly. Her movement looked to be almost mechanical in an effort to try to hide what little was still covered. She turned completely around to face Dave and Susie once again.

"Pull the robe down over your shoulders." Dave instructed, his eyes watching her every move. Molly complied with the command, moving her hands to the top of her robe. She took each collar and slowly opened it. Her breasts peeked out from under the robe as she let the material fall from her shoulders. The movement of her breasts indicated that her breathing had become nervous as her breasts came into full view. The robe fell to gather in the small of her back and Molly clutched it about her waist. Molly's eyes locked onto Dave's and she gave him a hard, 'okay, asshole, go ahead and look', stare.

Dave let out an audible sigh and moved a hand under Susie's nightgown. His hand found her breast, and the material did little to conceal the fact that he was squeezing her breast while watching Molly strip. Both Susie and Dave's gaze were locked on Molly's body.

Molly stood there for a short while and then pulled the robe up to cover her nakedness. She drew it up to her breasts and let it hide what little it could. Her expression remained defiant, though her actions signaled embarrassment as she stood there trying to cover herself.

"Turn around Molly, and drop the robe," said Dave.

Molly complied, turning to face the fireplace as she shrugged the robe from her shoulders. It glided effortlessly down her back, uncovering the two creamy mounds of her round ass as it traveled to the floor. Her soft lines punctuated by the thin black line of her thong flowing over her hips to disappear between the cheeks of her buttocks. My heart beat loudly in my chest as I surveyed the base of my wife's buttocks, crowning her long shapely legs.

"Turn around Molly and show us your tits again." Dave demanded, clearly aroused at the sight of my wife.

Molly turned reluctantly, instinctively folding her arms across her chest to conceal herself.

"Drop the arms and let us see you naked!" Dave ordered.

Molly did as he asked, slowly dropping one arm after the other and allowing her breasts to come into full view. She now stood in a very tiny g-string that failed to cover all her pubic hair. She did not look in the least bit amused as Dave ogled her. The look of 'fuck you' was clearly stamped on her face. Her mouth was slightly open and she was taking fast, deep breaths. This forced her breasts to move which only added to the erotic view that now stood before us.

"Doesn't she look fantastic," said Susie. "Look at that wisp of hair between her legs Dave."

"Better than I had imagined," Dave replied. "Molly, I want you to remove the g-string, but you need to do this very slowly, gorgeous, otherwise I'm going to get really mad."

Molly did not move right away. Her eyes remained locked on Dave. She was digesting this last command in her head, trying to figure out if she was going to comply or not, and if she did, what defenses would she have remaining. She made her decision. Her hands moved reluctantly to her waist, fingers hooking into the elastic. She hesitated, steeling herself, before slowly lowering them down, little by little, unveiling herself inch by inch as her pubic mound slowly rolled into view... "Yes Molly, nice and slooooow – Oh... My... God... she is beautiful!" Dave moaned.

Molly continued to move the tiny g-string gradually down her legs. Keeping her legs straight she bent over pushing the material down until the threads reached her ankles. She let go of the material, raised herself up, took one foot out of the string and let the other kick the tiny piece of cloth off to the side. She raised her hands up and placed them on her hips, pushed her breasts out and stood defiant, naked, in front of the three of us.

I could feel a little excitement growing within my pants as I watched my wife strip. Molly and I had talked about the excitement of possibly being watched, but not really knowing we were being watched. We had always thought that if we got caught, we would quickly remove ourselves and steal away. We were now caught, could not scurry away, and it was still exciting.

"Molly, turn around, bend over and let me see that ass again," instructed Dave.

I watched Molly's nipples begin to harden as she faced him across the room. Her face softened, she glanced nervously at me and I recognized the mischievous glint in her eye. She turned, eyes fixed on mine, just the vaguest hint of a smile on her lips, and then she was gone, facing the wall. My breath caught in my chest as I watched my wife, feet slightly parted, slowly bending at the waist, hinging downward as she reached for her ankles. And then I understood. Dave and Susie might have thought that they were in control, but it was Molly, my wife, who really was controlling the situation. She was the one in the driving-seat. Dave might be fondling his wife, but it was Molly he was really thinking about, driving his desire as he stared at her with lustful eyes

Molly released one hand and let it float up between her legs. A single finger appeared as she reached her pussy. The lips of her sex were clearly visible as one finger slipped inside and moved slowly from view, only to reappear moments later with a whisper of wetness.

Dave's hands were all over Susie as his gaze remained locked on Molly. "Holy shit! This is better than I expected. What a show! This is fucking marvelous!" Dave exclaimed.

Susie, possibly aware that Molly was monopolizing her husband's attention, decided it was time for a little distraction. "Isn't it time for Rusty to get into the act?" She smiled sweetly, eyes locking on mine.

Dave snapped out of his trance and answered, "Yes, of course, it is time for Rusty."

Susie took over the director's role by commanding me to get up and go over to Molly. Molly continued to move, still naked in the middle of the room. I placed my drink down on the table and stood up. "Move behind her and play with her breasts." Susie commanded.

I walked behind Molly and placed my hands on her hips. A small gasp escaped her lips as I slowly moved my hands up her naked body to her breasts. Finding each breast I squeezed, and then moving two fingers to each nipple I pinched. Molly's nipples were already large and with my touch were now getting bigger. Molly opened her mouth slightly and was starting to breathe harder, a sure sign that she was getting excited. I was concerned where we were going with this exhibitionism.

"I think we need him naked, Dave, don't you agree?" Susie suggested. Dave nodded his accord, his eyes never leaving Molly as Susie looked directly at me and with a thin smile, "Take your clothes off Rusty!"

Okay, I had been to a number of strip clubs and watched the ladies remove their clothes and I had just watched my own wife do the same here. But it was now my turn to strip. I was now the one to be on display. I was the one to be naked. And I was not sure I could do this. Molly whispered to me, "Its okay, I need you to be naked with me."

"Do I need to come up and take your clothes off you Rusty?" demanded Susie. "Let's get started, I want to see what is in those pants."

I released Molly and stepped from behind, moving my hands up to my shirt and mechanically opened each button until they were all undone. I was still looking for another way out of this. Glancing up I found Susie's eyes glaring at me with a 'get on with it stare!' I looked away, pulled the shirt back off my body and let it drop to the floor. "Come on Rusty, you can do better than that," Susie jeered. "How about a little flare, a little movement, a little sexiness. I need to be turned on by a man, not a boy."

Molly, still standing beside me, let her hand drop down between my legs and grabbed me. She whispered to me, "Let's give them the show that they want."

My mind was starting to move faster now. Susie was the one controlling the action and I didn't like being her puppet. She was directing me. She was telling me how SHE wanted me to perform. I wanted to change this! I wanted to be in control! Then it hit me. I knew what I needed to do next.

I closed my eyes stretched my head back and let my head slowly move in a circle above my shoulders. I moved my shoulders up and then back down, stretching the muscles that were beginning to twitch in my chest. I slowly raised my arms over my head, stretching, letting my arm accent each muscle above my waist. I slowly tensed and then relaxed. I moved my fingers, arms, and chest bringing different parts of my body to life. I opened my eyes slightly to peek. It was working!

I continued to move only my upper body. I would tighten a hand, and then relax. Flex my arm to show a bicep. Relax. Tighten my chest. Relax. I heard, "Oh my!" Then. "Yes, Rusty, yes. Very nice." Occasionally I could hear Susie let out a soft moan of appreciation.

I let my hands slowly descend to my pants and unlock the belt. Using my feet I slid each loafer off my naked foot and kicked them to one side. I slowly pulled my belt from the loops of my pants and tossed it aside. I undid the pants button and slowly pulled the material forcing the zipper to move down. I looked up and saw the interest in Susie's eyes. I smiled a knowing smile.

Releasing my grip from my pants, they floated down my legs. I watched Susie as her eyes followed the path of my pants as they slowly descended to the floor. Her eyes stopped as the zipper hit the floor and then inch by inch moved back up my body coming back to rest on my eyes. Her eyes locked on mine. She was amused.

I held her gaze as I bent over slightly, moving my hands down into my boxers. I slid the material down over my hips, but found my erection was holding the material in place. Susie's eyes unlocked and started to move slowly down my body. She didn't want to miss anything. They moved down to my trapped erection and stopped. "I want you to show me the tip of your cock, no more." She instructed. My scheme for control was shattered; she was directing me once again.

I pulled the material out and away from my body. The tip of my erection was easing into view. "Oh my, it's already popping out!" she squealed with delight. "Keep going, Rusty, show me more."

I shoved the material down a little more. The large blue vein was coming into view. "Nice... thick... cock... I love thick cocks!" She purred as she reached down to grab Dave's now limp cock. "More, Rusty, I want to see more."

I forced the material to slide over the large obstacle that had held it in place. The full length of my cock came into view. My erection sprang free as I released the boxers from my grip. Her eyes followed the boxers decent only for a short period, then, changing direction, moved back to my now exposed penis. She stared at the erection that shot out from my body. I stood naked watching her inspecting eyes. "Oh my!" She exclaimed with a giggle. "Oh yes, that is a lovely piece of manhood. And so hard!"


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