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The Night of the Party

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Left alone after the party with an irate host.
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I got married just after I turned nineteen. Alfred, my husband was a year older than me and I'd known him all my life. We were quite happy together. Money was a little tight at times but we managed. We were both studying, doing online courses, to get ourselves some proper qualifications so we could move up to better paying jobs.

We had no intention of having children for a while, but did intend to have some when we were a little better established. I had rather pointedly told Alfred that we'd better be a little better established by the time I turned twenty five because I getting pregnant on my twenty fifth birthday.

Sex between us was okay, I guess. I quite enjoyed it but I have to admit that I had nothing to compare it against. Alfred was my one and only. Still, I did my duty by him and had fun doing so.

After a couple of years things were going fine. We had some money in the bank and were saving for a deposit on a house of our own. Both our study courses were going well and in another couple of years we'd both have degrees. Usable ones, too. Not airy-fairy ones that you get from some places.

Then came the night of the party. Some friends of ours were going to a party and invited us along. You know how it is. Someone decides to have a party and invites people who invite other people. Apparently this party started on a Friday night and was scheduled to wind up on Saturday night. We were invited along at the tale-end of it, arriving Saturday evening and fitting in without any problem.

I was driving so I wasn't having anything to drink but that didn't worry me. I like to socialise and talk, drinking being secondary to the talking. Alfred was going to have a few but that didn't worry me either because when he said he'd have just a couple he would mean precisely that, two drinks. He liked to think he was in control at all times.

It was approaching midnight when Jan, our host, and who the hell names a boy Jan, anyway, looked out the window and swore.

"Okay, people," he yelled very loudly. "The party is over, effective immediately, and I mean now. My father just got home and he's not going to be happy about this."

"Why not?" someone yelled.

"Probably because he told me I couldn't have a party while he was away. I'd intended to get things cleared away before he got home tomorrow but it looks like he's home early. I suggest you all pack up and depart, post haste. Mike, I'll be staying with you tonight. Let's go."

"Fucking idiot," I thought, and went looking for Alfred.

I couldn't find him. He seemed to have just vanished. He wouldn't have gone and left me because he takes his responsibilities seriously, so he had to be somewhere around. I was still looking when I felt this presence behind me. I turned around and looked.

I could see the resemblance to Jan. The man was about forty and very distinguished looking. Quite handsome and I had to admit he had a fine figure for an older man, fit and muscular. If he'd been dressed roughly I'd have been scared of him, but in the suit he was wearing he just looked, well, distinguished.

He was looking disdainfully around him, then he zeroed in on me.

"Well?" he said.

I shrugged. "I don't know," I told him. "Jan was holding a party and we were at it. Then he suddenly yelled out that the party was over and everyone left. I couldn't leave because I can't find Alfred. There's no way he'd have gone and left me here. He's just not like that."

"Really? Maybe if he had a few too many he forgot about you, although," I could practically feel his eyes running over me, "I can see where you'd be rather hard to forget."

"Alfred doesn't drink much. He doesn't particularly like it. Says it makes him feel fuzzy, so he just doesn't bother. A couple of beers would be it. He's got to be here some place."

"Stay there while I take a quick look around."

I stayed where I was and he strolled out the door, presumably to give the house the once over. He came back after a couple of minutes and indicated that I should go with him. He opened a door and there was Alfred, out cold on a bed.

"What the hell?" I gasped. "What happened to him?"

"Drunk, of course. What did you expect at a party?" he said scornfully.

"That he is not!" I snapped. "No way, no how. He obviously got knocked out somehow. He needs a doctor."

The rotten man cast his eyes upwards in a god-help-me look and sighed. He crossed over to Alfred and lifted his eyelids and then lifted his wrist and took his pulse.

"You're right," he said in a surprised voice. "He's been doped. Rohypnol would be my guess. Only a light dosage from what I can tell so he should sleep it off without any problems."

"What? Why would anyone drug Alfred? It doesn't make sense."

"Two reasons that I can think of," he said. "Did you give him any of his drinks?"

"The first one," I said, while nodding.

"Then the person with the deft hand probably slipped the dope into that glass, thinking it was for you, letting him get to you later when you were out cold. Alternatively, it could have been a deliberate decision to get the boyfriend out of the way so they could come onto you without competition. They were probably waiting somewhere, ready to give you a drink as well."

"I was driving so I wasn't drinking," I mumbled. "Who would do this?"

"Anyone who saw you would be my opinion. Well, you'd better stay overnight and wake up your boyfriend in the morning."

"Husband," I muttered, feeling a little sorry for myself.

"Excuse me?"

"I said he's my husband, not my boyfriend," I groused. I sighed. "If I'm staying over-night I'd better give you a hand with the cleaning up," I added, staring around me distastefully.

"No need. Just leave it. Jan will front up bright and early tomorrow, hoping to get the mess cleared up before I grind him into paste and use him as fertilizer. Come along and I'll show you where you can sleep."

"I can just stay with Alfred," I said.

"I don't think so. In case you didn't notice that bed had no covers, just a mattress. You'll sleep better in a proper bed. Your Alfred isn't going anywhere. By the way, I'm Janek. Call me Jan. Who are you?"

That explained the Jan.

"Oh, I'm Brea. Pleased to meet you."

He raised his eyebrows at that comment and I felt like a fool. Blushing I followed as he led the way down the hall to a different bedroom. He opened the door and ushered me and I entered, watching him as I passed, noting that he had a gentle smile on his face. Turning to look at the room properly I blinked.

It was plainly the master bedroom. Two doors on one side undoubtedly led to an en suite and walk-in robe respectively. The bed - that was something else. It was huge, a king size bed. The covers were black and gold as were the pillow slips. What I could see of the sheets indicated that they were also black. All I could think was 'wow'.

Then I did have another thought. If this was the master bedroom then it would Jan's bedroom. Why had he brought me to his bedroom? The feel of the zip at the back of my dress sliding down seemed to answer that question.

"Hey!" I yelped. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Take a wild guess," he said cheerfully, even as I felt my bra loosen and I knew he'd flicked the catch undone.

"If this is your subtle way of asking me to have sex with you then you can forget it," I snapped, trying to push my dress back into position from where it'd sagged down my arms.

"What on earth makes you think I'm asking?" he in turn asked, at the same time pushing my hands out of the way and encouraging my dress to fall down.

"What? Are you crazy? You can't just grab me and have sex with me. There's a word for that you know."

"There's a lot of word for it," came the reply, with me fighting a losing battle as both my dress and bra dropped away. "Words such as, fun, hedonism, decadence, debauchery. . ."

"Rape," I quickly added, letting him know just where I stood.

"Actually, I think you'll find that one is included as part of debauchery," he said casually. "Now stop that."

What he wanted me to stop was my holding tight to my panties. He got his way because he was bigger and meaner and stronger, just prying my panties out of my grip and pushing them down. That accomplished he simply picked me up and tossed me onto the bed. Before I could crawl off again he was holding me there while he took off my shoes and finished removing my panties, leaving me starkers and furious.

"Leave me alone or I'll scream," I threatened him, only to hear him laugh.

"Ah, Brea, there's only thee and me and lover boy in the house and lover boy is in dreamland," he pointed out. "The house generally is sound-proofed, mainly to ensure noisy parties don't bother neighbours. And that theirs don't bother me."

While he was talking her was also stripping, almost ripping his clothes off. Now he was naked and I had to admit, reluctantly, that he was a fine figure of a man. Big and strong with a decent amount of meat on his bones, not running to fat. And he had an erection and as I looked at it rearing up into the air it was another case of 'wow'.

He jumped onto the bed, lying next to me, and his hands went to work. He seemed able to find every single sensitive spot I had, some I didn't even know about, and he was touching them. In no time flat my nipples were standing out and asking for more attention (which they got) and I could feel my pudenda swelling, being dampened by my natural juices easing over them.

I twisted and turned and protested and suffered while he laughed and had fun. I assumed that he'd just toy with me until he thought I was aroused and then stick it to me. Innocent little me.

He pushed my legs wide apart and I was sweating and telling myself this is it. This is when you get raped. Did he? No. What he did was drop his head between my legs and then his mouth was on my vulva. I could feel his teeth lightly scraping against my lips and his tongue - his tongue was everywhere a tongue shouldn't go, and I was protesting most vociferously.

I couldn't stand it and I told him so. He looked up at me and laughed.

"Precisely what is wrong with me doing this?" he asked, and bent his head again, his tongue touching down all around my clitoris, which made me jerk in a spasm that would probably have tossed me off a smaller bed. I also gave a horrified scream when he did it before demanding he didn't do that again.

What, this?" he asked and I screamed again.

"Yes, that," I wailed and he laughed and did it yet again.

It was too much for me and I climaxed, helpless to do anything about it.

He was all cheerful smiles as he rolled me over onto my front.

"Bum up," he said cheerfully, his hands at my hips indicating what he wanted me to do.

"I won't," I said defiantly, and then gave an alarmed shriek as his hand slapped against my bottom.

"If you like I can just keep spanking your pretty little bottom until you do as I want," he pointed out and I decided that maybe I should do what he wanted. I lifted my bottom up and very shortly found myself crouched there, on my knees and crossed arms, my head resting on my arms. His hand was busy rubbing my mound, making sure I was still nicely roused.

He settled onto the bed behind me. I wanted to turn my head to look but was just too damned nervous. It wasn't the sex. Hell, I was married. I knew all about sex. Well, at least I thought I did. It was just that he seemed to have just a bit too much cock for my tastes.

He moved closer. I could feel his fingers spreading my lips slightly, preparing the way. I felt his cock nudging up against me and I almost screamed. He seemed to spread my lips a little more, easing his cock in just a little more, and then letting my lips close over him.

I wanted to wail that it was too big but my pride wouldn't let me. No matter what I'd handle it without whimpering.

"Look to your right," he told me and I did so, wondering why I should. The answer was pretty obvious. There was this dressing table with a whacking great mirror. We were nicely framed in it and I could actually see his cock pressing up against me. I'll tell you right now, it didn't look any smaller for being in a mirror.

There was no way that I was going to be able to watch that thing invade my poor body. I hastily looked away. He laughed again. (What a happy chappy he was.) Then he was pushing against me, his cock actually sliding quite smoothly into me. I could feel myself stretching to take him but there was no actual discomfort, just the feeling of a cock sliding home in the most natural fashion, with me giving a long drawn out gasping sound as it did so.

"There, that wasn't so bad, now was it?" he said.

"Yes it was," I promptly lied. There was no way that I was telling him that I was liking the way it felt. The way it seemed to fill me, master me, dictating the terms of what was going to happen.

He pulled back and thrust firmly into me, and a little shiver of pleasure swept through me. Then he did it again with the same result. I could already feel the heat starting to build deep inside me and he'd only just started. It suddenly dawned on me that I was in real trouble.

He kept going, lowly building up the pace and then settling down to a decent rhythm. He was now pounding along quite happily with me lifting my hips and pushing firmly back to meet him. I tried to keep my mouth shut but it wasn't long before I was all, "Yes, yes, yes," and "Ah, ah, ah," little verbal ejaculations being forced out of me by the way his cock was hitting home inside me.

I was on fire and loving it and there was no way I could hide this from Jan. Not only was his cock ravaging my pussy but his hands were on my breasts, teasing them, stoking my internal fires with his touch. Being attacked from two directions it wasn't surprising that I felt a climax coming on.

He seemed to give a sudden jerk and I knew he was ejaculating deep inside me. I might have complained but I was too busy clamping a hand to my mouth to muffle my screams as I climaxed, and climaxed in a big way.

Afterwards I felt him move away from me while I lay there feeling slightly stunned. Sex had never been like that to me before. What the hell had just happened? Was I turned on by rape? I didn't think so and there was no way I was going to experiment to find out. Maybe I'd just see if I could give some subtle suggestions to Alfred.

I was surprised to find him next to me again. He has a warm damp cloth and he was busy cleaning me up, patting me dry with a towel he had, and that was awfully intimate patting, let me tell you.

"It's late," he said, tossing back the covers. "Get some sleep."

I simply shrugged and got into the bed. I didn't even protest when he got in beside me, pulling the covers over me. I suddenly remembered my husband and muttered, "Alfred".

"Don't worry. He'll sleep late. You'll be up well before him."

I dropped off to sleep, satisfied with that.

I woke the next morning when the covers were tossed back. Jan was lying next to me, propped up on his elbow, looking at me, his hand stroking my breast. I hastily pushed his hand away and sat up.

The first thing I became aware of was that he'd woken with what my husband called a morning glory. His glory was every bit as big as I remembered and I blushed and looked away.

"I'd like to get dressed now," I said somewhat stiffly.

"And so you shall," he agreed, "just as soon as you attend to the morning service."

I knew straight away what he meant. I felt a flick of heat go straight to my groin.

"You have got to be kidding," I said furiously. "Alfred could wake up at any moment and you want to have sex with me. Not going to happen."

"Alfred won't wake up for a while yet. You'll find it takes time to shake off the Rohypnol. Of course, if you don't hop on board you may find yourself still lying in my bed, naked, when he does wake up. Better get a move on."

I gave him a furious glare while a wild excitement burned inside me. I was remembering what it had been like last night. Would it be the same this time?

"All right," I grumped. "Do your worst, but I won't enjoy it."

"That's okay. And it's not a case of me doing my worst but you doing your best. I'm not jumping on you this time."

He was lying back and flicked a casual hand towards where his erection was standing tall. I blinked at him, trying to sort out his meaning. Surely he didn't expect me to. . .

"You expect me to get on top of you?" I asked, horrified.

His smile just got bigger and I quailed. Sit on him. I'd never done that. I always just lay there while Alfred got on me. Not the other way around. Why not, asked a little voice inside of me. It'll be something different. How are you going to do it?

That was a question I suddenly had to answer. Hold the damn thing vertical and lower myself onto it? Lie on top of him and push down towards it? Looking at him I could imagine lying on him while my legs straddled him, his erection rearing up between my legs. All I would have to do is push back a little and he'd be sliding up into me.

Looking at him I suddenly felt very small. It's one thing to lie there while a man comes down on you but to have him lie there while you climb up on him? That was something else again. I rolled over and got up onto my knees. That's when it registered that I didn't just feel small compared to him, I really was. Muttering unkind things to myself I half stood and sort of fell on top of him, finishing up with me lying on him, legs either side, acutely aware of his hairy chest pressing against my decidedly un-hairy one, while he was laughing at me.

I took my resolution in hand and started to ease myself down along his blasted hairy body. If I didn't finish up killing the man then he would be able to thank god for a miracle. I felt myself brush up against his erection and promptly froze. The stupid thing wasn't in the right place and I didn't want to try to touch it to adjust it. Silly, I know, considering just how much it was going to be touching me.

Jan must have guessed how I felt as he reached down and around me, just brushing the tip of his erection up and down my lips. All I had to do was press against it a little and when it moved to the right place it sort of popped between my lips. Naturally enough that caused me to freeze all over again.

After a couple of moments I started pressing down again and it was a case of oh my god, I'm really doing this. I was pressing against Jan's erection and taking it inside me. Me. I was doing this. It wasn't a case of him pushing into me (against my will, naturally) but me pressing down on him and feeling myself slide onto him.

I just kept on pushing and finished up lying there with him fully inside me. He'd felt large enough when he'd done it last night but now, with me on top, he simply felt enormous.

"So what are you going to do now?" he asked, sounding honestly curious.

I just looked at him. I had no idea whatsoever.

"Just a suggestion, but why don't you sit up and rock back and forth and see what that does."

I gave a little mental shrug and started to do what he suggested. I found the flaw in his brilliant plan from the first movement I made. When I sat up his cock sank even deeper into me. I hadn't thought it possible but it proved me wrong. Once again it was freeze nervously time, but this time I took a firm grip on myself. Rock, he'd suggested, so rock I would and be damned to him.

I rocked forward and back. I rocked from side to side. I rocked in small circles, each time contemplating what it felt like. Back and forth was best in my opinion as it made his cock slide in and out, not by much but enough to set up a pleasant friction. Oddly enough I didn't even think about how he was reacting to this until he said a very rude word.

"Well, excuse me," I grumped, "but you were the one who wanted this."


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