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The OF Girl Ch. 131-140

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You've discovered a fellow intern has started a new hobby...
10.5k words

Part 14 of the 45 part series

Updated 03/26/2024
Created 09/13/2022
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All Characters are 18 years or older.

When a law office intern discovers that a fellow intern is one of his favourite new OnlyFans performers, a ball begins rolling that will bring a boring summer of paperwork and coffee-fetching into an avalanche of sexual adventure. Fair warning to readers, this story will jump categories. This collection of chapters includes scheming, office politics, and sexy times with Sabrina.

OFG is a variation story based on the setup by Aurelian14, and is an ongoing patronized work sponsored by him. Originally written in small chapter releases, they will be collected here on Literotica in 10 chapter chunks for smoother reading.


Chapter 131

You almost slept through your alarm, snoozing it twice without remembering, so the third time it went off you thought it was the first time and hit snooze. By the time you were actually awake enough to realize what time it was, you went into panic mode because it was Tuesday, which meant it was your Coffee Run day.

You were a whirlwind, skipping any kind of breakfast and just barely managing to get yourself wet in the shower before hopping out. By the time you made it downtown the coffee shop was busy as hell, and you had to wait impatiently in line and try and coach yourself not to get irritated with the barista. You went through the Coffee Order group message, making sure you got everything the associates and partners wanted - several had standing orders, but many of the lawyers started their days with meetings out of the office or worked from home sometimes, so they messaged in their orders.

It was a particularly drink-heavy day and since the shop was running low on pastries you ordered a half dozen doughnuts for us interns. You ended up needing to balance four and a half trays of drinks stacked on top of each other, plus the box.

"Good morning- Holy shit, John," Becks said, standing up and coming from around her desk as you almost lost control of your tower of hot drinks coming through the door.

"Morning," you grunted. "Thanks."

Becks had taken the top two trays from you and helped you set them down on her long welcome desk counter. "So how did yesterday end up?" she asked.

"Well, let's just say you undersold the problem," you said.

"Shit," Becks sighed. She found her drink in the trays, labelled with her name, and returned to her chair. "That bad, huh?"

"Becks, she tried to force me to have sex with her down in the basement storage rooms," you said.

Becks blinked and then set down her drink. "You're kidding me."

"I'm not," you said. You opened the box of doughnuts and offered her one. "She lied to get Sabrina out of the room and then basically told me I was going to be her fuckboy sex slave, or she'd go cry sexual harassment to the Partners. And who is going to believe me over her?"

"Fuck," Becks said. She hesitated, frowning at the doughnuts, before sighing to herself and taking one. "I don't know what to tell you," she mumbled around her first mouthful. "Usually I'd say report her, but you're right." She swallowed. "What did the girls say about it?"

"They were pissed as hell," you said. "For a second I thought Gemma might try and hunt her down and fistfight her. They got together last night and said they were going to come up with a plan."

"We did come up with a plan," Gemma said, coming into the building behind you. You turned and she walked right into your arms, kissing you firmly but without tongue or any extra hugging or anything. "Morning, love."

"What about the rules?" you asked.

"I think we can swing a good morning kiss for my HR-official boyfriend," Gemma said.

"Sure, rub it in," Sabrina said, having come into the building right after Gemma. She reached out and took your hand in a squeeze, though you could tell she wanted more.

"You guys want to share your scheme?" Becks asked. "Anything I can do to help?"

"We'll let you know if we need you," Sabrina said. "For now, this needs to be our fight. Or, really, it's John's fight and we're his backup."

"Alright," Becks said. "Seriously, anything you guys need. Joy's gone overboard before but this is the first time I've heard of her doing something like this."

Gemma and Sabrina both took a drink tray, and you took the others and the box of doughnuts and headed to the elevator. Once you were inside, Sabrina put down her tray and pulled your face down to kiss you, with tongue and all. "Sorry we left you last night," she said. "If Gemma hadn't gone over to see you, I would have. I figured all three of us wouldn't have been a good idea late on a work night."

You grinned. "Thanks, babe." Then you turned to Gemma and kissed her again, with a slip of tongue this time. "And thank you, love."

You lost your chance to talk as the elevator arrived on the right floor, and the three of you went back to the conference room. You were hoping for a few minutes of privacy to figure out their plan, but Eric was already inside, the earliest he'd ever been.

"Eric?" you asked in surprise. "What are you doing here an entire fifteen minutes early?"

"Are you kidding?" he asked. "We've got Joy supervising us now or whatever, and she's already acting like a total b-- hardass," he changed his words at the last moment. "There's no way I'm going to give her a reason to get more pissed at me."

"All it took for you to get here a little early was being a bitch?" Gemma smirked. "Wow, I should have started bitching you out weeks ago."

"Ha. Ha. Ha," Eric deadpanned.

You dropped off your bag and went to deliver the coffee, leaving the doughnuts behind. By the time you got back when you went to grab one, you were faced with the basic bitch honey dip as the only doughnut left in the box.

"Eric ate two," Gemma said.

"It was going to be three but we made him leave one for you," Sabrina said.

"Gee, thanks Eric," you said, lifting the plain doughnut.

"What?" he asked. "I gotta take my perks where I can."

Chapter 132

Since Joy wasn't in yet, you made a couple of head motions and over the next couple of minutes you, Sabrina and Gemma all left the conference room and met back up down the hall in one of the paralegal offices that was rarely used since they worked from home. Once you were all there, you shut the door and turned to the girls. "Alright, what did you guys come up with? Because the two main things I could think of was either getting some sort of leverage on her and making her sign an admission of guilt, or trying to record her in the act."

"We landed on a Honey Trap," Gemma said. "But I kind of like the sound of finding out her dirty secrets and using them against her."

"The only problem is we don't even know where to start with that, and if we get caught we could be in huge trouble," Sabrina said with a frown. "Don't get me wrong, I'd love to bend her over and fuck her in the ass, but it's too dangerous."

"Um," you said slowly. "Do you mean that literally or metaphorically?"

Sabrina snorted and smirked. "I mean, I meant it metaphorically but I wouldn't turn up the chance."

You and Gemma both smiled as well, but moved on. Joy was that sort of plastic barbie attractive that you could see fawning over if you didn't have the real deal between Gemma and Sabrina, and you were fucking thankful as hell that you did.

"Alright," you said. "So when you say honey trap, what are you thinking? That's the spy thing, right?"

"Right," Sabrina nodded.

"Basically, we need to pick our timing carefully and leave you open for her to make another advance on you," Gemma said. "Then we do the same thing as we did with Erica and that night club guy - we record it to the cloud so she can't refute the evidence, then bring it to Garrison."

"There's one problem with that," you said.

"We'll be close by," Sabrina assured me. "There's no way we're letting her get anything from you. That'sour DD."

"I appreciate that," you said, letting your fingers hook into hers for a moment as she grabbed your hand. "But that's not the problem I'm thinking of. We're in a two-party consent state - for a recording to be legal we would need to inform her she's being recorded."

"What does that matter?" Gemma asked. "We aren't taking her to court or filing charges, we're bringing it to our boss."

"Our boss, who is a lawyer," you said. "And Joy is a law student, and her mother is a lawyer. If we do this, it could turn into a lawsuit against the firm. Or even us, if she tries to call libel or slander, and the recording wouldn't count for shit."

"Fuck," Sabrina said. "He isn't wrong."

"Well, what are we doing then?" Gemma asked. "Either we need to convince her to do her thing even while she is aware she's being filmed, or we need to try and dig into her to find her secrets."

Sabrina frowned deeply again. "I can think of one way to get a recording, but I don't like it."

"No bad ideas right now," you said. "Maybe it can help spark another idea."

"Sex tape," Sabrina said. "We let her go farther with you than we want, but make her think it's a sex tape instead of us collecting evidence. It can stop as soon as we have enough evidence."

"I don't know about that," you frowned with her.

"Neither am I," Gemma said. "But unless we come up with something else, that's our only plan right now. Let's just see what we can start digging up on her in the meantime while we think about it."

"Agreed," Sabrina nodded. "And we still don't let John out of our sight."

"Obviously," Gemma agreed.

"I'm still right here," you said.

"We know, baby," Sabrina said with a soft smile. "But this bitch is coming for you, and you're our man."

You took a deep breath and nodded. "I'll try and think if I can come up with anything else in the meantime."

"Good," Gemma nodded, then smirked a little. "I want to kiss you right now."

"I want to blow him," Sabrina teased.

You and Gemma both rolled your eyes. "Of course you do," Gemma laughed.

"Speaking of blowjobs," Sabrina said, pivoting the conversation. "John, can you come over to my place after work? I have a scene I want to shoot, and I'm releasing the first scene I've been teasing from Saturday."

"Sure," you nodded. "But, uh, I forgot to bring a spare outfit with me."

Sabrina pouted a little. "Then I guess I'll go to bed all alone at the end of the night. And you won't wake up to a morning blowjob."

"Hey now," Gemma said. "Tomorrow is a Date Night for us, so there shouldn't be any morning blowjobs anyways."

"That's true, sorry," Sabrina apologised. "You're right."

"I was just kidding," Gemma said, rubbing Sabrina's shoulder. "I wouldn't expect anything less from a fellow DD Enthusiast."

That made Sabrina laugh.

"Alright, that's my cue to leave," you said, shaking your head with a rueful grin. "We need to get back to work before Joy gets in."

"Oh, fuck her," Sabrina sneered.

"The point is for me tonot fuck her, Sabrina," you pointed out.

She slapped your ass as you turned to open the office door. "You know what I meant."

"I did," you said as you gestured for her to leave before you, and when she did you grabbed her small butt through her clingy but business-appropriate dress. She shot you a naughty look but was already out in the hall so she kept walking.

Gemma was leaving right after her and seeing what you did, she slowed down and pushed her butt out a bit, looking at you and biting her bottom lip teasingly.

"What am I going to do with you," you shook your head but grinned. You palmed her ass and squeezed it for a long moment. "Love you," you said quietly.

"Love you too, love," Gemma grinned, then walked out. She was in a pantsuit today and you were perfectly happy to walk after her, watching her ass in the tight pants.

Chapter 133

We got to work, and the start of the day rolled by, and you had two open spots at the table in the conference room. It became a bit of a betting situation between the four of you of whether Andy would make it in before Joy or not. You hadn't mentioned to the others that Joy looked down the most on Andy since he was already the butt of enough jokes, but it did make you worry for him. He wasn't a very good worker, and you doubted he would ever make it through law school (if he even made it in), but you didn't have any ill will towards him.

Joy arrived 30 minutes late, sweeping into the room like she owned it and not offering any explanations as to why she was late. Instead, she immediately went in on her 'supervisor' schtick, grilling us on what we'd been doing for the morning. She stacked additional work onto each of our plates - not that we hadn't known that the things she was saying needed doing. She was just micromanaging who would do what and clearly leaving herself with only some token tasks to work on.

That was when she noticed the doughnut box sitting in the middle of the table. "Oh, don't mind if I do," she said to no one, not even bothering to ask who brought them.

The rest of you all glanced at each other because you all knew that the box was empty.

When Joy flipped open the lid her face immediately fell from her self-satisfied smirk. She clicked her tongue loudly and started to sneer. "Who did this?"

"What do you mean?" you asked. "I was on the coffee run this morning, so I brought them."

"No, I mean who ate mine?" she demanded.

"They weren't labelled or anything, Joy," Sabrina said.

Joy immediately turned her glare on Sabrina. "Well, clearly there was enough here that one should be left for me, and if you brats had any respect you would have made sure to save yourdirect superior something. Now I'm going to have to do something about this."

"Joy, they got eaten before you got here. And you came in late," Gemma said.

"I'mallowed to come in whenever I want," Joy said. "That doesn't mean you can take things from me!"

"Joy, you weren't here," you said. "How could someone take something from you that wasn't yours, and you weren't here to accept?"

She narrowed her eyes at you, and you could practically see the steam coming out of her ears as her self-entitled attitude boiled over. "No one leave this room," she growled, and grabbed the empty box and stormed out of the office.

The four of you were silent for a minute before Eric piped up, "So, she's acting crazy, right? It's not just me?"

"Just be happy we didn't point out you ate two," Sabrina smirked across the table at him.

"Yeah. Uh, thanks," Eric said.

A few minutes later Mrs Bellagamba strode up to the conference room door and stood with her hands on her hips, frowning at you all, while Joy smirked at you over her mother's shoulder. "Well, I'm quite disappointed in you kids," Mrs Bellagamba said. "Apparently things were a bit of a mess while I was away and certain important notes didn't get passed on to you all. When you are doing the morning coffee orders, it is entirely inappropriate for you interns to purchase food or drink for yourselves on the Company dime. Have I made myself clear?"

You all nodded, which seemed to make her angrier. "I said, do I make myself clear!?"

"Yes, Ma'am," you all muttered, passing looks between you.

"Good," she said. "In that case, who did the coffee order this morning?"

"I did," you said, immediately owning it.

"Well, you will not be reimbursed for the purchases this morning as a corrective measure for this overstep. And you will go out and purchase a drink and snack for Joy immediately to replace the ones that she didn't receive this morning. Now, why didn't you bring memy coffee this morning?"

You were thrown off by the rollercoaster of ridiculous that just hit you. "Um," you said. "Uh, you didn't send in an order on the Slack chat for coffee this morning and you haven't told us you want a standing order. And you can't just force me to buy things for your daughter."

Mrs Bellagamba's face went completely neutral, which wasn't all that different from the pleasantly aloof look she'd had before, but was subtly less positive. "You're excused."

"Pardon?" you asked.

"You're excused," she said again, more forcefully. "Your services are no longer needed."

You could see Gemma and Sabrina immediately begin to speak, but you spoke louder and first. "We should probably go talk to HR then," you said.

"Yes, let's get your exit interview underway," she smiled with a false syrupiness.

"Great. I'm electing to bring a witness for my own protection," you said.

This made that fake little smile drop a bit. "That's certainly not necessary, but you can certainly choose any of your little friends. I'm sure they'll be happy to accompany us to your termination meeting."

"Oh, no," you said. "My witness isn't here. I'll go get them."

"I'll accompany you," Mrs Bellagamba said through pursed, disapproving lips. "Joy, you get the rest of the kids back to work, please."

"Of course, Mother," Joy said, walking in past her and sneering at all of us.

You resisted the urge to wink at, or even look at, Sabrina or Gemma - you didn't want to bring any more attention to them. Stiff backed, and ass clenched in an adrenaline-fueled panic, you walked out of the conference room. "He's just down this way," you said, walking down one of the halls.

"And which Associate in particular do you think is going to want to take the time to sit in on this?" Mrs Bellagamba asked. "They all have better things to be doing, and you may think you've made some friends but I assure you, you mean very little to them."

"I'm not asking an Associate," you said, glancing over your shoulder at her. "I'm asking Mr Garrison."

Chapter 134

Mr Garrison made this growly sighing noise as he sat in his chair with the bridge of his nose pinched between the forefinger of either hand. His eyes were closed as he absorbed everything he'd just heard.

You were sitting in the same chair in front of his desk that you'd been in the morning before, but instead of Gemma sitting next to you, Mrs Bellagamba was standing with one hand on her hip. As soon as you'd knocked on Garrison's door and asked him to be a witness for you he had gotten this look on his face that was somewhere between 'Oh good God why' and 'I'm too old for this shit.' When he'd asked what for, and you mentioned it was for an HR meeting because you were getting fired, the 'Oh good God why' disappeared and settled into the Too Old look. Bellagamba had pushed past you and entered the office, talking about how you were stealing funds from the firm and were petulant and disrespectful.

Garrison then asked you what happened, and you told him everything that had happened in the Conference room. There was a part of you that wondered if now was the time to leverage the Joy issue entirely - the problem was, a Partner of the firm was already trying to fire you, and trying to blurt out a sexual harassment claim to counter it without evidence would make it look less reliable.

"You can go back to work as usual, John," Garrison finally said.

"Terry-" Bellagamba started.

Garrison held up a finger. "Cheryl." She clicked her mouth shut and glared at him, and he turned back to you. "As usual."

"Thank you, sir," you said, and got out of the chair and slipped out of the office. One of them shut the office door behind you, and you walked to the next office over which was Jimmy Garfield's, one of the associates who worked from home more often than not. And he wasn't in at the moment. You closed the door and sat down at the desk, pretending to work and trying to listen to the muffled sounds of conversation.

Unfortunately, the office building was well designed and you couldn't make much more out than both of them raising their voices, first Bellagamba, and then Garrison. Deciding to abandon the idea, you slipped back out of the office and considered stopping by HR anyways to make a complaint, but that could undo whatever Garrison was doing if you made an official report.

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