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The OF Girl Ch. 021-030

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You've discovered a fellow intern has started a new hobby...
10.6k words

Part 3 of the 45 part series

Updated 03/26/2024
Created 09/13/2022
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All Characters are 18 years or older.

When a law office intern discovers that a fellow intern is one of his favourite new OnlyFans performers, a ball begins rolling that will bring a boring summer of paperwork and coffee-fetching into an avalanche of sexual adventure. Fair warning to readers, this story will jump categories. This collection includes exhibition and voyeurism through video mutual masturbation, flirting and blowjobs.

OFG is a variation story based on the setup by Aurelian14, and is an ongoing patronized work sponsored by him. Originally written in small chapter releases, they will be collected here on Literotica in 10 chapter chunks for smoother reading.


Chapter 21

You were getting a heavy dose of conversational whiplash and it was starting to fuck with you. At the top of your mind was the fact that you knew things that you weren't supposed to know.

"OK, OK," you said. "Hold on a sec, I think I need to do some catching up here. What does Gemma have to do with you and me?"

Sabrina blew an errant strand of hair away from her face and then took my sunglasses off so she was looking at me through the camera. "First, there's only five of us interns. Of the three guys, you're the only one worth dating. I wasn't planning on dating anyone this summer because of, well, y'know. But now we've fucked up the dynamic, and I pissed off Gemma because she's been flirting with you for weeks."

"Wait, what?" you stopped her. "No she hasn't."

Sabrina raised one her thin eyebrows. "Dude, what was all that teasing between you two? And being helpful to each other all the time?"

"Gemma's been teasing everyone," you said. "And we've all been helping each other."

Sabrina shook her head. "No, you've been helping everyone. Gemma only pays it back to me because I'm the only other girl, and you because she's interested. And you two tease each other, Gemma only pokes fun at Andy and Eric. It's a laughing with you, laughing at them distinction."

You rested your head back on the couch, looking up at the ceiling. Was all of this true? Were you that blind, or was Sabrina playing it up to try and fix her relationship with Gemma?

"OK, I just-" you said, then sighed. "Look, I'm new to this whole no-strings thing we agreed to. Just bear with me for a second while I check the facts, OK?"

"Mhmm," Sabrina nodded.

"OK. So you and I are not dating. We are friends, and co-workers, and we're going to have sex. But we're not going to date. And you are telling me that I should date Gemma, our co-worker, and presumably have intimate relations with her at some point. While I'm still having sex with you. And you are totally OK with this."

Sabrina nodded again. "Plus you're maybe going to help me with my OnlyFans stuff. You did say you would."

"Sure, yes," you agreed. "Happy to help. But I just... me actively dating someone else, and maybe flirting or some office PDA in front of you, that's not going to make you jealous or anything?"

"No," Sabrina shook her head. "I mean, it might make me horny because I think you and Gemma are both hot. But we aren't dating."

"OK," you said. When you were honest with yourself after the conversation, you weren't sure if you believed that totally, but what were you going to do? Challenge the hot girl telling you to fuck the other hot girl? "So, last thing. Is this something Gemma is going to be OK with? Like, are you and I supposed to be a secret from her, or is she going to be aware? And like, if she does know how much is she supposed to know?"

Sabrina sighed and gave me a look through the camera. "Baby," then she smirked, "Daddy. You are jumping way further ahead than necessary. Just take her for drinks and see if you two even want to actually date, or if it's just summer flirting. If things are good and go further, I'll handle it."

You stared at Sabrina through the phone, and she stared back. Finally you sighed and shrugged. "Yeah, OK. What am I going to do, fight you on this or something?"

"Good," Sabrina smiled, which slid towards a smirk. "Thank you, Daddy."

"Oh my god, Sabrina," you snorted. "You're starting to make me think you've actually got daddy issues."

"Actually? My dad is a wonderful provider and completely loving to me and my sisters and mom," she said. "So no daddy issues here. Just a horny girl who you blue-balled today."

"Hey, that was not my fault," you said.

"Oh yeah?" She asked. "Then why haven't I been able to get these under control?" Sabrina scanned the phone down, showing off her small chest again, and used her free hand to slowly pull the cups of her bikini top aside until she was showing me her nipples, each one capping a perfect little pale titty and budded up firm with her arousal.

You cleared your throat and grinned as you shifted lower on the couch. "Well those just look like they need some seeing to," you said.

Sabrina pouted her lips and then teased one of her nipples, brushing it with her fingertips before slowly pulling on it and then letting it pop back, making her small breast jiggle for a moment. "Mmm, they really do. But there's other parts of me that need some attention as well."

She lowered the camera down her body, showing off her softly thin stomach and cute little belly button, then lower until that string bikini bottom was showing, the top of her pubic hair visible. "What do you think?"

"I think you are a professional, grade A, no competition, top notch tease if I've ever known one. God, you know how to push my buttons, Sabrina."

She hummed her delight at this, and then slowly tugged the bikini bottoms lower until her entire mound and the little exclamation point of her pubic hair was visible, but not her lips. "Ugh, you say the nicest things, John," Sabrina laughed. "I'm so fucking turned on right now, I feel like I might be leaking. Is there a wet spot?"

"Hard to tell," you said. "Black fabric isn't showing well on camera."

"Are you hard?" She asked you.

You'd been holding your shaft since you'd moved on from the Gemma conversation. "Yes, Sabrina. You've got me hard as a rock."

Sabrina moved the camera away and up to her face again. My sunglasses were back down over her eyes, and she bit her lip in that cute/sexy way that made you want to growl. "Show me?" She asked.

"Um, ah, yeah," you said, a little surprised. You'd never had someone ask to see your cock before like this. You fumbled with the phone in your hand until you managed to reverse the camera, and then adjusted the angle so that you were showing your hard dick to Sabrina with your hand wrapped around the base.

"Fuck, that's hot," Sabrina moaned. You were still able to watch her with the camera reversed, and you saw her bite her bottom lip fully now and her shoulder moved in a way that made you think she was rubbing herself. "John, I ah, I had a thought..."

Chapter 22

"I was wondering how you would feel about us having a little phone sex," Sabrina said. "But maybe I also record it for content?"

You hesitated, but nodded.

"John?" she asked, and you remembered she was looking at your hard cock on the screen instead of your face. "Sorry, sorry," you said, tapping the screen and reversing the camera again so she could see you. "I was nodding. Yeah, I think I'd be OK with that."

Now it was her turn to hesitate for a moment. "And is it OK if your dick is in the recording? I'm not sure how to just record my side of the call."

"Oh," you said. "Uh, yeah, I guess."

"Sweet," Sabrina said. "I guess we don't want your voice recorded, so this is going to be sort of one-sided in the talking."

"That's not really phone sex, is it?" you asked.

She smirked. "I guess not, but I'll still put that in the title. OK, so flip your camera back around so I can see that tasty cock of yours, and I'll start recording."

You did so, holding your dick in one hand and keeping your phone propped up with the other, and Sabrina was tapping on her own phone busily for a few moments.

"Alright, it's recording," she said. "Ready?"

"For a while now," you chuckled.

Sabrina smirked, and then bit her lip. She had the camera pointed at her face, cutting off at her nose so that only her lips were showing, and was laying on her side. Her chest and little bit of cleavage was visible, framed in her bikini top. "Hey baby. I just wanted to call and say how much I appreciated our lunch yesterday. I'm sorry we didn't end up getting to see each other, my boss was really riding me hard at work."

You waggled your cock back and forth like you were shaking your head, and she giggled.

"I know, I know, phrasing," she laughed. Sabrina was using her OnlyFans voice, a little lower and more sultry than her own. "But I am sorry. I'm glad you're willing to let me make it up to you while I'm sitting out here on my balcony catching some sun. Do you maybe want to watch?"

Now you waggled your cock forward and back like a nod.

"Hmm, great. I love the way your cock looks on my phone, just dominating the entire screen. It makes me want to lick my phone just to try and get a taste. If I show you my titties do you think you could stroke it for me a bit?"

You gave yourself a half stroke.

"Mmm, you know I don't think I've gotten my nipples under control since the restaurant?" she said, and with one hand she teased her fingers over the bumps in her bikini top and playing with the outside hem. "They've been hard little knots just begging for some attention. I wish these were your fingers, you could feel how hard they are thinking about you and your big cock. And then you could pull my naughty little bikini aside just like this." Sabrina did so, revealing one of her tits to you again. The nipple was hard and a ruddy pink, completely suckable. "You could play with it with your thumb first, then give it some little pinches. Gosh! I can feel that tingle all the way down to my pussy. You know my nipples like it a little rough, right? So after pinching abit, you can really give them a nice twisssst."

Sabrina hissed as she rolled her nipple firmly between her thumb and finger, her skin twisting and then snapping back into place with a jiggle as she let go. In response you started stroking your cock slowly.

"Mmm, that's nice baby, start working that cock. But you're not happy yet, are you?" she said, lips twisted into a smiling bout at the top of the screen. "You're not happy with just a bit of me. You want both of my needy little titties." She then shifted, laying on her back with the camera looking down at her, and she pulled the other side of the bikini top aside and gave the other nipple the same treatment as she moaned softly.

You gripped your cock and nodded it again, then stroked a little faster.

"You want more, baby? Do you need more of me?" she asked.

You nodded your cock again.

"Well, I bet I know what you want," she said, then started panning the camera lower, following her hand as it skimmed over her trim stomach, brushing past the dimple of her belly button down to show her bikini bottoms. "I know, baby. I'm being so naughty wearing this bikini where people might see me. I'm a filthy little girl though, I don't care if men or women are watching from any other apartments and can see my pubic hair. I know you think it's sexy, so it makes me feel extra naughty to walk around with it showing. And it's also fun to tease myself with." She ran her fingers through the upper, visible portion of the little exclamation point her pubic hair was shorn into, and then pinched it between her fingers and gave it a tug. Her legs twitched and spread a bit when she did it, and then again.

You started stroking faster.

"Oh, you like that baby?" she asked. "You like when I get a little spark of pain with the pleasure? I bet you'd like to spank me right now, wouldn't you?"

You let go of your cock and made a motion like you were slapping your inner thighs, then returned to your cock.

Sabrina gasped. "You'd spank my thighs? That would sting so bad, baby, but just thinking about it has got me dripping wet. Hold on." Sabrina trailed her hand from her pubic hair to her thigh, then rubbed the pale skin and gave it a little slap. "Ooh, I don't know if I can do it to myself," she said. "Your hand is just so much bigger than mine, and you can be more forceful. I bet you'd turn both of my thighs red."

You jacked off a little faster again.

"And then what would you do, baby? If you're already giving me spankings for being a naughty tease, would you spank my pussy, too? My naughty, horny little pussy that you got all wet, and all it wants is your cock?"

Sabrina ran her fingers through her pubic hair again, then under the waistband of her tiny bikini bottoms so her fingers were obviously cupping her pussy. "What do you think, baby? Is my pussy too naughty to even come out to play?"

Chapter 23

You stroked your cock, and Sabrina hummed on the other end of the video call.

"Mmm," she moaned. "Is that precum I see?"

It was, beading from your tip. You swiped your fingers through it and slowly rubbed it down your shaft.

"Fuck, that's so hot, baby," Sabrina crooned. "I feel like I can taste it on my tongue just thinking about it. MMmmmm." As she hummed her desire, her fingers shifted under the bikini bottoms and slowly inserted into her pussy. "Fuuuuck, you make me so wet, baby," she said.

This whole note being able to talk back to her thing was getting frustrating.

"Look," Sabrina said. She pulled her fingers out from under the bikini bottoms and held them up to the camera. You could clearly see the slimy clear juices on her fingers. "This is what you do to me, baby. This is how I've been feeling aaall day thinking about you. Can you imagine that? Me, sitting at work surrounded by my coworkers, with a hot... horny... juicy pussy just screaming to get fucked raw?"

Now you ramped up your jerking pace again.

"And my pussy is sitting there, wanting any old cock. It'd bend over and take it from my boss or the worst intern in the whole company, it's so fucking juicy and needy and slutty, but I make it wait because only you get to play with me, baby. Just you, and that big, fat dick of yours. Oh baby, just watching you is making me so fucking hot I can't stand it."

Sabrina pulled the bikini bottoms aside, revealing her cooch. It wasn't quite shimmering, but it was obvious she was fully aroused. Her labia were swollen, her inner lips were flowered open and she slid two fingers inside as if it were nothing. "That's it, baby," Sabrina whispered. "That's it, stroke that fucking cock for me, baby. That big fucking cock that belongs right here in my pretty little pussy. My needy, slutty, whore pussy, but just for you, baby. Just for you, no one else. Fuuuck." She added a third finger.

You were pumping hard now, your cock feeling swollen, your balls tightening up.

"Oh! Oh, fuck, baby are you going to cum? Are you going to spew that thick load all over for me?" Sabrina asked. "God, I wish we could be together. I'd want that load all over my face. The first load on my face for sure - ungh - and then the next one? I think I want the next one all over my ass after you've - umhmmm - after you've fucked me doggy style. And then I'd feel you using that cum to test me, to start prodding at my little back door. My virgin little ass that's never had a man in it before, and I'd know I should stop you, but I can't say no to you baby. I- I- Fuuuuhuuuuck!"

She went over the top. Sabrina had started ramming her three fingers into herself, the juicy sounds squishing as she fingered herself into an orgasm. And the thing is, you were right there with her, imagining all those slutty things she was saying were coming to life. Unloading on her face, leaving her plastered in your cum. Fucking her from behind, driving her face into the pillows of her bed, or better yet into the grass outside as you railed her over and over. Prodding your cock at the entrance to her asshole, taking what you wanted from her as she let you do it.

You came hard, the first volley shooting up into the air and falling back onto your hand. The next two catching less height, but doing the same.

"Oooh, oh, baby," Sabrina hummed happily. "That looked so good, baby. So tasty. God, you came so hard for me. Mmm, I wish I could just lick that up."

She raised the camera back up, passing by her bare tits again until her lips were back in frame. "OK, baby," she said. "I think we both need to clean ourselves up. That was so much fun, I can't wait to play with you again."

She smiled, holding it for a long moment, and then she broke character. Sabrina rolled onto her side, raising the camera back to show her whole face again. "Oh my god, you came like a fucking horse, John." she laughed. "I almost broke character. I can't even imagine getting hit with a load like that."

"Fuck, that was hot, Sabrina," you said. "You really know how to use your words to get me going."

"Hmm, I'm glad you appreciated it. Daddy."

"Alright, enough of that," I laughed. "I think I really do need to clean up though."

"Same. OK, remember, you are asking out Gemma tomorrow for drinks," Sabrina said. "Maybe it's best if you don't jerk off again tonight or tomorrow morning. Save it all up in case things go really well." She grinned naughtily and then stuck out her tongue.

"I can't see things going that well," I sighed. "I mean, maybe me and Gemma work well, but she really doesn't strike me as a First Date Fuck kind of girl."

"True, but maybe I'll talk her into it for you," Sabrina grinned. "Anyways, tomorrow drinks with Gemma. Make it happen. Then the next day you're coming to my place after work, OK?"

"I am?" I asked.

"Yeah, you are," she said. "And you're bringing that cock of yours with you. This was definitely not enough to keep me satisfied."

"Well the good news is you've got it recorded," you said. "You can watch it over and over."

Sabrina let her mouth drop open in mock surprise. "By jeeves, you're right!"

"Hey, Sabrina," you said.


"Today was a lot of fun," you said. "Thanks for being a good - well, whatever we are at this point."

"Co-worker fuck budies with side business benefits?"

"Yeah, that one's going to need some workshopping," I laughed.

"Good night, John," Sabrina said.

"Good night," you replied, and had to stop the last words from slipping off your tongue.

The call ended, and you could still feel them hanging there, wanting to be said.

"Fuck me," you finally said instead. It was too early in any world to say what you'd wanted to say. "Come on, man. Get your head in the game."

Chapter 24

It was your turn for the coffee that morning, so you weren't in quite as bright and early as you had the day before. Just the difference in the last twenty-four hours had you staring off into space while you were in line at the coffee shop down the street from the office.

"Excuse me? Sir?"

You shook your head, waking yourself up. "Sorry, sorry," you mumbled, stepping up to the counter and thumbing open your phone to read off the orders. "I need three black coffees extra large, plus an almond macchiato large, a french vanilla large, two cold brews medium aaaand can I get one of those chocolate pastry things?" You asked.

"Sure," the girl behind the counter said. She was a pretty girl who took care of herself, but she'd applied more makeup than she needed - probably wanting to distract from the fact that she was a little overweight. That didn't stop her from showing off a significant amount of cleavage crammed into her uniform shirt, and just noticing that made you think of Gemma and the first time you'd ever seen her not buttoned up, prim and proper, yesterday after hours.

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