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The OF Girl Ch. 331-340

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You've discovered a fellow intern has started a new hobby...
11.9k words

Part 34 of the 45 part series

Updated 03/26/2024
Created 09/13/2022
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All Characters are 18 years or older.

When a law office intern discovers that a fellow intern is one of his favourite new OnlyFans performers, a ball begins rolling that will bring a boring summer of paperwork and coffee-fetching into an avalanche of sexual adventure. Fair warning to readers, this story will jump categories. This collection of chapters includes awkward conversations, goodbyes, risky beach sex, MFF, heartfelt conversations, end of the long weekend, and awkward revelations from Mosche.

OFG is a variation story based on the setup by Aurelian14, and is an ongoing patronized work sponsored by him. Originally written in small chapter releases, they will be collected here on Literotica in 10 chapter chunks for smoother reading.


Chapter 331

"Don't forget your Tupperware," Gemma said, darting into the kitchen from near the front door.

"Oh, thanks dear," Mallory said.

Cleanup had been fun, with a lot of grab-ass going on as the four of you crammed into the tiny shower. You'd even managed to get hard again, but the girls had taken it easy on you and other than a quick, soapy titty-fuck from Mallory you'd mostly just been getting clean.

Then, dressed again, you all headed downstairs. Sabrina bit the bullet and snuck halfway down the stairs to find out if Edgar and Genevieve were still down there, and she came back up shaking her head. It was impossible to know if they actuallyhad gone back down there to fuck or if Gen had been too weirded out and left after the surprise encounter in the kitchen.

"That was a hell of a lot of fun, Mallory," you said, taking her in your arms.

"It was," she agreed and leaned in to kiss you sweetly on the mouth. You grabbed her ass lightly and she smiled into the kiss before pulling away. "Honestly, I didn't even realize how much I might have needed that." She turned to Sabrina and hugged her tightly.

"Well, if you ever feel like a repeat, just give us a call," Sabrina said. "You've got mine and Gemma's numbers."

"We'll see what my husband thinks," Mallory chuckled. "I know I'm going to get absolutely railed tonight after the bar closes, but longer-term this might just be a one-time thing."

"That's totally understandable," Gemma said, coming back with the brownie container and handing it over. Mallory put it in her purse and then hugged Gemma tightly, too. "We wouldn't ever want to get in the way of your home life."

"You kids are- ugh!" Mallory sighed. "Perfect. If you lived closer, I'd honestly be considering finding my hubby a more full-time girlfriend and opening up our marriage some more so this could keep happening. I loved turning you into motherfuckers."

"And we loved fucking a mother," you chuckled. The four of you all hugged, and Mallory kissed each of you on the forehead. "Have a safe walk home," you said as she pulled away and stepped out the door and onto the porch.

"Thanks, babes," Mallory said, waving lightly before starting down the driveway.

Sabrina started closing the door, but Gemma said, "One sec," and slipped out, following Mallory down the driveway. The two blondes stopped, and you and Sabrina closed the front door most of the way and watched through the crack, trying not to look like you were spying. Gemma and Mallory spoke for about a minute and then they hugged again, and Mallory kissed Gemma on the cheek before Gemma came back to the house and Mallory left.

"What was that about?" Sabrina asked.

"Oh, I was just thanking her for putting up with your bratty ass," Gemma joked, making Sabrina smirk and roll her eyes.

"Don't pry, baby," you said, hugging Sabrina from behind.

"Fine," Sabrina sighed.

"Thanks, love," Gemma said, smiling serenely at you.

"You're welcome," you said, then let go of Sabrina and stood between them, taking both their hands. "OK. I thought that went really... fucking amazing? Even better? Other than the Genevieve surprise. Do we need to do any debriefing?"

"I'm good," Gemma said.

"Me too," Sabrina said. "I mean, I'm fucking horny already and might rub one out to the pictures we took, but I'm good with everything."

"Actually, we do need to talk about one thing," Gemma said, tugging the two of you into the living room. "Edgar knows we hooked up with Mallory, which probably means all of your friends are going to know. What's our response to that?"

You had to take a breath, and then shrug. "What's it matter?" you asked. "It's not like we're ashamed of it, right? She was open and willing, none of us were cheating. We had a really good time, and so did she."

"Do you think the guys can handle it?" Sabrina asked. "I mean, Corey and Victoria might be a little embarrassed to know but should be fine, and Ollie might want details and be jealous. But what about Brent and Paul?"

That made you stop to think for a moment - how would they react? In the past, your rare hookups had always been met with high-fives. The revelation of you dating Sabrina and Gemma had also generally been accepted the same way. Was this whole thing one break too much, though? Neither of them had found a weekend fling, while you showed up with two girlfriends and hooked up with what might have been the hottest MILF you'd ever seen.

"I... think they should be fine," you said. "I might get a little ribbing about it, but I can give it back as good as I get, especially because I can just warn them that their Moms might be next."

That brought a snort from Gemma as she covered her mouth, and Sabrina grinned in a way that made you worried she mightactually try to seduce someone's Mom.

"What about Edgar?" Gemma asked. "We've already had some issues this weekend."

"Edgar can eat a bag of dicks if he has a problem with it," you said. "He was hooking up with her daughter. He can't say anything."

"Then it's decided that we take a little ribbing, but shut down anything else," Sabrina said definitively. Then she leaned back on the couch and spread her arms, letting out a long breath. "You know? That wasn't thebest sex we've had, but it was definitely up there. Top 3 for sure."

"Satisfied with yourself?" Gemma chuckled.

"Very," Sabrina grinned. Then she glanced over at you. "But don't think that now that we've fucked a MILF, and just because you've fucked my twin sister, you can go after my Mom."

"What?" you asked sarcastically. "I thought that was the whole point of this!"

Gemma snorted again and started laughing, and Sabrina rolled her eyes in an extra-exaggerated way and then leaned over and kissed you. "Not unless she's a widow, and fifty years from now," Sabrina said.

"Alright, deal," you chuckled, kissing her back.

"OK, you two," Gemma sighed, standing up. "Based on the time, there's about forty minutes until we're supposed to be meeting for dinner. Let's start getting things together, yeah?"

"I think you mean, 'Come on, kitchen bitches. Get cooking,'" Sabrina said, and instead of standing up she swung her leg over you and straddled you, hugging you tightly.

"That's exactly what I meant," Gemma said, coming over and swatting Sabrina on the ass over her dress. Then she frowned and felt Sabrina's ass some more. "Babe. Underwear. Now."

"Mmm!" Sabrina whined like a little kid, pouting at you, making you laugh. Then she laughed and stood up, spinning and kissing Gemma. "Yes, Mistress."

"That's more like it," Gemma giggled, sending her back towards the stairs with another swat to the butt. Once Sabrina was heading up the stairs Gemma turned back to you and stuck her tongue out, lifting the front of her own dress and flashing you her bare pussy.

"Naughty, Mistress," you snorted, standing up and taking Gemma in your arms, kissing her gently. She responded, feeding you a little tongue, and then pulled away to look at you with half-closed eyes.

"I'm so fucking happy, John," she said.

"Me too, love," you replied, squeezing her tighter. "Me too."

Chapter 332

Ollie, Corey and Victoria were the first of your friends to come back to the Air B&B, which was on brand for the division of labour going on all weekend. None of them said anything about Mallory, and Corey and Victoria immediately jumped in to help you and Sabrina with the food prep while Ollie went upstairs to start packing. Everyone other than you, Gemma and Sabrina needed to head back that night, and if she was going to wrangle the boys into doing dishes after dinner she wanted to get things done for herself early.

Corey and Victoria filled you and Sabrina in on how the afternoon had gone down at the beach, which sounded like it had been a chill day in the sand and surf. A quick look, and a slight flush to Sabrina's cheeks, was enough for them to understand whatyou had generally been getting up to all afternoon. When Ollie came back down she started moving food over to the table - other than the requisite salad, it was mostly a whole ton of kebabs with chopped vegetables, along with hunks of pork and chicken. You were running back and forth from the BBQ outside to a couple of pans inside to try and make sure everything was cooked through but not dried out.

The guys showed up a little after six, which was actually pretty good considering Ollie had been worried they would show upway late. And again, when they came in, there were no immediate questions. Edgar definitely shot you a look at one point, but other than that the boys piled into their seats at the table after grabbing their drinks, and everyone tucked in.

"So," Brent said after he'd finished his first kebab, looking down the table at you with a bit of a smirk starting. "Edgar says that you guys had a pretty busy afternoon."

"You mean when him and his local girl crashed our hookup?" you asked.

Paul almost choked on the piece of pepper he'd been biting into as he laughed and tried to cover it.

"Wait, you guys hooked up with someone?" Ollie asked, raising her eyebrow. "Like, all three of you?"

"It was the lady from the hippy store yesterday," Sabrina said offhandedly.

"That super hot MILF?" Ollie asked.

"Mhmm," Sabrina hummed and nodded with a self-satisfied smile.

"Dude," Ollie said, then turned to look at you. "Dude!"

"Was that the lady you were talking with last night?" Corey asked.

"At the bar," Gemma confirmed. "She's pretty awesome. And great in the sack."

Paul was coughing and trying to get himself together, and Brent was snickering.

"I don't think us picking up a super hot older woman is the real headline of the story though," you said. "Is it, Edgar?"

"Wait, what doesthat mean?" Brent asked.

Edgar squirmed a little in his seat, then sighed. "She was the mom of the girl I was hooking up with," he admitted.

"Wait, wait, wait," Ollie said. "You guys fucked the Mom of the virgin chick Edgar was getting with?"

"Technically we fucked her several times," Sabrina said with a little smirk.

"And Genevieve definitely wasn't a virgin," Gemma said.

"Well obviously," Brent said. "She was a MILF."

"Oh, no," you said. "Mallory was the name of the woman we were with. Genevieve was her daughter."

Paul fell out of his chair, crying he was laughing so hard.

"Shesaid she was a virgin," Edgar exclaimed.

"Dude, I could tell she wasn't," Ollie chortled. "I mean, you seriously bought that?"

"Well, why wouldn't I?!" Edgar asked.

"I'm getting big 'Wedding Crashers' vibes off of this," Corey chuckled. For some reasonthat was what set Victoria off into nervous, embarrassed giggles. Gemma, who was sitting beside her, started giggling too and took her hand, squeezing it as she leaned into her.

"OK, OK," Paul panted, getting up into his chair. "So... you guys had sex with Edgar's non-virgin local hookup's Mom. Did the whole run-in thing happen too?"

"Oh, it was awkward as shit," Sabrina said. "Basically, like, 'Surprise, your Dad and I are sexual beings and somehow you missed that even though you're a bit of a slut.'"

"This. Is. Amazing," Ollie said.

"Was the Dad OK with it?" Corey asked.

"Yes, though we're not giving details," Gemma said. "Not our story to tell."

"Alright, alright," you finally said. "Now you guys know, so how about we change the subject? Even Edgar's thing isn't actually embarrassing."

"No, but it's still hilarious," Paul said, grinning over the table at his brother.

"Careful," Brent said. "Piss off John and he might just seduceyour Mom next."

"Bah!" Paul barked a laugh. "You three couldn't handle our Mom even if you tried."

"You haven't seen how big my strap-on is," Gemma said with a smirk, which got Ollie giggling hard, which set Victoria off again.

Finally, you managed to change the subject and everyone started talking about what they were doing for the rest of the summer. There wasn't likely going to be another meetup before the school year, so it was nice to just know what was going on with your friends. But then you remembered you needed to have a more serious conversation, and you were very much running out of time to have it in person.

Now or never, you sighed internally.

"So, guys," you said. "I think maybe you can see this coming, but I should put it out there. I'm... going to be moving in with Sabrina for the year."

"God damn it," Paul groaned.

"Hah, I win," Brent said.

Paul fished in his pocket and took out his wallet, pulling a twenty out and handing it to Brent.

"You guys bet on that?" Sabrina asked.

"Oh, we figured as soon as we saw you two together that you'd be moving in together," Paul admitted. "I just thought that you would move in with John instead of him moving in with you."

"Why the hell would she want to move in with you guys?" Ollie asked.

"It was wishful thinking!" Paul defended himself. "Our place could use a woman's touch, and you two together are halfway decent in the kitchen."

"Gee, thanks," you rolled your eyes.

"So you guys aren't mad at John?" Gemma asked.

"No, of course not," Brent said. "We'll get someone to take his room. And this way we won't have to hear you two banging all the time - our walls are thin as hell."

"Shit, we won't need to hear you two banging other girls and making us jealous, too," Paul laughed.

That, you realized, wasn't something that had been covered in discussions between you, Gemma and Sabrina yet.

Chapter 333

"See you, big guy," Ollie said, pulling you into a hug. The house was cleaned, the cars were getting packed, and your friend had pulled you back into the living room as the boys were figuring out how they had crammed everything into the two vehicles on the way out.

"Big guy?" you asked.

"Well, all of the names I used to call you don't fit anymore," she said, squeezing you tighter until you hugged her back properly. She pulled back, keeping her hands on your arms. "Seriously, John. You've changed since the end of last year. I don't know if it was happening anyway, or if Sabrina and Gemma brought it on, but you're more... mature. It looks good on you."

"Thanks, Ollie," you said.

"Now don't fuck it up," she smirked.

"Not on my life," you promised her.

"So you guys hook up with other people, huh?" she asked.

"Didn't get in enough digs at the dinner table?"

"I didn't getany digs in then," she said. "I was just surprised that if you guys were open to that, neither of the girls asked me. I got a hint of flirtiness for a while there until today."

"You're too close to home, Ollie," you said. "And don't get me wrong, I think Sabrina in particular would have been into it, but we've got rules. Another one is that we'll only hook up with people who are interested inall of us."

"You think I wouldn't take your dick to get at Gemma and Sabrina?" she asked sarcastically.

"Iknow you wouldn't," you said, pulling her into another hug. "Plus, my dick would turn you bi, and what wouldthat do to your reputation?"

She snorted and hugged you back again. "Get back to the city safe," she mumbled.

"You too. Don't let the guys do anything stupid."

"When do I ever?" she asked.

"All the time," you said.

"Not whenmy ass is on the line," she chuckled. The hug ended and you two headed back outside. Ollie went and hugged Gemma and Sabrina goodbye, the girls talking quickly. Sabrina would be in your circle from now on back at school, but Ollie wouldn't see Gemma again any time soon.

Corey and Victoria came over and gave you hugs goodbye as well, followed by the guys though that was more of a bunch of shoving and teasing. Then, it felt like all at once, they were in the cars and driving away. Sabrina came over and stood on one side of you, looping her arm with yours, and Gemma came up on the other and took your hand in both of hers, leaning her head against your shoulder.

"Sad to see them go?" Gemma asked.

"A little," you said. "But then again, we've got the whole place to ourselves for one last night."

"Naked hot tub?" Sabrina asked.

"There are still neighbours, Sabrina," Gemma chuckled. "Plus, I thought you wanted to fuck on the beach tonight."

"... good point," Sabrina grinned.

"Are we really doing that?" you asked.

"I think we are, love," Gemma said, turning to hug you and kiss your cheek. "But first, I think we should give you alittle more time to recover from your three-woman fuckfest this afternoon. I'm thinking movie night?"

The three of you headed back inside, and soon Gemma had hooked her laptop up to the TV in the living room and you were all sprawled on the same couch, limbs crisscrossing as you watched Cruel Intentions, which neither you nor Sabrina had watched. After the scene where Sarah Michelle Geller's character taught Selma Blair's character how to kiss, Sabrina turned over and reached for Gemma's foot, pulling it to her mouth and biting her.

"Ow!" Gemma said, pulling it away and laughing. "What the fuck was that for?"

"You knew this movie would turn me the fuck on, you bitch," Sabrina giggled.

"Isn't that the point?" Gemma pointed out.

Not all of the movie was horny like that scene, but definitely enough of it that you felt the effects of it too. By the time the credits were rolling, the sun was setting outside.

"Alright," you said. "What do we need to bring with us down to the beach?"

"Well, first off, no underwear beneath our dresses," Gemma said. Sabrina immediately reached under hers and pulled down her thong, dropping it on your face with a grin. You bit the string and growled playfully, shaking it back and forth like a dog with a toy.

"Done," Sabrina said.

"We'll also want a towel or two, plus lube," Gemma said. "Sand is our enemy if we're doing this. I'd also say a big umbrella to hide ourselves some more, but walking down there with an umbrella at this time of day would look sketchy as hell."

"We'll just find a dark corner," Sabrina said. "Anything else?"

"A flashlight and some tissues to clean up after," Gemma said. "Unless you plan on walking back here with cum on your face or running down your leg."

"You know, I do swallow too," Sabrina smirked. "But that makes sense."

"Can I just ask, what's the goal here?" you asked. "Like, are we just trying for the experience with a quickie, or are you both expecting me to get you a load?"

"Baby," Sabrina said. "Are you suggesting that youcan't give us both a load on the beach?"

"Quickly?" you asked. "After the day we've had?"

"He's not wrong, Sabrina," Gemma said. "Buuut I think we can do it."

"OK," you sighed, shooting a silent prayer up to the heavens that you weren't going to end up in county lockup or something for indecent exposure.

The three of you untangled yourselves from each other and the girls went upstairs to grab Gemma's beach bag and the things they would need, then came back downstairs. Both of them had done their hair up with ponytails to try and minimize the sand issue there, and you got mooned by both of them as they proved to you that they weren't, in fact, wearing underwear.

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