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The OF Girl Ch. 341-350

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You've discovered a fellow intern has started a new hobby...
11.6k words

Part 35 of the 45 part series

Updated 03/26/2024
Created 09/13/2022
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All Characters are 18 years or older.

When a law office intern discovers that a fellow intern is one of his favourite new OnlyFans performers, a ball begins rolling that will bring a boring summer of paperwork and coffee-fetching into an avalanche of sexual adventure. Fair warning to readers, this story will jump categories. This collection of chapters includes new work news, Eric's Awkward Weekend, semi-public oral, and more Mosche talks.

OFG is a variation story based on the setup by Aurelian14, and is an ongoing patronized work sponsored by him. Originally written in small chapter releases, they will be collected here on Literotica in 10 chapter chunks for smoother reading.


Chapter 341

"Jesus Christ, five cocks," Sabrina muttered.

Gemma snorted in the darkness.

The three of you were in bed. In some ways coming back to the apartment was nice, even if the bed was smaller. It just meant that the snuggling felt all the more personal. Sabrina always slept on your right, now, and Gemma on your left. Sabrina was almost always naked, and Gemma preferred to where a sleep shirt unless you'd been doing a lot of fucking right before bed. She didn't wear anything under the sleep shirt, so you still had those loose, glorious breasts pressed against you or easily squeezable.

"I mean, I'm just saying," Sabrina said. "Three uses every hole, but five?"

"She wasn't taking them all at once," Gemma said. "If it was one at a time it was more like a gangbang."

"I think technically if it was one at a time it was a train," you pointed out.

"Whatever, porn addict," Gemma snickered.

"Not since I started dating you two," you said. "Well, other than the photos you keep sending, and getting sent, to my phone."

"Speaking of which," Sabrina said. "Want me to jerk you off to Mallory's tits? Or Tasha's, and you can imagine being in the train?"

"You are awful," Gemma giggled quietly.

"No, baby," you groaned in the dark. "But thank you."

The three of you, though mostly the girls, had talked Mosche through his problems as the guy ate half the pizza. For how skinny he was, the dude could put away a pie by himself pretty easily. Mosche's weekend hadn't gotten any easier - Sunday after the group sex he'd talked with Tasha and they'd made things officially opaque. They were dating fully but didn't want to put an exclusive tag on it. Tasha said she was willing to if he wanted, but that would mean no more picking up girls from the comedy club for a threesome. She was either Open or Closed, and once she closed the relationship she wanted to stay closed.

With the good memory of the two-women threesome in his mind, Mosche had agreed to have a girlfriend in an open relationship.

Then Tasha had done the opening spot at the comedy club, and while the second and third opening comics were warming up the crowd some more Mosche hadn't been able to find her. He'd eventually gone backstage in the club and heard someone having sex in the headliner's dressing room.

He didn't confirm it, but he was pretty sure it had been Tasha.

Mosche had headed back out to the bar at the club, and Tasha had met him there about ten minutes later. He hadn't gotten any clues that it was her - she looked fine, and wasn't flushed or anything.

The girls tried, you had to give them that. They really tried to help Mosche work through the mess. It only partially worked because while Tasha was definitely making choices that you three wouldn't, Mosche was also agreeing to things that he probably wasn't comfortable with, but also wasn't willing to do anything about.

Eventually, the movie had ended while still on mute and one of the Harry Potter movies had started, and the girls ran out of things to say. Mosche had headed off to bed, and so had you and the girls.

"I think five would be the absolute max," Gemma said.

"What?" you asked.

"Cocks," she said. "And I'm not talking like I want it, I just mean logistically I feel like five would have to be the max for a gangbang that any reasonable woman would want to deal with. One in each orifice, plus one in each hand. Right?"

"We should ask Mallory," Sabrina mumbled. "See how many she maxed out at in her promiscuous, slutty youth."

"You two are crazy," you sighed.

"How many women would be too many for group sex?" Gemma asked you.

"I felt like I was barely keeping up with you two and Mallory all at once," you said. "Same as when Becks is here. Three women to please takes a lot more than you might think."

"What if it was us, plus Mallory and her daughter?" Sabrina asked. "She was hot."

"Gross, Sabrina," Gemma scoffed.

"What?" Sabrina asked.

"Mother and daughter shouldn't be having sex."

"Oh, please. I wasn't suggesting that," Sabrina said. "Just because they might share him doesn't mean Mallory is tonguing her snatch or something.

You sighed and rolled your eyes in the ark. The banter died off as you held them both to you.

"I don't want to go back to work," Gemma sighed. "I just want to spend another day like this, just in bed with you two."

"Big same," Sabrina sighed.

"I have to do the coffee run tomorrow," you reminded them.

They both groaned.

"Good night," you whispered.

"Good night, love," Gemma said, kissing your cheek.

"Night, baby," Sabrina muttered, snuggling a little tighter up against you.

After a minute you could feel yourself drifting away when you had a momentary flicker of thought that made you chuckle.

"What?" Gemma asked groggily.

"I was just thinking of all the women we've had, or who want to have, sex with all lined up with your butts in the air for the reverse-train," you said.

"Dirty pervert," Sabrina giggled, then kissed your chest. "Whose ass was first in line?"

"Yours," you said with a grin. "And Gemma's stacked right on top."

"Mmm," Sabrina moaned dreamily. "Perfect."

Chapter 342

Tuesday morning after a long weekend should probably have given you a 'case of the Mondays,' but ever since you'd started dating Gemma and Sabrina everything had felt lighter. Work, with them across the table from you, was still work but it didn't feel heavy. And waking up with them, getting ready together, and taking the bus downtown to the office... it all felt good in a way that you couldn't really describe.

It made you think of how your friend Corey had explained the domestic-ness of his relationship with Victoria. There was something about knowing you were with someone, or in your case someones, that made the little things feel like nothing at all, and the big things feel like little things.

But, still, not wanting to signal to anyone that there might be more going on, the three of you split up before reaching the office. Sabrina headed in early, while Gemma went with you to the coffee shop to pick up the morning order since Tuesdays were your day. Even standing in line at a coffee shop, holding her hand, felt good and you couldn't keep a smile off your lips.

Back at the office, Gemma opened the door for you and the two of you entered the lobby with Becks grinning at you. "Hey you two," she said, standing up and coming to the side of her reception desk. Gemma strode over to her quickly and hugged her, giving her a friendly kiss on the cheek before handing Becks her coffee. "Sabrina said your weekend was eventful."

"It was," Gemma grinned. "But that's definitely Girl's Night talk. Drinks tonight?"

"Sure," Becks agreed, then glanced over at you. "Hey, John."

"Hey Becks," you said with a smile, your last phone call running through your mind as she begged you to give her permission to come. "How was your weekend?"

"Boring," she said. "One bad date, and I got bailed on by a couple of my friends. I mostly stayed home and did a mid-summer cleaning."

"Well that's got to make you feel a little better, at least," Gemma said.

"Oh, it does," Becks said, then let a saucy smile slip through for a moment. "Especially cleaning out the pipes, if you know what I mean."

You snorted and Gemma rolled her eyes with a smile. "Well, I'm glad John could offer you some 'tips' on that," Gemma chuckled. "Anything new otherwise?"

"Nope," Becks said. "And I don't have any other news from the She-Devil either."

"We were going with KillJoy," Gemma said.

Becks smirked and shrugged. "Either way, no movement there."

"Alright, thanks for keeping an ear out," Gemma said.

"We should get up and deliver these," you said, lifting the stack of hot coffee and other drinks you were holding. "Nice to be back and see you, Becks."

"You too, baby," Becks said, then flushed and looked around to make sure no one else was nearby. "God, sorry. I didn't mean-"

"It's OK," Gemma said with a smile, patting her arm and winking.

"I'll talk to you guys later," Becks said and went to her chair still blushing slightly as you and Gemma headed for the elevator.

You waited in silence for a long moment until the elevator arrived, then stepped in and Gemma hit the button. As soon as the doors closed she sighed heavily. "Shit."

"I can talk to her," you said.

"No, it should be me and Sabrina," Gemma said. "Becks is great, but you're ours. I'm happy to have more 'rendezvous' between us, but if she's Freudian slipping like that she might be... I don't know."

"I love you," you said, leaning into her a little to nudge her since your hands were full.

"I know, love," Gemma sighed, leaning right back and resting her head on your shoulder for a moment. "Don't worry. We'll handle it."

The office was quiet, as usual that early in the morning, and Gemma helped you make the rounds to deliver the steaming cups of coffee. There was only one other person in the office as you went around, one of the Associates getting an early start before he had court later in the day and he was on the upper floor, so you and Gemma were surprised when you got to the Intern conference room and both Eric and - most surprisingly Andy - were already there with Sabrina.

"Hey, guys," you said as you walked in. "What's going on?"

"What's going on is Garrison has been riding our asses," Eric said.

"We were gone one extra day," Gemma pointed out.

"Well, he still rode us!" Eric grunted. "He emailed me that my processing output needs to be higher and made me lock up my phone during work hours yesterday because he said I spend too much time on dating apps."

"You do spend too much time on dating apps," Sabrina said. "Plus, I thought you were trying to make things work with Lucy?"

"That's a whole other story," Eric grunted. "But he said I needed to make up for time lost. And he told Andy he needs to put in more hours before and after work this week or else he's going to get shitcanned."

Andy, while present, seemed to be asleep sitting up in his chair.

"Garrison actually said 'shitcanned?'" you asked.

"Well, no," Eric said. "That was my paraphrasing."

"Is it because Andy shows up late every single morning and barely gets anything done during the day?" Gemma asked.

Eric pursed his lips in a way that told you that was definitely the truth, but he was annoyed and on a tear and didn't want logic or facts to stand in his way.

"Look," you said. "That sucks. But it's not our fault, so why are you taking it out on us? I think you're not even that mad about the phone thing. What happened with Lucy?"

Eric sighed and slumped a little bit, glancing over at Gemma.

"I didn't hear anything," Gemma said, holding up her hands as she sat down in her office chair at the opposite end of the table from Erica. "Lucy doesn't like talking to me at the best of times, and I was barely home yesterday."

"But," Sabrina cut in. "Just to cut to the chase a little bit - please tell me she didn't ask you to be OK with a gangbang. I've had enough of that kind of drama for one twenty-four-hour period."

"What?" Eric asked, his jaw dropping. "You... what?"

"It's a thing about my roommate and the girl he's seeing," you said. "Not a thing any of us were involved in."

"Oh," Eric said, breathing out as if he was relieved that he hadn't misjudged one of you dramatically. "Well, no, it's not that bad."

"So spill," Sabrina said, leaning forward. "Before Garrison gets in and interrupts."

Eric made a face as if he wanted to argue, but shrugged. "Alright. Well, we were sort of on a break, right? So Friday..."

Chapter 343

Eric stopped outside of the building and bounced on his toes, shrugging his shoulders as he hyped himself up a little. Things had been going well with Lucy right up until they weren't, and then it had gotten kind of weird. But he was fairly certain that he'd smoothed things over.

The thing was, she was like... really hot. He'd never had a thing for Asian girls before, but she was definitely smokin' hot, and even if she was kind of crazy he could still try and set up something for the rest of the summer. He'd even talked with some of the Red Pill podcasters he'd met during the whole podcast tour about it, and they'd encouraged him to just show her who was boss. Not through physical violence or anything - the Red Pill was about being a man and protecting women, not assaulting them or something like some people said. Just making sure she knew that he wasn't going to put up with some of her shit, and she could either get on board for something good or go back to dating brokies or soy boys.

He'd considered following John's advice and getting flowers, but that was a simp move and set a bad precedent that Lucy would expect him to keep following through on. He really worried for John; the guy seemed completely infatuated with Gemma, but the blonde Australian had to be playing him a little and using him for expensive dates and shit. She would leave at the end of the summer, and John would be heartbroken because he was falling for her.

So, instead of bearing flowers, Eric knocked on the door to the apartment Lucy shared with Gemma and their other roommates dressed to the nines. He looked good. His shirt was on point, and his hair nicely styled. He'd gotten his sports coat tailored like one of the guys had suggested he should. He felt on top of the world. He'd even bought a gold pinky accent ring to wear and it made him feel kind of like a Mafia boss.

The door opened, but it wasn't Lucy. Instead, one of Lucy and Gemma's older roommates had answered. Eric couldn't remember her name but she was a sort of androgynous woman with really short hair and she wore mannish clothes.

"Well, well, well," she said with a smirk. "The gentleman caller returns."

"Hey," Eric said. "Is Lucy ready to go?"

"Not sure," the woman said. "Did you bring the dowry?"

"What?" Eric asked.

"The dowry for her hand, obviously," the woman said, clearly thinking she was making a joke. "If you're bringing her out without an escort, I assume you're taking her hand in marriage?"

"What? No," Eric said. "This is just a date. Can you get Lucy?"

The woman sighed and shook her head. "The other gentleman caller is a lot more fun to banter with," she said.

"Lucy is seeing someone else?"

"No, Jesus," the woman said. "I was talking about John. You know him and Gemma, right?"

"Oh," Eric sighed in relief. "Yeah, we work together."

"Well, you should take banter lessons from him," the woman said as she opened the door wider and invited him into the apartment. "He's a lot more fun than you are."

"He also brings snacks sometimes," the other older roommate said as she was walking by the front door. The one with the bright hair and the big tits that made him think of a hentai character. "You should think about bringing snacks."

"Ain't that the truth," the first one said. "You can wait here, I'll see if Lady Lucy is ready."

Eric put his hands in his pockets and blew out a breath, waiting for a good ten minutes standing in the entryway of the apartment.

Finally, the loud clack-clack of heeled shoes on linoleum sounded, and Eric looked up to see Lucy come around the corner in a pretty lavender dress. Her dark black hair was pinned up, and she looked hot, but he was a little disappointed that her dress didn't show any cleavage.

"Hey, hunk," Lucy said as she smiled at him, then stepped forward and air-kissed with him. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah," he said. "We better get moving, our reservation is soon. You were supposed to be ready when I got here."

"Oh, you know how I need to pamper myself," Lucy laughed. "Come on, let's go."

Eric opened the door, ushered her out into the hallway, and then walked down to the elevator. As they waited for it to arrive he looked over at her again. "Oh," he said. "You, um, look hot."

"Thanks," she said with a smile.

- - - - -

"OK, hold on," Gemma said, interrupting Eric's story. "Ignoring the fact that you don't know Becca or Charlotte's names, and you think Charlotte looks like a hentai character-"

"Or that you think Gemma is going to break John's heart," Sabrine chipped in.

"-Don't get me started on that," Gemma continued. "But seriously, Eric? That is the best you've got for a compliment when you see a girl all dressed up to go out with you? 'You look hot?'"

"Well, what should I say?" Eric scoffed. "I said the truth, she looked hot."

"You could be a little more descriptive maybe. Or flowery," Sabrina said. "At least use a better word. Beautiful, gorgeous, stunning. Something with more than five letters at minimum."

"Fine, I'll remember that for my next date," Eric sighed. "Can I continue with the story or not?"

"Alright," Gemma said. "You can continue."

Eric turned to John. "Sorry about thinking you're a simp," he said.

"I really don't care what you think I am with her," you said. "Because I know we're in love."

Eric took a breath, getting ready to continue his story, and you glanced at Sabrina. She met your eyes and smiled, knowing that you were telling her that you loved her just as much.

Chapter 344

Eric crossed around to the other side of the Uber to open the door for Lucy, which seemed to make her happy. Then things got awkward.

"This is where we're eating?" she asked, putting on a face like she'd smelled something rotten.

"Yeah," Eric said. "It's a nice place. What, is there something wrong with it?"

"No, it's fine," Lucy said, but she was clearly put off.

Eric wasn't interested in playing whatever game she was, so he didn't beg for her to tell him the truth. Instead, he just took her hand and led her inside. They were almost fifteen minutes late for their reservation so the host had to move some things around and they had to wait to be seated.

That led to Eric counting Lucy sighing loudly almost a dozen times as they sat and waited. Once his name was called Lucy seemed to perk up a little and they were escorted to their seats. Being the gentleman he was, Eric pulled out her chair for her and Lucy preened a little at the pampering.

"I'll order for us," he said, taking the menu from her.

Lucy raised her eyebrows at that but seemed to like that he was taking charge. It was a trick he'd picked up from one of the podcast hosts. First, when the waiter came over, Eric ordered a bottle of wine for them to share. It wasn't the most expensive on the list, but it was a decent $50 bottle.

And then, when the waiter left, he just sat and looked across the table at Lucy without saying anything. He kept himself relatively neutral, maybe with a little smile. It was another trick to show he was comfortable and had the power in the relationship. Lucy was obviously confused for a moment, and then flustered, which was exactly how he wanted her since she had some apologising to do.

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