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The OF Girl Ch. 361-370

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You've discovered a fellow intern has started a new hobby...
11.7k words

Part 37 of the 60 part series

Updated 11/27/2024
Created 09/13/2022
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All Characters are 18 years or older.

When a law office intern discovers that a fellow intern is one of his favourite new OnlyFans performers, a ball begins rolling that will bring a boring summer of paperwork and coffee-fetching into an avalanche of sexual adventure. Fair warning to readers, this story will jump categories. This collection of chapters includes MFF, flashing, groping, a trip to court, restroom hookups, after work sex and a confrontation.

OFG is a variation story based on the setup by Aurelian14, and is an ongoing patronized work sponsored by him. Originally written in small chapter releases, they will be collected here on Literotica in 10 chapter chunks for smoother reading.


Chapter 361

"Fuck, yes," Gemma groaned as you slowly fucked her. She was laying on her back, a couple of pillows under her ass at the edge of the bed to raise her up, and you were standing and stroking into her as you looked down at her gorgeous body. You had one of her hands in yours, just holding it, and had your other hand on her thigh as she wrapped that leg around your waist. Her tits - those glorious fucking tits - were slowly jostling with each thrust as she wiggled to meet them. Her eyes were closed at the moment, but you knew she'd look right into your soul again when she opened them.

"God, you two turn me on," Sabrina mumbled. She'd gotten hers already; you and Gemma had both fucked her with a loving intensity that had her squirming and mewling and coming her brains out. Now it was Gemma's turn and Sabrina was catching her breath, laying up near the head of the bed as she sipped on her Gatorade with a bendy straw and kept running a couple of fingers through her flushed and well-fucked labia. She had bright new hickeys on her tits and down her stomach, along with a big one on her ass cheek from Gemma.

"Ditto," you said with a smirk.

"I'm coming," Gemma burst out a moan, and suddenly her pussy clamped on you. It had come out of nowhere, surprising you as well, and you drove deep into her and held still as she rode it through.

"Guess that's the same for her," Sabrina giggled breathily.

"Fuck," Gemma exhaled, panting as her orgasm flushed out of her. "That was nice."

"Just nice?" Sabrina asked.

Gemma rolled her eyes and reached over to grab the brunette's ankle and pull her foot over. She took Sabrina's heel in her mouth and bit her lightly. Sabrina barked a laugh and pulled away, then stuck out her tongue as she lowered her foot to Gemma's mouth again and Gemma glared at her but started sucking on Sabrina's toes. That made Sabrina grin naughtily, knowing that sometime later she'd be doing the same thing to Gemma except probably rougher and sloppier.

You went back to thrusting into Gemma, using your hips to change the angle of your cock inside of her, and she groaned around the toes in her mouth.

"So, I was thinking we should change our policy on Tasha," Sabrina said.

"What do you mean?" you asked. "Or, how, I guess?"

"Well, now that we know she's freaky but not a complete city bicycle on a regular basis, I think we should be more open to playing with her," Sabrina said. "If she breaks up with Mosche, of course. Or I guess if he ends up being a cuck for real like she thinks he might be, but I don't think that's the case."

"Neither do I," Gemma said, pulling Sabrina's foot away from her face again. "I think that Mosche wasn't ready for a girlfriend like Tasha. I talked with her a bit during the party and got a bit more of her side. Mosche needs a starter girlfriend and Tasha definitely isn't that."

"So you're on board for fucking her?" Sabrina asked.

"With a clean test," Gemma nodded. "How about you, love? Anything change after your talk with her?"

You let go of her hand so you could run both your hands through your hair. "Ugh, I don't know," you said. "She's great. I like her a lot, and I like that she's becoming better friends with you two. If she were single, like Becks, I wouldn't really question it. She's an absolute package. But for Mosche's sake... I don't know."

"Bro code?" Sabrina asked.

"I guess," you said. "But I don't know how far that flies. Like... after this summer, I don't know if I'll ever speak to him again. Not because I don't like him, we're just headed in really different directions and I don't know what would connect us. So do I consider him a friend?"

"I'm friends with Becca and Charlotte," Gemma pointed out.

"I feel like it's different though," Sabrina said. "You, well we all, like spending time with Becca and Charlotte and it feels like an even playing field. Mosche is a sweet guy, but... God, this feels mean, but hanging out with him feels more like working to include him than hanging out with him. It's not pity, it's more like... a situation that's thrown us together."

"Sort of all that, but not, but more," you sighed. "All I can say is that if they break up officially, and it's a for-sure, never getting back together or hooking up or anything breakup, then I think I'd want to. Anything more than that and I need to not."

"OK, that's the line," Sabrina agreed. Then she rolled onto her stomach and turned around, hovering her face over Gemma's and kissing her softly. She laid down, cradling Gemma's head as she looked between the blonde and I. "Anything else we want to touch base on?"

"How are you feeling now?" you asked.

"Better," Sabrina smiled softly. "Thank you both for helping. I was just having a down day after a stressful week."

"Good," Gemma said, taking Sabrina's hand and bringing it to her lips to kiss her palm. "We both love you, baby."

"I know," Sabrina smiled.

"Then I have one really important question," Gemma said.

"What's that?" Sabrina asked.

"Why the fuck aren't you sitting on my face?"

Sabrina snorted loudly and shifted to straddle Gemma's head. "Fuck her hard, baby," Sabrina said to me. "Make her squirt, I want to suck it off your cock."

"As you wish," you said with a grin, grabbing Gemma's waist and starting to really speed up. Soon you were pounding her, a soft squelching starting as she moaned lewdly against Sabrina's pussy.

- - - - -

"You never did tell me who it was," you whispered in the dark. It wasn't quiet - moans and giggles were leaking through the wall from the room next door. Becca and Charlotte had gotten home late, but the three of you were more than fucked out to get turned on enough to do anything about it.

Sabrina shifted softly, groaning a little. "What?"

You pressed your lips to her ear, spooning her from behind. She was the middle spoon that night, squished between you and Gemma. "You didn't tell me if it was Eric with Lucy or not."

"Oh," Sabrina grumbled. "No, it was someone else. Eric is on the outs again, I guess."

You sighed and shook your head. First Mosche, now Eric. Or was it really Eric then Mosche? Both of the two closest guys you had in your life this summer were absolute messes when it came to women. You made a mental note to call Corey just to check in - you needed someone who had their shit together in your back pocket just to keep you grounded.

You also needed to decide what to tell Eric.

Chapter 362

Sunday was a slow day, at least in terms of how you and your girlfriends seemed to run through your lives. You had a lazy morning in bed snuggling with the girls, then got yourself up and went to the kitchen. Gemma's apartment was quiet even though the microwave clock was declaring that it was 10 AM. Shaking your head, you opened the fridge and started digging for breakfast materials.

The first person to show up, following the smells coming from the frying pan full of bacon, was Becca. She was dressed in panties and a crop top, her boyishly short hair smeared up in a cowlick on one side and her eyes revealing that she was definitely suffering the effects of a hangover.

"Morning," she muttered, shuffling past you and snagging a piece of bacon from the plate of cooling strips as she headed for the fridge. She also gave you a smack on the ass as she passed, so when she bent over to fish a Gatorade out of the bottom drawer of the fridge you decided to pay her back with a smack of her own. Her ass, upturned as she bent at the waist, provided a perfect target. You couldn't say that it was as nice an ass as any of the other women you'd been intimate with (and given a spank to); Becca was feminine without being curvy or thin. She also wasn't stocky, she was just sort of fit in a squarish way, her hips matching her broad shoulders. When you smacked her ass, her cheek rippled nicely though and she barked a laugh into the fridge, then winced as she stood up. "Careful, John," she said. "Do that again and I might call you Daddy and start asking for another."

You smirked, knowing that she was teasing you with what she'd heard through the walls before. "I'll smack your ass all day if you deserve it," you said. "But for now, how about you go wake up our girls? I should have the eggs done in a few minutes."

"M'kay," she said, peeling the seal off of the inside lip of the Gatorade and then lifting it to take a drink. She sighed heavily as she lowered the bottle, already half empty, and she looked you up and down again. You were dressed in shorts and a T-shirt you had left at Gemma's before. "You looked good last night," she said. "Good thing you're gonna be a lawyer, you can wear suits more often."

"You looked pretty fantastic yourself," you said. "You make that dress look great."

"Thanks," she grinned. Then she set down her Gatorade and quickly pulled off her crop top, her bare tits bouncing a little as she grinned at you. "I just realized we're breaking tradition if one of us doesn't flash the other."

"I think technically we both need to flash each other," you said.

"So get your cock out," Becca said, wiggling her eyebrows.

You sighed and glanced at the hall outside the kitchen, then quickly lowered your shorts. You weren't wearing any underwear and your cock flopped out briefly before you covered it up again.

"Aww, you didn't need to put him away," Becca teased. "I know me and the girls wouldn't mind if he hung around for breakfast."

"Yeah, well, you might want to reconsider," you said. "Lucy is here, and we heard her with a guy in her room last night."

"Ugh," Becca sighed, reaching for her top and pulling it back on. "You know, you're not the only one who's going to miss Gemma when she leaves, right? I'm going to need to find a new roommate to help balance out McBitchface. For some reason I doubt she's going to mellow out once you all leave the city."

"Sorry," you said with a grimace. Lucy had reportedly been an OK, if snobby, roommate before your reunion.

Fully covered again, Becca reached around you to snag another piece of bacon. As she did that you reached up and slid your hand under her shirt, palming her tit. She froze, biting her lip as her eyes got a little big while you found her stubby little nipple and gave it a little pinch.

"What?" you asked with a smile.

"Is that allowed?" she asked.

"That depends on if you're OK with it or not, but I'm pretty sure you are."

"Oh, I am," she said. "You. Sabrina. Gemma. A little grabass or titty is all in good fun, as long as they are OK with it."

"I'll make sure to let them know," you said, giving her boob one last squeeze before letting it go. "I just wanted to let you know that if you keep teasing me, things are going to escalate."

"All I'm waiting for is escalation," she smirked.

She left you in the kitchen, and a few minutes later all four of the girls trudged in and sat down at the table. No one looked particularly chipper, but you'd made a big pot of coffee and lots of eggs, bacon and toast and soon everyone was sitting and chatting, comparing their nights. Becca traded little grins with Sabrina and Gemma, so you assumed she'd already told them about the grabass games you'd played with her and they had approved.

Partway through breakfast, you heard Lucy sending off whatever guy she'd had in her room and then trudging down the hallway into the kitchen. She stopped when she saw you, pulling her robe tighter around herself.

"He made the breakfast, and there's enough for you," Becca said. "So stop acting like a cunt."

Lucy dropped her jaw in shock.

"Mm, like that," Gemma nodded. "That's an appropriate use as per Aussie rules."

"I thought so," Becca smirked. The conversation that had been happening right before Lucy had shown up had actually been about Aussie slang and the appropriate use of the word 'cunt.'

Lucy, for her part, snapped her jaw shut and came and got a plate, sitting at the opposite end of the table from you as she picked away at it, too hungry to deny the food.

You all scattered afterwards, Becca and Charlotte offering to clean up. That left you, Gemma and Sabrina to finish off the morning cleaning up Gemma's room. Then you left, heading out to Sabrina's place to do the same thing. After getting the apartment clean, Sabrina put in some time managing her OnlyFans account while you and Gemma did some more work on the mock trial material before heading out to do groceries for Sabrina and coming back to make dinner.

After dinner was some cuddle time on Sabrina's bed, just talking and making sure you were all still good, and comparing thoughts on the mock trial. None of you could decide what to do about telling Eric about Lucy, and you struggled to decide how much to push or help Mosche. Eventually the three of you needed to split up and head back to your own places, despite having every desire not to.

You had Court in the morning.

Chapter 363

Arriving at the courthouse was a bit more of a production than at work - not because you or the others had any special duties to perform, but just because it was halfway across town from the office so you had to take completely different buses. There was a stressful moment where you thought you'd missed one bus that didn't have another run for an hour, only for it to show up five minutes late.

You met up with Gemma outside the courthouse. She was wearing one of her pantsuit outfits that highlighted her figure without showing it off, and she'd gone for a slightly higher pair of heels than she usually wore in the office.

"Morning, love," you said with a grin as you stepped up and slid your arm around her waist, leaning down to give her a peck.

"Good morning," she said with a smile and a sparkle in her eye. She handed you one of the drinks from the tray she was holding. "I got coffee for us and Eric."

"That was nice of you," you said.

"I figured even half a week out of the office is a reason to celebrate," she smirked. Then she frowned and patted at her cheek. You felt a drop of cool wetness on your neck next, and you both looked up at the thinly overcast sky, then looked at each other and headed into the vestibule area of the courthouse. Two minutes later it was pouring rain.

"I really hope Sabrina has an umbrella," you said as you looked out the door.

"Let me text her," Gemma said, and you held the drink tray and quickly texted, then sighed. "She doesn't."

"Alright, hold on," you said, handing Gemma back the drink tray.

"Where are you going?"

"To get her one. And us, if this lasts all day." You gave Gemma another little kiss and then pushed back out the door and into the rain. You'd seen a convenience store across the street and a little way down from the courthouse, so you jogged there and your hair was dripping wet once you stepped inside, even if your own suit jacket wasn't completely soaked. The black man behind the counter looked up from his morning paper and snorted a chuckle at the sight of you, then pointed without a word at a wooden box of collapsible umbrellas. You picked one up, decided that red might be a little too eye-catching, swapped it out for a black one, and paid up. Your walk back to the bus stop was a lot drier, and you noticed multiple people giving you some annoyed side eye as they rushed past with newspapers held over their heads and doing a poor job of blocking the rain.

When Sabrina stepped off the next bus, she broke into a big grin and walked right into your arms to kiss you fully. "Thank you, baby," she said. "But why are you all wet if you had an umbrella?"

"I had to fight off a wild bear," you said, keeping your face straight. "It was just walking down the sidewalk, attacking people, so I went at it with the umbrella and drove it off. It's probably somewhere in midtown by now."

She rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"I ran to get it so you wouldn't get soaked," you admitted.

"God, you're too good a guy," Sabrina said with a grin, going up on her toes to kiss you again. "I can't believe you don't havea girlfriend."

"Me neither," you grinned at her emphasis on the 'a'. "It's a good thing I've got two."

"Very," she agreed. You walked her up to the courthouse, her arm looped through yours as your far shoulder got a little wetter while you favoured her with the umbrella instead of yourself.

Once you were inside, Sabrina said hello to Gemma with a hug and kisses on their cheeks while you shook out the umbrella and closed it. Not two minutes later Eric came rushing in, completely soaked. He took one look at the dry ladies, and the umbrella in your hand, and sighed. "Come on, man."

"Sorry," you said, helping him get his wet suit jacket off. "I should have texted to see when you were getting here. Where did your bus drop you off?"

"I took a Lyft," Eric groaned. "And it dropped me off around the back of the building so I had to run all the way around to get here."

"That sucks," Sabrina said, making a face.

"Here, this should warm you up," Gemma said, handing him his coffee. That brightened Eric's mood considerably, and soon you were all waiting for Garrison and whoever else he was bringing. The four of you had decided you definitely needed to arriveearly compared to the 9 AM time he'd told you, so you ended up waiting about twenty-five minutes before your boss showed up. He came in like rolling thunder, already with his game face on, and a pair of the Associates trailing behind. All three of them had their own umbrellas and would have been driven to the courthouse from the office via a hired town car.

Garrison nodded to the four of you, then led you all through the security about twenty yards into the lobby. There weren't any problems, and soon you were beyond the barricade and Garrison rallied you and the Associates up and off to the side.

"Alright," he said gruffly. "We're scheduled in Court Six for the week. It's up on the third floor. Pamela, Francis, you know the drill. John, Gemma, Sabrina, and Eric - under no circumstances are you to speak up or cause any sort of disturbance in the courtroom. You are not here as part of Council, you have no standing in the Court. You are here to observe as a reward for good work. That isall. If you are disruptive in court, I will fire you on the spot. No second chances. No excuses. Understood?"

"Yes, sir," you and the other interns all nodded.

"Good," he grunted. "Then let's go."

Chapter 364

The courthouse was a fairly expansive building and was centred around a large, circular atrium area that had big ramps ringing around it leading to the upper floors. Your group, led by Garrison, headed up to the second floor and down to a set of heavy oak doors with a brass plaque above them declaring 'Court Six.' The hallways were bustling, a Monday morning kicking in with lawyers and paralegals and court staff, not to mention the reporters and other public servants and the general public, all picking up where they left off the previous week.

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