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The Office Understudy

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The relationship of Janet with Larry and first time sex.
2.9k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 12/24/2013
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I'm the Janet Kelly that Larry wrote about in "The Mentor." I'd like to explain a bit more about my background and the rest of the story with Larry.

First, let me tell you, I am a nerd and I come by it honestly; you see both my parents are electrical engineers. Mom said they met in college when by the luck of the draw, they were partnered in a motors lab and they have been partners ever since. They adore each other and I adore them. I grew up with engineering dialog but fortunately they each are blessed with musical talents. Mom plays the piano and dad plays classical guitar. Their love of music was not lost on me and I took up piano and violin. One thing Larry failed to mention was that he plays the cello but more about that later.

I was busy in high school with chess club, math club, and the orchestra. Being a 'plan Jane' also meant I didn't date but I did hang out with some other nice brainy types so we had events like homecoming and prom covered.

My folks didn't apply any influence on my choice of majors in college and actually thought having a CPA in the family would be a good thing. I attended the state university and my parents encouraged me to include some music study each semester. It was great to be a non-music major in the music school. Again I hung out with classmates and their friends but did no serious dating. That was ok in high school and while I didn't go to college to get a Mrs., I did hope a relationship would develop. Sad to say there was no necking in the library stacks and all that goes with it.

The summer after my junior year I decided to take a couple of music classes and that year I had a nice biology major for a roommate in the dorm. I thought she was pretty and certainly better looking than me. Of course she ran with a different crowd and biology majors are a different breed. One Friday she invited me to go with her to an all-girl party given by one of her classmates. That would certainly be a new experience so I agreed to attend.

There was a nice group of ten women there and I had met nearly all of them on prior occasions. Brenda, the hostess, handed me a beer as soon as I walked in the door and pointed to the snack table by the kitchen. I'm not much of a beer drinker so I nursed that beer all evening. We chatted and ate for a bit when Brenda announced that she wanted us to assemble in the family room. We all got settled and I picked a spot in the back. The lights were turned off and she hit the play button. The credits alone where pretty graphic so it didn't take long to see a lot of skin and body parts.

I had never viewed an X rated movie so seeing a naked man especially with an erection had my mouth gaping open. So much for what I learned in school about penis and vagina. I heard a lot of references to a man's dick, cock, package, rod, and tool. There were mixed opinions about the female body parts however. Pussy was ok but some didn't like their vagina being called a cunt. Actually I found it a turn on. Names like cock and cunt had a nice sound and much to my surprise I was getting turned on watching the film too. I was fascinated by the look of a man's cock especially when it was hard and being used to fill a woman's cunt. Seeing pussy lips wrapped around it had mine tingling. Watching women put it in their mouth and all they ways they were licking and sucking on it and stroking it with their hands had my mouth salivating. I kept thinking that I sure have something to look forward to and the wetness in my pussy was in total agreement. If there was a plot to the movie, I certainly didn't get it but watching two people fuck in different ways and in different positions had my full attention.

The fun part was hearing the various comments of the girls watching. One that caught my attention was when a woman was giving the guy a 'blow job.' Why it is called that when clearly she is not blowing on his cock is beyond me. I guess these movies must have a requisite woman on woman scene because when that scene appeared, the girls yelled to fast forward. One common thing I noticed about the women in the movie was that they had little if any pubic hair. I never thought much about it before but I found the bald look to be erotic and I knew I would have a date with a razor very soon.

When it was two guys and one woman that really brought on various outburst; 'Fill that cunt' and 'suck that cock' were pretty common. There were even a few 'he could fill my pussy any time' and I began to have the same thoughts.

One item that I found most interesting and very erotic was when the guy shot his cum into a woman's mouth. I heard one of the girls say, "I really love bringing my boyfriend off into my mouth."

"Eww that's gross" came a reply from somewhere in the room.

Soon there was a lot of discussion about cumming and swallowing. The group was pretty divided among those that swallow, those who don't, and those who don't want cum in their mouth. I was looking forward to finding out what the fuss was all about.

On the way home I realized I had a lot of learning to do and I hoped that some day soon I will be able to apply that knowledge with the man of my dreams. Fortunately my roommate and I didn't exchange sexual histories on the way home and just laughed about watching a movie like that with a room full of girls.

When I went to bed the images of all those naked bodies filled my head. I could replay in my mind the scene of a hard cock in a lovely pussy and watching her bring him off. I was getting aroused thinking about it and my hand found its way to my now wet pussy. I put a finger into my cunt and rubbed its wetness all over my pussy. My clit was swollen and eager for my touch which I was happy to satisfy. An orgasm is a good way to bring on restful sleep.

The next day I started making some time in my day to do some research. Web searching has its advantages but it can be quite the challenge to zero in on what I was looking for. I finally found a site that contained stories videos, toys, a chat room, pictures and much more. There were thousands of stories with various subject types and even one that included a 'How To.' Just what I was looking for.

I began to read some of the stories and found many to be so erotic that I found myself getting quite turned on. From my 'how to' readings I learned some good techniques on how to masturbate or jack off. Often I apply those techniques while reading a story or watching a video or looking at pictures. I enjoy running my fingers over my bald pussy, feeling it getting wet, inserting my fingers into my cunt, and rubbing my clit until I cum. I've read lots about stroking and sucking on a cock, now I'm ready anytime to put that into practice.

Nothing happened in the relationship area throughout college and I concentrated on my studies, graduating and getting a job. I received many job offers but I chose the one in a trust department and the rest became a wonderful history.

When I first met Larry I looked into his eyes and my heart skipped a beat. I'm glad he went for coffee so I could compose myself. He was a perfect gentleman, patient, and a great mentor. I soon was part of the team and when we all went to lunch at our favorite place, we bantered back and forth about the frustrations of clients, attorneys, and the biggest pain – the IRS. We worked closely and I had no idea that Larry felt anything for me but I could feel myself being more attracted to him. I kept my feelings to myself but many times I dreamed about being with him.

All that changed after our long week for year-end reporting. Wow, was that an intense time and when we went to dinner and I revealed my inner feelings I was over joyed when he said that he cared for me. When he took me home and we started kissing I felt like my prince charming had arrived and awaked the sleeping beauty in me. French kissing is quite the turn on and when he left I was hot and bothered. Since he agreed to come back the next day my mind was in overdrive in how I was going to seduce him. I had a feeling he would be very open to being seduced. My fingers were busy as I thought about being naked with him, enjoying his cock and losing my virginity to the man I loved.

I decided to dress casual and I was so surprised that he wore the same sweatshirt from our college. Nerds do tend to think alike. My parents usually were able to finish each other's sentence so maybe this was a good sign. Part of me wanted to rip his clothes off but I played it cool and just cuddled and kissed him as we watched the game. I did all I could do to get my left breast in his hand. I kept adjusting my body until he took the hint and placed his hand right on my breast. I gave him a deep kiss of approval and he took it from there. That afternoon I finally got to enjoy giving and receiving oral sex.

Soon we were naked and in my bedroom. When he first touched my pussy with his mouth I gasped at how intense it felt. It really took my breath away. The more he licked the more I wanted. No flying solo comes close to his tongue on my clit. His sensuous tongue slowly caressed my swollen clit and soon I felt my orgasm build from a slow tremor to a sudden burst of passion. It rolled as a never ending wave. After I recovered I was so ready to hold his cock in my hands and put it in my mouth. It was all I hoped it would be and more. This time it was real, not a movie and not a story. I was really sucking and stroking his cock and holding his balls. I looked into his eyes and said, "Take me."

When he first penetrated me it felt like a burning sensation that took my breath away. I did my best to relax and true to form, and being sensitive, Larry took it nice and slow. Even in my research, nothing prepared me for how wonderful and yet intense fucking would feel. When he was fully in me, I held him close to savor the moment. As I relaxed he began to slide in and out more and more. The more we fucked, the more I wanted. I wanted more of this in my future.

That is where Larry ended his story but there is more.

As I snuggled in his arms I invited him to come over the next night and I would cook dinner for him however he said he had a cello lesson that night. I laughed and told him my violin lesson was on Thursdays. We had never discussed our music background and we made it a goal to try out for the civic orchestra after we were married. Sweet music and great sex, sounds wonderful to me.

We did agree on dinner at my house on Tuesday and I told him I had a surprise for him but he needed to trust me. He was to bring a bathrobe or wear shorts and a tee shirt. It would be a memorable evening for both of us.

When he arrived I gave him a warm and passionate kiss. He held the robe in his hand and I instructed him to put it on, and there would be a glass of wine by the recliner in the living room waiting for him. I would join him there in a few minutes. I went into the kitchen with the pretense of attending to dinner but instead took off my clothes and put on only an apron. When I walked into the living room I totally surprised him. "Wow Janet, you look wonderful," he said with a huge smile.

I smiled and gave him a big hug and kiss. I opened his robe and sat him on the edge of the recliner. I knelt down and for the second time enjoyed having his beautiful cock in my face. It was getting hard and rising as I just looked at it. I held his cock with my hand and started licking his balls.

"Oh yes baby that feels great," he panted.

I carefully licked and even held each ball in my mouth. What an incredible sensation it was and something I have longed to experience. I definitely want to do this a lot more in the future. I moved up his cock and took it into my mouth. It felt so wonderful and the pre-cum I tasted made me want even more.

I looked up and said, "Help me bring you off."

Then I took his cock in my mouth again and held my hand against my mouth and began to suck him off. I wasn't sure how tight to grip his cock and after some adjustments I soon had a rhythm that felt good and his cock was delicious. As I moved up and down, I worked my tongue all over the head as my hand enjoyed the hardness of his cock. I could hear Larry's breathing quicken and I knew he was nearing the edge. I increased my tempo slightly and I felt his body begin to stiffen. I cupped his balls and felt them tighten as his orgasm was ever so near. His body shook and I could feel his cum rush through my hand and shoot into my mouth. I stopped my stroking and savored the taste of his cum as I swallowed it. My mind went back to that night when we girls watched the X rated movie and the various comments regarding swallowing. You can put me definitely in the camp that does and enjoys it. I kept his cock in my mouth and slowly milked it for every last drop of cum.

"Oh Janet, that was absolutely wonderful. I've always wanted to experience this and didn't know how to ask you. I love you so; now what can I do to pleasure you?"

"I'll confess Larry that I've always wanted to experience this and it was wonderful for me too. You can eat me for desert."

"Can we delay dinner so I can eat you now?" he said with a smile.

"Please do. I think you will find my pussy already wet and eager."

I got up on the table and Larry didn't hesitate to run his tongue and fingers all around my pussy. He teased my clit with his tongue and teased my G spot with his fingers. He kept pushing me to the edge and I was so wanting to cum. I squeezed my tits and nipples and I could feel my orgasm building. When he gave my clit his full tongue action my body shook as my orgasm rolled thru me like a crashing wave. When I finally caught my breath Larry stood up and gave me a kiss. How nice to taste my cum on my lover's lips.

Over dinner I learned we both share the same sexual, or lack thereof, past. Our first exposure, pun intended, was an X rated movie followed by some research on the internet. Not surprising we both zeroed in on the same website. I took Larry to my computer and I sat on his lap with my legs spread while our special website came up. He suggested I read to him one of my favorite stories which I found a bit difficult since I had so many. I finally chose one and as I started reading it, Larry held one breast in his hand and fingered the area around my clit with the other. This resulted in many reading pauses caused by several orgasms. I of course sucked his cock when he read one of his favorite stories to me.

This was the beginning of a wonderful courtship.

We kept our relationship/engagement a secret at work until Larry officially moved out of the department. No one, however, was surprised when we did announce our engagement. They could see we were a match from the very beginning. I found my prince charming and this is the beginning of my happily ever after.

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albertaboyalbertaboyabout 11 years ago

Both of your characters are appealing, I can't wait to find out what happens next

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