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The Party Favor

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Kim finds that denying her desires is dangerous.
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Walking across campus, Kimberly fidgeted with the strap of her purse. She didn’t like walking late at night but she hadn’t realized how late it was as she was studying in the library. Besides, one of her boyfriend’s jock friends had been heading back to the dorms as well and so she asked him to walk her back to her room. They strode down the sidewalk, side by side, in companionable silence. When they got back to the dorm she was in the process of thanking him, but as they rounded the corner she saw that her boyfriend, Scott, was leaning against the wall by her door. Arms and ankles crossed as he leaned back, she wasn’t fooled by his stance...he was pissed.

“Oh God, Scott...I’m so sorry! I forgot we were supposed to go out tonight! I’m really, really sorry. I was at the library studying for the bio test and I lost track of time!”

She wrung her hands slightly and bit her lower lip. Scott pushed away from the wall and stood, uncrossing his arms. He nodded to his friend, Jeff.

“Thanks for walking her back. I’ll see you later.”

It made Kim even more nervous to think that Scott might have sent Jeff to come get her at the library. Jeff was a football player and at 6'5", 250 lbs he could intimidate anybody. Scott on the other hand, was tall, but he was slender and had never really been into sports. But he was savvy and was already making quite a bit of money at 21. He claimed it was from stocks but....nobody quite believed him. He was 6'2", with dark brown hair and green eyes that were always direct and sharp in their gaze.

And right now, that gaze was directly at Kim. He nodded for the door and she fumbled in her purse and quickly opened the door, preceding him into the room. She heard him murmur something to Jeff but she couldn’t quite make out the words. But she wished she could have, because it made Jeff laugh in a way that rose the hair on the back of her neck.

Scott entered the room and closed the self-locking door behind him as he looked at Kim as she moved around the room, tidying up the books a bit. Normally, he wouldn’t have given a bookworm like her a second look. He liked his women cheap and easy and willing. But Kim had a body that was worth waiting for.

She didn’t often wear a bra, as her breasts were naturally full and perky, and the curve of her ass just made his hands ache to squeeze it. She tried to hide it under unshapely clothing but any man who knew how to look close enough could see it. He knew that most of the guys had started looking at her closely since he had started going out with first wondering why he did it they seemed to realize now.

Scott didn’t like being violent. He preferred letting other men do the dirty work. He loved the mind games...toying with women. It made him feel powerful in a way muscles never would. He walked forward and took a hold of the bun at the back of her head, pulling it back slowly so she had to look up at him.

He had thought she was just a submissive bitch in disguise but so far she had been too mousey, always shying away from his touch as if she knew what he was thinking. As she looked up at him, she nearly shivered at the dark look in his eyes.

“This is the fifth time this semester you’ve blown me off to study, Kim.”

“I....I didn’t mean to. I’m really sorry Scott.” “Am I going to have to punish you, Kim?”

She did tremble a bit at that. They had never had fact, she was still a virgin. But Scott had talked at length about sexual things with her, and about things that some men and women did together. He had made her look at different pictures and they watched videos together of women who were subs and slaves servicing men. She would have been horrified, if she hadn’t silently been intrigued, and a bit excited by it, though she would never admit it.

The last two times she had forgotten their dates, he had spanked her in punishment....and it aroused her until she had almost begged him to have sex with her but she had stopped herself short of that. The way he would always caress her ass through her pants or skirt after he had spanked her made her squirm on his lap and whimper.

“P...Please, Scott...I swear it will never happen again.”

Her eyes were wide, and her pupils dilated, but Scott wondered if it was with fear, or arousal. He had seen the signs the last time he spanked her but he waited for her to beg. When she hadn’t, he started forming a plan in his mind. He knew that she was a virgin and that kept her from taking that final step. But now, all of that would change.

“You’re won’t happen again, Kim. But this time you’re not getting off so easily.”

He chuckled at his own play on words before continuing...

“But I’m not sure what I’m going to do with you just yet. I’ll think of something.”

His hand still on her bun to hold her head, he kissed her lips very tenderly before turning and walking to the door.

“Kim...I expect to see you at my house at 2 PM on Saturday to receive your punishment. Oh, and don’t make any plans for Sunday either.”

And with that he walked out the door, and left Kim to anticipate what could possibly be worse than the spankings he had already given her. ____________________________________________

On Saturday, at precisely 2PM, Kim knocked on the door of the small one-story house that Scott owned, not too far from campus. Scott made her wait a minute on the doorstep before he opened the door and stepped back for her to enter. She was wearing the same sort of shapeless clothing to hide her body...but he knew it wouldn’t be for much longer. He fingered the lapel of her cardigan, just above her breast and smiled to himself as her eyes darted away.

“Now, dear Kim....we can do this the easy way, or we can do it the hard way. But you will be punished. Five times you’ve conveniently forgotten a date with me and that’s more than I can accept.”

She just nodded and swallowed gently, but she didn’t run. He closed the door and moved into the living room where he sat in an arm chair, looking at her. She walked in and stood uncertainly under his gaze. She walked over to the couch and set her purse down and started to sit, knowing how he would sometimes lapse into silence for a while but his voice cut through the air.

“You will stay standing, the middle of the living room until I tell you to move.”

She looked at him a little shocked, but followed his order, her lovely violet eyes wide in surprise at his steely, and caressing at the same time.

“You must admit that I’ve been more than patient. But I think its time to see what your body looks like, don’t you?”

“But, Scott....I...I’m not ready to have sex yet...I told you that. You agreed to wait!”

“Yes, I did. And I have waited. But now, its time. Take your clothes off, Kim. Now.”

It was a direct order, and she knew if she didn’t obey him now that he would break it off with her and she’d never see him again. She had thought she was so lucky that a guy as popular as Scott had wanted to be her boyfriend. She knew she was mousey and unattractive to men. She stood there, wavering back and forth a moment in indecision but decided, what harm could it do?

She slowly began to undress, glad that he had closed the blinds. Her eyes were lowered and her hands shook as she slowly took her clothes off...first the cardigan, and then her shirt. She reached behind her and unzipped the straight skirt, letting it drop to the floor, leaving her clad in the white lace bra, matching panties, and sandals, which she kicked off.

Scott felt his body respond to her slow, reluctant undressing as well as the soft, pale skin that was revealed. She was thin, but rounded nicely without being chubby. He gave a slow, evil smile.

“Now the rest.”

She sucked in an unsteady breath as her bra and panties joined the pile and she stood naked before him. His indrawn breath told her that he could now see her shaved pussy. She had seen another woman with it the same way in one of the videos he had shown her and had decided to try it for herself...liking the feeling of her bare pussy mound being caressed by her panties. Scott stood and walked forward. She took a step back and his hand reached out to smack her hard on the ass.

“I told you not to move.”

She closed her eyes and whispered an apology, standing still as he walked around her. When his fingertips started moving over her body she gave a soft cry and nearly jumped. But he wasn’t trying to arouse her...he was examining her body. He squeezed and prodded gently, nodding to himself.

“Alright. I’m glad you shaved your pussy, little girl. It will just save me the time. Good girl.”

He patted her ass gently as he said it and she blushed brightly. Always being a good student, always trying to please her parents...she longed for any little praise she could get. He took her hand and pulled her into the dining room, where she could see that he had put a table cloth across the dining table, and the chairs were pulled back against the wall.

He walked her up to the edge of the table, pressing forward on her ass until her front was against the edge of the table, and then pressed down on her back until she was bent forward over the table. She started to protest but another stinging slap on her ass cut it off short.

Scott was pleased with her compliance but he knew that if she understood what he planned for her, she would run away screaming. He moved to the other side of the dining table as he spoke.

“You will stay leaning over this table until I tell you to move, do you understand me?”


He squatted down and picked up what he was looking for. Grabbing her right wrist, he pulled it out away from her body, and slipped a lined leather cuff around it and fastened it tight. She whimpered and tugged on it, but she didn’t move otherwise. He did the same thing with her other wrist and stood to survey his work. Moving around to the other side, he pushed her legs wide open and secured her ankles to the legs of the table with the fetters as well and stood, his clothed crotch pressing against her bare one as he leaned forward over her.

He reached for the bun of her hair and loosened it, removing the clip and the pins, splaying that rich honey colored hair across her back before standing up and stepping back to survey his handy work.

“W...what are you planning on doing, Scott? I...I mean, if you wanted to have sex I...I would could do that if you want. I know I’ve been bad.”

He gave an evil chuckle.

“I don’t want your compliance now. You had your chance, Kim. Many chances. You’ve been a tight little cock tease but I plan on changing that. After tonight, there won’t be a tight hole left on your body.”

She gasped and tugged in earnest on the bonds as she tried to stand run away from what he planned. She had thought he was just going to spank her or whip her...maybe put his cock into her pussy but she didn’t think he would do this and started yelling at him.

“You can’t do this! You can’t just use me like this! Just...spank me or something but.....mphmmm!”

Her protest was cut short by the ball gag shoved into her mouth and fastened quickly. She tried to scream but it only came out as muffled sounds. Scott chuckled and patted her ass before walking off...leaving her there waiting. She didn’t have long to wait, though, for he returned and set something on the table. She tried to crane her neck to see what it was but she couldn’t at this angle. But she did smell something.

Chicken wings??? What the hell? He was setting out food on the table as if for a buffet or Her blood turned to ice in her veins.

When the doorbell rang about a half hour later, she was trembling. If the table hadn’t been beneath her, she would have fallen. Scott answered the door and she heard him welcome whoever it was...instructing them that the food and later entertainment was in the dining room.

She was laying across the table with her ass towards the door. All she could see was the wall in front of her and there was no way to see who was coming in. She was slightly relieved when she heard Scott instruct....”No touching her for now,” but her heart sank when he added “...that’s for later.”

The doorbell rang over and over...she lost count of the times. The stereo had been turned on and she had heard the voices...all of them male. They had come into the dining room to get food and stare at her, making crude comments about her body. She squeezed her eyes shut and put her forehead down against the table, hoping to hide her face but she didn’t have to worry...nobody came around the back of the table to look at her.

As the night wore on, the doorbell had stopped ringing. She had started trying to count distinct voices...sure that she had heard at least fifteen. Scott came into the dining room and started caressing her ass. She was so on edge that she screamed against the ball gag when he did, and jumped. He just chuckled and patted her ass.

“Alright, gentlemen. Its time for the raffle. You all paid for your chances and I’ll draw now to see which of you wins the honors.”

Her eyes widened...her virginity had been reduced to a make Scott money. She tugged on the bonds harder, trying to scream but it only made the men laugh. She wondered if they were older...or if they were from the college as well.

“The first is her pussy...I assure you all she’s a virgin. The winner is.....J.”

The lack of names was no comfort to her. There was the sound of cursing by the losers and a cheer from the winner. She cursed her body...she was finally going to feel a cock inside of her and her pussy knew it somehow and was starting to get slightly wet.

“The second is her ass.”

Kim’s eyes widened once more but she no longer struggled, knowing even if she got away she couldn’t fight them all off. She just shook and whimpered, trying not to cry. Someone named “M” was to take her in the ass. And the last one announced was...her mouth. She nearly sobbed at that.

She had seen other women giving blowjobs but she didn’t know how to. Whoever “T” was got that honor. The rest were invited to stay and fuck any of her three holes once those three were each done.

The men continued speaking for a few minutes, deciding the order they would go and finally J was given permission to start. She heard the sounds of zippers going down, pants being dropped...some sat in chairs, others stayed standing. Scott moved around to where he could watch her face. Taking a seat, he was still fully clothed as he looked into her eyes and smiled in a way that made her freeze, and then made her feel very warm.

Her cheeks started to blush as she stared straight into his eyes. She had heard the rumors that he was some sort of wizard but she had totally discounted that. At the moment, though, she believed it as her body heated up, before he looked over her head and smirked.

“Ok, J, you may take her cherry now. She’s ready.”

And her body was tingling all over and she squirmed slightly, gasping when she felt the head of a cock press against her pussy lips and slowly slid inside. She whimpered because she had never had anything inside of her, not even a dildo. The tightness made J gasp and tell his friends what a tight bitch she was. He reared his hips back and pumped into her shortly a few times until he came up to the barrier of her virginity, pushing very slowly, it caused her to writhe in pain.

“Don’t torture the poor girl, just do it.”

Scott’s voice was icy, but slightly amused. J grunted, then pulled back and slammed forward, breaking through her virginity. She screamed against the ball gag as the pain splintered through her body. But as she sobbed, tears falling down her face, she felt Scott’s gentle fingers on her cheek, brushing the tears away, he whispered into her ear.

“Shh, little one. Its not so bad and soon it will feel very good, I promise.”

And he was right about that as well. As J started pumping into her pussy, she felt her walls stretching around his cock and the pain began to ebb away and be replaced by something else....slowly growing inside of her. But all too soon, J grunted and she felt something hot squirting inside of her as he came and pulled out. Her body trembled with its new-found need. She stared up into Scott’s eyes, her own pleading for something...but she didn’t know what.

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