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The Party Needs a Stripper

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Mature wife reluctantly agrees to be a stripper.
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(This story was inspired by a story by Imstillfun. I've contacted him and he has given his blessing for this inspired tale.)


It was a big night for both of us. We were standing outside a house we'd never been to before. There was nothing special about it. Just a house, but it became special to me, special beyond imagining.

We were here because a friend of a friend, an investment manager called Tom, was retiring. Tonight was the office party. Tom was in his early 60s and ran in a small finance firm. I'd only met him once but his business partner, Ian, was a close friend of both my wife and I. There were just ten of them that worked in the company and all were about Tom's age apart from the office junior and one up and coming protégé of Tom. My wife and I had known Ian for over 20 years, through two divorces, but she had never met Tom before.

Since Ian was closest to Tom, his employees all insisted he arrange the grand party. Ian was hardly a big social animal and just did not know where to start.

"What do either of us know about parties," I asked my wife when I told her of Ian's task.

At first she was disinterested but Ian showed his anxiety in no uncertain terms. We were out having dinner and after a few glasses of wine, my wife threw herself into designing a party to remember. Being me, I took a simple approach -- if there was a stripper it would be memorable. My wife disapproved instantly -- she believed men needed to do a lot more to give women the respect they deserved -- but Ian was getting stressed though so she softened her take. I insisted it would be a popular idea even though Ian kept worrying about how he would organise a stripper, especially as he knew Tom would not want some girl young enough to be his daughter. I agreed that finding a mature stripper might not be that easy.

My wife joked that perhaps Ian should ask her and we all laughed at that idea. Not because she wouldn't look good. I knew Ian had always found her attractive. It was just not possible to imagine her agreeing to do such a reckless thing. To be honest, the idea of her topless or naked with other men had always been a fantasy of mine but I thought it would always be just that, a fantasy.

After that night we actually set about putting the plan into action but Ian and I failed in our attempt to locate a stripper older than 35. Ian was getting frustrated and was about to drop the idea completely. He didn't want to let Tom down but had run out of other avenues to explore.

That was when I found out that my wife had started researching bachelor parties. She wasn't happy with what she found when I asked her about it one evening. Porn and strippers seemed to be the common thread. In many of the stories she read, the strippers would end up having sex with the groom and/or guys at the party. She certainly didn't approve of having sex with strangers like some stereotypical male fantasy and didn't think any woman should have to do it. I assured her that those were just stories.

"No one has sex at bachelor parties," I said. "That's just fiction. Do you really think a groom would risk his marriage on one night of cheap sex? Anyway, this isn't going to be some pre-pubescent bachelor party. It would be much more classy than that."

She wasn't convinced but helped Ian and me as we started planning Tom's night to remember. There would be 10 people there. The basic ingredients weren't hard: drinks, poker, porn, stripper. Pretty straight forward. The party was going to be held at the house of another of Tom's friends. My wife gave up trying to get us to raise the tone of the night and just asked that we kept good boundaries for Tom -- and for Ian.

I arranged to have food delivered from a local deli. I also arranged to have a couple of cases of wine delivered. Others would bring spirits - tequila, whiskey, vodka.Tom had checked with his friend whose house would be used and we could sit 5 at each table for poker.

We also went online and bought some porn despite my wife's scornful comments. Ian picked them out so she made rather less fuss than if it had been me choosing.

But for all that, it came down to the stripper. Another concerted attempt to find what we were looking for failed. Ian decided we would have to just go with a young girl despite Tom's strong preference against this. He knew his wife would not like it and he didn't want to make her feel threatened.

I knew it was important to Ian to give Tom the best send off into life of retired wealth. I had not forgotten my wife's lighthearted suggestion that she might take on the role herself. But I knew that it was because Ian was there and she had had a few drinks that had made her so playful. I needed to tread carefully not to get an instant and terminal 'No' so I waited until she was obviously in a bright mood.

I screwed up my courage and asked my wife to think about really taking the role on to help Ian out of a hole. I tried to cover the suggestion with humour but she still took a dim view of it. We went back and forth on this for a few nights in a row with my wife asking me if I truly would be happy with her being a sexual toy for other men and if I would have any respect for her after such a performance. She said it was ridiculous at her age and that it was just crude of me to even think about it. Then out of the blue she stopped protesting.

"I'll do it," she said. "Ian's a real friend and I don't want to let him down. Just you make sure you don't try to push me further than I want to go. It's not about sex. It's about doing what needs to be done when no one else can."

"Really?" I said, half to hear it again, half in disbelief. I thought she might be protesting her innocence just a bit too much but I wasn't going to screw things up by saying it.

I should probably interject here that I had always been proud of my wife and her looks. I liked her to wear short skirts and tight tops without a bra to showcase her big, long nipples. I got excited when I noticed men checking her out and I would always point it out. I loved it. She was 57 and still drew attention from males less than half her age. She had a nice 36B bust and her long dreadlocks that just added to the attraction. She had nipples that stiffened even when it was warm.

Sometimes during sex we'd role play that she performed for other men but she always said it was just to humour me and it didn't turn her on. I'd certainly told the story of her being a stripper often enough for the general idea to be familiar to her.

"Why not," she said. "I know how to dance and none of them know me except Ian and he doesn't count. I won't be able to do this in 10 years time and you'll both owe me big time!"

"But," I responded, "you wouldn't be comfortable with all those men seeing you naked, would you?" I wanted to check that she was actually being serious.

"They wouldn't," she replied. "You can't dance naked in pubs. Strippers have to wear a bottom and pasties. I could manage that. Besides, I'm interested to see if you really would like it as much as you think you would," she teased.

There was so much I liked about the idea but would it be safe? On the one hand, it seemed like she'd forgotten the party would not be in a pub. On the other hand, I knew she would not have sex with anyone and most of them were respectable married men. Apart from Ian, no one knew her, not even Tom.I knew he had fantasies about my wife. He would get to see her perform almost naked while Tom would get his stripper. Everyone would be happy, especially me, as Ian had said I could MC the evening.

Ian was on fire with the plan. I could see the idea of my wife stripping in front of him after all these years of knowing her and doing so in front of so many people turned him on. My wife was more excited on by the prospect than I expected too. We had great sex that night. The next day we discussed it again. I went through my reasoning again. It was unnecessary -- she was absolutely set to do it. Even we I said she would need to give Tom a lap dance, she stuck to her resolve.

"I'll have a thong on and he'll have all his clothes on so it will hardly count as sex!" she told me. "I'm not going to let him do anything more than stare -- if he's even very interested in someone my age. He's probably moved on from teenage sexual urges and just wants to keep his image going in front of his staff. I'm glad they're all too old to expect some young, tight body. You should have got me to do this 30 years ago!"

I must say I didn't agree. I found her more attractive every year and knew from the pictures I'd posted on the internet that plenty of much younger men -- and women -- did too.

So here we were, standing outside a house full of people Ian worked with. I admit I was nervous, what seemed like a great idea in the safety of my own home certainly felt different now.

I took stock. My wife was wearing a long coat and gloves. She looked like a business woman and had kept her make up light. Underneath, her outfit consisted of a dark pencil skirt that ended a little above her knees and a flimsy white blouse that buttoned up to the very top. She had a little black scarf around the collar like a tie. Under that she had a push-up quarter-cup bra, matching red thong, dark stockings, and a black garter belt. She put her hair up, so she could shake it down, and knee-high boots completed the outfit. Last she had pasties stuck to her nipples. They were just 2 cms diameter and didn't really cover much, especially when her nipples were erect, which was a lot of the time even in warm weather.

Her outfit was designed to let her strip through 6 songs. We had figured about 20-30 minutes. She had worked out her routine. She knew what came off at which point of each song. As she had worked on the routine I thought about strangers watching her strip. The idea had always turned me on. She would dance as I fantasised, getting them all worked up. I would be watching me as men lusted for her. The fact that such a close friend as Ian would also see it was the icing on the cake -- I'd have someone to share the memories with afterwards. That thought settled my nerves at any rate. I hoped my wife had found something to do that for her too.

She had refused to let me see the final outfit or complete routine. She wanted me to enjoy it as well. Since it was going to be a mainly older age group I wanted music that most people would have party associations with so I had songs from the 70s that I thought everyone would know. I was as ready as I'd ever be.

We rang the doorbell.

When the door opened it was the guy who was obviously the office junior, Ramon as Ian had told me. "Come on in," he said and then yelled, "Hey Tom, I think the stripper's here."

My wife's really worry was that she would seem too old but the obvious excitement of this 19 year old settled her nerves.

I looked through the door. There were 5 older men sitting at the dining table. I could see more in the kitchen through the open door. All the guys looked at my wife. There was a big screen TV with porn already playing on it. Over a rock soundtrack two girls were giving a guy with a big cock a blow job. Tom looked up saw me and came over to me.

"You must be Tom," I said. "I'm Brad, the MC for the night. We met once before. And this is Candy, the stripper Ian picked to meet your specifications." Tom held my wife's eyes and rather formally shook her hand. His manner was stiff but he seemed very pleased with what he saw.

I was still nervous. I had butterflies in my stomach. This might be harder than I thought. I looked around. Apart from Ramon, Tom's staff ranged from their mid-50s to one guy in his 70s. All average looking. No one stood out. Some had small beer guts. No one was gross. Then I remembered there was supposed to be one more -- the high flyer who Ian said was making the firm so much money. Soon I saw him step in through the back door, a tall, well-built black man of about 30. Dean had a hungry look in his eye that went beyond just money.

Then my wife entered the room. "Hi guys, I heard we're here to party?" she said. "Where's the star of this evening?"

They pointed and some called out Tom's name. He walked over to her, less rigid now, clearly ready for the party to begin.

My wife is 5'7" and all these men were taller than her. She grabbed Tom's collar and pulled his face down to hers. Then she put my lips close enough to his so he could feel her breath. "Think we can make your last working day something you'll remember?" she asked. She kissed him on the cheek a little close to his mouth.

Some of the men laughed, some clapped. I liked that. She had their attention. I had been worried. I planned this all out, but what if they didn't go for her? This early approval gave me some confidence.

She told Ramon to get a chair. She quickly saw he was expected to be the go-fer. He grabbed one from the dining room. My wife pulled Tom by the shirt and pushed him down in the chair. I walked around and adjusted the lights. I wanted a soft glow. Then I put my phone and speakers down on the table and started my play list. All the men gathered round, some on the couch, some grabbed chairs, some standing.

I looked around the group as the first song started. My wife slowly stepped around the the circle once. "Now boys," she said. "One rule, no touching. You all good with that?"

They all said yes or nodded. I smiled. "Good," she laughed, trying to appear confident and in control. "Let's have some fun.

She would probably have said there were two rules if she had thought about it because she was momentarily thrown when phones came out and photos and videos were taken. She wouldn't like people having these shots and clips of her, I knew, especially with the likelihood of internet posting. She protested mildly but she must have decided it was too late to do anything about that now.

She walked around the group slowly pulling off one glove. She ran it across Tom's face and then dropped it on his lap. She continued strutting, removing the other glove. Then she turned to another guy. She bent down and put her face close to his again so he could feel her breath and lightly trailed a finger across his face, from chin to temple. "Hold this," she said, taking the glove off and kissing him on the forehead.

He grabbed the glove and waved it over his head. She laughed and continued. She undid the sash of her coat and started to unbutton it. When it was unbuttoned she stood still and cocking her hips and asked, "Is there a gentleman to help a lady off with her coat?"

At least 4 men stood up. She picked one, the oldest, to help her, perhaps thinking he was the safest. She took the coat from him and draped it over his head then she kissed him too, this time on his chin. As she did I noticed the TV behind him was still playing porn. Some guy was fucking a girl with fierce determination. He was sitting on the couch, kind of leaning to the side. She was facing outward kind of squatting on his cock. My wife saw it too and giggled a bit, maybe thinking how uncomfortable that would be. Of course, it was just to give viewers the best view. I could see that she would have to work hard to capture all of the attention in the room with so much more visual action going on.

She danced a little and shook her hair down as the first song ended. Ramon, at least, was excited and yelled out in appreciation and waved his beer as encouragement. None was needed. Now that the coat was off my wife was showing them all an outfit that really revealed her figure. I could tell she was starting to bring some sexuality to her moves. She danced around the room. She'd stop, raise her hands above her head and undulate. She'd grind her hips. She'd shake her ass. Everyone could see she knew how to dance. She got plenty of whistles, applause and whoops.

By now she was enjoying the attention. I have to admit, the whole thing was turning me on big time. Then her tie came off and she draped it over Tom's head. She'd shimmy and show off the tops of her stockings. She unbuttoned her shirt down to my bra line. She continued to dance but when this song ended, I noticed she got less appreciation than during the last one. She was dancing with passion and I was kind of disappointed for both her and for me. Then I noticed some guys looking at the TV again. On the screen there was a girl licking another girl's pussy.

The scene was definitely hot. My wife saw it too and faltered for a moment. She'd never kissed a girl before, certainly never done anything like that. This time the sight seemed to turn her on though.

She danced over to one of the guys watching the TV. She put her foot on his knee. That got his attention. Her skirt slid up and her stockings and suspenders were showing. I was sure he could see up her skirt to her thong. Good. I wanted all eyes on her and hoped she did too.

By now I could see that she had a plan. My wife was going to be in just her thong and pasties for her finale. She realised that if she danced without taking something off she was losing their attention. She saw a woman on the screen being fucked while sitting on a guy's lap. I remembered we had played at her doing lap dances and also that she knew she owed a lap dance to Tom. I held my breath...

She pulled up her skirt so her stockings and suspenders showed fully and shook her ass in the face of one of the guys sitting and then shook it over his lap. I saw that at one point he looked away to the TV over his shoulder.

"What the fuck? She's hot," I thought. "What's going on?"

I absolutely did not want the evening to end with my wife feeling second best to a porn movie. She needed to turn up the heat. Reading my mind, she unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor. That got their attention. Now she was in thong, bra, shirt, stockings and suspenders. She started dancing again, more slowly, but attention started drifting back to the screen. Then she started with her buttons.

I knew where this was going because I knew about the quarter-cup bra. One by one she undid the buttons on her shirt and took it off. That really got attention. The pasties had fallen off and her big nipples were sticking out over the top of the bra. I was loving the attention she was getting now. All eyes were glued to her long, erect nipples. Phones came out to take close ups but plenty of shots with her face were snapped too. She was going to be shown around a lot, that was sure!

It was making me so horny. I could see her pussy getting wet through the silk thong too.

She threw the shirt at a guy watching the TV. He turned round and looked at her with sudden interest. Before he could move over to her, my wife started giving one of the other men a lap dance. Her nipples were almost jabbing him in the face. She hadn't even waited for Tom! Everyone was paying attention now and I moved over to the TV and turned it off. No one objected. My wife put one leg on a guys lap. She tapped her boot and said. "Take it off."

That got all eyes on her. The man unzipped the boot and pulled it off her leg. The feeling was electric. I could see his fingers against my wife's stockings as the boot came off. He clearly loved the feeling judging by the bulge in his pants. He held her foot for a while before she bent down and kissed him on the cheek. Then she moved over to someone else and did the same thing with the other boot. It looked so hot.

Next she turned to the man on her left so that he could unfasten her suspender belt and slip it down from her hips. His instinctive reaction as she stood in front of him was to reach out for her nipples. I couldn't blame him. They were standing to attention and seemed to be begging to be pinched or tweaked. She wagged her finger at him and reminded him of her no touching rule. It must have taken a fair amount of will power but his hands dropped and he settled for taking the belt from her hips. His reward was to be presented with a close up view of her firm, full ass, with only the tiny red thong to cover any part of it. He looked pretty happy with this result even though he knew he had to keep his hands off those tempting, jutting peaks.


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