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The Peeper and the Bitch Ch. 10

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Reo deals with brutal Mongolians.
3.7k words

Part 10 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/15/2018
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Five Mongolians stood outside Wei's uncle's warehouse, each one radiating as much confidence as a sniper hiding on a hill with their rifle aimed at an card playing terrorist leader.

The Mongolians were tall, their face expressionless.

They gave the impression they could kill an innocent child without remorse.

Reo's heart pounded in his chest when the Mongolian eighteen-year old girl in the room trained her eyes on him.

Terror gripped Reo.

The Mongolian girl had on an unzipped dark green jacket, white shirt, black jeans, black shoes.

Her long black hair was down.

The girl had an alluring face, but Reo longed to be one billion miles away from her.

A muscular Mongolian man donning a black suit stood beside the girl, glasses on his face as wielding a Mongolian sword.

The three other Mongolians had on white shirts, black jeans, black boots. They were muscular as they held unsheathed Mongolian swords.

The Mongolian swords added to the dread holding Reo.

Wei stood in front of the Mongolian girl.

Reo was next to Wei.

Beside Reo, stood Tina.

The native Arabic speaker and a Japanese eighteen-year old girl with a mole on her face were near Tina.

Near Wei, stood Bo, Biming, the Chinese gangster who Reo never seen without his sunglasses on, four other Chinese gangsters.

Tonight, Wei will sell Reo and Tina to the Mongolian girl.

Reo was aware he might might never see Japan again after leaving the country with the Mongolians.

Reo had the intense urge to flee, escape to a place where Wei and the sex trafficker's friends would never find him.

But Reo's chance at escaping Wei forever was low.

The Japanese eighteen-year old released a soft sigh, holding the urge to sob.

"Please, speak Japanese." Wei said to the Mongolian in the suit.

The Mongolian nodded. As a jet roared in the night sky, he said, in Japanese, "I am Batu. I am the assistant and interpreter for the beautiful and amazing girl standing next to me. Me and the bodyguards have swords out for our protection. Please, do not take offense. Now, I will let my boss introduce herself."

Batu spoke to the Mongolian girl in their native language.

The Mongolian girl nodded.

She trained her eyes on Wei before saying, "Minii ner Altantsetseg."

"My name is Altantsetseg." Batu said, interpreting for his boss.

Altantsetseg walked to the spot in front of Reo, gave his left cheek three light slaps, stroked his jaw.

The girl spoke in Mongolian.

"Thanks for selling this one so cheap. I'm really going to enjoy him." Batu said before removing his glasses.

The assistant rubbed his nose bridge, donned his glasses.

Reo trembled when Altantsetseg placed her hand on his clothed cock.

Wei laughed as Altantsetseg rubbed Reo's cock through his clothes. The Chinese gangster said, "Having a good time with your future owner touching your cock, Jap?"

Reo clenched his fists as Batu interpreted to Altantsetseg what Wei said.

Reo's hard cock fought for freedom.

Altantsetseg pulled her hand from Reo's clothed cock.

She stepped to the spot in front of Tina, moved onto her knees.

The Mongolian girl moved her hands until Tina's school skirt hid them.

She pulled the Japanese eighteen-year old's panties down, lifted the kidnapped girl's skirt to expose her pussy.

The males outside continued standing as Altantsetseg used her tongue to make Tina moan in pleasure.

Reo kept his eyes on Altantsetseg, who continued licking Tina's pussy.

Batu opened his mouth, as if he had the urge to speak but didn't decide what to say.

Wei clapped his hands twice. He said, "Okay. Let's talk money. I hope Interpreter Man here remembers the agreed price. Also, give me a bit of random money, since I'll be selling the Jap guy here for cheap."

Reo scowled.

Batu spoke to Altantsetseg in their native language.

Altantsetseg didn't stop licking Tina's pussy, as if licking the Japanese girl's pussy was the most important action in the universe.

"Okay. She's just going to keep doing that." Batu said before shaking his head.

He spoke to Wei in Mandarin.

Wei laughed.

Reo wasn't aware what Batu said to Wei, but he was more willing to escape than agonize over the fact the Mongolian interpreter uttered words that made Wei laugh.

Batu pulled yen from his suit pocket, pulled more yen from his pants pocket, handed it to Wei.

Reo and Tina were sold to the Mongolians.

Wei grinned. He said, "Thank you. This was nice."

Reo took a step back.

He was ready to sprint far from Wei, the other Chinese gangsters, the Mongolians, everyone in the area.

"Yes! I'm going to squirt all over!" Tina said in an loud tone, making Reo stop trying to escape.

Tina's pussy juice sprayed onto Altantsetseg's face.

Wei laughed, more excitement in it than his previous laugh.

Batu smiled.

A stone met Wei's arm.

"Hey, typical Asian thugs! I'll be taking Reo from you!" a voice said in Japanese.

Everyone turned their heads.

Milo stood, holding an aluminum baseball bat.

Next to him were Sophia, Sally, Tatiana.

"I brought other Americans, too. So, let's bring some great fifty star action to the table!" Milo said.

The girls with him all held aluminum baseball bats.

"Fuck." Wei said in an soft tone before sneaking towards the warehouse's entrance.

A gust rippled Milo's clothes as he moved towards Reo with the other Americans.

"Mi amor, I'm going to save you!" Sophia said to Reo in an loud tone.

Reo longed to grin at her, but the terrifying Mongolians were nearby.

The Japanese boy took a step back.

Altantsetseg stood as Tina pulled her panties up.

The Mongolian girl wiped her pussy juice-soaked face, glowered, her fury as strong as a person becoming aware they would spend their life's remainder in prison. In Mongolian, she said, "I'm going to eat all of your hearts!"

The Mongolian bodyguards pulled pistols from their pockets, retrieved silencers, attached the silencers to the pistols.

Reo's eyes widened.

Bo and the Chinese gangsters who weren't Wei pulled switchblades from their pockets, opened them.

Tina, the native Arabic speaker, the Japanese eighteen-year old girl with the mole on her face ran, putting distance between themselves and the building danger.

Inside the warehouse, Wei grabbed Min-hee, who stood near the building's entrance.

The eighteen-year old Korean girl had on a blue shirt, blue jeans, white shoes.

"Alright, Min-hee. It's getting extremely dangerous outside." Wei said before guiding Min-hee to a spot fifteen feet from the warehouse's entrance. "I'm a bit more richer, but I might die tonight. I'm sorry I can't properly communicate with you. Don't worry, because I'll make sure you get out of here safely. I hope you could understand."

Wei gripped Min-hee's shoulders. He kissed her before saying, "Stay here. Understand? Stay. Stay."

Wei took three steps back, turned.

After pulling his cellphone from his pocket, he called Hana.

"Wei. Hey." Hana said when she answered the phone call. "Tomorrow, can we go to park? I feel like just talking to you and watching the-"

"Hana, you're not my girlfriend anymore." Wei said with zero remorse.

"What?" Hana said.

"You're not my girlfriend anymore."

A Mongolian entered.

Min-hee screamed, moved to the stairs.

"What was that?!" Hana said into the phone as the six and a half feet tall Mongolian swung his sword in the air, a silencer-equipped pistol in his other hand. "Wei?!"

Wei took a heavy breath, ended the call.

"It wasn't a setup, fucking idiot. Didn't the interpreter tell you?" Wei said as the Mongolian advanced towards him.

Outside, Batu held Altantsetseg's arms while saying, in Mongolian, "No. It has nothing to do with them, I'm sure. Where did Baatar go? Altantsetseg, Tats, the Chinese aren't our enemies."

The seven feet tall Tats shoved Batu to the ground. He said, "Shut up. We'll kill them, regardless of what they did or didn't do. Fuck the Chinese."

Ba sneered. Seated, he said, "Fucking idiot!"

He turned his head to Altantsetseg, who grabbed her discarded, sheathed sword from the ground.

She unsheathed it.

A Chinese gangster evaded a bullet from Tats's pistol, running while pointing his switchblade at Altantsetseg's back.

Tats swung his sword back, letting it tear into a Chinese gangster's stomach, as if he could see behind his hulking body.

The Mongolian shot the Chinese gangster focused on killing Altantsetseg.

His intestines spilling from his gaping wound, the Chinese gangster took a trembling step towards Tats, gripping his switchblade, ready to kill.

A baseball bat met his head.

The Chinese gangster dropped, his skull cracked open.

Tats turned, shot the gangster in the head, aimed at Milo.

"Fucking shit!" Milo said, holding a baseball bat while his enemy held a gun.

"Die, White." Tats said in horrible English.

He grinned, pocketing his pistol.

"Take your skin. Take skin off." Tats said, raising his sword in the air.

Milo swung his bat.

Tats swung his sword, not aiming to kill, but intent on maiming.

The weapons clashed.

In Bo's car, Erino fingered her pussy while people fought and died.

Her skirt and panties laid on the passenger seat.

Her shoes were on the floor.

The door leading to the backseat opened.

A Chinese gangster moved into the backseat, closed the door, jumped onto Erino.

"Who are you, bitch?" he said in Japanese, gripping the eighteen-year old girl's throat while they remained in the car's backseat. "I'll fuck you. Then you will die."

Chinese fingers continued squeezing Erino's neck.

The gangster said he would have sex with Erino before killing her.

But it seemed as if he intended on murdering the girl.

"Feel that. You love me choking you, sushi eater? Huh?!" the Chinese gangster said, sounding frustrated and aroused.

A dead body collided with the car.

Erino shut her eyes.

"Yes. Be a good bitch," the Chinese man said, releasing Erino's neck. He planted his lips against her cheek. "At least one good thing is going to happen today."

The gangster turned his head to Erino's huge breasts.

He fondled the breasts through Erino's clothes, licked her cleavage.

"Time for some sushi pussy," the Chinese gangster said in English.

The car door opened.

Erino opened her eyes, pressed her hands against the gangster as a person pulled the Chinese man out the car.

"Stinky tofu-eating bastard." Dachi said after stabbing the gangster to death with his switchblade.

The Yakuza made eye contact with Erino. He bowed before saying, "He's dead. And you can call me Dachi-san."

Erino covered her pussy with her hand. She said, "Thank you, Dachi-san."

Dachi turned.

Erino went into the passenger seat, donned her skirt, her panties, her shoes.

After leaving the car, she walked to the spot near the dead Chinese man who choked her, took a switchblade from his pocket.

Tats tossed Milo onto the car.

Milo groaned.

His baseball bat laid on the ground, severed into two pieces.

Tats kneeled, dropped his fallen sword.

On the car's hood, Milo squirmed. He said, "Fucking Ghengis Khan asshole."

Tats placed his sword's flat side against Milo's cheek. He turned his head to Dachi, made eye contact with Erino. He said, in English, "I take his skin. Don't try stop me."

Tats pistol sat in the Mongolian's back pocket, the gun's handle sitting outside the pocket.

Reo stood ten feet from the car, a Mongolian gripping his black hair.

Someone pulled out Tats's pistol.

They shot him.

A scorching bullet in his head, Tats released the hold on his sword.

He roared, turned to Min-jin, who had shot him.

Tats tackled Min-jin to the ground.

Tats, the strongest Mongolian in the area, shut his eyes, died.

Dachi and Erino helped Min-jin get Tats off his body.

Sophia finished helping Sally and Tatiana kill a Chinese gangster, the eighteen-year old Americans using their baseball bats.

Sophia turned her head to Reo. She ran towards him, saying, "Mi amor!"

Reo spotted Sophia, slammed his fist into the Mongolian hand gripping his hair.

The Mongolian released him, stroked his hand before speaking in Mongolian in an furious tone.

Reo ran.

Altantsetseg sprinted.

Bo slit the last Mongolian bodyguard, cutting the man's hand with his switchblade.

The Mongolian used his sword to pierce Bo's heart, the blade having broken through bone and muscle to reach the Chinese man's heart.

Bo staggered back.

He kept his grip on his blood-soaked switchblade. He said, "Get out of here, Tanaka!"

He stabbed the Mongolian's heart, dropped dead.

Reo, running towards Sophia, was close to the Mexican girl.

Sophia's head met the ground.

Reo shouted, sorrow and frustration filling his body like blood filling a tub while a serial killer slits the wrist belonging to the person laying inside the tub.

Altantsetseg stomped Sophia's head, blood descending the Mongolian's sword.

She pointed the sword's tip at Reo's heart as the warm tears left the eighteen-year old Japanese boy's eyes.

"Don't move." Altantsetseg said in Mongolian.

Inside the warehouse, Wei sat on Baatar's bleeding body.

Heavy breaths left Wei's mouth while he held Baatar's pistol. He said, "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Thanks for being such a great kill, but fuck you for hurting me so bad."

Wei rubbed his sore ribs, winced.

Min-hee approached him, her eyes trained on the Chinese gangster's frowning face.

In Japanese, Min-hee said, "You okay?"

Wei grinned.

"So, the Korean bitch finally learned how to ask if someone is okay, in Japanese." Wei said in Mandarin, pulling his cellphone from his pocket. He typed in Ling's phone number, called it. Ling didn't answer. Wei decided he would leave her a voice message. "Hey, my personal slut. I'm still in Tokyo. And honestly, I'm pretty sure I'm going to die here. It's funny, because I was ready to go to China in a few days to see you. But that doesn't matter anymore. I'm going to die tonight. I'm sorry. Let everyone know how great I was. I'm always going to be there for you. Ironic, I know. Goodbye."

Wei tossed the phone.

He pulled an envelope from his pocket, smiled.

The warehouse's side door opened.

Biming entered. He said, "Wei, what the fuck are you doing?! Get up. We need to go now!"

Wei didn't stand.

"No. I'm going to die. I know it." Wei said as Biming approached him. "Go hide. I'm sure someone's following you."

Biming furrowed his eyebrows, went to the spot behind a large crate.

Min-jin entered.

He held a silencer-equipped pistol in his right hand.

Min-hee gasped.

Min-jin turned his head to her, made eye contact with the his younger twin sister.

But Min-jin had business to attend to.

He had to take another life.

The Korean boy forced himself to turn his head to Wei, aimed his pistol, pulled the trigger.

"Fuck!" Wei said as a scorching bullet tore into his chest.

He fell off the dead Mongolian, meeting the floor, sure his wound would be fatal.

"He's the one who took you, right?" Min-jin said to Min-hee, speaking in their native dialect.

In an trembling voice, Min-hee said, "Yes."

Min-jin nodded. He said, "That was for my uncle. And for my sister. Fucking Chink."

While Wei sobbed, Min-jin observed the vast room, hoping to spot more people to kill.

Three seconds passed.

Min-jin turned on his gun's safety, placed the pistol in his pocket.

Wei's sobs was as pleasing to Min-jin as sex with a foreign girl.

He turned to his sister, warrior mode leaving his body, replaced by intense platonic love.

Warm tears leaked from Min-jin's eyes.

He listened as Dachi hurled racist insults at Wei, but he cherished the fact he was in the same room with his sister.

The siblings ran towards each other.

When the brother and sister hugged, it was as if their uncle wasn't dead, Min-hee had not became a sex slave, Min-jin had not became a killer.

Min-jin didn't stop crying.

Min-hee didn't stop crying.

"I love you so much. I'm going to get you back home." Min-jin said in an trembling voice.

Min-hee was too sorrowful to speak.

Dachi grinned.

He had helped warlords in Africa slaughter innocent villagers, had cried at the funeral of a Japanese soldier who participated in the Rape of Nanking with zero remorse, had crushed an spider to death on accident, but today, he helped two Korean siblings reunite.

He spotted Wei's cellphone on the floor, retrieved it, placed it in his pocket.

"Alright, let's get the fuck out of here." Dachi said.

The Korean siblings stopped hugging.

Min-jin smiled, held Min-hee's hand.

They walked towards the open side door.

A Chinese gangster stepped into the room, holding a pistol.

He trained his eyes on Wei's wounded body, made eye contact with Dachi, sneered, aimed his gun.

A sword impaled him.

When the gangster's attacker pulled the Mongolian sword free, the gangster dropped to the ground.

"Come on." Yuri said, as honorable as three samurai warriors.

When everyone not Chinese left the room, Biming moved into a standing position.

He trained his eyes on the sobbing Wei, who had helped him when four men tried beating him to death in Sichuan.

"Shit! Wei! Wei!" Biming said in Mandarin when he kneeled beside Wei.

Wei squirmed.

"Don't fucking move." Biming said, training his eyes on the blood-filled hole in his closest friend's chest. "Fuck."

Wei released short, pain-filled breaths, held Biming's hand.

"Remember back in Sichuan? When those guys found out you weren't homeless, so they wanted their money back? They were going to kill you. I saved you, like I saved you now." Wei said in Mandarin, tears leaking from his eyes. He coughed, trembled harder. "Damn. It fucking hurts. Anyway, how lucky were we? We were both guys just living in Beijing. We weren't from that shitty place. We were from the best place ever. Home. The envelope on the floor, take that. Give it to... Ling. And tell her I'm sorry. And tell my boss-"

Wei stopped talking.

Biming moved Wei's hand around. He said, "Tell your boss what? Wei!"

Wei's eyes didn't move.

He sold many women and girls, gained wealth, shared original racist jokes online that would leave the typical White person laughing so hard it hurt.

Now, on his uncle's warehouse's floor, wearing the shirt his girlfriend bought him for his eighteenth birthday, Wei was dead.

Biming forced Wei's eyes closed, stood.

His cellphone rung.

Later, while the sun rose after the moon and the stars basked in their temporary popularity, Reo lied on a hotel bed, restrained with ropes, naked.

Altantsetseg straddled Reo, naked too, but did not let Reo's cock enter her pussy.

The Mongolian girl slammed her palm against Reo's right cheek.

She slammed her other palm against Reo's left cheek.

The girl screamed in frustration and sorrow.

Reo gritted his teeth as the Mongolian girl uttered Mongolian words.

The Japanese peeper let the words shroud his ears.

Sophia entered his mind.

The girl who had slapped Reo murdered Sophia, decapitated the Mexican girl.

Bo had died.

The hulking Chinese man intended on letting Reo escape, but the Mongolians insured Reo's kidnapping.

Warm tears left Reo's eyes.

The Mongolian girl kept slapping him.

The major events leading to the happened because Saya made Wei interact with Reo.

Deaths happened because Saya.

While slaps from a girl who wasn't Saya made Reo's cheeks red, Reo vowed he would make Saya suffer.

The girl with Reo stopped slapping him.

Tears dropped onto Reo's face.

Altantsetseg continued crying.

She grabbed his head. Sobbing, she mounted Reo, letting his huge Japanese cock enter her wet Mongolian pussy.

Reo's mouth opened as he cherished the wet pussy gripping his cock, giving the blood-filled erection warmth.


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