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The Perfect Life for Davey Ch. 05

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Someone new gets to molest Davey.
5.6k words

Part 5 of the 9 part series

Updated 10/17/2022
Created 09/18/2014
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The first night sleeping in the chastity device was SUCH intense frustration. I actually cried. I hadn't cum for a week, and I thought, Oh God, how am I going to last TWO MORE in this thing? Of course, bedtime was preceded by a session with Tyler and Shelly on the phone, first listening to her amazed fascination with the chastity tube and how "oh my gahhhhhhd" it was "SOOOOO hot" that my dick was locked up and there was no way I could cum without the device off me, and how it was "sweet" that Tyler had the key.

That was followed by me acting as Shelly's stand-in as Tyler got his balls and dick gobbled, his ass licked, his asshole tongued, and then got to fuck "Shelly" from behind. Afterwards, "she" scooped his cum out of "her pussy" and licked it all up. When they were done, Shelly said, "So she gave you handcuffs, too? Are you gonna use 'em to cuff Davey's wrists to the bedposts tonight and make him sleep that way?"

"Do you think I should?" he asked.

"Oh my gahhhhd. That would be so hot."

"Yeah, I'll do that. I'll use ropes to tie his ankles to the other posts, too."

"So is he hard now?"

"Yeah, his dick head is just sorta peeking out the bottom. He's got precum leaking from it."

"Woww But he can't cum?"


"Oh my gahhhd. So hot. So if he's lying in bed, and all horny like that, will he be able to sleep?"

"Eventually. Probably. I don't know."

"But he might just lie there all night and be horny and not be able to do anything about it?"


"Then in the morning he'd have to go to class, but he'd still be all horny. Oh my gahhhd, that'd be hot. Would he start whimpering, you think?"


"Maybe you should put a piece of duct tape on his mouth, in case he does."

"Good idea. Yeah, I'll do that."

"Oh my gahhhhhd. Oh wait! I just had an idea. Can you put your phone like... somewhere on that thing that's on his dick? Like, can you attach it somehow? And put it on vibrate? 'Cause if you can, I think I'm gonna stay up late tonight, and keep calling the phone. It would vibrate on his dick. You think you can do that!?"

"I can probably just duct-tape it. Yeah, that would work."

"Oh my gahhhd. I might just stay up all night. I don't have to work 'til the dinner shift tomorrow. Oh my god I can just keep calling. You think that'll drive him crazy? With the phone buzzing on there?"

"Hahaha, I'm sure it will."

"Wowww, oh my gahhhd. So hot."

Hot for her, maybe. Sheer torture for me. Almost the entire night, I felt periodic buzzing on the tube encasing my dick. Even if I managed to nod off, I'd awaken every time she called. No doubt she was watching TV or enjoying herself there in Kennesburg, 8 hours away, gleefully reveling in the torment of a poor boy she'd never even met, knowing he was lying in the dark, spread-eagle on his back, cuffed and tied, sleepless and intensely horny, but helpless against her capricious torture. She would call about a dozen times in a row, then maybe wait a minute, and call another eight or nine times. Then I'd get a break for 10 or 20 minutes, and she would start again. I prayed Tyler's phone battery would run down before morning. It didn't, but I think she did fall asleep around 3 or 4 AM, and I got a little uniterrupted sleep.

Three weeks without cumming just about drove me insane. I felt like I was in a trance almost all the time. Every moment, whether I was awake or asleep, I was thoroughly and completely powerless. Every single move I made was under Tyler's control. I did my schoolwork (and helped him with his) like an automaton, and the rest of the time I was cleaning the room, or licking Tyler's feet or butt, or licking his piss off the toilet bowl rim, or wiping his ass after he took a dump, submitting to his bondage and his socks in my face, and acting as Shelly's stand-in almost every night... getting my lotioned-up "pussy" fucked, sucking Tyler's dick, licking his asshole, and swallowing or licking up all of his cum.

One night Tyler told Shelly he'd really like to try anal sex with her; did she think he'd be able to take his cock in her back door? She said, "Ooooh... I don't know. I've never done that. I'm a little nervous about it." So Tyler said they could start slow: First he'd lube up a finger and put it in her ass. Of course, HER ass was not available, so he put lotion on his finger and put it in MY ass.

"Does that feel good, baby?"

"Mmmm," she cooed. "Yes. Oh, I love that. So you have your finger in Davey's ass, right?"


"Mmmm. So hot."

"Here, baby, taste it. I want you to taste your ass. I'm putting that finger to your mouth."

"Oh my gahhhhd. So nasty. OK, I'll taste it. ... Davey's tasting your finger, right?"

"Of course."

"Oh my gahhd. Wo Try putting two fingers in my ass, baby."

So of course Tyler worked up to two fingers, and then three, in MY ass, regularly pulling them out to have me suck them. I didn't like it. His fingers tasted... like ass, obviously. Not that I wasn't used to that taste by then. Better my own ass than his, I suppose.

It really hurt when he tried to put four fingers in, but he thought he might have stretched me out enough to try his dick. Even though he used plenty of lotion, he could barely fit the head in before I begged him to stop. It hurt too much. So he and Shelly agreed that we should stretch out "her" ass some more, over the next few days. That meant I was going to have either my fingers or his stuck up my ass at about every opportunity, all through the day. As for that night, they made me try and hold my asshole open with the index fingers of my two hands, and Tyler jacked off into my asshole, with his dickhead right up against it, so as much of his cum as possible would go in. Then Shelly said she wanted Tyler to put his finger in "her" ass and scoop his cum out so "she" could eat it.

By the time my three weeks without cumming finally ended, Tyler and Shelly were able to have anal sex... meaning, of course, that I could listen to Shelly on the phone, saying "Oh my gahhhhd" and "sooo hot" while Tyler fucked my ass. Incredible amounts of pre-cum drooled from my dick, leaving wet spots all over my bedsheet. When Tyler and Shelly allowed me to cum that night, they decided it would be good for me to have to sleep with my cum all over my face to remind me, as I went to sleep that night, to continue to be "a good friend" to Tyler, and "be cooperative" as a roommate. So, after unlocking my chastity device, Tyler trussed me up so that my legs were over my head, and my dick pointed at my own face. He then jerked me off, aiming my dick so cum would splatter on every part of my face. Then he got a hot washrag and wiped my crotch, then let me air-dry as he untied the ropes, re-doing them after I was lying down. He asked if I needed to piss, and I did, so he got a jar and had me pee into it. Then he put the chastity tube back on me and locked it. He and Shelly said good night, and Tyler got in bed. But after about a half-hour, he decided he was horny again, so he decided to add another load of cum to my face. He slipped off his bunkbed, got into my bed, straddled my chest, and jerked himself onto my face. After taking a piss, he clumbed up into his bunk without a word, and went to sleep.

When fall semester ended, I asked Tyler to remove the chastity tube from me before I went home for the 3-week winter break. He said, "Just because you'll be in Bellewood and I'll be in Keenesburg doesn't mean we stop being friends. You'll still have rules to follow. I'll still need to know where you are at all times, you'll still need to ask my permission to do things, and I still need to know you can't jack off without me letting you."

"But how can you let me if the key is with you, a 12-hour drive away?"

"Hahaha. Simple. Make the 12-hour drive and come to Kennesburg."

"But I don't have a car. And I don't think my parents will let me borrow the car to go that far. They want me home for the whole break anyway."

"Well... your parents are coming to pick you up in a couple days, right?"


"How about if I leave the key with your mom, and she and I-"

"Uhhhh... *no* ... that won't work."

"Why not??"

"I don't want my MOM to know there's a steel tube on my penis!"

"Why not? What's the big deal. Just explain to her why. She'd probably be thrilled to hear how Ms. Smeltzer is helping her son to be a cooperative roommate, and-"

"No. No. That... just... no, that won't work."

Tyler shrugged. "OK, well... there's not much I can do, then, Davey. You'll just have to wait 'til we get back here for you to cum, then."

I sniveled, and whimpered. Three weeks?? Again?? I barely survived the maddening frustration last time. It might be bearable if I could go home, and just enjoy the holidays and my family, and forget all about school, and - most importantly - forget all about Tyler! But obviously he intended to continue his complete control over my life, even long-distance. The first thing I had to do was order a dildo online, and have it sent to my house in Bellewood, so my asshole would stay stretched out and still be ready for Tyler's use when spring semester started.

A couple days after getting home to Bellewood, Shelly and I finally got a look at each other. I was required to skype with Tyler and Shelly from my room whenever they wanted. I thought Shelly was OK-looking, but she was very skinny, her hair was bleached and her roots showed, and she wore too much eye shadow. She reminded me of all the girls from Bellewood High who didn't go to college, thought they were better than me, drove beat-up old sports cars, and now worked in the restaurants and factories.

Every night I had to watch Tyler and Shelly have sex while they made me imitate whatever Shelly was doing, with the dildo in place of Tyler's cock. If he was fucking her, I had to fuck my ass and keep pace with him. If he pulled his dick out of her pussy to have her suck it, then I had to pull the dildo out of my ass and suck it.

Shelly seemed to love seeing me do these things. She said sex with Tyler had always been hot, but it was super-hot having me involved. She couldn't wait to see me sucking Tyler's dick in person, licking his balls, his ass, his feet, having him fuck my ass. She asked me if I knew any gay guys in Bellewood. I said no. She said, "Ohhh, man... that sucks. I wanna see you doing those things to an actual person while Tyler and I are having sex here... Oh my god. That'd be SOOOO hot."

Tyler said he knew where I could find a man who might be willing. "Davey, there must be one of those porn shops around there, right? Like the kind of place with booths where you sit and pump quarters in to watch videos? There are always horny dudes hangin' around those places. I'm sure you could get one of those guys to come back to your house with you. You might have to suck him off there in the store first to let him know you're serious."

I sniveled. "You guyyyysss! I'm not GAY you know!"

"We know!" they said in unison. Shelly said, "That's not the point. The point is you do those things for Tyler at school, but Tyler's not there now. So there should be someone there to substitute for him. And the kind of guy we're talking about probably wouldn't be gay, either. He'd just be one of these guys that never gets any sex with women. Ooooh, and I just realized," she said, as she turned to Tyler, "What if it was some old, fat guy? You know? Or maybe he's just like really... rough and scuzzy, you know? Oh my god, just think how hot it would be for him, watching us by skype... he'd get to watch real, LIVE sex instead of watching videos at the porn place... and while he's watching us, Davey could be sucking him off and licking his ass or whatever he wanted... and he'd know he wouldn't have to worry about Davey because Davey's dick is locked up. Oh my gaaahhhhhhhhd! That'd be soooo hot!"

I whined. "You guys... I can't bring some strange guy back here to my house! What am I supposed to tell my parents??"

"You can go to his house," Tyler said. "Just take your computer and skype from there."

"You guys. Please don't make me do this. What am I supposed to do, go into the place and wander around and ask every guy I see if he wants to... to... go to his house and..."

"No, Davey, here's what you do: Go in there and sit in one of those booths and just watch videos. If the booth has a door, leave it open, but sometimes there's no door. When I've been in those places, guys will just lurk around, and one will poke his head into your booth. If you ignore him, he'll go away, because he knows you're not interested in what he's got in mind. But if you look at him, and say hello, he'll ask to join you. So all you have to do is look at him. He'll take it from there. He'll ask YOU if you wanna do something. He might ask if you want to come out to his car, or go get a hotel room, or whatever.

"So just go in there and make yourself bait. That's all you have to do. When he finds out you're interested, wait for the right time and tell him you want to go to his place, and why. Tell him about us, and how we're gonna skype, and all that."

Shelly added, "Make sure he's an old guy, too. Preferably fat."

"Yeah," Tyler agreed. "If a younger guy comes by, don't look at him. Let him move on. Wait for an old, fat guy, haha."

So that night, I asked my parents to borrow the car so I could visit friends. After they went to bed, around 10:00, I jumped in the car, with my laptop, and drove to the seedy little porn shop at the Bellewood exit off the interstate. There was a truckstop at that exit, too, and a motel. All my life, I knew that little porn shop was there, but I'd never been in it. I figured it was probably mostly frequented by people passing through, but surely some local people went in there, too. I prayed to God none would be in there tonight to recognize me.

I followed Tyler's instructions and, after getting a fistful of quarters from the clerk, settled down into one of the viewing booths. Sure enough, men would appear like so many ghosts out of the shadows, and just hang around outside my door. Trying to judge their age with my peripheral vision, I reckoned the first three or four to be too young. But then a scraggly-looking man with a big beer belly darkened the entrance, and when I glanced up at his face, I guessed him to be in his 40s, or maybe even 50s. In a raspy voice, he said, "Hi. How 'bout some company?"

"OK," I said, nervously. He waddled into the booth, which was small enough that his belly nearly bumped against my face, then he turned around and started to sit. I realized I'd have to scoot way over to make room on the little bench for his wide behind. He grunted and wheezed as he sat. I was practically scrunched against the side wall.

Then he turned his face toward me, licked his lips, and said, "Hmmm. You're a spring chicken, ain't ya?" He had a thick Southern accent, so I knew he wasn't from Bellewood. "Must be a naughty little fagboy, hangin' 'round here lookin' for ol' bears like me."

Ol' bears?? I didn't even know what the hell he was talking about, but I didn't really have time to think about it, as he immediately reached around to fondle me, pull up my shirt and look at my chest, which he said he liked because it wasn't hairy. "Skinny little faggot, too, aren'tcha?" He was very intimidating as he leaned into me. His head was above the level of mine, and as he leaned in, I reflexively leaned away. But two walls kept me from really going anywhere. I felt his beard on my face as he took my earlobe in his mouth, and held it in his teeth, biting on it a little. He plopped his fat fingers right on my crotch, and I quickly took in breath. "God damn," he said, "Hard as a rock already. Horny lil' fucker... Wait. Wait a minute... That yer dick? That ain't yer dick, what is that?"

"Um... it's a ... it's a ... chastity device."

"Ha ha ha. Chazzy what? What the hell's a chazzy device?"

"Um... well... um... can we, uh... can we, maybe... go outside? So I can explain it to you, and ... um... explain why I'm here?"

"Heh heh. I think I know why you're here. I'll tell ya what, I'll do you one better. Let's go to my truck. It's right over here at the truck stop. C'mon."

Ah. A trucker. Well, this probably wouldn't work. Since the man wasn't local, we couldn't go to his house. And if he was a trucker, he probably wouldn't want to get a motel room. But when we got outside, I immediately started explaining the situation to the man. I wanted to finish before we got to his truck, because I really didn't want to get in it with him. I told him there was a couple, both 19 years old, who had the key to my chastity tube. For all practical purposes, I was their slave, and they were 12 hours away, so there was no way the device was coming off my dick that night. But they had made me come to the porn shop to find a man like him, who might want to watch them have sex by skype, and meanwhile use me for his pleasure.

"Hot... damn!" he said. "My lucky night. Yours too. I got satellite internet in my truck, boy. You call up your ... your masters there... or whatever you call 'em, and tell 'em we're in business!"

"Um... OK," I said (thoroughly disappointed). I called Tyler to tell him the news. He wanted to speak to the man, so I handed off my phone, and meanwhile got my laptop from my parents' car.

The man's name was Dale. He was 46, a long-haul trucker who lived in South Carolina but traveled all over the country. He had never been married but had had occasional live-in girlfriends. His time on the road always made these relationships untenable, plus, as he'd gotten older, he'd developed a taste for young men, even though he insisted he wasn't gay. He'd just found that all over the country were "horny lil' faggots" who would do whatever he wanted, for free, and not expect him to do anything at all for them. He had a DVD player in his truck and would watch heterosexual porn while getting serviced by such young men. This was going to be even better.

I felt very vulnerable when we climbed into his sleeper cab and he pulled the curtain. He took up most of the space back there, and I felt dwarfed. Tyler and Shelly made it clear that Dale could do anything he wanted to me, and that I'd do anything he wanted for him.

He took full advantage. I had to suck Dale's dick, and lick his sweaty balls. "Been drivin' all day, boy, I know I must be sweaty down there." While he watched Shelly suck Tyler's dick, he made me lay on my back, and he got on his knees and straddled my chest. Facing the computer, and away from me, he stroked his dick while he sat on my face. Bringing his huge butt down on my mouth, he said, "Lick my hemorrhoids, ya little faggot." I almost gagged at the thought, plus I could see brown streaks when he spread his butt cheeks. "I had me a nice shit after dinner tonight, too... Not sure I wiped real good. You can take care o' that for me, though. Yeah, get yer little faggot tongue in there. Good boy."

I coughed a couple times to keep from gagging as I licked his sweaty, stinky ass. I heard Shelly say, "Oh my gahhhhhd. Look, Tyler. That is SOOOO hot. Dale... can you put the camera where we can see his chastity tube? Is his dick head pokin' out? Oh my god, it is, look. Look, it's poking out the end."

"Yep," said Dale. "Yer lil' slaveboy's leakin', too. Looka that." He showed them how I was oozing pre-cum from the end of my dick. Then he started flicking the head of my dick with his finger. I grunted, and flinched with my hips, as he flicked it over and over. "Mmmmmmph!" I complained, but he kept flicking, while Shelly said, "Oh my gahhhd, that's hot. Dale... do you wanna put a finger in his butt? Will you?"

"Whatever you want, little lady," he answered, and started fingering my butthole with one had while still flicking my dickhead with the other. This obviously distracted me from what I was supposed to be doing, so Dale said, "Hey, boy! I didn't tell ya to stop lickin' did I? Better keep that tongue workin', boy, I might have to take my belt to ya."


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