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The Perfect Pair Pt. 06

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The chastity games continue.
10.1k words

Part 6 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/28/2020
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The Perfect Pair, Part 6

(fetish, chastity, consensual, cross dressing)

By ChangeYourPassword

Author's Note: This is a work of fiction. It is a story of sexual fantasies and fetishes. These sexual practices are not for everyone, but those of us who delve into them understand the allure. The characters in the story certainly do. If you enjoy this story and the fetishes involved, great. If not, please forget the whole thing.

A story of a loving couple exploring their sexual fantasies, together.

Read Parts 1 - 5, first.

Dennis and Brooke, continue in their chastity belts, playing their game and building their friendship with Kelly and Victoria.

On Thursday evening Brooke and Denise show up to start working with Victoria on her statistical computation skills. They decided to alternate their tutoring, Denise would start the process, spending an hour or two with Victoria, while Kelly and Brooke relaxed. They planned the next session for Monday, when Brooke would be the designated teacher.

As they drove up to Kelly's house, the two of them were a bit apprehensive, worried about the potential repercussions of Tuesday's circus. Neither of them would have been surprised if there had been a break-up.

But when Victoria met them at the front door, all seemed fine -- back to normal. She was wearing a casual dress and smiling happily, as she greeted them and ushered them in. Once inside, they met an equally pleasant Kelly. Nothing was mentioned about Tuesday, and Brooke and Denise were glad to leave it that way.

They immediately split up, with Victoria and Denise moving into a home-office and Brooke and Kelly settling themselves into comfortable chairs on the back patio, after collecting drinks in the kitchen. They began a simple conversation on current events and eventually migrated into a discussion of chastity practices, steered there by a curious Kelly.

She really was interested in outfitting Victoria in a belt, as a fun and kinky game for them, and as a potential motivating factor for her challenging studies.

"You know, a good grade delivers good sex, or something like that." Kelly said, smiling.

"That might work. It has really encouraged us to explore our personal fantasies, even the more daring and kinky ones we had always been too cowardly to try."

Kelly, excited, "Oh do tell. Please. I'm dying to hear all about it."

Brooke sighed, unsure what, or how much to share. She knew that Denise would never be comfortable with describing the details of their chastity game, but she actually liked the idea. For some reason, the thought of telling their story got her all excited and her poor locked-away pussy aroused.

So, she gave in and took opened up to her friend.

"Well, we decided to explore our fantasies and invented a game of sorts to encourage it. We were always too afraid to try them out before."

Brooke stopped for a minute for some liquid courage, before continuing, "so we locked ourselves into our chastity belts and we have to earn our release by pushing our limits. One of the first things we did was have all of our hair removed, permanently, by laser treatments."

"Oh, that's cool. I've actually thought about it, but never had the money. It's too expensive for me."

Brooke nodded, "it was pricy, but it was something we had dreamed of, and the game made it a requirement."

"So, all of your hair is gone, below the neck?"

"Yup, we just use chemical remover for the peach-fuzz, but otherwise, it's all gone, and we look and feel marvelous," Brooke, said laughing.

Kelly smiled and clapped. "What else? Give me another example."

When Brooke didn't immediately fess up to another fulfilled fantasy, Kelly prompted, "come on girl, don't make me go all Dom on your ass!"

Brooke giggled, "OK, OK, I wouldn't want that," but after a pause, "I think."

They both smiled, at the thought.

"All right. Um, my boobs are another thing I did. I used to be a B-cup. I'd always dreamed of having really big boobs and driving the guys, and girls crazy with lust, so I got implants," and she hefted her big breasts with her hands as she delivered the statement.

Kelly, sighed, "nice. Makes me jealous. How big are they?"

"Well, they're E-cups. I kind of got carried away."

"Damn hon! No wonder they look so sexy. But aren't they hard to live with? Do you get backaches?"

Brooke smiled, self-consciously, "actually, no, not too much. I wear good, but sexy bras, that help a lot. I really have no complaints. Not like some women., anyway. I love the attention I get. It keeps me horny."

"Hah, but in your chastity belt, you can't get off," Kelly said laughing. "I bet you're horny as hell, all of the time. How often do you get out of the belt and get relief?"

"Well, lately it's been taking us almost two weeks to be allowed out of our belts."

"Damn! That long?" Kelly just shook her head. But then she stopped, "wait a minute. What do you mean by 'lately'?"

Now Brooke was really starting to think that she'd said too much, "um, we set up the rules of our game so that each time we earn our, ah, sex session, it becomes harder to earn the next one."

"No shit. So, it's longer and longer between orgasms? Wow! You guys are really into the whole chastity lifestyle, aren't you?" Then chuckling, "kinky!" And she reached over and gave Brooke a kiss on the cheek.

Brooke smiled, and deciding that she'd shared enough, or maybe too much, she changed the subject, "OK, what about you and Victoria. Tell me about the life of a dominatrix?"

Kelly laughed. "Oh, I don't consider myself a true dominatrix, like the ones in movies and books. I don't have a dungeon in the basement."

"Hah, not that I would know," Brooke said, chuckling.

Kelly just winked, "No really, I'm just a dominant personality, and I carry that over into my relationships and into the bedroom. I settled into that role some time ago, and have had several, submissive lovers. Victoria is my latest and the best of them all."

"That's nice," Brooke said. "So, what games do you play? What adventures have you had? That pony-girl thing, last Tuesday was fantastically sexy, I must say."

Thinking back, Brooke realized how much that whole routine had turned her on. That was something to fantasize about...

Kelly, paused for a few minutes, then began, "well, that game was something one of my past girlfriends enjoyed, so I had the whole outfit stashed in a bag in my closet. Of course, Victoria professed to hate it, but really, both of us did enjoy it in our own kinky ways."

Brooke laughed and nodded, so Kelly continued.

"Victoria is a submissive. That is, she's happiest when I take the lead and dictate what we do and how we behave. Either here at home, in public or in bed. She's not into pain, but light bondage, exhibitionism and humiliation all turn her on, and I'm happy to give her adventures along those lines. Because they turn me on too."

Kelly grinned, and admitted, "that's the way I've always been, kinky and dominant. Actually, I guess it's just like you and Denise, except we've learned to just live our fantasies without the help of a chastity belt game."

Brooke nodded, "you guys are braver than we are."

"I wouldn't say that, we just figured out which of our fantasies we wanted to actually experience."

Kelly then smiled, and reaching over. She grabbed Brooke by the back of her neck, pulled her close and kissed her, like very good friends, or even lovers do.

In the office, Victoria and Denise sat side-by-side at the big desk, with a couple of textbooks open in front of them. They passed a pad of paper back and forth between them as Victoria tried her hand at solving complex equations, pulled from the Statistics textbook, while Denise explained how to approach the calculations.

Before they had even gotten started, though, Denise had lectured Victoria, "you have to get over this false belief that girls can't do math. That's a bunch of bullshit. Girls can do anything they want. You can do anything you want, as long as you fix your attitude. OK?"

Victoria remained dubious, "I guess."

"Oh geez! Stop that! Or I'll have to take you over my knee and spank you," Denise barked. "Brooke and I both mastered this stuff, and we're no smarter than you. We just didn't let it beat us. You have to just buckle down and do it. So, let's get started. You'll see, it really isn't as hard as you think it is."

Victoria, listened and nodded, "OK, OK, I'll try, but I'm tempted to play the brat, so I can get that spanking you promised." And she leaned over and kissed Denise on the cheek.

Denise blushed, "stop that and do this!" She ordered, tapping the textbook, emphatically.

Over the next hour and a half Victoria did start to get it. Her confidence rose, as Denise explained and encouraged.

They had just finished an exercise with standard deviations, when Victoria interrupted the lesson, "Hey, what's wrong with your voice? Sometimes it changes. It gets deeper." Kelly asked.

For a moment Denise panicked, but then resorted to the story she'd mentally practiced, knowing that someday this situation might come up, "Oh, I've always had hay-fever, and sometimes the drainage affects my throat and my voice drops an octave."

"Ah, I get it, for a moment there you sounded like a guy."

Denise laughed and then purposely lowered her voice even more, "yah, that's me. Hunky Dennis."

They both laughed, before Denise put an end to that discussion, "OK, stop interrupting, let's get back to your lessons."

"Yes, teacher," Victoria replied in a little-girl voice.

Again, they laughed but quickly got back to their equations.

It was several long minutes before Denise's heart rate returned to normal.

They finally called a halt when Kelly hollered from the kitchen that dinner was almost ready.

"How's it going?" Kelly asked as the two of them joined her and Brooke.

"It's going great!" Victoria answered, "Denise is a great teacher, she explains everything really well. I really think it's all coming together, in my addled brain."

"Oh, you just need to gain a little confidence and think it through."

Brooke jumped into the banter, "Yes, Denise knows that women are all powerful. Don't you dear?"

Denise got the reference and gave Brooke a dirty look, "Yes, dear, I know and love it."

Kelly thought she detected some sort of underlying meaning in their words but after a moment trying to understand, she just gave up and shrugged, going back to the food preparation.

They all enjoyed a nice meal, chatting about everything and anything. Enjoying themselves and the company of good friends.

An hour later, they said their goodbyes, while making Victoria promise to continue her studies and be prepared for Monday's session with Brooke.

"Oh, don't worry," Kelly said, "I'll make sure she studies. I have plenty of ways to motivate her."

Brooke laughed, now knowing more than ever what those methods might entail.

Denise looked on as Kelly and Brooke laughed, together, and Victoria shuddered. She thought she understood the general meaning of the threat, but not the details. Apparently, Brooke did. Interesting...

Brooke and Denise crashed as soon as they got home. Friday was another work day, and Brooke expected to make her release goal on Saturday. Something she was more than ready for.

Come Saturday morning, Brooke hurried Denise along as they walked into the bank. They worked their way through the normal identification procedure, and this time the banker barely flinched as he passed Denise along and into the vault to retrieve her safe deposit box.

Expert in the procedure by now, Brooke was soon out of her belt and on her way home. With a jealous, frustrated and horny Denise in the driver's seat.

Brooke was naked, showered and heading for the bedroom, within minutes of their arrival.

Gleefully, she pulled Denise into their bed and they begin making love as two happy women would. Denise, with her locked away cock had gotten better and better at using her hands, fingers, mouth and tongue on her partner. Happily, Brooke achieved several wonderful orgasms over the next couple of hours as they cavort under the covers.

At one point, while they're relaxing in between sessions, Denise finds herself massaging her own crotch. Of course, her belt prevents any pleasure, and feeling the molded-in pussy lips only adds to her frustration. For a moment she feels a bit of resentment. Here she is giving Brooke all of the pleasure, while she is stuck, horny and feeling sorry for herself.

But then sanity and love overcome her and she realizes that she is actually enjoying herself. Giving so much pleasure to her wife isn't really torture for her, it's a wonderful gift to the one she loves.

Later that day, Brooke again has Denise don the strap-on dildo and fuck her, over and over again. Until both of them are exhausted, Denise by the effort, and Brooke by the repeated orgasms.

By dinner time, neither of them wants more. So, Brooke just relaxes, naked and satisfied.

Before bed, Denise locks Brooke's chastity belt back in place and they collapse into a deep and happy sleep.

As they lounge around on Sunday, Brooke recovering and Denise counting the days to her own release, Brooke finds Collene's business card lying in the bottom of her purse.

"Denise, look what I found. Collene's business card."


"Well I really think you should consider that job she talked about. You've always dreamed of moving into the consulting ranks, so why not now?"

"Because they're looking for a woman," she replies. But Brooke detects a bit of disappointment in her lover's voice.

"Well, Denise, I don't think that is a problem, Denise. Just think about it, OK, Denise?" And she laughs as she deposits the card on the table and walks out of the room.

Denise just sits there, thinking. She understands Brooke's point. She is a woman to all outward appearances, but her official identity is still as Dennis, and he's not the man for the job.

Brooke thinks he's missing the point, but lets it go. But, she thinks, it's worth another try. Sometime when Denise is in a more receptive mood, or a lot hornier, whatever the case may be.

Monday evening, they have another tutoring session scheduled with Victoria. This time, Brooke will take over. They figure that by alternating teachers, they'll give their pupil a broader exposure, with different styles that may help her pick it all up, faster.

Upon arrival, they're greeted at the door and Victoria and Brooke quickly head off to the office to begin the lessons. Kelly leads Denise off to the patio where it's pleasantly comfortable. They picked up drinks and munchies along the way.

Kelly, as always, takes the lead and begins questioning Denise on the chastity game.

Denise is uncomfortable talking about it, but under constant pressure from her friend, she slowly opens up.

"Well, how much did Brooke already tell?" Denise asks, hesitant to say too much.

Denise is afraid that the more she tells, the more exposure to discovery she faces. Since Kelly works at the same company as she and Brooke, but there, she's Dennis, and a quiet, male systems engineer.

"Oh, she told me about the game and some of the fantasies she's living out to get her release. I think it's great and it sounds like a lot of fun and adventure. What I want to hear is what fantasies you are exploring."

"Oh, geez, I'm not really that open about that kind of stuff." She replied, and Kelly got the message. She understood that Denise was the shy type, but her curiosity demanded details.

"Denise, you know me. And I hope you know that you can trust me."

Denise nodded, but remained silent. So Kelly, continued, more forcefully, "now you listen here, girl, don't make me go all dominant on your sweet ass. Just tell me what you're up to. I can see that you're shy, and I think I can also detect that you're a bit submissive, so just start slowly and no one will get hurt!" She delivered her lines like a true dominant, smiling, but with a little glint in her eyes, that seemed intimidating and demanding to the hesitant Denise.

She was somehow fascinated, and aroused, by the threat of it all. "All right, please don't hurt me mistress," she said with a tentative smile.

Kelly laughed, 'there you go. That's the right attitude. So, tell me, what's the most difficult thing you're doing to earn release?"

Denise, laughed, "You're not going to take it easy on me, are you?"

"Nope. I'm not that type of girl."

Denise nodded, "well, this is probably too much information, but I'm wearing a butt plug."

"Ooo, kinky. And why are you wearing a butt plug?" Kelly was obviously enjoying putting poor Denise on the spot like this.

Denise gulped down a large portion of her Marmosa, "to make sure our ass holes are stretched enough to try anal sex."

"Our ass holes?" Kelly prompts.

"Yes, Brooke and I are both wearing plugs," Denise says, blushing.

Kelly, excited, reaches over and grabs Brook's hand, "that's so cool, have you tried anal yet?"

Brooke, now really embarrassed, just shakes her head, to which Kelly smiles broadly, "when you do, you'll have to tell me all about it."

Denise is now horrified. She's already shared too much information and she can't ever see herself telling about the feeling of anal sex. She has no intention of taking anything up her own ass, and she certainly can't ever tell Kelly how it felt to stick her cock into Brooke's ass.

She chickens out, and standing mumbles, "I have to use the bathroom."

Kelly laughs, "don't forget to remove your plug."

Even more embarrassed, Denise just mumbles "pee" as she walks through the doorway.

When Denise returns, she and Kelly start on dinner, working together in the kitchen. There is no more talk of sexual topics. Denise is very much relieved.

When the food is nearly ready, Kelly warns Victoria and Brooke that their lesson must come to a close so that they can all eat, together.

As they eat, Victoria again reports excellent progress with her understanding of the complex math she had always struggled with, and she attributed her success to her wonderful tutors. Kelly was pleased and relieved, and Brooke and Denise were proud of their pupil's progress.

The four of them finished their meal and then sat around for a while chatting over the last of their wine, before Brooke and Denise headed home and Kelly and Victoria cleaned up and went to bed.

Plans had been made to meet at the club on the morrow, and to resume the lessons later in the week.

During the drive home Denise told Brooke of her conversation with Kelly. She admitted to telling too much of their private lives.

Brooke, was OK with it, and laughed when she heard about Kelly's interest in their plugs and the pending adventure into anal sex.

"Just pretend that your cock is the strap on, when you describe it," Brooke said, giggling.

"I'm not going to tell her anything!" Denise said, scandalized.

Brooke just laughed.

They all met up again the next night at the club. It was another fun and interesting Ladies' Night.

The staff now saw them as regulars and seated them at a nice table, not too close to the band r the dance floor, but still in the center of the action.

While they ate and drank, several of the other women who they recognized, singly and in couples, stopped by to visit.

Eventually, Annette and Francis pause in their wanderings to say 'hi'. This time slut Francis is wearing a French maid's outfit, like something out of a porno movie. It's such an insanely and classically kinky costume that everyone just laughs at him. He's so completely humiliated that tears are running down his cheeks. To make matters worse, Annette makes him curtsey to everyone he meets, and swats him with her riding crop, if he doesn't perform to her satisfaction each time. And that happens often.

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