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The Perfect Stranger

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You're tied up and then seduced by a stranger.
4.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 02/29/2004
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Grant is out of town on business again and you have just come home from the shopping mall. You only went because you were bored and feeling a bit neglected and thought shopping would cheer you up. Why after all these years did he decide to take a job that would require him to be away overnight? You trusted him but there was always that nagging doubt that he might meet some one else and would have an affair. That fear was overshadowed by the fact that you felt very lonely and had been feeling sorry for yourself all day.

You pour yourself a glass of wine and decide to take advantage of his absence by treating yourself to a relaxing bubble bath. You undress and carefully hang your clothes in the closet, and return to the bathroom to have a sip of wine before running the water. You light a cigarette and proceed to get ready for your bath. It takes a minute or so to get the water temperature adjusted before you can close the drain and allow the bath to fill. You have another sip of wine and catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror before removing your bra and panties. Pretty good for a woman your age you tell yourself.

Your mind drifts back to your trip to the mall and you remember quite a few looks from some adoring men. You had worn your shortest skirt and your black calf length boots and had drawn quite a few approving glances. At one point you had made eye contact and even smiled at one of your admirers only to see him quickly look away. “He must be shy,” you told yourself.

However a few moments later you caught sight of him in one of the mirrored storefronts. He had obviously changed direction and was now following you? You stopped to window shop, and he stopped. You moved again and he followed! It felt a little creepy yet you had found yourself slightly stimulated by his obvious admiration.

Without consciously realizing it you decided to reward his appreciation by purposely dropping your car keys and slowly bending over to retrieve them. You could almost feel his eyes glued to the back of your upper thighs as you wonder just how far up your skirt he may have seen? A warm flush had swept over your body as you visualized his dick swelling in his pants. You had quickly glanced over your shoulder and caught him discreetly trying to adjust his crotch which only confirmed your suspicions that you had just given this guy a hard on!!

He must have been embarrassed by this because he had quickly dropped out of sight and was no longer following you. Good, you had enjoyed your naughty little teasing game but were glad it was over. You were ready to leave and you didn’t want this guy following you to the car, or worse following you home!!

You thought about your daring little charade and conclude that Grant is right; I still have a beautiful pair of legs so why not show them off? It is nice to know that other men still notice too. You feel a little guilty because you had purposely worn your sexiest outfit to the mall hoping to catch a few glances from admiring men. “Well, that’s what happens when your husband leaves you alone,” you say out loud.

You are suddenly startled by a noise but quickly assure yourself that it is probably just the house creaking in the cold weather. You have another drag of your cigarette and another sip of wine to calm your nerves before checking on the bath water. As you are leaning over the tub you hear another noise directly behind you and spin around in fear to face a masked intruder pointing a knife at you!! You are frozen in shock and your knees feel like they are going to buckle but somehow you remain standing. He is wearing what appears to be a black ski mask so that only his piercing eyes are visible.

He motions with the knife and tells you to stand in front of the mirror, instructions which you obey out of fear. He holds the knife at the side of your face and says,” I don’t want to cut your beautiful face but I will if you scream or try to escape.” He reaches around and cups your right breast with his hand as you cringe with panic. No one has ever touched your breasts except Grant and even the thought of it sickens you.

He reaches behind you and unclasps your bra letting it fall to the floor. Your breasts are suddenly exposed to his glaring eyes in the mirror and you instinctively cover them with both hands. “Put your hands down “he shouts and you obey his order instantly. He reaches around and cups your right breast again and starts to squeeze the nipple. You close your eyes out of humiliation and try to look away when he startles you with, “open your eyes bitch and watch what I am doing!” He presses the knife into your face to reinforce his threat and you realize that you had better obey.

“I saw you teasing that man at the mall today, you little cockteaser,” he whispers hoarsely. “Beautiful women like you are all the same, you get your kicks by seducing us with your plunging necklines and short skirts and then you leave us high and dry, “he growled. He continues to massage your breasts and both nipples while you are forced to watch in the mirror. Now his hand has left your breasts and is moving down to your panties! He starts to stroke your pubic area and you try to look away in disgust but he demands that you watch him in the mirror.

“What’s the problem bitch, you didn’t seem to mind showing your ass off earlier today,” he says. He tells you to spread your legs and continues to stroke your upper thighs and pubic area while you stand helplessly in his view. You can feel his breath on the back of your neck and notice that he is breathing heavier now. You also feel his erect penis pressing against your ass cheeks?

He stops abruptly and demands that you to go into the bedroom and lie down on your back on the bed. He reaches into a bag and retrieves a blindfold which he places over your eyes and secures it tightly behind your head. The next thing you feel is something tight around your wrists and then you feel your arms being stretched apart and securely fastened. You are in such a state of shock that you don’t even think to resist. Within minutes both of your arms and legs have been tightly bound in a spread eagle fashion on the bed. Your heart sinks as you begin to realize that you are now totally at the mercy of this dangerous sexual pervert!

He now proceeds to stroke your half naked body with his hands and you are helpless to stop him. You realize that it would be no use screaming because the house is too soundproof. As his hands touch areas where only your husband has ever been you struggle to escape but it is futile, the restraints are too strong.

Your mind races ahead with worst case scenarios and fear of what is coming as you struggle to stay calm. You are shocked back to the moment when you feel both of his hands stroking your breasts and squeezing your nipples. At least you don’t have to watch this time, you say under your breath.

Now you feel his wet lips on your nipples as he licks and sucks one and then the other. You try to block it out, but for reasons that are unclear at the moment you find yourself becoming aroused. Your brain is telling you that you should not be enjoying this but somehow your sexual instincts are trying to take over. You fight hard against it, to think of other things, but nothing will stop the tension building deep inside you.

He continues to suck on your breasts as one of his hands glides over your panties. Your thighs tense up as his fingers approach your crotch and you feel him beginning to stroke your furry mound through your silky panties. His hand cups your mound as his middle finger begins to explore until it finds the spot he is searching for. You jump at first but soon almost relax as his finger lightly strokes the crease in your panties.

Your mind is reeling with fear but your body rejects all emotion except the undeniable pangs of desire and lust that are building in your loins. Now you feel a finger slide under the edge of your panties as it searches for your partially swollen clit. You struggle to remain emotionless, to detach, as his finger skillfully floats like a butterfly across your clit. You must plan your escape!!

It dawns on you that he will have to untie at least one leg at a time if he wants to remove your panties. This will be your only chance! Your mind starts racing about how you will only have a few seconds to muster all your strength and kick him full force in the testicles! Grant had told you many times that this would totally incapacitate any man and would give you time to escape.

Wait a minute, that won’t help, your hands will still be tied! You will need at least one hand free to remove the other restraints. Perhaps you could pretend to cooperate and convince him to at least free one hand? What would you possibly say? No it’s hopeless you admit to yourself. Suddenly you feel something cold like metal along the edge of your panties! Oh my God is that the knife?!? You hear the sound of tearing fabric and realize that he has just cut your panties off! Too late! If you ever had an opportunity to escape it was gone!

You now start to accept the fact that he will not have to untie you at all and your heart sinks. There is no longer hope that you might escape and you are at the mercy of this horrible stranger! Now your mind goes into survival mode and you realize that your number one priority is to stay alive!

Oh God is that his mouth between my legs? Yes, of course it is, the feeling is unmistakable. Normally you would look forward to this but not under these circumstances! He slides his tongue inside you like a cock as he rubs your clit with his fingers. He skillfully runs his tongue between your lips and probes your clit and then licks your inner thighs before sliding his hot tongue back to your clit. He covers your clit with his lips and caresses it with just the right pressure and movement.

Oh my God, you can’t believe it but you are starting to get aroused again! His wet tongue is lapping at your clit and you feel your stomach muscles beginning to tremble! You try to hold still but it is like trying to hold your breath, it works for a minute but you know you cannot suppress your body’s sexual instincts for long. You cannot let this intruder know that he is actually giving you pleasure, can you?

His tongue feels like velvet as he continues to lick and suck your lips and clitoris. You realize that you cannot fight the incredible urges that are building between your legs. You succumb to the pleasure and a slight moan escapes from your lips. He must have sensed your arousal because he has doubled the intensity of his swirling tongue around the outside of your clit. Now you feel his moistened fingers massaging your swollen nipples while his tongue flicks like hummingbirds wings directly on your clit. You realize that you are quickly approaching orgasm and you are powerless to stop it! You try to delay it but the delay only serves to intensify the tidal wave building inside you.

Suddenly he stops and you come back to reality. Thank God. However you now start to worry about what is coming next?

You feel him changing position and feel his heavy weight on your chest. Your senses are very sharp and you realize that you notice a kind of a musky scent. It is slightly familiar and at first you are not sure what it is? Finally your brain translates it and you realize that you know that scent. You have noticed it many times before when your face was buried in Grant’s crotch!! Oh my God his dick must be within an inch of my face! You shudder to think of what is coming next and instinctively close your lips tightly.

“Now it’s my turn”, he announces!

He senses your displeasure but quickly moves to take control. You feel the knife against your face again and realize it is hopeless. Remember what you told yourself earlier? You have to stay alive! Oh well, you have done this many times before so how bad could it be?

He forces the spongy head against your lips, reluctantly you open you mouth to accept his swollen member. You try to fantasize that it is your husband you are pleasuring and that seems to make it more bearable. You take his cock head in your mouth and swirl your tongue around it. Now you suck it into your mouth a little deeper as your tongue flicks the underside of the head. A moan of pleasure escapes from the stranger’s lips and you are surprised to feel aroused by this?

Your mouth somehow relaxes and you lift your head up off the bed to accept more of this man’s cock into your almost inviting mouth. You feel it swell even more against you lips and tongue and realize he is beginning to tremble with lust. His hands are holding the back of your head now as your lips glide up and down his shaft. With each stroke he forces you to accept his shaft deeper until it almost gags you.

Oh My God! What if he doesn’t stop before he reaches orgasm? He still has the knife against your face so you don’t dare stop! You have never even gone all the way with your husband so you sure as hell are not going to let a perfect stranger come in your mouth!! But what choice do you have? Oh my god, what if you let him come and he has such a powerful orgasm that the knife slips and he cuts you by mistake?

“STOP”, he says, and you are able to breathe a sigh of relief. “I am not ready to come yet” he says. “I will tell you when and how you will make me come”. You start to relax but only for a moment because your brain is racing ahead with possible scenarios that could be worse. The fear of anal sex comes to mind but you quickly dismiss it because you are tied down on your back and that would make it almost impossible. Wouldn’t it? You doubt that he would risk untying you?

You realize that his weight has shifted again and you can breathe easier. His lips touch your breast and you start to relax again. He uses his lips to suck strongly (almost roughly) on your nipples but surprisingly it is not painful. In fact it is becoming increasingly pleasurable. He squeezes each breast with his hands as his tongue flicks at one nipple then the other. Now you also feel his fingers gently tickling and stroking your pubic hair as his hot lips and tongue continue to suck deeply on your hardened nipples.

“You have very beautiful nipples,” he breathes, and you realize that his demeanor is changing. Your level of fear subsides and you find yourself becoming very aroused and reluctantly give in to the moment.

You feel his mouth kiss its way downwards, stopping at you navel and dipping his tongue in it momentarily. You sense his lips moving downward and arch your hips in anticipation. He reaches your furry mound and lingers there softly kissing and teasing your pubic hairs with his nose and lips. You feel his hand gently stroking between your thighs and you give in totally to the pleasure.

He is moving again and now you feel his warm tongue on your clitoris which is starting to swell again under his lips. He alternates between licking and sucking your clit and moving his tongue up and down from top to bottom. You start to tremble again and feel ashamed that you could allow a complete stranger to give you more pleasure than you had ever felt from your husband’s touch. He continues to nibble, suck and lick and you cannot deny yourself this overwhelming orgasmic tension that is building inside you.

You slowly start to realize that he has inserted two fingers inside you and they have found another spot to add to this intense sexual madness. Your hips are now rising involuntarily and your stomach is trembling with sheer sexual pleasure like you have never experienced in your life.

”Please don’t stop” you breathe to yourself. I want this to last forever! Your body is on fire as desire shoots through every fiber of your being. Your hips are pumping wildly and you wish you could push his face in deeper. Your body writhes with pleasure as you rock your hips against his tongue. Your head swoons with feelings you had never thought possible as you start to moan uncontrollably. His lips and tongue go back and forth on your clit until you are almost begging him to let you come.

The intensity starts to subside and you slowly realize that he has stopped again! You’re sexual desires are begging him to continue but your mouth cannot utter the words. Your guilt starts to take over as you come down from the ecstasy and realize that a brutal stranger has brought you to heights you never thought possible until now. You are jarred back to reality when you feel his movements again. Your emotion changes back to fear wondering what could be next.

The answer comes quickly as your nostrils sense that musky sexual man scent again. It is very similar to the scent of your husband but not quite. Your husband’s was probably a mixture of his cologne and his pheromones which together almost has an intoxicating effect on you.

Suddenly you feel the tip of his cock against your lips. Almost instinctively now your tongue darts out and licks the head as you open your lips to accept his shaft and feel it swell even more against your lips and tongue. He forces himself deeper into your mouth and you almost choke at first but somehow your throat relaxes and you are able to accept more and more of him inside.

You are still blindfolded but you realize that you must have his full shaft buried in your mouth. His pubic hairs begin to tickle you nose and you can almost feel the warmth of his balls against your chin. He lets out a moan and you feel his legs start to jerk and spasm which somehow excites you to swallow even more of his shaft. Your nose is now buried in his soft pubic hair and you wonder how you were able to swallow him so deeply. Your tongue darts out to lick his balls which quiver and tremble with lust.

You slowly pull your mouth up his shaft until only the bulbous head is encased in your lips. You remember that the most sensitive spot on a man’s penis is just below the head so you use your lips and tongue to drive him to even further pleasure. He moans uncontrollably now which causes an unexpected rush of pleasure between your legs.

You realize that you are almost approaching orgasm yourself! How is this possible? He is not even touching you?

You let his cock slip out of your mouth and use your lips and tongue to gently caress his balls. Then you lick his shaft from his balls to the tip and back again, over and over as he squirms with pleasure. You wish your hands were free so that you could masturbate him and swirl your tongue around the head at the same time. Your tongue tries to explore the opening and your taste buds detect a salty yet almost sweet fluid that is beginning to seep from the tip. You know this means that he is close to coming and you wonder what it would be like to feel his throbbing cock pulsate in your mouth as he exploded in orgasm.

The thought quickly leaves your mind as he withdraws his shaft from your saliva covered lips and you feel relief but almost disappointment. You feel his wet lips on your nipples again and a feeling of intense pleasure sweeps over your body. No man has ever paid so much attention to them and the feeling of his lips is exquisite.

Now he has moved down between your legs and his skillful tongue is again working its magic. Your entire body begins to quiver uncontrollably as he sucks on your clit as if it were a tiny penis. One of his hands is massaging your breasts while the other strokes your pubic mound. He then insets two fingers and finds your G-spot while continuing to lick and suck on your clit. Your breathing is heavy and your torso is covered with tiny goose bumps.

You start to fantasize about having his throbbing member inside you. He must have sensed this because you are now aware that his cock has replaced his fingers deep inside you. You feel his swollen member pumping in and out like a piston as his lips suck ravenously on your nipples. You wish your hands were free so that you could grab his ass cheeks and pull him in even deeper.


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