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The Photo Album


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"I look forward to it."

"Darling..." she asked in a quieter voice.


"Do you not mind that today your wife has been covered in a stranger's cum, fingered to orgasm by a woman and that soon photographs of her naked body will be available for anyone to look at?"

"No, your new found sexuality turns me on. You have enjoyed yourself today, haven't you?"

"Yes, very much so." she replied sheepishly.

"You still love me, don't you?"

"Yes, deeply."

"And you have told me everything that happened, haven't you?"


"Then why should I mind?"


It was Friday afternoon and I must confess I was clock-watching, eager for the weekend to begin. I was looking forward spending a quiet weekend at home with Beth, something that we hadn't had for ages. My mobile phone rang; as I picked it up to answer it I noticed Beth's name flashing on the screen. This concerned me slightly as Beth rarely calls me at work, especially when I will be home in a few hours.

"Hello darling, is everything okay?" I asked.

"Hi, yes I'm fine. Can you talk?" Beth answered.


"Honey, you enjoyed seeing those pictures of me on the internet, didn't you?"

"Yes. If I remember correctly, I spent most of that evening showing you just how much I enjoyed it" I replied, wondering quite where this conversation was going. "Why, has Sue asked you to pose again with her?"

"Well, she has just called me and she does want me to pose for more photographs but not with her."

"Oh really, not with her?" I sensed there was more of this story to come.

"No. She and Mike have got a commission to do some brochure shots for a swimwear company. They were meant to be flying to the beach this weekend and Sue was to model but one of their kids is ill so Sue can't go. She has asked me to take her place."

"What did you tell her?"

"I said I would have to discuss it with you first."

"And do you want to do it?" I asked, torn between the disappointment at the disruption to our weekend and the lump forming in my pants.

There was a pause, "Yes, I think I do...but there is something I haven't told you. The swimwear I would be modelling is made by 'Sinful Stoat', do you know the kind of thing they sell?"

I certainly did; they were renowned for producing bikinis that were incredibly skimpy or made of transparent material or both. My cock hardened further as an image of my wife wearing one of these bikinis formed in my mind.

"You would have to shave." I blurted out, my brain following its own train of thought.

"Yes, that's what Sue said. Would you mind? I know you like my bush."

"I think it could be interesting."

"I would also have to leave in a few hours, probably before you get home, and, by the sound of things, I don't think I would be back until Sunday afternoon or evening. Will you be okay by yourself? I can tell them no if you want."

"If you want to do it I can amuse myself for the weekend. Ring Sue and let her know you'll do it."

"Okay." she said, and with that hung up the phone.

There was now no way I was going to be doing any meaningful work this afternoon. My mind wandered as I tried to imagine what my wife's pussy would look liked shaved, what costumes she might be modelling and the thought of a stranger photographing her again.

My phone rang, abruptly returning me from my daydream, half an hour had passed.

"Hi darling, did you tell them you would do it?" I asked.

"Yes, but..." she paused "...but I'm not so sure I should now."


"Well, I rang Sue and apparently after she called to ask me to do it she also called the hotel to see if they could get another room. Well, it's the peak season and they are full. Sue asked if I would mind sharing the room with Mike. Then it dawned on me that it would be just me and Mike and only one room. I don't think I trust..." her sentence tailed off.

"Don't trust who...Mike?" I asked.

"No, Mike is fine." she replied quickly. "I trust him, its just I don't trust myself."

I pushed her further, "Don't trust yourself to do what?"

"I don't trust myself alone with him?"

"What do mean you don't trust yourself alone with him?"

"I mean I don't trust myself alone with his cock"

"You mean you want to fuck him?"

"Yes, I want to fuck him. There, are you happy, you have made me admit it?"

"It's not really a surprise. Anyway what if you do?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean what if you do fuck him, what happens then?"

"I don't know what you are getting at."

"What I am saying is that if you fuck him, and if fucking is all it is, all that happens is that you get fucked. Do you not trust yourself to love me after?"

"Of course I do, I love you."

"Then go and do the photo shoot and if anything happens it happens. Just tell me about it when you get back."

"I'll call later to tell you what I have decided." she said hesitantly before hanging up.

It was another couple of hours before my phone rang again.


"Are you really sure you want me to do it?" Beth asked.

"Yes, if it's what you want."

"Even knowing what might happen?"


"Okay, I am going to do it. I need to leave in half an hour to catch the plane."

"Do you need me to take you to the airport?" I offered.

"No, Mike will be here soon to pick me up?"

"Have you shaved yourself?"

"Yes, Mike wants to shoot some pictures as soon as we get there, so I thought I had better."

"How does it feel?"

"I can't believe how sensitive it has made my lips, I'm dripping. I wish you were here. It's agony, I can't even bring myself off because I don't want it to show in the photos."

"God, I wish I were there to run my tongue over your smooth lips."

"So do I. When I get back on Sunday, you can. I'm sorry I won't get to see you before I go."

"Have fun, I love you."

"I love you too." and with that she hung up.

That evening I arrived home to a quiet, empty house. On the kitchen table there was a note.

"Dearest, I love you and will see you on Sunday. Kisses, Beth"

I had just finished reading the letter when the phone rang. It was Beth, she was ringing to let me know that they had arrived safely at the hotel. I asked if she was still horny, to which she replied, in a whisper, that she was.

"What's the hotel like?" I asked.

"Oh you wouldn't believe it but it is a resort for adults; there are half naked people all over the place. I feel almost overdressed in my summer dress." she giggled.

"Oh really!"

"Yes. Look, I have to go, Mike wants to go and take some shots on the beach before the sun sets. I love you and don't worry if I don't call again, I think it is going to be a busy couple of days and I may not get the chance."

I tried to keep myself busy, getting something to eat, watching a film, answering emails but I couldn't focus. My mind kept wandering back to Beth and Mike, speculating what they might be doing at that moment. Beth had said that they were going to the beach to do a shoot, so for a few hours my mind was filled with thoughts of what my wife's newly shaved pussy looked like in the skimpy bikini's she was modelling, how many people were watching the shoot, could they see here bare cunt when she changed, was she enjoying them watching? This sweet agony continued for several hours until I realised that it was dark outside, they couldn't still be taking photographs on the beach. What were they doing? Having dinner or dancing? What type of dancing goes on at an adult beach resort? It was a long night. I didn't really sleep but rather drifted in and out of a delirium. I looked at the clock, it was four in the morning, surely they would be their room now, alone, together. This only further fuelled the delirium. It was a long, hard couple of days. As she predicted, Beth didn't call again.

At about 6pm on Sunday I heard a car in our driveway and moments later Beth came through the door. She looked radiant in her short skirt, her sun-kissed body glowing. With a suppressed grin, she approached me and we kissed and held each other, it was good to have her back. My hands made their way down her back to her bum. Caressing her buttocks, I couldn't feel anything beneath.

"Are you wearing panties?" I whispered.

"No." she said, shaking her head.

I reached below the hem and started to run my hands up underneath her skirt. Beth stepped back holding me away.

"Not yet. I want to show you something first."

She reached into her bag and pulled out two pieces of paper and handed me one of them. On it was printed an image of my wife on a beach with the sun setting behind her.

"That was taken on the first night, shortly after I called you."

I examined the image in more detail. Beth was standing, facing the camera with her hands on her hips and her feet shoulder width apart. Her body was silhouetted against the oranges and reds of the sky behind but it was clear to see that she was topless, the curves of each breast breaking the outline of her torso. Around her waist she had a type of mesh wrap that tapered from hip on one side to mid thigh on the other. The mesh was very open, each hole being perhaps a square inch or so, like a fishing net. This meant that, despite two layers of fabric, the scenery behind her could clearly be seen between her legs. It also meant that Beth's pussy was visible, silhouetted against the sky. Or, more precisely, my wife's individual labia could easily be seen, outlined in their hairless state. My cock was now straining against the fabric of my trousers. Never had I seen them like this, they looked so swollen and womanly. Her sexual arousal was overpoweringly evident just from that black outline against orange sky.

I looked up from the photograph, Beth was watching me intently. She handed be the second piece of paper. This too had an image of my wife on the beach.

"This was one of the first images taken the following morning."

I studied it. The light was strong, so it hadn't been a early start to catch that delicate dawn light. Beth lay drowsily on the wet sand of the foreshore, her hands stretched above her head and her eyes closed as if in a dream. She was wearing a powder blue Sinful Stoat bikini, not one of their smallest but from the range that goes almost completely transparent when wet. A wave had obviously just broken over her body and retreated, leaving her nipples visible and clearly erect. The shot had been taken from near her feet. One knee was raised while the other splayed lazily across the sand exposing herself to the camera. My eyes were transfixed by the pale blue triangle of her bikini bottoms because, in their dampened state, they revealed my wife's bald cunt. Her lips were clearly red and swollen but not swollen from arousal, they were swollen from use. She had been fucked, and fucked hard.

"You fucked him?" I asked, looking up at her.

"Yes..." she replied, looking deep into my eyes. "do you want me to tell you what happened?"

I nodded. We walked over to the couch and I sat down. Beth crouched between my legs, unzipped my trousers and pulled out my now fully hard cock. Slowly, she stroked her hand up and down the shaft watching intently, as if seeing my cock in a different way.

"Well, Mike had said that he wanted to get some shots with the setting sun. So, when we got the resort we dumped our things in the room, Mike sorted out his camera gear, I called you, and then we headed off to the beach." Beth said, looking me in the eye while still gently stroking my cock..

"What were you wearing?" I asked.

"I had on the summer dress I had travelled in, sandals, and nothing else but sunglasses. On the walk down to the beach it was apparent that this resort was different. Not only was there an absence of children but everyone we passed was in a state of undress, some completely naked, and no one seemed the least concerned. If anything, I began to feel out of place and overdressed. As it was late in the day the beach was not too busy. We walked to a quiet spot with a good view over the sea. Mike took his camera out of one bag and a bikini out of the other, saying "I think we'll start with these."" Beth paused, smiling coyly, as if deciding to tell me a secret.

"At this point I was still wearing my dress and could have preserved some dignity by slipping the bottoms on before removing the dress but walking around for most of the day with a shaved pussy and no underwear had made me feel naughty. So I stood facing Mike and slowly lifted the dress from the hem up over my head. I felt my breasts bounce as they fell from the constraints of my dress. When I looked back at Mike he was looking at my body. He commented on how good my pussy looked shaved. I thanked him and, running fingers over it, told him that it felt good too."

"Can I see your pussy now?" I said leaning over to lift her skirt. Beth stood up and stepped back out of reach.

"Okay but no touching...yet" and with this she unzipped the skirt and let it slip down her legs to the floor. There it was, my wife's cunt, hairless. Her lips looked so large, her inner labia were engorged and there was a hint of moisture between them. She slowly lifted her top off over her head, her breasts bounced as they fell from the material, just as she had described had happened on the beach. This must have been the exact view Mike got.

"Like what you see?" she asked, running her hand over her pussy.

My inability to stop myself jacking off as I looked at her was evidence enough of the answer. Beth stepped between my legs and, kneeling down, resumed her original position replacing my hand with hers. Frustratingly, she also resumed her leisurely rhythm on my shaft.

"We continued taking pictures of various bikinis. Mike was making the occasional comment about how my breasts looked or how he liked the ways my nipples pushed out the fabric. By now the sun was setting and Mike gave me the mesh wrap to put on. We played around with different poses and ways of tying it until we got the one in the photo I showed you. I think you can see from it how aroused I was by this time. Mike loved this pose and as he took shot after shot he described how my pussy looked. It was so hot having him describe my swollen cunt. I ached to touch myself."

"After that, it got too dark to take photos, so we walked back to the hotel. As I had been posing virtually naked on the beach and given what we had seen on the walk down, there seemed no point in putting my dress back on so I walked back wearing the wrap. As I climbed up the steps from the beach, each bounce of my breasts pulled at my hard nipples sending electric pulses to my pussy. The cool evening air passed easily through the wrap making me very aware of how damp I was. It gave me delicious thrill to think that Mike, who was a couple of steps behind me, would be able to smell my wetness."

"We got back to the room and Mike opened a bottle of wine, poured me a glass and said that, if I didn't mind, he was going to grab a quick shower. I took my wine and sat out on the balcony. The breeze teased my skin, which tingled from being in the sun and sea air, my pussy was throbbing for attention. I briefly rubbed my clit but, despite being horny, I didn't want Mike to catch me so I closed my eyes and concentrated on the taste of the wine and the sound of the sea."

"I heard the bathroom door open and Mike walk out onto the balcony beside me. I turned to look at him, he was standing, still wet from the shower, with the towel wrapped around his waist. My eyes moved down his damp chest to the obvious bulge in the front of his towel. From past experience I knew he wasn't as erect as he can get but he certainly was erect. Then, as if I wasn't there, he took off his towel and started drying his hair with it. I was transfixed by that beautiful cock now bobbing, inches from me, beckoning me."

Beth's focus had changed, her eyes had closed as she described Mike's cock and the rhythmical movement of her hand had slowed to be replaced by a rhythmical movement of her other hand between her own legs. She continued in a more distant voice.

"I took him in my hand, just holding him initially, feeling the weight of it, the throb of his pulse. My gentle grip on him was causing him to harden, I could feel the girth increasing until I couldn't close my hand around him. I started to stroke then lent forward and slowly licked the head, spreading his precum over his glans. I tried to take him in my mouth but I couldn't, so licked up and down his shaft."

"Until now his hands had only lightly caressed my hair and neck, now I felt his light touch on my thigh moving up under the wrap. I parted my legs for him. He found my cunt. Drawing his figures along its length, he spread my wetness up to my clit. As I licked and stroked his cock he alternated between rubbing my clit and slipping a finger deep into me." Beth groaned, as if experiencing his first penetration of her again. "He moved to stand between my legs so he could better finger me, neither of us pausing our ministrations to the other."

"Then I felt his cock being pulled away from me as he knelt between my legs, untying the wrap with his free hand. He spread my thighs further apart and bent forward into my lap. I shifted forwards in the chair, opening myself up for him. His masterly tongue ran up and down each labia, then its firm, warm tip made contact with my clit and I exploded in orgasm. He continued licking me introducing one finger, then two and after a while I think he might have even had three fingers in me, slowly working back and forward as he brought me to the edge of orgasm and kept me there. I couldn't tell you how long this went on for, I was lost in a sea of arousal."

"I became aware that Mike's tongue was no longer working at my pussy. I opened my eyes to see his thick, rigid cock inches from my cunt. I was suddenly a little scared, this cock that I had craved to fuck since I first saw it now looked as though it could never fit in me. Mike was gentle, he took my hand and put it on his shaft, letting me set the pace as I worked to accommodate him. I moved the head of his cock up to my lips, sliding it over them, my juices mixing with his. I tried a couple of times to push him inside but it felt as though it wouldn't fit; some deep animal instinct told me I must have him in me. On the third attempt, the head of his cock made it in and with slow movements we eased the rest of his shaft in. It was an amazing feeling when all of him was finally inside me. I have never felt so full. Each movement was intensified as he began rocking back and forth, my lips stretch tight around him, my clit dragging against his slick, rigid shaft. He slowly fucked me, until we both...came."

As Beth, now leaning against my thigh for support as she fingered herself, recounted their mutual climax her body convulsed, waves of orgasm crashed across it.

Surfacing from her orgasmic trance, Beth realised that she was no longer stroking my cock. Leaning forward, she took me in her mouth started to suck my cock. After a while, my hand, which hand been caressing and kneading her breast, descended lower. Beth moved so as to allow me access to her pussy, my fingers enjoying the smooth skin slick with her juices. She started moaning again as I flicked my thumb over the hard nub of her clit.

"Is that the only time you fucked him?" I asked.

"No, of course not." she said, half snorting half groaning. "I lost count of how many times Mike had me"

Beth returned to stroking me so her mouth was free to continue, "Mike didn't stop once he had come. He went back down on me and licked me until I was ready to fuck him again. He carried me into the room and laid me on the bed. This time he slid in a lot more easily and we screwed for much longer and harder. When we were both spent we order room service and went to bed."

"I awoke next morning with Mike still asleep beside me. I could feel his morning wood against my thigh. I couldn't resist rubbing it. Mike woke up and we fucked again. I was a bit sensitve after last night but it felt wonderful. The second photograph was taken on the beach about half a hour after we had finished screwing. Did you notice how used my pussy looks?"

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