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The Plan Pt. 01

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Middle aged man is forced to train as a sex butler.
2.5k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 02/01/2023
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Chapter 1

Dinner was their third date. It was also their best. The food was delicious and the conversation sparkled. After his second post-dinner cognac Alex sheepishly announced he would need to call an Uber to get home. He had definitely had a few too many. The last thing he wanted was a DUI. 

Lucy looked at him deep in thought.

"Don't be silly. I only live a few miles away. I'm still fit to get behind the wheel. Why don't you let me drive you to my place. I have a lovely guest room that you're more than welcome to use and I'll bring you back to get your car in the morning".

"That would be really kind of you.  I don't need to go anywhere tomorrow so there's no rush."

As they reached the end of the private quarter-mile avenue leading to Lucy's house he looked quizzically at her. 

"You never mentioned you live in a huge mansion like this."

She laughed.  

"It's not that big actually. It's only 6 bedrooms and looks way bigger than it really is."  Crunching over the driveway gravel, she parked at the main entrance.  "Come on, I'll show you round."

As they stepped inside Alex couldn't help himself.

     "How does a GP afford this place?  I thought the pay was....well, not great?"

"I'm sure I mentioned that John was a whizz with finances. He had always wanted a place like this.  It was too big for just the two of us but it made him happy. An Englishman and his castle you know... It was devastating when he passed, but he left me sitting very comfortably.  I only continue to work to keep my mind active."

Lucy led him through the large hallway, walls lined with dark stained oak paneling, more reminiscent of a Victorian gentleman's smoking club. The kitchen was a total contrast, modern, practical, yet beautiful, like something out of House & Homes.  All stainless appliances, light oak and tasteful decorations. The island was huge with eight elegant bar stools. 


"Yes please", he replied. 

As she bustled about, prepping the obviously expensive barista machine she asked him if he had been forced to take early retirement.  

"Well, after the divorce I worked for a while.  But I realized that the harder I worked the more money she received in alimony. Thank goodness we didn't have any kids....It seemed counterintuitive to keep giving her more and more from my hard work so I talked to my attorney. Ended up selling the company, gave her half, got  an agreement that we were done, moved into my apartment and have enough to live on until"... he paused, "well I have enough." He smiled. 

She handed him a coffee, pushing a tray with creamer and sweeteners towards him.

"Come on, bring your drink, I'll show you around."

The hose was beautiful, with all the bedrooms upstairs. As they returned downstairs he wondered how lonely she must get here.  They entered the drawing room, the loveliest space of all.  Leather chairs and sofas all arranged to benefit from the large fireplace set in a brick hearth with a huge oak mantelpiece. Picking up a remote, Lucy started the gas fire which was the most realistic he had ever seen.

"Gotta love technology!  So much easier than all that mess with real fires."

She gestured for him to take a seat.  

"Would you like a cognac?  You seemed to be enjoying them at dinner."  

"That would be lovely".

There was a twinkle in her eye as she went over to an antique drinks cabinet and poured two generous glasses. Lucy sat down at the other end of the sofa to Alex and raised her glass.  

"Welcome to my humble abode."

And with that they touched glasses and took a sip.  As the fire warmed them, sending shadows dancing around the room, the conversation turned to a wide variety of subjects.  Alex wondered if this was going anywhere.  He didn't want to push it, they got on really well and he was very attracted to her.  No point in spoiling things by rushing.  It wasn't until he tried to put his glass back on the table that the strangest thing occurred to him.  He couldn't move.  His arm just stayed where it was.  He tried to talk but his mouth wouldn't shaped the words. The only noise he could make was a low whining.

Lucy looked at him with a wry smile.

"Ahh, it appears the succinylcholine I snuck in your cognac has finally entered your blood stream.  It takes longer than being directly injected.  No need to panic.  It's used during surgery to ensure the patient can't suddenly move. Of course, it's always used after the general anesthetic, but in this case I want you awake so you can listen to me.  So if you can hear me just go ahead and blink once.  It's the only movement you'll have for, ohh, about one hour".

Petrified at what on earth she was planning, Alex blinked. 

"You are going to be a prototype!  This is so exciting. I've been planning this business venture for quite some time and I have all the equipment and accommodation in place. You'll be staying with me for about four months whilst you receive all the necessary conditioning, modifications, character adjustments, sculpting and training. It's going to be very intense.  We have an extremely busy schedule set up.  Not a single day is to be wasted.  It's going to be hard work for all of us, but if my research is correct, -and I have no reason to doubt myself whatsoever, - then you are going to be worth a fortune to us."

With that Lucy went over to an old fashioned bell-pull mounted on the wall.  A distant tinkling was heard somewhere in the house.  

"This is where I introduce you to my assistant and business partner. We've worked together on this project".  

As if on cue, a diminutive but strikingly beautiful older woman of Asian heritage stepped into the room through a door that was virtually invisible in the oak paneling.  She was wearing a pristine white lab coat over what appeared to be traditional green medical scrubs and she carried a laptop. Walking to the table directly in front of Alex, she placed the laptop in front of  him and opened the screen.  

"Maya, this is Alex.  Alex, this is Maya."

Maya stuck her arm out to shake hands, then realized that wasn't going to work and laughed at herself.  

"Hello Alex.  Pleased to meet you", Maya said in a distinctly English accent.    

"Maya is a qualified Physician's Assistant as well as a trained beautician," Lucy said. "She has lots of other unique skills that will be of the utmost use to us all as we put you through this recently developed training system.  We are now going to play you a short introductory movie that lays out exactly what we hope to achieve by the end of the four months. I think you'll find it interesting to say the least."

And with that Maya reached over and hit play.

Chapter 2

 The movie was more like an informercial.  It was very professionally presented.  The screen faded in to a black and white slow motion movie of a man, sculpted muscles, entire body shaved, completely naked.  He was standing on what appeared to be a large plinth, helping create the image that he was indeed statuesque. He was the epitome of male sexuality, but the most shocking part was that his huge penis was fully erect.  Not just erect.  Bulging and engorged. What appeared to be a large teardrop of crystal clear pre-cum hung from the end of the bulbous head. Every part of his body was toned, hard and glistening.  The camera moved around him as classical music played unobtrusively in the background.  An unseen woman began the narration. 

"What we are looking at is the product of a total breakthrough in mind control, fitness and body modification technology.  Your butler will be delivered in exactly this condition.  He will be subservient, submissive, respectful and constantly aroused within medically agreed guidelines regarding health and safety. His training will ensure that he never allows his body to be anything but a shrine to male perfection whilst ensuring that his sole purpose is to make you happy.

Whatever your wants, kinks or desires may be, your butler will never let you down.  When you need him, he'll be there.  When you don't he is trained to spend time maintaining his very impressive physique.

He comes with various, excuse the pun, hardware?"  The camera focused upon the man's neck.... "The permanently placed choker is remotely controlled.  It acts like a very sophisticated bark collar and is there for peace of mind.  Your remote control gives you full access to every stimulator placed in the most sensitive of spots. The settings go from a mild reminder that you are the Boss to complete immobilization. Not that we ever anticipate you needing that. You can even deactivate everything from the remote if you think he deserves a break."

The camera now moved down his chest, zooming in on small circular gold nipple rings. "These rings are connected through your remote control, but also run automatically as determined by clinical pre-sets. They vibrate at exactly the right frequency to produce the ultimate arousal. In some cases, for your own amusement, it can be possible to cause your butler to ejaculate from this titillation alone".

The camera continued down to his rear end. The end of a plug was clearly protruding from between his buttocks.  "A prostate stimulator is kept in place during the working day. Your butler comes with well-engrained hygiene protocols. Each morning he will feed himself then cleanse himself using our patented bathroom cleansification process.  We guarantee he will be pristine at all times during his working day.  The plug acts just like the nipple rings, either on automatic or controllable by you, again, no pun intended, the end-user.  And again, it is easy to cause ejaculation should you wish to show him off to your friends.....

As we move down to the penis"......the camera came to rest at such an angle as to make the already impressive phallus look almost monstrous.... "You will notice the collar around the base. We call it the cock-sock.  Patent pending, this device is of primary importance since it measures blood pressure, blood flow, oxygen levels  and hence arousal levels. It is programmed in conjunction with the other stimulation devices to keep him on the very edge of orgasm from the moment you turn him on until either the timer advises to let him cool off or you retire him for the night!.....

You'll notice the ring piercing that enters the tip of the urethra and exits the frenulum. Think of it as similar to the ring in a bull's nose, but lots more fun. The ring itself has a built in frequency agile vibrator that can stimulate the penis leaving our butler literally begging for sexual release. Something that only you can provide. He is forbidden from masturbating and is literally unable to break the rules we have ingrained in his psyche.

Moving on to the testes, you will notice their larger than normal appearance so as to maintain a scaled impression of the genitalia, in keeping with his extended manhood.  Due to the supplements he takes daily along with his continuous arousal, his balls are always full, giving them this delightfully ripe appearance. You will be delighted with the amount of ejaculate he can produce on a regular basis.  And by regular, we mean full recovery between emissions of only 15-20 minutes or less. 

For centuries man has wanted to know the secret of penile enlargement and our clinical research has left us in the fore-front of this field.   Your butler is designed to look stunning, do your every bidding, and to disappear when you need some alone time.  His primary role is your sexual plaything and to that end, no holes are barred! He is also trained in his secondary role as an odd-jobs man, house-keeper, cook and security detail.  And of course, he is an excellent listener.......He comes with a five year money back guarantee.  After five years he will be retired, however should you feel the need for a replacement please contact a member of our sales staff."

In the top corner of the screen an inset appeared.  A remote control was shown with various functions. It was simple, with a large On Off button and some additional choices.  One button was simply labeled 'Orgasm'.  An on-screen finger pushed the control and almost immediately the cock went into full blown slow-motion ejaculation.  Instead of the usual six or seven ropes of semen that typically accompany the average male orgasm, this cock spewed its white matter ten times, over a distance of a few feet.  The butler was obviously having difficulty staying on his feet as the ecstasy of his emissions waved through him.  As the screen faded to black the woman stated...

"And of course, remember he is your butler.  He will clean up any and all messes, whatever they may be".

Information slowly scrolled up the screen with contact information.  Finally the movie stopped and Maya closed the laptop.

Chapter 3

Lucy looked at her watch.  With the drug set to wear off in the next 30 minutes or so she realized the importance of moving to the next stage of the plan.  

"Get the gurney Maya, and ask your husband to come with you".

A few minutes later Maya returned with a wiry Asian man dressed in casual clothing. He was pushing what seemed to be a state of the art mobile bed. Lucy went over to Alex and carefully removed the glass of cognac from his hand. Placing it on the nearby table she introduced the new arrival. "Alex, this is Kenji, but unsurprisingly we just call him Ken. Ken, this is Alex."  Ken nodded at the frozen man on the sofa.  "I'm going to need you to lay him out on the sofa first Ken".  

With that Ken gently pulled Alex's legs down the sofa until he was laying flat on his back. Maya wheeled the gurney alongside and lowered it, electric motors whirring as it responded to her inputs. Once it was level with the sofa the three of them easily lifted Alex onto the portable bed and secured him with straps.  

"Don't want you falling off on the way to the clinic", said Lucy cheerfully. And with that he was carted through the wooden door into a brightly lit corridor that reminded Alex of a hospital. A few moments later they stopped while Lucy entered her pin into a security pad. The system flashed green and a second, more substantial door swung silently open.  After they had all passed, the door closed with the sound of locks clunking into place.  

"Righty ho, here we are!  Your new home for about four months!  I hope you are as excited as we are to have you staying with us".

Alex was desperate to talk but all he could manage was a pitiful grunt.  

"Ok, let's get him onto the operating table and secured then you two can go take care of his car and apartment. He left his wallet and keys on the table in the living room".

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SmuttyandfunSmuttyandfunabout 2 years ago

You really are an excellent writer. I'd like to read more from you in some different categories. This chapter was very well done, and stops just in time to make me want to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

incomplete, but very stimulating

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Interesting premise.

But just buildup for what will presumably happen in subsequent chapters.

Three stars.

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