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The Politics and Math of Lit Voting

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A brief meditation.
  • January 2015 monthly contest
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You worked hard on this story - it's a cool Fetish fantasy called "Trixie's Big Butt." It's not long on plot or characterization, and proofreading isn't your bag, but you know some interesting things to do with butts, and you know how to describe them. Your fans in Literotica's Fetish category are definitely going to love it.

Why did you take the trouble to write "Trixie's Big Butt" and post it on Literotica? Your pose is that your motives are selfless: you write only for your own amusement and you share with your adoring readers out of the goodness of your heart. There are times when you manage to believe that yourself. After all, what other motive could you have? Lit doesn't pay you a dime, and neither your wife nor anyone else in your Real Life knows you write erotica. There's no money in this. There's no glory either.

Except there is. Maybe the glory doesn't go to you, the middle-aged, balding (but quite fit, really!) Hartford actuary, but you bask in the glory that accrues to the avatar you created to author your stories - BJJustAskGrrl. It was an inspired choice of name: you picture men getting boners just thinking about a girl who'd call herself that. And when a story is a hit, it's such a high! Two thousand reads before lunch! Dozens of men may jerk off into the laundry basket (remember the guy six months ago who commented, "I came three times reading this"?). Wives may show your story to their husbands and say, "I want you to do that to me." You get hard imagining it.

But things have got to break right for you. You timed your submission so your story would be on the Fetish hub over the weekend, but that's always a gamble. Sometimes it appears too early, and sometimes there's a delay. And then, how long the story stays on the hub depends on how many people are submitting on that and the following days.

And so very much depends on how those early readers vote! They're the ones who get up early in the morning and check out their favorite Lit hubs. They drive your view count up quickly, and they vote a lot. Their votes will determine how many more readers are going to wager an hour of their precious time that your story will arouse and entertain them.

If you get at least ten votes in the first hours of your story's life, and the votes average at least 4.5 out of 5, the Lit server will put a little red H next to your story's score. That H will draw the eyes of potential readers, saying to them, in effect, "Your time won't be wasted here." Your view count will go way up, and so will the number of wanking readers and couples who decide to go to bed early, inspired by your squicky imagination to perform sordid and delicious sex acts together. And since human beings are herd animals, that little H may even draw more high votes. H's tend to be sticky: once you get one, you rarely lose it, especially if the count of votes goes high enough that the occasional disgruntled reader ("that is so not my kink!") doesn't make a big difference.

You're eager to know whether your story has gone live. You get up early to check out the site. Yes! It was posted in the wee hours. You'll spend much of the morning tracking the view count and the voting on your "View Submissions" page.

But something's not right. Oh, this is very bad! RaunchyMynxInDallas posted a story today. Shit, shit, shit! RaunchyMynx is one of the most popular authors in this category. Every time that nasty cunt publishes something, everybody drops whatever they're doing to read it. The comments are enough to make you throw up. "Oh, RaunchyMynx, this one's hotter than ever!" - "A big 5, wish I could give you 10!" - "I'm just breathless, RaunchyMynx!" - "I've been walking around with a hard-on all morning!" - "Will you marry me?" Such an idiot, that last commenter: RaunchyMynx is about as likely to be a pustular frat boy as a marriageable female.

You absolutely hate it when RaunchyMynxInDallas is your competition. She sucks the air out of the whole category. You give the story a quick once-over. It's trite, a stupid fucking tale about a girl who likes to piss in public places. It's disgusting, it doesn't get you hot, but it's got a certain glibness, as usual; gullible readers are going to mistake that for real quality. They're going to flock to it, especially when that little H appears, as it will soon - probably hours before you get yours - if you get an H at all.

It's possible, though, to delay that fateful moment. You click the "1" star at the bottom of the last page and chuckle, "Eat that, you sack of shit." You've just dropped what Lit authors call the "one-bomb" - a kind of tactical vote - and you've probably delayed the appearance of RaunchyMynx's red H by at least an hour, maybe more. How so, when practically all the other readers are giving it 4s and 5s?

It doesn't take a statistician like yourself to understand how this works. It's the power of the statistical outlier. Have you heard that joke about how Bill Gates goes into a bar full of construction workers, and suddenly everybody in the room's a millionaire because the average income has shot up into the stratosphere? It's like that. If it was all billionaires in that bar, Gates's arrival would nudge the average income up only a little, but in a bar full of construction workers, he's a statistical outlier, and his effect on the average is enormous.

You imagine that diseased skank RaunchyMynx watching her vote, the same way you're watching yours. Suppose she's got nine votes and her average score is 4.67. That means she's probably gotten six 5s and three 4s - not bad. But when your one-bomb shows up on her screen, her score will drop to 4.30 - no little red H for RauchyMynx! And now it'll take her four more votes at minimum to get her red H. That's right: the next four voters have got to cast 5s before her average creeps up to 4.5 again. She'll have to get a lot more 5s than that before she gets back to 4.67. You can almost hear her head explode, all the way from Dallas. It feels so damn fine.

Of course you know you aren't doing her any permanent damage. If enough readers vote, her story will recover from your one-bomb. And the Lit gurus seem to have clever algorithms for figuring out which votes were cast for strategic reasons like yours: in a few days they may very well detect your one-bomb and delete it. But you've slowed her down during those critical first hours of her story's life. And while her score is recovering, readers who aren't already her fans are just as likely to savor the delights of Trixie's butt as they are to read about that pissing girl. You'll probably get at least some of the time that readers might have given to her.

In a couple of weeks, long after both your stories have cycled off the Fetish hub, you may notice that she's back, down there in the "Hall of Fame" section of the page. That means she's gotten at least a hundred votes and has one of the highest scoring recent stories. Back on the hub, her story will be getting lots of views, unlike yours, which will be languishing largely unread in the vast Lit archive.

"Bitch!" you'll snarl, and one-bomb her again. Let's look at the effect of the one-bomb now. Say she had an average score of 4.85 with 110 votes. Now her score will be 4.82. If that drop isn't enough to knock her out of the Hall of Fame, just one-bomb her again, and that will take her down to 4.78. She'll still have her red H, but in most categories the Hall of Fame will be out of the question. And because your one-bomb is still a statistical outlier and another 5 vote is not, it will take quite a while for the damage to be repaired. With one more 5, she's still at 4.78; with two, she's just climbed to 4.79; with a third, she still hasn't broken 4.80.

A statistician like yourself could suggest ways to mitigate the effects of statistical outliers in an online voting system like the one at Literotica. But you're not going to volunteer that information, now, are you? That would take away a lot of your power. The fact is, the best defense against the one-bomb is a high vote count. The more readers vote, the more accurate a story's score will be as a reflection of the judgment of the Lit readership.

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THBGatoTHBGatoabout 2 hours ago

How depressing. Why should writers feel in competition with one another? Just because another writer's story in the same category does well, does that mean mine won't? Why would that be my first assumption? As a READER, I read lots of stories: just because I read (and vote, and comment on) one, doesn't mean I won't read another.

Writers, who understand the effort it takes to write a story, should be supporting one another, not trying to knock each other down. Personally, I always vote (and nearly always comment on) stories I read, unless I didn't like it. In which case, assuming I read to the end (unlikely, I probably stopped after a few paragraphs if the style wasn't to my taste) I just won't vote at all. I'm not going to insult the effort the writer put in by 1 bombing. Sad to think that any writer would.

I understand that this is all hypothetical, but it's depressing to think that this is how some writers imagine other authors behaving.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Very well written and so TRUE !

lc69hunterlc69hunterabout 2 years ago

Nice. The discussion about the LW category is so spot on. What frustrates me about that is that many, if not most of the consequences voting 1's are afraid to show their names, so that we can go shame them on whatever category their fetish is.

luedonluedonabout 6 years ago
Wow, T.Bill

That was a thesis in itself, and a well-thought-out one.

There is, of course, some difference in the motivations of authors, readers, voters and commenters in the different categories of story on the Literotica site.

I have for some time been especially interested in the Loving Wives commentariat, which I see as very different from those who read, vote and comment on stories in other categories.

A reader of a Romance story (my favourite category) will read the story and judge it according to how well the author has structured and written the story, how well the erotic elements are described, and so on. They come looking for romance, and romance is generally what they find.

But readers of Loving Wives stories form several camps. The clearest division is between the Consequences crowd and the Reconciliation tribe. A reader who believes that a wandering wife should suffer consequences of her infidelity will often one-bomb a story in which she 'gets away with it'. Other readers will one-bomb a story in which the consequences are violent.

Many LW voters and commenters judge a story by whether the characters are doing what the reader wants them to rather than by how well the author achieves what he or she set out to achieve. That is not the case in other categories because there is not this division.

Twistedsickmind's Humour & Satire story 'The One Bomber' remains my favourite spoof on those who vote down a story for reasons other than how well it is written.


TatankaBillTatankaBillabout 6 years ago
NOT an actuary!

Nope, not an actuary and I try to avoid them. In fact I shy away from all but the simplest mathematics. Fibonacci numbers interest me up to about thirteen and then my eyes begin to droop, my head clouds up and I start daydreaming about women. But I've observed the same behavior in myself, blogging and then babysitting that blog post to see how it's being treated by the cruel and fickle public. Lots of bloggers and writers claim that they write for themselves and don't care what anyone else thinks. I don't see much point in calling them on this, but I don't believe it for a minute. If I wrote for myself alone and didn't care what readers or other writers think, I'd put it in a private journal and it'd never see the light of day. Hell yes I care.

I read stories on Lit for a long time before I decided to try my own hand at fiction. There began to be some appeal to the idea of becoming a purveyor of smut. I did notice the special rancor that is elicited from readers by a story about a woman who is less than pure and faithful. Too bad! That's a fascinating topic for me. I also noticed that such tales evoke a visceral hatred that's reflected in the comments. I don't see that as different from what happens on political posts or posts about social movements like 'Me too'. I do not see any such comments as particularly sincere. The language used in comments in Loving Wives is identical to what you'll find among white supremacists and the more vicious misogynists. I've come to believe that troglodyte trolls lie in wait for the chance to pounce on what they call 'cuck shit' and one bomb it. I'm sure some of the trolls genuinely think that western civilization is being brought to its knees by males who permissively allow 'their women' to monitor their own sexual behavior. It's a sad day for sure when adults can fuck whoever they want to. I've already said too much about the LW category, since as you mentioned your post is not centered on behavior there.

I think it's the nature of writers to want to have their work appreciated, in spite of all protestations to the contrary. It hurts to submit what you are certain is a clever and entertaining piece- not to mention wankworthy- only to watch the apes throw feces at it. Just as many writers explain in a preface that their work is one of fiction or fantasy and warn the reader not to get his panties in a wad over it, the writer must also realize that this is now the internet age and you just can't take the criticism to heart. The critics can be vile, but seriously, do I care much for the opinion of a fat forty six year old living in Mom's cellar subsisting entirely on Hot Pockets and Mountain Dew, cloaked in a Cheeto encrusted Metallica shirt and parachute shorts? No.

More than one writer has told me that Literotica is changing, and not for the better. This isn't Literotica's fault. The internet is changing. The barbarians have stormed the bastions of free speech and are rendering it worthless. People are talking about living in a 'post truth' world. It can be really hard for any writer who values truth in any personal and artistic sense to remain centered in the chaos and anarchy of the mob.

Sorry! I began channeling Leon Trotsky there at the end. What I meant to say was: I loved your essay and it I saw myself in it. It's funny, insightful and true.

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