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The Pool Guy

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He needed help with a wrench.
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Celeste Weatherly was a woman on a mission. Her mission was to introduce me to her world of sex. She just didn't know it yet. She hadn't had sex in a month, having chased her no good husband out of the house after catching him in bed with the nymphet Maria, aka the housekeeper. She was all tied up in knots she was so horny.

I was just the pool guy working on a summer job before college. My girlfriend Kristi was pretty hot, but wasn't letting me get past a nice feel of her tits. I was getting impatient because we were both going to different colleges in the fall. Her story was that we had to be in love to go all the way, and we weren't really in love were we? Just a creative way to say no, I thought, and figured it was a high school romance just about over. Kristi didn't understand that a guy has urges that have to be fixed.

The pump for Celeste's pool was acting up, so I brought a replacement and was working on it when she wandered into the equipment shed. It was after lunch and hotter than blazes in that cramped space. I'd stripped down to my workout shorts, but sweat was dripping from every part of me.

"Jeff," she said, "can I bring you some water or something? It's like a sauna in here."

"No, Ms. Weatherly, I have about ten more minutes in here to get this pump changed out. Then we'll see if that gets your circulation going again. The pool was looking pretty murky when I came over this morning."

Celeste was in her workout shorts and covered with sweat herself. Tall, slim, with well defined muscles from regular workouts. A demon tennis player in school, which she still kept up. Good for the eyes and hard on the cock.

"Well, I hope the new pump works ok, I'm really needing a swim. I'll be in the workout room when you're done. Maybe spot me a few?"

"Sure, no problem. I'd like a little swim myself."

Back to the pump, which wasn't quite the same as the original. It was in the back corner of the shed, out of the way. The guy who installed it obviously never intended to have to work on it. After ten minutes, I was almost there except for a clamp that needed holding while I fastened it.

"Mrs. Weatherly, do you suppose you could give me a hand for just a second? I'm almost done."

She was on the machine, doing reps like crazy and sweat running off of her. The bikini was drenched and showing pretty much everything.

"Yes, I'll be right there."

Back in the shed, I had to get down on my back in order to get a wrench on the clamp. Celeste found her way to where I was and looked down at me with a smile.

"That's a pretty awful position in this heat. What do I do?"

"You see this clamp here, hold it just like I am while I tighten the bolt."

She knelt between my legs and put her hand next to mine. I could smell her heat and sweat. She must be able to smell me too, I thought. I moved my hand and worked the wrench. The bolt stuck and then caught the thread. The clamp tightened up nicely and she moved her hand from the clamp to my chest. Then her knee came up into my crotch and pushed into my shorts. She leaned down and licked my lips with her tongue.

"You are very good with that wrench, Jeff. I'll have to give you a special reward. Do you like sweaty sex?

I had a chance to think while she pushed her tongue into my mouth and frenched me, hard.

"Uh, Celeste, ummm, this is kind of a dumb answer, but I'd like any kind of sex with you."

"Oh, eager are we? I like that in a man. Are we done, can we get out of here?"

Over by the door of the shed was the switch for the pump. I flicked it and a reassuring hum filled the room. She pulled my head down for another kiss. My hands went to her hot, slippery ass. Very hard slippery ass.

"Is that luck or did you know what you were doing in there?"

We were standing naked under the outdoor shower. I was soaping her tits. She was fingering my balls.

"I don't like screwing up. I wouldn't have taken that pump apart if I didn't know how to get it going again. Do you like your tits massaged, does this get you going?"

We were in verbal foreplay, I guess. Easy banter. She knew we were going to fuck and wasn't in a hurry. Not like my forced efforts with Kristi.

She put her arms around my neck and whispered, "Have you gone all the way with Kristi, yet?"

If I was going to get laid, the answer didn't matter, I figured, so no point in trying to lie.

"No, I think she's still afraid of her mom, even though she's over 18 now."

Celeste said, "I think she is really hot. That body is to die for. Why haven't you made a move on her?"

"Are you telling me to produce her for a 3-way?"

"Maybe. Does that appeal to you?"

Cleaned up, Celeste had a really tasty pussy. She was wiggling around like crazy as I knelt at her feet, so something must have felt good. I slid two fingers in and she clamped down as hard as she could. I didn't answer her question. Maybe I was only good for one hottie at a time. She had a big clit and was making a lot of noise, out in her own backyard, as I went after it with lips, tongue and teeth.

"You bastard! I'm cumming, cumming, cumming."

I stood up, turned off the water, wrapped her in a big beach towel and threw her over my shoulder. She was still shaking and moaning as I marched into the house, past the new housekeeper, and up the broad carpeted steps to her salon bedroom. I called out to Milly to follow us.

I sat in the middle of an enormous French antique sofa and pulled Celeste across my lap.

"Milly, get the paddle and the other toys."

Celeste started screeching about who did I think I was. I pulled the towel up and gave her a sharp slap across her taut rear. "Quiet, until I say you can talk."

Milly handed me a large shoebox. Lots of toys and several sets of cuffs. In less than a minute, Celeste was trussed up with a generous penis gag in her mouth, staring daggers at me.

Milly was admiring this sight when I stood and went behind her, whispering in her ear, "We're going to have a party, and you won't need this uniform."

Soon Milly, in all her delicious nude self, was bound and thrashing on the floor next to her mistress.

Placing them on the towel in the middle of the expensive carpet, I said, "Don't go away, I'll be right back."

My bag of trainer materials - first aid, massage oil, and so forth was in the pickup. I also retrieved my camera. When I got back, they were trying to talk to each other through the gags. Didn't sound like they were making much progress.

"Girls, there is the hard way to do this, and the fun way. The hard way, you fight me, which means I use the paddle and flogger on you, and then fill your asses with the biggest butt plug in this box. The easy way is you get a nice massage from me with some extra attractions thrown in. So, which is it going to be?"

While they thought about that, I wrapped them together front to front with a tiedown strap. I pulled out a flaming pink double dildo from the toy box, got Celeste on her back with Milly on top, and knelt between their legs.

These were four pretty sexy legs. Long, lean and strong. Pouring a generous amount of oil in my palms, I went to work on them, massaging all the most sensitive erogenous nooks and crannies. The pussies, one shaved, the other not, were moistening. I checked each cunt with an oily finger or two. Wonderful crevices, wet and clutching. I smeared a generous amount of my special sex lube on the double dildo and began gently inserting it into both women simultaneously. Lots of noise from behind the gags. Lots of writhing around. A few hard slaps calmed things down.

It wasn't long before my special toy was all the way in. What Celeste and Milly didn't realize was that this dildo had several custom features. But before I demonstrated them, I needed to secure the apparatus to the belt tying the girls together, and then helped them to their feet. Since their hands were cuffed behind them, two sets of tits were rubbing on each other every time they moved. I lubed them up to avoid any chafing. Tweaking these special mammaries, I couldn't resist a little sucking. Very delicious. Applying my teeth to the hard nips brought on another wave of muffled complaint.

We were in a room with arched woodwork, and a number of beams that suited my purpose. A little work with my ropes and their arms were comfortably tied overhead. Comfortable as long as they didn't try to go anywhere.

A few more adjustments were needed before the serious fun could begin. But first I got down between their legs and checked the dildo, fucking them gently. They didn't seem to know what to make of this, not liking being coupled together but enjoying the stimulation in their pussies. I stood up and got my special lollypop for each of them. What was special was that the hard candy was shaped like a short stubby cock and came inserted into a harness so that the prick was pressed into their mouths with a flange against their lips that couldn't be dislodged.

"Girls, I hope you like your candied cocks. These were specially made for you to suck. I think you will enjoy the flavor."

Actually, the candy was about to make them feel exceedingly horny and loving. The clock had started on the party. Just one more thing. A friend had given me a couple of guaranteed expandable butt plugs. Even though the women thought I had promised no toys in their ass, I couldn't really avoid letting them have this once in a lifetime experience. After blindfolding my captives, I got the plugs out of their pouches and lubed them up. Normally about the size of a thumb, the batteries and servos inside produced fantastic surprises for the woman in whom they were inserted. Gently spreading Milly's cheeks, she got the first insertion. There was a double flange, designed to secure the plug on both sides of the anal ring. A windup lever allowed the center of the flanges to be expanded to maintain the exact tension on the butthole needed to keep the device in place and ready to go to work. I quickly duplicated my work on Celeste, who seemed to be quite busy sucking on her candied prick.

I retired to an armchair some feet away with my several remote controls. The lights were low and the oiled up bodies looked terrific gleaming in the dimness. I had mechanical cock equivalents in four holes and it was time for them to go to work.

I started some mood music on the hifi, a lilting melody with jungle beat behind it. Then set the remotes at the lowest setting. The women jumped and jerked and tried to shout around the cocks filling their mouths.

But none of the fireworks they expected happened. Just the music refrain and the the slow gentle movements in the cunts and asses. The drug was beginning to work and the stimulation of their erogenous nerves forced their hips into lascivious movements. On their chests, color was flushing and stiff nipples were rubbing each other.

It was time for dildo action. I pushed the expand button on each remote and a quiet whirring began. A freezing of lower bodies, then quick back and forth jerking, then moans around the candy as cunts were stretched. Probably farther than ever before. Were Celeste and Milly into big cocks? If they weren't before, they were now.

The next stage of their little sex play began when I pressed the program button on the plugs in their butts. Nothing could be seen from the outside, but in their rectums the tip of the plugs was extending and rotating and thrusting. I could image the poor women thinking they were being ravaged by an octapus tentacle. Their bodies were shaking and pulling and pushing back and forth. Their throats were screaming but nothing was getting past the evil obstructions in their mouths.

I pressed the final button and the double dildo went to work with a vengeance, fucking them as they had never felt before. It was time to remove the blindfolds so I could see their crazed dilated eyes. Quickly I loosened the candy harnesses and removed the remainder of the candy pricks. There wasn't much there. The drug was in the bloodstream.

I had witnessed this treatment on the woman of a friend and the effect was quite remarkable. How would it affect my two captives?

I unhooked their wrists from the overhead rope and led them into the bedroom, still screaming in great voice at the gyrations taking place inside them. Laying them down, I removed every last appliance from their bodies and they promptly fainted.

I gently washed the sweat from their bodies and applied some cologne here and there. The candlelight in the bedroom reflected from their womanly curves. One of the effects of the drug was that it masked the specific memories of what had happened, but left intact the incredible stimulation of all their sexual parts.

In a few minutes Milly and Celeste began coming around. I approached the bed and offered them some ice water. They accepted the water and then gazed at each other's nakedness and mine without reacting.

"What happened," asked Celeste. "Yes, what on earth happened to us?" echoed Milly.

I responded, "I really don't know. We were coming into the house for a drink and everything went blank."

The girls said they felt strange and wanted to know why we were naked. I told them I didn't know but that they were very beautiful and desirable women.

Celeste put her arm around Milly and hugged, as though needing the touch of another person. I reached out and stroked their shoulders, asking if they wanted a nap.

Celeste lay her head back on the pillow, pulling Milly with her. "What do you think, Milly, shall we nap?"

But I noticed her twitch in her pelvic area, and Milly's breasts were high and her nipples stiff.

Milly said, "I'm not tired, but feel strange and sleepy. And," she hesitated, "my bottom is tingling."

I said, "That's strange, I'm getting hard." Indeed my cock was lengthening and rising. The women looked at me, then reached their hands to their crotches, rubbing gently, then harder.

Celeste gasped, "Oh my, I'm afraid I'm going to cum. Oh, Milly help me. She grabbed the maid and pulled her to her breast and smashed their lips together.

Milly lost herself at the same time, calling out for her lusty lover and twining legs together. In seconds they were orgasming loudly. As the spasms passed, they looked at me, noticed my rampant prick and called for me to come to them.

It was fortunate that I had taken my male pills earlier, for the ensuing hours were filled with my valiant efforts to satisfy two very needy cunts, and two equally needy assholes. We destroyed the bed and destroyed ourselves and fell asleep in the early hours.

The warm sun was shining on me. I heard voices approaching. A naked Celeste and Milly swept into the room with breakfast trays.

The lady of the house fixed me with her evil eye. "Get your good for nothing ass out of that bed and in the shower. Report back here when you're shaved and clean."

I scampered into the bathroom, wondering what retribution awaited me.

Wandering out with a towel around my waist, I found them sitting up in a freshly made bed giving me hostile looks. Milly slid out and pointed to the middle, "Get in there and do not say one word until we allow it."

They took turns feeding me. Juice, fruit, toast, coffee. As every arm stretched toward me, a delightful breast and nipple raised up, aching to be caressed.

"Stop looking at our boobs," Milly said, "that's not permitted."

She had her hands temporarily full, so instead of obeying, I leaned over and gave the beautiful curve of her breast a respectful lick. Only one.

"That's not permitted, either," she said, with a slight hint of a smile.

Celeste reached under the tray and grabbed my cock. "We should just cut this off for what you did to us. That was cheap, nasty, devilish, and brutal. No decent man would treat women like that. Do you think we are just cheap sex objects?"

Color was in her cheeks and she looked really adorable. I was dumbstruck and feeling guilty. They were right, it was a dumb stunt. Maybe they were going to turn me in for rape.

Milly added to my agony, "You didn't need drugs and toys to get to us, you know. We were already hot for your body."

Celeste chimed in, "A few kisses, a few caresses, and you could have had us both."

I dabbed at my eyes with the napkin, shaking a little. I began to mouth an apology, but she interrupted. "We don't need excuses, you brute. We want justice. Or we're going to the police."

Oh shit, I was really in it now. "What can I say? I apologize."

"Get down on your knees. There by the side of the bed."

The next thing I knew was that two gorgeous pink pussies were looking at me. The attached legs were straight up in the air.

"You have exactly five minutes to prove you can get both of us off with your tongue only. Or else."

They were fresh from the shower and shiny with some lotion. A long swipe up and down each tasted good. Five minutes was a challenge. They needed dirty talk to go with the tongue work.

"Cheap trash. Scaring me like that. Hiding this prime pussy from me." Lick, lick, lick.

Wiggling around. Twitching of hips, aimless waving of arms. Two mouths kissing.

"You are getting fucked again, after this. I'm cutting the phone lines and using the ropes." Lick, lick, lick.

"I don't know about these pussies. They look like they were made for each other, not for me." Lick , lick, lick.

Groans, hips thrusting frantically. Skip the talk and get them off. Forget the rules and use your cock.

"Oh, you fucker, that's not permmitted." Turn the body over and thrust harder. Keep fingers going in the other.

"Aiieee." One down. Quickly into the other. Pile her on top of the first. Drive really hard so they both know the big cock is in charge.

"Oh, oh, oh..."

Three bodies on the floor, gasping, shaking, making little noises.

"Damn, that was good. We can't let him get away, can we?"

"He's just the dumb pool guy."

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