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The Porn Star Next Door Ch. 24 End


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The following year slipped by like greased lightning. We all had career successes worth mentioning.

For one, AIA, despite its suspicious beginnings, added six additional employees. Lindsay, Shay, and Tiffany were the next three. Grace and Crystal introduced AIA to Brad, Logan, and Tyler, and they joined the company. Additionally, Nikki is majoring in computer science locally, and works as a part-time intern for us, mostly on the unclassified stuff we do. Lisa isn't a STEM grad, but Lisa can also work circles around us based on her intuition alone.

The new AIA recruits were slowly inducted into both our circle of lovers and the Rogers swing group. Early in AIA's creation, and party for my own sanity, I tried to insist on a rule about no sex in our offices. Lisa soon informed me that our offices are only on the first floor and that the studio apartment that we built on the second floor for visiting firemen was therefore considered exempt from my edict. I believe I did my eye roll thing.

Lisa also secured Michael's enthusiastic support for her enjoying sex in the AIA apartment, first with me and later with anybody of her choosing. The open sex they were both having had rejuvenated their marriage and they were loving each other more than ever before. Lisa and I seem to use that place twice a week, and I see her sneaking off with one of the other men or women for an hour of rest and relaxation frequently. I love having an oversexed assistant as well as some nubile aides and intern on the staff. Michael has been known to come over for a nooner.

While all this was going on, I completed my Instrument Rating as a pilot. After talking with Sarah, thinking about traveling and future family life, and getting advice from my local A&E mechanic, we bought a Cessna Cardinal -- a 177RG. It was a beefed-up Cessna 172 with retractable gear, a large engine, and a cruise speed of close to 170 mph. I completed the rating in the plane and started right in on my commercial rating because it would make me a safer and more precise pilot.

Sarah also moved up in the world. A company named Powerboat Max bought out Jaycor. The executives of Jaycor made a lot of money, and that included Sarah -- a point that made her feel even more secure financially. She was also named the Chief Financial Officer of the new, combined company. She was ecstatic, especially that no one seemed to care about her past work in the adult industry.

Charlotte continued to live with us and become an increasingly integral part of the Mallus Family. That didn't deter her from taking some leave to go to Miami several times with Lindsay, where she became a newbie in porn videos. Her first two endeavors were attracting a lot of favorable attention, and she planned to continue at a low level for a while. She had also advanced in the investment company.

Sandy who had worked in the design and development area at Jaycor also popped up a level in the new company, taking over the new combined power boat upper-deck design group. Mike continued on, too, as one of the new group's top marine engineers.

On another front, Sandy also went head-over-heels in love with one of my new hires at AIA, Logan. The two of them became inseparable except for work and being playful at our gatherings or swinger events. Logan was traveling light, and thus moved into her bedroom that had been a 'for show' room because Sandy was sleeping with Greg -- her brother. Moving to Sarasota from Colorado, he didn't bother to get another apartment.

Greg befell the same fate with Tiffany Rose, the beautiful star that I met, thanks to Sarah, on my first trip to Las Vegas. They met initially at one of our orgies in Sarah's condo, and it was love at first sight for each of them. Tiff was staying with Sarah while she looked for an apartment. Greg volunteered to help her in that regard, and at the end of their first day of looking asked her to move in with him. For her, that was a no-brainer. They were already in love.

Thus, over the span of a few months, Greg and Sandy really solved the issue about appearances with their parents and other relatives. They'd both gotten a real girlfriend and real boyfriend to parade around, this time without the 'temporary' adjective attached.

Jon got the lucrative deals he was after from Devon Rogers and Ross Davis, my previous boss. He moved up at his firm, in part to take over a large portion of their extensive investment portfolios. He was also managing Sarah and my portfolio as a favor to good friends.

Rachel left her magazine company and went to work for a straight marketing and advertising company, at a great jump in pay and responsibility. Greg also got a boost and promotion at Wells Fargo.

An even bigger surprise took place with my parents. Towards the end of the previous summer, my parents, Dot and Jim, made a visit ostensibly to attend one of the swinger parties, which they did to their and our enjoyment. What they didn't confide at the time was that they were looking at other commercial property around Sarasota.

My dad did have a serious talk with me about what it would be like 'if they lived in the area'. I didn't see that as a harbinger of things to come, but I did reply that it would be great to have them nearby, particularly when Sarah and I started to produce grandbabies for them.

In the fall, during another visit, Dot and Jim escorted Sarah and I along the Tamiami Trail and we pulled into the Flamingo Motel. The sign for the place was a very faded and yet gaudy thirty-foot tall flamingo announcing 'best rates in town'. The place was definitely in the open but run-down category of motels.

My dad said, "What do you think?"

"I think this looks like the most neglected motel on the strip between the airport and town -- maybe the most neglected in the state. Is this the hot sheet trade only?"

He laughed, "Yeah, pretty much. I bought it. We sold the motel in North Carolina."

"WHAT?" I squawked. "When did all this take place?"

"When we came by to fly home about six months ago, I saw a 'For Sale By Owner' sign on this place. It got me to thinking that the people we really love and want to be near are all in this town. A month later when we were down, we stopped and talked to the owner. He's ninety-years-old and wants out of the motel business.

"I saw about a million things wrong with the place -- every room, every nook and cranny. Dot and I totalled up about $300,000 worth of fixes for everything and that was without a proper inspection by someone that knows what they're really looking at. If we deducted that and little bit more from the owner's asking price, I thought we might have a fair deal. We actually offered less than that by quite a bit after a formal inspection since he found some termite damage. Other than that, the place was structurally sound, but ... well, as you see it. Our offer was the first expression of interest in the place that he'd had since he decided to sell six years earlier. Thus, we bought the place at our offering price. We were very pleased.

"Our place up north sold two days after we put it on the market. It was clean and well-maintained, and had a repeat business clientele that accounted for over sixty percent of the peak season business. The couple that bought it had it inspected and paid our asking price with no haggle. That's extraordinary."

"And what happens next?" I asked.

"We close on this tomorrow actually. The owner has already moved out of his quarters towards the back over there. I hope it's okay that we stay with you for a week or two. We have to fumigate for the bugs, and then a painting crew comes in and does our apartment and then starts on some of the rooms. We also have a contractor that's going to start on the long list of repairs and even some structural work on the place. The flamingo sign also disappears in a few days, and we're rebranding the place as the Sarasota Motor Inn. A new sign will replace the old one very soon.

"Meanwhile, we have to go back home and pack up the house and sell that, too. That should take us two or three weeks. By the time our stuff gets down here in a moving truck, we'll be able to move into the owner's apartment at the back."

"Wow. Yes, that's very ambitious. Stay with us as long as you need. You know our lifestyle, so feel free to join in whenever you want. How can we help?"

Sarah reinforced my comments and offer for help. Later, almost in tears, she told me that she loved my parents and that for the first time in her life she felt that love in return and the comfort of having them around as both parents and lovers. This from a basically parentless young woman.

Over the next few months, the motel was cleaned up, inside and out, relandscaped, driveways resurfaced to look new, rebranded, and advertised. Occupancy kept increasing weekly at new higher room rates, even hitting 'full' a few weeks as the peak season started. Business is good and dad thinks the investment will payoff within another year.

While my father continued to focus on the new motel and the challenges that posed, my mother got a job with Ford, Blake, and Wiseman -- the premiere law firm in the city and only a short commute for her. They were eager to have her paralegal skills. Her personal and deep friendship with Devon Rogers flourished under my father's blessing.

Lindsay rode out the past year being touted by several websites as the 'Hottest Star in Adult Entertainment'. She got a Special Achievement Award from the Adult Video News Awards in Vegas in January. She made a shitload of money over the year and seemed to be back and forth to Miami a lot, and even Las Vegas. She was able to shift much of that work to weekends. The other people on AIA's staff were always eager to hear about her further exploits in porn.

Separately, in another compartment in her life, Lindsay did some landmark work for AIA on the AI algorithms we used to hack into both friendly and not-so-friendly computer systems around the globe. We got feedback from an unnamed government agency that they liked our work and her contributions.

Several times Sarah and I flew to Miami to see her sister in action as she made a new movie. We used my new plane and that made a nice flight. Sarah was treated like a star, and the directors and producers always loved having us there. Try as they might, they couldn't get Sarah to un-retire from the adult industry.

Troy and Lindsay got married on Valentine's Day, ostensibly, according to Troy, so that he wouldn't ever forget their anniversary. They went on a honeymoon aboard Jon's yacht, but stayed within the various ports on the Gulf of Mexico, that also happened to include a version of Hedonism II only on the Mexican coast. Included in the honeymoon, was a refresh on their all-over tans.

Our swinger friends continued to welcome some or all of us about once a month to their gatherings. Living in a condominium like others in the 'club', we weren't positioned to hold any of the gatherings, which usually included lots of incidental nudity. We were often at Devon and Crystal Rogers majestic home, and cemented out friendship with them as well as with Ross and Grace Davis.

AIA's business with Crystal and Grace, the Rogers Foundation, and other unspecified agencies proved to be lucrative. I was in no position to complain about my earnings, which had been approved by the 'impartial' board. Surprise; Grace and Crystal owned a majority of the stock, at least that's the way it appeared on paper. Best of all, we were getting really good at our jobs, especially the clandestine part that we couldn't talk about.

Overall, I still had to pinch myself frequently in disbelief, and especially about all the excitement and upbeat nature of my foreseeable future. Most of that would be done hand-in-hand with my new wife. Wow! I'd actually married the Porn Star Next Door, and I had another porn star that I loved next door again.

The End ... For Now

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MardracMardrac4 days ago

Great series, would love to see more on the AIA, and Sarah and Charlotte considering and havung Dougs kids and Charlotte being a protégé of Lindsey and maybe labeled Candy sweets relative in the industry

Rocketman51Rocketman517 days ago

Great story line, fantastic and interesting characters throughout the stories many chapters. You may want to consider selling your stories on Amazon ( I suggest looking at Burnt Redstone an author here on Literotica.). Keep up the great story writing and Thank you for sharing your Talent with us!

Dickjane68Dickjane687 days ago

It’s a very good story. Any chance of a storyline about AIA. That seems very intriguing.

RamchipRamchip8 days ago

Thanks for the enjoyable read. Sure wish I had a porn star next door.

AnonymousAnonymous8 days ago

Great series of stories. Would like 1 or 2 more chapters concerning babies coming along with all the new relationships. Maybe Jim And Dot turn the motel into a swinger resort. Maybe Charlotte and Nikki get into porn after talking with Sarah and Lindsey. Just some ideas!

AnonymousAnonymous8 days ago

Loved the series. Couldn’t wait for the next installment. Great job, very well written.

AnonymousAnonymous8 days ago

I would love to see you return to this story at some point in time. The ending seemed rushed, but it sets up for a pretty good sequel premise.

The focus could be on a recruited student who is in their last year of studies from a cold weather university like Cornell, MIT, Brown, Princeton, NYU, Columbia, U Mass-Amherst or Carnegie-Mellon, (or a group of such students), showing the recruitment process with Doug, Sarah, Lisa, Lindsey, Shay, Tiffany, Logan, Sandy, Greg, Brad, Tyler, Crystal and Grace making appearances during the story, with the eventual story shifting to Sarasota. Throw in at some point a porn star trying to transition into the industry from Southern California who is graduating from a school like UC San Diego, UC Irvine, UCLA, USC, or Cal Tech to be the love interest. The nerd could be a girl and the porn star could be a male, with both being in their mid 20's. Just some ideas for a sequel.

Make it a 24 chapter story like this series and do an outline of that story while you work on your next series or one off story. That way you can plan out the major conflicts/resolutions and events in the story, then fill in the details once you are ready to work on it.

goodshoes2goodshoes28 days ago

5 stars for the whole series. Hope you have another series waiting in the wings. Please!!!???

JBird11JBird118 days ago

Overa!!, Loved the series, would love to.see how they handle when one of them gets pregnant. Thanks for sharing.

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