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The Practice Pt. 04: Hannah 04

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A game with two winners and two losers.
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Part 4 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/01/2016
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Hannah stretched luxuriously and wrapped her arms around Emily, cupping her breast and snuggling in close.

They were falling into a routine on Dr. Wilcox's island. Hannah and Emily woke up in their treehouse with the first light of the false dawn and made love in what had become their usual fashion. Hannah kissed Emily deeply, and slowly slid her fingers in and out of the blonde's pussy until Emily came. Hannah was always thrilled to feel her friend's body writhe against her and throb on her fingers. Then Emily slid beneath the sheet and buried her face between Hannah's legs, dancing around with her tongue until Hannah couldn't take any more teasing and begged for release. Emily finally relented and dove onto Hannah's clit with abandon, and Hannah screamed out in pleasure.

Emily's curly blonde head emerged, her face glistening from Hannah's pussy, and the two kissed and cuddled. Hannah had never expected to have a relationship like this... had never even known that such a thing existed. What was Emily to her? What would she be when they left the island?

"How long have we been here, anyway?" Hannah asked as she played with Emily's hair.

Emily nuzzled her face into Hannah's neck. "Mmmm... four or five days?"

Hannah squinted out the window towards the first fragment of sun rising over the trees. "Longer than that, I think," she said. "Let's go, we don't want to miss breakfast."

The girls cleaned up and brushed each others' hair. The routine comforted them in this strange environment. It didn't take long to get ready on the island, since there were no clothes, no jewelry, and no make-up. No jewelry except for Hannah's earrings, anyway. Dr. Wilcox let her wear the diamond studs that her father had given her for graduation, and she reached up to feel them in her ears. The treehouse didn't have a mirror, so the girls had to help each other.

"You look great," Emily said, breaking through Hannah's reverie. Emily made a show of checking out the taller brunette from head to toe, and Hannah grinned and struck a pose. Her breasts were solid C-cups, and perfectly matched her ass. The island sun had been good to her, and her tan lines were almost gone.

Hannah twirled her finger and Emily turned in a circle to give the other girl a complete view. "Looking hot, yourself," Hannah said. The shorter girl had a tight, athletic body and B-cup breasts that fit her perfectly. Emily smiled and winked, and then leaned in for another kiss. Hannah obliged.

When they opened the door to the spiral staircase that descended from the tree-house they immediately noticed something new: a pair of small statues on the porch, each about a foot tall and made of bright white rock. The first looked like a child's rendition of the Statue of Liberty: a rough-hewn female figure holding a key in her uplifted hand and clutching a large star to her breast. The base was engraved: "For Emily". The second figure was similar to a dolphin but had no dorsal or pectoral fins, and the eyes were empty rectangular holes. The underside of the dolphin was engraved: "For Hannah".

The girls turned the statues over in their hands. The stone was smooth and polished, even though the craftsmanship looked rough. The figures were heavier than they appeared, and after examining hers Emily turned to leave it in the treehouse.

Hannah hesitated. "I'm bringing mine with me," she said.

Emily set the female figure on the round table in the middle of the room. "It's cool, but I'm not carrying it around all day," she said, spreading her hands. "No bags, no pockets, no thank you. It has to weigh at least fifteen pounds."

"Ok, well let's go," Hannah said, holding her dolphin in two hands. She could lift it in easily enough in one, but it was awkward to carry - her hand couldn't wrap all the way around, and it was pretty heavy.

The girls descended the spiral stairs from the treehouse and down into the shadowy canopy of the thick foliage. Hannah had grown accustomed to the exotic bird calls that greeted them every morning and the cacophony made her smile; the hot moisture of the tropical jungle enveloped her naked body like a warm blanket. The human-like screams that punctuated the night were another story, but Mrs. Carver said they came from outside the compound. It was hard to think unpleasant thoughts on such a glorious morning.

Hannah and Emily walked hand-in-hand until they reached Bag End, the faux hobbit hole where three of their friends were staying. They didn't have to wait long before Nicole, Elizabeth, and Ashley emerged. Every girl on the island was a stunning beauty, and Hannah was truly growing to enjoy the scenery. The five exchanged hugs and kisses, skin to skin, and made their way along the path to the clearing where they ate their meals.

"What I wouldn't give for some paper," Nicole said for the hundredth time.

"And pens, and an an Internet connection..." Ashley said. "And a fucking dildo."

Elizabeth blushed. "You weren't complaining a few minutes ago." Dr. Wilcox strictly controlled their orgasms off the island, but here it was a free-for-all among the students. Hannah's thighs and stomach were sore from the orgasms she'd had over the past few days, and it seemed like all the girls were in the same boat. She hadn't been with any of them other than Emily, but Elizabeth had invited her over to Bag End twice.

Ashley grunted. "Your tongue is great, but it's one inch long!"

Looking at Nicole, Hannah listed what they knew. "Golf. A hotel. Stanley remarrying. A few years left... till something."

"You found out more during one blow job than I have in two years," Nicole said. "Add to it all the girls, the training, the island."

"The weird door at the bottom of Bag End," Elizabeth said. "You should come see it, Hannah. I know how you like Lord of the Rings. Maybe it'll mean something to you."

Ashley adopted a sing-song voice: "Oh Hannah, you just have to come see my hole!"

Elizabeth stuck out her tongue and Hannah giggled. It was then that Hannah noticed that Ashley was carrying a statuette, and the others weren't. Ashley's was a flat, seven-pointed star with an eye at the center.

"You brought yours?" Hannah asked.

Ashley shrugged. "It's kinda creepy. I like it. But maybe I can borrow yours later," she said with a wink.

They arrived at the clearing and emerged into the acute morning sun as it crept above the trees. There were a dozen or so tables, and maybe a hundred girls. One in ten wore black chokers, indicating they were graduates who were eligible for marriage. Mrs. Carver stood aside and watched the girls silently as they served themselves and ate. Dr. Wilcox sat at a table slightly removed from the others, along with Shelly, Stanley, and a handful of graduates vying for Stanley's attention.

Under the table, Hannah saw the shadowy form of a girl blowing Dr. Wilcox. Hannah had been under there a few days ago and it wasn't comfortable, but the sight and memory made her pussy wet. Ashley was right... girls were very nice, but not the same as a man.

The five grabbed some food and sat down to eat with a few others that Hannah didn't know. The mood was light, as always. Nicole and Elizabeth chatted with their tablemates, Ashley ate in silence; Emily tried to make small-talk with Hannah, but Hannah was distracted. All the graduates carried statues, and none of the others girls did but her and Ashley.

The meal was over when Dr. Wilcox stood up and tucked his softening cock into his robe. As he did, a girl crawled out from under the table, flushed and panting - one of the Noras? She curtsied to Dr. Wilcox and hurried to grab some food. Wasn't Dr. Wilcox's load filling enough? Hannah grinned, but her pussy ached.

"Graduates will be with Mr. Tardis today," Dr. Wilcox said. "The few young ladies who brought their gifts will stay here to assist Mrs. Carver. Students who did not appreciate their gifts will come with me. You will learn to be more grateful."

"Oh..." Emily said, her eyes darting.

Nicole groaned, along with many others. "This will be bad."

"Don't worry, Emily," Elizabeth said, and forced a smile. "It can't be as bad as the snorkel."

Ashley just laughed and clutched her stone star to her A-cup breasts, her tiny nipples poking between the rays.

Dr. Wilcox and Shelly walked out of the clearing into the jungle along a path that Hannah knew led to a rocky beach near the airstrip. A mass of students hurried after them; the girls were apprehensive, but no one wanted to attract greater displeasure by being the last to arrive. Emily squeezed Hannah's hand and darted after Nicole and Elizabeth. Hannah watched her lithe figure appreciatively and sighed as Emily bounced away.

"Hop along, little bunnies," Ashley said, waving.

"Like you'd dawdle," Hannah said. "Everyone hops for Dr. Wilcox."

Ashley hrmphed, but Mrs. Carver approached before she could speak.

"Alright you two," the grim old lady said. "Mrs. Hapne is... off today. Help me clear these tables and you're free to go."

Hannah and Ashley were apparently the only two students who had shown the proper gratitude, which left them with a lot of work. They got started clearing tables and dumping the dishes into the large hopper behind Mrs. Carver's cart, a job made more tedious by the statues they were lugging around.

Hannah mumbled under her breath to Ashley, "I'm so glad I brought this thing."

Ashley was a tiny girl, five feet on her tip-toes, and she carried a huge tower of dishes stacked against her front on top of her star. Good thing her boobs were small. "You might be glad later when we hear what the others are doing."

"Mrs. Hapne gets a day off, and I've never even seen her," Hannah said.

Ashley glanced around and paused. "I have. She's... A little slow, maybe. Not right in the head."

Hannah furled her brow and grabbed silverware. "Like, crazy?"

Ashley dumped her dishes into the hopper and shook her head. Her body was tight, and Hannah had sudden thought for how to spend the day: curled up with this green-eyed brunette. Ashley caught her staring and raised her eyebrow. "Not crazy... just strange. She needed a day off."

The two eventually finished clearing and cleaning the tables, and the sun was high over the trees. A sheen of sweat covered their bodies. Hannah playfully threw her wipe rag at Ashley and said, "Maybe you can show me Bag End, now."

Ashley grinned. "Maybe you can show me your statue. Elizabeth will be disappointed, but we've got to explore every hole, right?"

Mrs. Carver approached and interrupted, consulting a tablet in her hand. "Dr. Wilcox wants you both down at the beach," she said, pointing in the direction the rest of the girls had gone an hour ago. She slid the tablet into a pocket on her dress and folded her arms, waiting.

Hannah stretched and started walking, without saying a word to the old lady. The dolphin was getting heavy and her arms ached from carrying it. Ashley was right though, it did look like a dildo... a big one. Maybe it would be fun later.

As they entered the trees, Hannah tucked the dolphin under her arm and held her other hand out to Ashley; the other girl laughed. "Please keep me safe in this spooky jungle," she said, but took Hannah's hand anyway. The humidity enveloped them, and the girls immediately felt a million miles away. Hoots and screeches assailed them in the dim light and the girls walked close together and spoke in whispers.

"What's the deal with Shelly?" Hannah asked, and Ashley actually purred.

"The deal is that she's inexhaustible and insatiable," Ashley said. "I think I like her more than the good Doctor, cock or not. I can see why he married her."

"Married?" Hannah asked. "She's his wife?" Hannah blushed, remembering how she'd sucked him off while Shelly sat less than three feet away.

Ashley shrugged. "Well, that's what I heard."

The trees thinned as they approached the beach and emerged on a rocky escarpment that overlooked the sandy slope to the ocean. Dr. Wilcox and Shelly stood above the beach in the shade of the trees, looking down and talking quietly to themselves. Dr. Wilcox periodically scribbled in his ever-present notebook, which rested on a large broken-off tree stump. A large rucksack rested against the stump.

As Hannah and Ashley approached, Shelly turned to them and beamed her constant smile. She was a blonde-haired, blue-eyed beauty, wearing cargo pants that hid her amazing legs and a tank top that didn't hide much else. She leaned over to whisper to Dr. Wilcox and waved them closer. Their eyes were pulled to the sight down on the rocks below, and the girls stared as they fell to their knees before the doctor, the statues lying across their laps. Their eyes widened as they watched the dozens of ungrateful students scrambling around in the sun, crawling and climbing in every direction, carrying rocks. The girls were filthy, sweaty, and covered in sand.

Ashley glanced at Hannah and mouthed, "Holy shit."

Dr. Wilcox cleared his throat, and the girls turned to him. "I'm glad you both appreciated my presents. Hopefully your sisters will learn similar gratitude."

"Yes, sir," they said together. Hannah struggled to keep her eyes on Dr. Wilcox, but she definitely didn't want to join the others down on the rocks for a minor infraction.

"I thought you two could help us with some evaluations," Dr. Wilcox said. He was an average-sized man in his mid-30s, with a short brown beard and deep brown eyes that rarely blinked. He wore a dark blue linen robe tied with a cord.

"Yes, sir," they said in unison.

"And play a little game!" Shelly said. "Settle a bet." Shelly was always cheerful and treated the students like little sisters, but now her grin made Hannah nervous.

Dr. Wilcox almost cracked a smile of his own. "Hannah, bend over that stump," he said.

Hannah jumped up from her knees and moved to the stump. "Yes, sir!" She was about to get fucked and didn't want to waste any time. A tree had broken off and left a jagged stump as high as her waist. She put her hands on it, balancing her dolphin on the wood, and bent over, letting her breasts press against the wood. The position gave her a perfect view of the girls toiling below in the sun, and she quickly spotted Emily carrying a large stone across the sand. Her friend was a mess. Hannah put her ankles together and straightened her knees like Dr. Wilcox had taught her, arching her back and giving him easy access to her pussy. The anticipation of feeling the head of his cock between her lips made her hands tremble and her pussy drip down her inner thighs.

Then Hannah felt soft hands grab her hips and pull back on her. She looked back in surprise and saw Shelly positioning her. Shelly pulled her back off the stump until her breasts hung down freely and only her head and shoulders were on the wood. "There!"

"Ashley, kneel under Hannah, between her legs, and lick her pussy," Dr. Wilcox said. Hannah spread her legs and flexed her feet, going up onto her toes and back down. Ashley crawled under her and winked as she dropped to her knees and tilted her head back at an awkward angle. Hannah felt Ashley's lips on hers and Ashley's tongue slip into her pussy. The only tongue Hannah had ever felt there was Emily's, and Ashley was very different. Where Emily was gentle and smooth, Ashley was fast and firm. Her mouth sought out Hannah's clit and locked on, and her tongue swirled relentlessly. Hannah closed her eyes and moaned.

"Oh, girls, the game!" Shelly said, and Hannah forced her eyes back open and sucked in breath. She turned her head back to look at Shelly, who had her hands clasped over her chest in anticipation.

Dr. Wilcox spread his robe and pulled out his cock. It was thick and hard already, and he rested the tip between Hannah's lips and rubbed in a circle. "Hannah, do not come until I do, or you'll receive one hundred lashes."

Hannah gasped and struggled to say, "Yes, sir." With Ashley eating her out and Dr. Wilcox's meat inside her, she wouldn't last a minute. A hundred lashes?

Dr. Wilcox slowly slipped his cock into Hannah. His head was large, and Hannah felt the ridge pop into her, followed by the thick warmth of his shaft. She felt his girth squeeze in, and it pushed her juices out onto Ashley's face. Her lips stretched open, and Hannah gasped as she always did when he entered her. In this rear position, Dr. Wilcox bottomed out inside her with an inch or more to spare. Hannah flexed her pussy to squeeze on him inside her and felt the throb of his heartbeat. He moved gently but insistently into her, taking every millimeter she had. When he couldn't go any deeper he said, "Ashley, make Hannah come before I do or you'll receive a hundred lashes."

Hannah felt Ashley's mouth hesitate briefly before mumbling assent, and her tongue resumed its rhythmic swirling. Dr. Wilcox began making very short thrusts inside her, an inch at most, in and out, bottoming out each time. Hannah's breasts swung beneath her with his rhythm. She groaned and focused on her aching muscles and the sharp points of wood digging into her arms rather than on the hot mess of her pussy.

"I bet on you, Ashley," Shelly said with a laugh. "Don't let me down!"

Ashley didn't respond, but her body stiffened. What was the protocol with Shelly, anyway? Hannah heard a loud snap and felt Ashley gasp as Dr. Wilcox reached out with his switch. "Yes, Shelly," Ashley forced out, muffled by Hannah's pussy. Apparently that was satisfactory.

"Now then," Dr. Wilcox said, setting something flat on Hannah's back. His notebook? She's a table now? "Evaluations. Hannah, keep your eyes on the girls below."

"Yes, sir," Hannah grunted, lifting her head awkwardly to look over the stump. It was fortunate that her body was a mass of aches in this horrible position, or she would have had ten orgasms by now. Dr. Wilcox's cock was filling her to bursting, and his short, deep thrusts were making her insides spasm. Of course Ashley was determined to win. Her soft lips were running rampant over Hannah's pussy. She struggled to focus on the naked, filthy, exhausted girls below.

"Your sisters are collecting rocks from across the beach and piling them up. Mrs. Hapne is off today," he said. "But some of the young ladies aren't really doing their best. Identify the slackers." Hannah felt his right hand rest on her hip, as if ready to write.

Hannah breathed deeply. If she focused on the task, she could ignore the cock and tongue that were driving her insane. She considered the girls below her. Some looked up at the group on the ridge occasionally, and Emily even gave a half-hearted wave. Identify the slackers. Her pussy throbbed. She didn't know every girl on sight, and they were filthy besides. As she considered, Dr. Wilcox deepened his thrusts, withdrawing all the way to his head before plunging back in. Suddenly Hannah felt a sharp snap on her ass.

"Who isn't giving it their best, Hannah?" Dr. Wilcox asked. "I know the names of all my young ladies, if you have to point," he added, reading her mind.

"Yes, sir," Hannah groaned and tried to focus. Ashley was slick with her juices and Hannah felt her rubbing her whole face into her pussy. Her nose and cheeks were all over Hannah's clit, and Ashley's tongue licked over her pussy lips, stretched tight by Dr. Wilcox. "Three girls are sitting in the sand by the rock pile. Avery has been carrying that same small rock around for a while, sir."

Dr. Wilcox's rhythm never faltered as he wrote in his notebook. What all was in there? Probably important. Hannah lost focus, and she felt her legs begin to tense. An orgasm was coming. Hannah gripped the dolphin statue tightly and pushed her shoulders down onto the points of rough wood. Her body was a mass of cramps and aches, but it was all she could do to hold off the orgasm.


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