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The Preacher's Wife Ch. 01

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Cathy Modeno had been married for fiteen years . . .
2.6k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 09/27/2009
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Cathy Modeno had been married for fifteen years - she had gotten married right out of the private high school her parents had sent her to a young preacher that her parents had introduced her to.

Fifteen years later she was happily married and looked even better than she had in school. She had been to skinny back then, except for her breasts. The rest of her body had caught up as much as it could; her belly had the slight curve of mature womanhood, and her ass and hips had finally rounded out, but her big DD cup breasts, which had been that size since she was fifteen, were still the most prominent feature of her body.

Thus it was that she wore very modest dresses, like the one she had on today. She had been at her neighbors before coming into the church this afternoon, and her new neighbor had gotten her drunk. She barely made the drive up here, but she had hours of work to do. Surely she would be straightened out before she had to leave; at the moment she knew she could barely walk straight, and her mature body felt hot and flushed for some reason.

Cathy was thirty-five, but she would have passed for twenty-five any day. She had long black hair, tied almost always in a bun, and she was wearing a flowing dress that buttoned up the front all the way down to her trim waist.

The dress was modest enough, and she always kept it buttoned all the way to the base of her slim throat, as she did all of her dresses and shirts at all time. The only stab she made at dressing chic was the underwear her sister always sent her; today she had on a white bra, silk half cups, and white silk French cut panties.

Wearing the underwear, instead of the stodgy stuff her mom sent her, made her feel dirty. She did not like to think about what else it made her feel.

Cathy was a six inches over five feet, and the dress, modest as it was, could not hope to conceal her impressive bust line. She was barely tanned, and she had a heart shaped, delicately boned face with high cheekbones and almost almond shaped eyes. Her body, when she allowed herself to look at it, was like something out of a dirty magazine.

She almost hated her large breasts, their size was bad enough, but their sensitivity and the way they made her feel out of control and wanton the few times her husband played with them made her feel cheap and wanton. She could nearly achieve orgasm just by pinching her nipples hard enough. No matter how much she begged, though, her husband Bob would never pinch or squeeze them hard enough.

She looked up as the door swung open, and the handyman was there. Cathy came around the front of the desk, trying not to wobble as she walked, and she tried just as hard not to slur her words.

The handyman at the church had always intimidated her - he was as old as her father, but in excellent physical shape, with a hard, well defined body and a ruggedly handsome face. He had been bald for as long as Cathy could remember, but it did not detract from his powerful presence.

That presence, as always, made her somewhat uncomfortable today. She smiled at him, and failed to notice that his eyes, cold blue chips in his tanned face, were staring at her chest.

She failed to notice or remember that she had unfastened a good portion of the buttons at the front of the dress when she was moving the chairs. She had thought she was in the church alone, after all, with no one to see, and she had been sweating.

"Hi, Taylor," she said, smiling up at him, still not noticing that his cold blue eyes met hers for just a second before flicking back downwards.

Taylor - that was the only name the big handyman answered to, and no one knew if it was his first or last name - realized Mrs. Modeno was more than a little drunk. He could smell the alcohol plain as day.

He stepped a bit closer to her; his eyes went once again to her chest. He had known the woman had some big breasts but he had never guessed they would be this large! Her dress was undone far enough where he could easily see the upper portion of her bra, and it was more like a bra a stripper or porn star would wear, pushing her big, heaving tits up and out for his inspection.

Taylor returned her greeting, thinking all the time. He had been secretly lusting after this little stuck up bitch for the better part of five years, ever since she and that lame dick husband of hers had come here.

But she never gave an inch; she always dressed more than properly, and spoke to everyone in a proper method. He had never even suspected she drank alcohol until today.

Taylor liked this job, but he liked fine pussy better. What he was about to try could get him fired, but he shrugged his massive shoulders. He could get a job just about anywhere, and he had the military retirement in any case.

Cathy blinked at what Taylor said, not believing her ears. "What did you say to me?" she asked, backing up a step and bumping into the desk behind her.

"I said you're really showing your tits off today," Taylor said again, and he reached out and drew one big, calloused finger from the base of her pretty little throat downwards, till the pads of his fingers were grazing the soft upper slopes of her breasts, pushed into greater prominence because of the sexy little bra she had worn.

Cathy looked down at her chest, and watched with horror as she realized her dress was unbuttoned enough for the intimidating man to gaze at her round, firm mounds. She stared at his finger for a long moment, not believing her would have the temerity to touch her!

"Get your hands off me this instant!" Cathy said, and this time winced when she heard the words slur.

"I don't think so," Taylor said softly. His fingers were still grazing the silky soft flesh of her tit slopes. Cathy blinked when the man refused her, and gaped in surprise when he said softly, "You know, you stuck up little bitch, I think this is the time we should get better acquainted."

As he talked, Taylor's left hand came up and unfastened the next button. "You shouldn't have come in drinking today, you little bitch," he said again. Cathy swallowed, her heart suddenly thumping heavily in her chest. She ignored for the moment that his left hand had worked another button loose - now almost all of her bra was visible, and her taut, curved tummy was peaking out.

"What . . . what do you mean?" she asked, trying not to slur, wishing she had had some gum, wishing that her neighbor had told her what was in the lemonade she was serving. Cathy had had three big glasses, and it was nearly the first time she had been drunk.

She was surprised that Taylor had noticed it, and she was even more surprised when he said in his quiet voice, "If you don't let me have a feel of them titties, the whole fucking church is going to hear you were working here blotto," Taylor said.

He could almost see the wheels turning in her head, and he knew it was a gamble - he would have no way to prove that she was drunk, but he was hoping that she was to drunk to realize that.

Cathy blinked up at the man, trying desperately to clear her head. "No!" she said, her voice almost to loud. "You . . . you can't do that, please, Taylor, it would ruin my husband!" she wailed softly, and then looked down again as he unfastened the last button on the dress, this one just above her waist. "Ohnnn, god, no, please don't touch me!" Cathy cried.

"Fine," Taylor said, though he did not take his right hand off of her silky skinned belly; neither did he stop his other hand from tracing the outline of her heavy, softly firm titties.

"Fine," Taylor said again. "I'll just tell everyone that you're a fucking drunk, Mrs. Modeno," Taylor said.

"No, please you cant do that!" Cathy cried out, and Taylor grinned. He had her!

"Then just let me feel these big fucking tits up, Mrs. Modeno," Taylor said. He slid both arms up, pushed the dress off of her shoulders and down her slim arms.

Cathy Modeno blushed deeply as the man pushed the dress off of her shoulders. It slipped down her arms, exposing her chest and torso. The middle-aged wife shook her head. She knew she was not thinking right, she knew that the alcohol was messing with her brain.

She stood, her back straight, her large firm tits pushed into even greater prominence by the little bra she was wearing. She bit her lip and watched as Taylor pushed against the tips of her breasts with his palms. He flattened them slightly, and watched the woman's eyes glaze over as he began rubbing her already stiffening nipples in small circles.

"Ohn, god, I cant believe this is happening!" Cathy gasped. She looked around the office, but there was no one to save her. She shut her eyes as she felt Taylor's big, hard fingers curling around her big tits, then she let out a hissing moan as the man casually began kneading her firm titflesh.

"How . . . how long?" she asked after a long moment. Taylor smiled down at her, and then pulled down her skimpy silk bra cups so that her big tits burst free of the confining little thing.

He pinched and twisted her nipples, and answered her: "Just a few minutes, Mrs. Modeno."

Cathy nodded; she wanted nothing more than for the horrid man to go away and leave her alone, but as his hard fingers pinched and twisted her hardening nipples she caught herself wanting to just shut her eyes and enjoy the sensations - this man, with his work hardened fingers, was having no trouble in making sparks leap from her chest.

Then he was cupping her round, firm globes in his palms again, squeezing the cantaloupe-sized titties with more force. "Uhhnn!" Cathy gasped before she could stop herself. "Ohnn, god, please, stop for just a second!" Cathy gasped, and then blinked when he did.

Before she could gather her wits, though, he had hefted her up on the desk, spread her legs and stepped in between them. "You've got great fucking tits, Mrs. Modeno," Taylor said as he once again began kneading and rolling her big breasts about on her fine boned chest.

Cathy had her jaw clenched shut. Taylor pushed her back slightly so she had to lean on her arms. "Arch your back for me, there you go," the man said, and his hands, at once rough and gentle, were back at her heaving breasts. Her nipples were poking from the upswept globes like little fingers, and the more he played with her breasts and nipples the more the stuck up bitch thawed.

"That's good, isn't it?" Cathy asked after a few more minutes. Taylor just grunted, and bent down and sank his thick lips over the tip of her left breast. He sucked as much of the pliant, soft globe into his mouth as he could, biting the nipple and twisting it between his even white teeth.

"Ohhnnn, noooo, Taylor, please, please don't do that!" Cathy cried out. She was barely aware of his hands slipping up her lithe, muscular thighs, of the fact that in one movement he had flipped her long skirt up until it was bunched around her waist.

She was not aware of it till he straightened and smiled down at her; till his hard hand slipped up the inside of one smooth skinned thigh. She looked down just in time to realize that her sexy little panties were exposed to the man's eye when his big hand moved over the fabric.

"Ohnnn, noo, you said . . . you said . . . uhn, uh, uh, uh!" Cathy cried out softly. He was rubbing the flat of his hand against her panty clad pussy, rolling his hand upwards till it was mashing and rolling her swollen clitoris through the silk panties.

Cathy knew she should be fighting harder, but the alcohol and the animal lust he had stirred in her by his rough play had her instead leaning harder against the desk. She looked down out of slitted eyes as he drew the panties to one side and casually slipped his middle finger into her trimmed little bush.

"Noooo, please, it's not too late! Please, Taylor, just stop this now, Uhn, ooooo," she cried out. His fingers were doing something in her pussy that she had never felt before, curling up inside of her while his thumb gently mashed and rolled her now throbbing little clitoris.

Cathy realized with shame that she was actively rolling her hips against his hand; she realized that at some point he had taken out his cock. "Oh my god, that will never fit!" she gasped as she eyed the eight inch monster. It stuck out from his lean body, stiff as a club.

Her body was still pulsing from the force of the orgasm; she just protested lightly as the maintenance man lined his fat cock head up with her pussy lips, and then leaned forward slightly.

Cathy let out another long, low moan at the sight of the huge dick pushing at the soppy entrance to her vagina. How could he have her orgasming within what seemed like minutes? When her husband could try for hours, and never get her pussy this juicy.

She watched with wide eyes as her pussy lips slowly pouted outward and folded around the man's fat cock. Then he was rocking forward slightly. Cathy grunted, but she did not take her eyes off the sight of the fat, hard cock bulling its way into her tight little pussy.

He backed off, and pushed forward, and Cathy knew that she was going to come again soon, she was determined that she could stop the orgasm or not let him know - but when the next one shook her, when his lean loins were locked with hers, his massive cock flexing inside her and his circular grinding motion rocking her over the edge of another orgasm she almost blacked out. She was barely aware of the fact that she was crying out, of the fact that she was rolling her hips in time to his thrusts.

Then Taylor was grunting, his thick body covered in sweat as he pounded the delicious piece of ass. His thick wad of semen shot deep into her belly with one final thrust.

He zipped up his overalls, and gave one of her heaving breasts a last squeeze. "Remember, dearest, nobody finds out about this, or you and your husband's reputation is finished."

With that, he walked out of the room, a satisfied smile on his face.

Cathy Modeno slowly gathered her things, and just as slowly rearranged her dress. She was careful to button it up all the way. She told herself that she had been raped, she told herself that she would call the cops, that she would report him and damn the consequences.

But she knew as she got in her car and drove towards her home that she would never tell anyone what had happened between her and the maintenance man.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

An older Cathy has not cheated in a few years when the 18 year old neighbor comes to her house to ask for some tips on dating . He claims he is inexperienced and doesn't want to get embarrassed on his date . She is hesitant but he convinces her to show him how he should kiss his date for the first time. She wants to stop after a minute or 2 but he talks her into letting him get more practice. He ask her what it means to get to 2nd and 3rd base as he has heard these terms but doesn't know what they are. She says that he shouldn't think about that on the first date but he talks her into explaining what it means. He keeps kissing her (for practice) and although she tries to stop him he slowly goes for second and 3rd base. She struggles but can't stop him from getting her clothes off and then he takes her hand and makes her stroke his cock. (12 inches and thick) As she is telling him to stop he plunges all 12 in in her at once...........he keeps this up for awhile and flips her over and does her doggy before taking her ass. As he leaves he says how sorry he is but thanked her for the lesson. The next day a friend of the boy comes to cathys house claiming that he is there to pick something up that her husband left for him She reluctantly lets him in and the same thing happens as the day before with the other boy. write something like this

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Damn this is a hot ass story!

chunkyd1chunkyd1over 12 years agoAuthor
how did she get drunk?

In the paragraph 26 it tells of her stopping by her neighbors for some spiked lemonade:

"What . . . what do you mean?" she asked, trying not to slur, wishing she had had some gum, wishing that her neighbor had told her what was in the lemonade she was serving. Cathy had had three big glasses, and

it was nearly the first time she had been drunk.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

How did she get drunk?

jimewestjimewestabout 14 years ago
More, Please

Reluctance combined with libido. Delicious!

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