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The Price Ch. 02

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Is there no way out?
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 03/10/2006
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It had been several months since Jenny's encounter with Tom that afternoon at the barbecue. She had hardly seen him at all and then only briefly in that span. That was hardly unusual. Her husband, Drew, knew her opinion of Tom and made an effort to spare her Tom's presence whenever possible.

Jenny still replayed the events of that afternoon over and over in her head. Tom had taken advantage of her in a friend's bathroom while Jenny's husband mingled with other guests in the back yard. And he had given her an incredible orgasm, possibly the best she had ever had. It had been so incredible, that she hadn't hesitated when he pushed her down to finish him with her mouth.

Ordinarily, Jenny would have been quite put off at the idea of sucking her own juices off of a man's cock. And she was never particularly fond of having a man cum in her mouth, nor did she usually swallow. Not even for her husband. But that afternoon, glowing with that wonderful orgasm, she willingly, even eagerly, sucked Tom's cock and swallowed every bit of cum her lips could wring from him.

When she thought back on it, and she did so surprisingly often, it wasn't the incredible fuck he had given her or the thrill of it happening just mere feet away from all of their friends that she savored. No, what Jenny best recalled was how willing--no, how needing, she was to please Tom. The circumstances were exciting and she had cum like she never had before, but those feelings paled compared to her need to satisfy him.

And it was not just the need that made it so unusual and special for her. She had simply felt grateful when he had cum in her mouth. That was a feeling totally unknown to her. She would never have believed that she would need that, crave it to the point where she would have actually thanked him for it. For pumping a wad of sperm into her mouth--her belly.

But there was simply nothing else to call it. She had almost felt like she should have said, "Thank you," when they were done. That was a ridiculous thing for her to feel, she knew. Jenny had never felt so compelled to satisfy Drew that way. Sure, she was a loving wife and did her best to please him, but it was never an irresistible urge.

So Jenny spent a lot of time pondering this feeling, not sure what to make of it. Tom was, to Jenny at least, a somewhat repulsive character. For him to have been the man who she so wanted to please was a bit disconcerting to her. At first she assumed that it was because he had given her such an incredible orgasm. The more she thought about it though, the less likely that seemed.

It wasn't the orgasm she fantasized about. The image that her mind conjured was of him standing over her, his cock in her face as she knelt before him. It was all about giving up herself to please him. And if she was good enough, he would reward her with the nectar she so desperately sought: a mouthful of his tangy cum.

The realization came about rather slowly. Jenny didn't simply wake up the next day knowing it. She thought about the events quite often, but it took quite a while to distill them into what she now understood. Somehow Tom had tapped a submissive streak in her, one that she never knew existed. Now that she had discovered it, she had no idea what to do about it.

Tom was the only man who had ever treated her that way. Certainly, no man had ever forced her to suck cock before, but it was more than that. It wasn't just that he had compelled her to kneel before him, suck his cock and swallow his cum. Yes, that was a humiliation like none she had ever known before. But that wasn't it. Or at least, that wasn't all of it.

Tom was quite right when he had accused Jenny of looking down on him; of believing that she was better than him. And Tom was also devastatingly right when he pointed out how Jenny reacted when she thought she had hit someone with her car: she had chosen to save herself. Tom had gotten a rather revealing look inside her and had seen things about her that Jenny hadn't known herself.

But it wasn't just that he saw them. And it wasn't just that he used that information to get her on her knees. The way Tom did it, it wasn't two separate events. It was how he used the humiliation of making her suck his cock to illustrate that Jenny was far less than she thought she was. After all, if she really was the person she assumed she was, he would have never had the opportunity to stand over her and watch as she reluctantly took him into her mouth.

Tom had discovered a disturbing hypocrisy in her and driven the point home with spirit-crushing humiliation. Her self-esteem was sent reeling. Jenny would never have believed that she could be a hit and run driver. And the cost of learning that lesson was another thing she would never have believed could happen to her. She had been forced to kneel on her own kitchen floor and--not once, but twice--swallow the cum of a man she had always looked down on.

Certainly Tom had loved that. The uppity bitch on her knees, begging him not to make her do it. Telling her that she had to or else. Watching as she finally opened her mouth and did as he commanded. Oh sure, Tom had eaten that up. And when he had finished, he said those words that still rang in her ears, "You sucked my cock. Nothing's ever gonna change that."

Had Jenny deserved that? She couldn't decide. There were a lot of things to consider. Tom was right when he said she had always treated him like he was beneath her. He was right when he said she thought she'd hit someone and left them for dead. If she had been a better person in either case, she never would have found herself in the situation she had.

It took months for all that soul-searching to bring her to the point she was now. She couldn't say she deserved to be treated the way she had, but her own actions had put her in the position that Tom had exploited. And looking back at what she had been through, she had discovered yet another secret about herself. She didn't know the extent of it, but Jenny now understood there was a part of her that responded sexually to male dominance.

So what to do with this new-found information? She couldn't explain it to her husband. Drew was a considerate lover and always did his best in the bedroom to please her. But he didn't have that kind of aggression in him. He hardly ever asked her to do things for him, let alone demand them. If he tried to be dominant for her sake, it would be an act and probably an unconvincing one at that. Not that she would want that from him anyway.

It was difficult for her to understand exactly, but she knew that she needed Drew to be the sweet, considerate man that he was. Even if he was capable of being dominant, Jenny didn't want him to be. Whatever this submissive streak in her was about, it had to co-exist with the life she had lived up to now. This new side had to be kept completely separate from everything else.

Of course, ruling out Drew as the man who could explore her new-found submissive side left her pretty much nowhere. She wasn't about to go out and initiate an extra-marital affair. It wasn't like she would have done anything with Tom if she had had a choice. And as for Tom, it had been months since she had seen him. True, there hadn't actually been a hit-and-run, just a bizarre coincidence. But he had taken pictures of her sucking his cock. If he had wanted to, he could have threatened her with those.

No, apparently Tom was satisfied with the lesson he had taught her. As he had said, she had sucked his cock and nothing could change that. He didn't seem to have any desire to take it any further.

How ironic, Jenny thought. Tom, in coercing her, had opened some secret compartment deep inside her. At the time she had loathed him horribly. Now as she sat and reflected on those events, she wondered if the only way she would learn more about that secret place was through him. He had shown not the slightest bit of interest since that afternoon in the bathroom.

Jenny, of course, knew there was no way she could approach Tom. He didn't like her. That was why he chose to humiliate her in the first place. And she certainly would never give him the satisfaction of knowing that in some weird way she might have liked it. Or worse, that she had actually thought about doing it again.

More time went by. Jenny continued to think about all these things. On rare occasions she even allowed herself to imagine a scenario. It revolved around Tom suddenly showing up with a handful of pictures of her, demanding that she suck him off.

Jenny wondered what would really happen if he did try to coerce her again. It was one thing when she thought she might spend years in jail. The pictures were still a serious threat, but not nearly as scary. Who would Tom threaten to show them to? He and Drew, after all, were very good friends. Tom would have to find some way to play it that wouldn't get back to Drew.

If the threat wasn't compelling, it wasn't going to work. Jenny might secretly ponder it, but she was pretty sure if she came face to face with Tom tomorrow, she would treat him as she always had: as if the whole thing had never happened.

* * * *

When Jenny eventually did run into Tom, he was every bit the contemptible asshole she remembered. Any fantasies she had conjured around him were instantly dispelled.

Jenny had gone into a chain restaurant to buy a gift card for her sister's upcoming birthday. Tom had been sitting at the bar with a couple of his buddies. While she was standing at the hostess stand waiting for the card, Tom must have seen her. The next thing Jenny knew, he was standing right in front of her. He had obviously been drinking.

"Hey," Tom said as he strode up in front of her. "How's your car? Hit anybody lately?" Jenny looked away, trying to ignore him. She avoided his eyes, but she could feel them burning through her.

"Still the stuck-up bitch, huh?" he snarled to her in a husky whisper. "I thought we already figured out what you really were." He put a hand under her chin and turned her head to face him. She pulled away from him without meeting his eyes.

"Tell me something," he hissed, the beer on his breath almost making her nauseous. "Tell me, did you ever tell Drew how hard you came that day? Hmm? How you swallowed my load after?" She nearly jumped back from him.

"Now look," she said, trying to sound confident and in control. "You can't just... you can't..." But Jenny didn't know how to finish the sentence. And she still couldn't bring herself to look him in the eye.

"Did you ever tell anyone that you liked it?"

Jenny turned and fled. The gift card was forgotten. All she wanted to do was get away from Tom. She had been right to look down on him. He was a contemptible person, a low-life and a slime. She shook with revulsion at the thought of ever fantasizing about him. When the truth of his words hit her--she had swallowed him and liked it--she had to struggle not to vomit.

She hurried to her car, climbed behind the wheel and sat shaking for several long minutes. A few tears rolled down her cheeks and fell into her lap. She was awash in a feeling of shame. Not so much for the things Tom had forced her to do, although they were still quite repugnant. No, what turned her stomach was that she had somehow twisted it in her mind into something worthy of fantasy, instead of what it really was: rape.

Tom might have been right in saying she liked it. But only in a very physical, perhaps animal, way. The rest of her, her conscious self, was right in loathing him and his actions. The passage of time and her own rationalizations had turned it into something it wasn't.

Being confronted by Tom had evaporated anything other than the cold, hard facts. He had caught her in a compromised position and had exploited it without a moment's hesitation. He was obviously proud of the fact that he had brought her down the way he had. He had probably gone back over to his buddies at the bar to brag that Jenny had sucked his cock. Maybe he'd even show them a picture to prove it.

She shuddered. The pictures sent a chill up her spine. In her musings, she wondered if those pictures still had any power over her. She had assumed that they weren't enough by themselves for Tom to coerce her with. But that had been a strictly academic exercise. What if it actually happened?

Of course, if Tom were so inclined, he could have done something like that months ago. Why wait? And he had obviously been intoxicated when she ran into him. Maybe sober he wouldn't have bothered her. He was probably in no hurry to get caught screwing around with his friend's wife.

A couple weeks later, Jenny's worst fears were realized. There was a letter in the mail addressed to her. Handwritten and no return address. She frowned, wondering what it could be. She opened it up and found a meeting agenda for a parent-teacher group at her kid's school. But it was a meeting that had already happened. And the group didn't actually mail anything... everything was via email.

As she unfolded it, something dropped out on the hall floor. She looked down and saw another piece of paper, roughly the size of an index card. Something was written on it.

She picked it up and her blood ran cold. It wasn't an index card. It was a piece of printer photo paper. She flipped it over. It was a picture of her with Tom's cock in her mouth.

She panicked and started to stuff it back into the envelope when she realized there was something written on the back. It was an address, a date and a time. The date was tomorrow, the time 1 o'clock. She didn't know Tom's address off the top of her head, but she was pretty sure it was his.

She ran to the paper shredder and put the whole thing through it. Then she emptied the shredded paper into the trash can outside. For good measure, she took the kitchen trash out and put it on top of the shreddings.

Jenny sat down. Her whole body felt cold, almost numb. Drew was out picking the kids up from soccer. He would be home soon. She couldn't let them find her like this. But what was she going to do?

She got up and went to the desk where they kept the address book. She was pretty sure the address on the picture was Tom's and a moment later, she confirmed it. So he wanted her to show up at his house tomorrow afternoon? What if she just didn't go?

It occurred to her that the parent-teacher letter that he had sent with the picture had several email addresses on it, both of parents and teachers. Was that the implied threat? He would email the pictures to them? It was certainly a threat that had her thinking twice about what she should do.

How had he gotten his hands on that letter anyway? Jenny thought. She had been out most of the day on Sunday, which she often did during football season. Drew would usually watch at least the afternoon games, sometimes with his friends. Jenny didn't particularly like spending the day that way, so she would go out and find other things to do. This time of year, the kids still had soccer games, so that was how she spent a good part of last Sunday.

Had Tom been over? Had he gone through their things? Stolen an otherwise harmless piece of paper? The premeditated nature of Tom's actions caused her to shudder. He had set all this up in a very deliberate fashion with her husband an unwitting accomplice. The cold calculation of sending that letter with the picture in it left Jenny struggling to breathe.

When she finally managed to regain her breath and get her racing pulse under control, she nearly broke down in tears. Drew and the kids were due home soon. She had to get herself together. Tomorrow she would worry about what to do.

* * * *

In the morning she saw everyone off to school and work. The morning routine thankfully was one she could do with her eyes closed. It wasn't until the kids were out the door that she sat down and let herself think. She almost wished she hadn't shredded the letter. Without it to look at, to remind her, she wasn't sure if it was real anymore.

But another part of her brain told her in no uncertain terms that it was very real. That if she wasn't careful, her life as she knew it was in jeopardy.

So what could she do? She had to go to his house. Those pictures combined with the email addresses of people in her social circle were a very compelling argument.

When she got there, she had a pretty good idea what would happen. Tom would use those pictures to coerce her into... what? Sex? A blow job? It didn't matter what it was, it would be awful. All her toying with the fantasy of it was dispelled by the reality that she was about to be put through that humiliation once again.

But there had to be some sort of end to this, didn't there? Jenny wasn't in a particularly strong negotiating position, but somehow there had to be a way to end this, right? What could she do? The only way to be free of this was for him to release her. He would have to destroy the pictures or she would be forever in his grip. Surely there was something she could exchange for her freedom.

But what? If he told her to suck his cock, she had to suck his cock. If he wanted to fuck her, he was going to fuck her. Could she apologize for treating him the way she had? Would that mean anything? It seemed unlikely, but it was all Jenny had.

As she drove to his house, she tried to compose an apology in her head. One that was sincere enough, contrite enough. Even as she said the words aloud though, it seemed obvious to her that no words were going to do the trick. She tried to steel herself for the inevitable by reminding herself she had been through this before.

That thought in itself presented problems for her on two fronts. First, she had done it before and it had not been enough. What if there was no way to satisfy Tom's desire? What if next week another letter arrived in the mail? Second, what if it was like the fantasy for her? What if, in the middle of the humiliation and degradation, she found herself getting turned on?

That was a thought that she hadn't had in quite a while. But it was something that was possible, maybe even likely. The last time she had been through this, she had gotten very aroused, had had a tremendous orgasm and had willingly sucked Tom's cock. What if it was like that again?

Maybe she had glorified the experience after the fact and the thought now of reliving it was repulsive. Yet there was no denying the physical arousal she had felt. What would it say to her if it did excite her? If somehow she wanted this?

When it only happened once and it was months in the past, she could spin it any way she wanted to. But if it happened again... what then? What if she was truly submissive? Would she want to be at Tom's mercy? At one time she had given some thought as to how to explore that notion. Now she wanted only to escape.

* * * *

When Jenny arrived, Tom's truck was in the driveway. She parked behind it and sat staring at the steering wheel for a few minutes, trying to brace herself for what she was about to face. She was determined to hold herself up, not be completely victimized. She might have to do what he wanted, but that was her physical body. She didn't have to let it into her head, her heart or her soul.

She was also going to reason with him as best she could, including her apology. That might not get her out of doing whatever he wanted today, but if it would appease him enough that he might spare her this in the future, that would have to do. It wasn't a strong hand, but it was all she had.

As she approached the front door, it opened. Tom stood just inside holding the knob and leering at her.

"You're late," he said. His tone was irate. It sent a chill through Jenny. She was maybe a few minutes late, yet he said it as if he had been kept waiting for hours. It didn't seem very rational and that scared her. She had planned on apologizing and reasoning and whatever else necessary to get him to release her. But all of that assumed that there would be a reasonable person with whom she could negotiate. It wasn't the sound of reason in his voice.

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