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The Prince

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Royal coercion.
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He had already laid the groundwork with her, another courtier seeking an advantageous marriage. She was young and attractive enough to make a match above her station as it was, but as he'd found with others, she was forward-thinking enough to trade some of her physical affections to her prince for better prospects.

He had made clear his distaste for chatter in such circumstances, and she had entered the vacant hall silently and moved to kneel before him in silence. Pleased, he had allowed her to proceed fully clothed, though he was not without an appealing view of her smooth breasts as she moved, her golden hair pinned up and just brushing the back of her neck.

It was clear she was new to what she was doing, but had that charming ability one occasionally finds in novice women to understand perfectly what he would find pleasing. Her hands gripped the base of his cock, her mouth moving smoothly along the length of him, her tongue a specific friction against his vein.

A noise at the entrance to the hall caught his attention and he looked up, but when she paused, he firmly told her not to stop, and her rhythm resumed, though with occasional faltering as she heard footsteps approaching the two of them from behind her. His War General had entered the room, his eyes drawn to and lingering upon her.

The Prince smiled. He knew of his General's interest and had suggested his presence in private beforehand. He leaned forward a little, intent on the girl with her mouth on his cock.

"If I promise he will leave you intact for marriage, may the General join us?" he asked her. He knew she watched the General at social events, and along with the other eligible young women, nursed a dream of catching his eye. And as he knew she would, she nodded, and he was pleased she did so without relinquishing him from her mouth.

He smiled at his General and with a gentle hand caught her cheek and jaw and guided her off him long enough to assist her to the low table, where she got on her hands and knees. He moved to stand before her, returning his hand to her face and sliding it around to her neck, and then up to the back of her head, where he held her gently as she reengaged with him.

Behind her, the General adjusted her skirts, putting them up over the small of her back. When his hands brushed the backs of her thighs, she shuddered and jerked, but didn't pause in her ministrations upon the Prince. The General ran his hands up the insides of her thighs more deliberately and was pleased to watch her hips tilt in invitation. When he touched the inside of her knees, she immediately shifted to spread them wider. The General's eyes flew up to meet the Prince's, and they shared a look.

The General stepped back and pulled out a jar to prepare himself. The Prince, his hand still behind her head scritched his fingers in her hair just a little as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the pulse of her attentions. Her tongue flexed against the underside of him as she craned her neck into his hand, and he rewarded her by brushing the sweaty loose strands of her hair away from her eyes and back behind her ear.

The General laid his hands, now greasy, on either cheek of her ass, lightly prodding the bud of her anus with his slick thumb. She jerked, but the Prince's hand at the back of her neck kept her at task, and after a moment she relaxed, though her hips tilted farther and higher, clearly attempting to direct the General to where she was swollen and wet for penetration.

The General positioned himself behind her and drew his hand up her slit before guiding himself against and into her ass. Her moan of pleasure at his touch on her lips turned to a choked gasp as his cock slowly slid into her. The Prince laughed and gripped her skull tightly, pulling her face into his groin as her hands flew up to smack into and push against his pelvis as she gasped and choked on his cock, the General's cock slowly stretching her ass.

Viciously, the Prince ground into her face as he rode a long slow orgasm, barely allowing her pauses to breathe, the General's thrusts from behind impaling her onto the Prince. When he finished, he still held her face around his spent and softening cock such that she sputtered wetly, his cum and her throat slobber and her tears a wet mess around her mouth and chin, drooling onto her chest, as the General pounded out his own orgasm into her cheeks.

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DebbieWrightDebbieWrightabout 10 years ago

Short, sweet, she had no time to even realise what was happening let alone resist.

I sometimes feel I was born a hundred years too late. I love the old fashioned tales of love, and in this case , of lust. In my mind I was her. I felt every word. I could vividly feel both men. Remarkable.



AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Surprisingly good

For a moment I thought it would turn in to unbearable cruelty of be a lukewarm story, but it played out really well.

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