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The Prison of Mars

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Female inmates available for sale.
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The Prison of Mars

By AnonymousNin.


The Prison of Mars is an entirely female prison.

All the inmates are kept in bondage devices 24/7 with extremely limited movement.

The inmates are given injections of estrogen and testosterone to maintain a healthy body mass. A side effect of these injections is a significant increase in libido.

To reduce costs, all the inmates are force fed 1200 kcal / day through vitamin iv drips. Through this method of feeding, the prison saves close to 60% on inmate feeding.

The inmates are always kept naked, and the prison rests at a temperature of exactly 37℃ (98.6℉), or body temperature.

The Prison of Mars is a for-profit prison where high-rollers can spend large sums of money to have sex with a bonded inmate.

Internal debates have been fought over this mode of fund-raising. Not on the moral grounds of rape, but on the grounds of psychological damage to the inmates being forced to have sex while on a concoction of hormones that forces them to enjoy it

The estrogen and testosterone given to the inmates keeps them essentially in a form of eustress. To analogize, if the inmates were dogs, then they would be dogs that were perpetually "in heat."

For close to a million dollars a year, a man can gain access to the Prison of Mars, and enjoy its inmates whenever, and however, he pleases.

The Prison of Mars is a closed affair. The only way to even have knowledge of its existence is word-of-mouth and referral from another member.

The attrition rate of men once they pay and join the Prison of Mars is close to 0%. (0.21% to be precise).

The signature girl of the Prison of Mars is a desperately horny, semi-starved, tied up girl. Also, The Prison shaves all hair from the inmates, except for their head, which is cut into a bob and dyed pink. The pink hair is a trademark of The Prison. The same exact haircut and similar body weights of the inmates, through calorie control, depersonalizes the inmates.

This depersonalization makes them easier to fuck and abuse-- and it prevents men from getting overly fond for one girl.


I first heard of the Prison of Mars through my acquaintance J---

I had recently sold a script to a major movie company and was no longer a broke fuck. The movie became a smashing success, and because I maintained a percent of the ticket sales and merchandising, my monthly income quickly approached six figures.

When you start making money, the people around you change. J was one of these new money friends.

J gave me a card, I called the number, and week later I met this Asian woman named Kim in a stereotypical office in an office-park,

Everything Kim said during this conversation was on the nose. Nothing incriminating.

A week later I emailed Kim financial disclosures and paid the $1,000,000.

I coordinated a meeting with Kim for Saturday, June 17th.


This is how I came face to face to a young, tied up, girl with pink hair.

The girl looked about 19, with pale skin, big eyes, small tits, and a pink bob that framed her face.

Her ankles were tied together with a sterling silver chain, and her wrists to forearms were tied behind her back with a pink rope.

The girl was on her knees as I entered the prison cell.

The cell had an ominous yellow hue to it from the lights. The yellow light reflected every bead of moisture on this young girl's body.

I was already sweating as well from the heat of this place.

I awkwardly undressed myself before this young girl on her knees.

I approached her, and she turned around and rested her face on the floor of the prison cell, displaying her ass and pussy.

There was already moisture sprouting from the girl's pussy lips, running down the inside of her legs. I was unsure if this was sweat or desire.

Either way, the girl's moist pussy lips convinced me to go through with this deed. Go through with this rape.

I slid easily into the girl, and she let out a petite moan.

The girl moaned like crazy as I began to fuck her. More so than any other girl I had been with.

The girl's cute dainty moans edged me on. I pushed the girl down and put my bodyweight on top of her as I smothered her into the floor of the cell.

I fondled the girl's slim neck and tiny, tender, breasts.

The girl's nipples were incredibly erect.

"Please, please, please," the inmate moaned.

The girl's wetness spread to my skin.

Beads of sweat dropped from my body and face down on to the girl as I fucked her.

I could not control myself.

I climaxed into this girl's wet little pussy.

I removed myself from the girl and watched my sperm run down the inside of the girl's leg.

The girl continued to hump the floor.

I re-dressed, tightened my tie, and even then, the girl was still moaning, humping the floor.

I exited the cell.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago


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