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The Product Ch. 01

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Porn industry attorney ensnared naïve pastor's wife.
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Part 1 of the 39 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 10/02/2020
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NOTE: This is the first chapter in a multi-chapter story of which there are forty chapters plus an epilogue. An uncompleted version of this story appeared here at Literotica a few years ago in case it looks familiar to you. The story has been revised and completed. Chapters 37 - 40 and the epilogue are all new material.


Her hands were trembling as she put the letter down on the dining room table. Up to now she had reassured herself that things could not possibly get any worse, but they just had. They were going to lose their home. It had been a tough couple of months, and thus far she had held up well under the circumstances, all things considered. But this news hit her like a ton of bricks.

It was bad enough that her husband was in jail, she still held out hope that he could clear himself once the case went to trial. She was sure that he was innocent, and the facts would ultimately free him. Jane was sure that it was all just a terrible mistake.

Then they could go back to their mutually indifferent, but secure personal relationship. As strained and remote as their marriage had become, she still thought of him as an honest man and a good pastor. And there were the boys to consider too, she reminded herself constantly.

Jane became lost in her worries again, remembering when their daughter had died in childbirth, barely a year after the twins were born. There had been an unbridgeable gulf between she and her husband Martin after that. Deep down inside, she blamed him. If he had not insisted on her going with him on the church outing when she was almost at full term, it never would have happened.

If the woman from the next motel room had not been there at the time, she would probably have died as she miscarried what would have been their daughter. Even then, she still almost died as her husband and the woman rushed her to the local clinic in the remote desert community, unconscious and losing blood.

As the letter slipped from Jane's hand and fell to the floor, she quickly picked it up and put it down on the table. Shaken from her reverie, Jane's thoughts quickly returned to the problem at hand. She had not counted on this. The church was going to evict them from their home of almost 20 years. Even worse, the letter also said that they would be withdrawing her husband's salary and her stipend to work with the church's youths, leaving her with no money.

The church members had been incredibly supportive at first. They too, did not believe that her husband had embezzled all those funds from the church. But as the evidence mounted and the amount of the missing funds became clear, the members started to turn on their jailed pastor and on her as well.

Jane's phone had quit ringing with the supportive calls from the ladies of the church and the church office now referred all calls from the news media to her home phone number. The news cameras no longer hung out in front of the house all day, as they had in the first couple of weeks, they had moved on to the next big story. The throng of TV reporters, trucks and satellite dishes had been replaced by the snide notes left in the mailbox and the bricks that had been thrown through the windows on the front of the house.

Jane was glad that at least the twins were away at college and did not have to experience being ostracized by their friends. The boys were hundreds of miles away in Phoenix, attending college. She was also glad now that the boys and her husband had decided for them to switch schools and transfer from the local junior college. But now she would have to worry about how to cover their tuition and expenses.

Jane didn't understand why they had made the sudden move, but that was something between them and their father who made all of the decisions in the household, and in retrospect it certainly seemed to have turned out for the best. Originally, she did not like the idea of them being that far away from home. Unlike their father, they were a bit on the wild side, free spirits, she liked to call them.

But what was she going to do now? Her husband Martin had made all the decisions. He was 20 Years older than her and he had always handled all their affairs. How long would she be able to stay in the house before she was finally evicted? Where would she find a job? How could she afford to keep the boys in college? Their attorney had told her that the case probably would not go to trial for at least another six months, or longer. And because he was considered a flight risk, given the amount of the missing funds, they could not afford to make bail.

Jane finally decided to call their attorney, Richard Saunders, and get his advice. She really did not want to call him, because he made her feel uncomfortable. He always looked like we were mentally undressing her, and it really unnerved her since she was naturally very shy and wary of men given her strict religious upbringing.

Her mind began to drift again. She did not know much about men, she reminded herself. Her parents had pushed her into marrying Martin when she was just barely sixteen, which was common within their religious community. They were devout churchgoers and they thought the new assistant pastor at their church would make an ideal husband.

Within months of getting married Martin got his own church just sixty miles away, along with a house the church provided. And then came the twin boys, just weeks later. It had been a good life, until she lost her daughter. Following the miscarriage Jane was left sterile and her life had become the same.

After that, there was a void that had never quite been filled. She put up a good front, but she felt trapped in a loveless marriage, and now she might end up out on the street, completely destitute. The very thought of it filled her with dread and anxiety.

Thank God, she thought to herself, that her parents were no longer here to see their daughter's fate. The thought of them brought her back to reality and the task at hand.

Jane picked up the phone and dialed Richard's law office in LA. He should still be there, she thought, he usually didn't make the commute back to the Antelope Valley until after rush hour traffic, he had told she and her husband during their meetings after he was arrested and jailed.

"Dixon, Murphy and Saunders," the receptionist responded, "How may I assist you?"

"This is Jane Fields. I am calling for Mr. Saunders," said Jane.

"Just a moment Ms. Fields," replied the girl. "Let me see if Mr. Saunders is available."

Strains of new age music filled the void as the receptionist put Jane on hold.

"Jane, this is Richard. What can I do for you? Is everything all right?" Richard replied brightly, as he paused to think and then said, "Forgive me that was a stupid question to ask under the circumstances. Please, what can I do for you? If you are calling about Martin, we won't have any further word until the next hearing in a couple of weeks."

Jane thought that perhaps Richard may already know what she was calling about, since he was a member of the church board of directors, as well as their attorney. But then, maybe the rest of the board had acted without him knowing, since he was representing Martin as well.

"The church sent us a registered letter this morning and they are evicting us from the house and taking away Martin's and my salaries," said Jane in a monotone, trying to hold it together. "What am I going to do?"

"I suspected something like that when the church called a board meeting and asked me not to attend. I'm so sorry," said Richard soothingly.

"How am I going to support the kids and me without Martin's salary?" said Jane, her emotions building. "How are we going to pay you?"

"Don't worry about my salary," said Richard reassuringly. "Let us make sure we take care of you and the kids first. Tell you what...I'm just getting ready to leave downtown now. Excuse me a minute, my other line is ringing. I'll be right back."

Richard was off the line for a couple of minutes and she continued to grow more emotional. Then Jane heard her attorney's voice again.

"Sorry about the interruption. I only have one more client. I'll stop by on my way home and we can discuss this further, in person. I'll see you in about an hour and a half," continued Richard, talking quickly. "Don't call the church, let me handle that. From now on you need to let me deal with them. There may be litigation and I don't want you saying the wrong thing accidentally."

Before Jane could say anything, Richard clicked off. She would have preferred to meet him at his office the following day. She just did not feel comfortable having him in her home, especially since she was alone. Too late now, she sighed. She did not have much of a choice and she needed to trust him, since he was the only person to stick by her husband, and now her, during this nightmare.

Jane decided to shower and change clothes before Richard arrived. She was depressed and had not been out in days and had been wearing the same sweatshirt and sweatpants for two days. She was sure she reeked.

Jane took a long shower. And as the warm water washed over her, pulsing into her flesh, she found herself reaching down below her ample bush to touch herself. The warm water was a welcome respite from her constant anxiety. A tingling and pleasurable feeling started to build inside her womb as she stroked her clitoris, Jane gradually lapsed into her recurring fantasy as she stood under the pulsing water with her eyes closed.

She was in a darkened room and two muscular figures were hovering over her as she lay naked on the bed beneath them.

"Please no!" she begged again and again. "This is wrong, so wrong!"

But the shadowy figures paid her no heed. One lowered himself on top of her and used his hands to spread her thighs apart as she struggled against him, but he was too strong. He quickly buried his long hard shaft inside her womb. She felt a rush of pleasure as he began to plumb her little used depths.

Then he rolled her over on top of him and she could feel the other shadowy figure pressed against her from behind, their warm flesh enveloping her. Somehow, he was inside her too. She felt so full, but it felt so wrong, so wickedly wrong! But they stroked in and out of her, probing her depths despite her pleas.

Neither of the shadowy figures who pressed against her yielding flesh and filled her responsive body said a word. They relentlessly drove their long hard muscles into her. She could feel one of the veined monsters massaging her clit and driving her toward orgasm. She could feel the two large cocks begin to throb inside her and the warm cum filling her. She cried out again.

"No! No! Oh God, NO!" she screamed as she tried to wriggle free from the writhing bodies that were pressed against her. She knew it was wrong, wickedly wrong for them to deposit their seed inside her. But they were too strong and she could feel their warm seed filling her womb.

But she could feel her sensitive clit throbbing inside her and she was out of control. She could feel pulsing water pounding against her clitoris and her hips began to thrash up and down and back and worth wildly as her legs went limp and she slipped to the floor of the shower. The shower wand, loosed itself from her hand, dangled in front of her, spraying water wildly all over the enclosed tub.

As she came down from her orgasmic high, Jane opened her eyes as the loose wand sprayed water in her face as it swung back and forth. This is just so nasty, she thought. Why do I have these wicked fantasies? Why does this fantasy haunt my dreams?

This has been happening too much lately, she cried. I have to stop this. It is so nasty and wicked. It's not just the masturbating that was nasty, Jane thought to herself. It was who she was fantasizing about as she did it. She knew who the shadowy figures were and it was wrong, just so wrong! Jane was suddenly overwhelmed with shame as she sat on the floor in the shower.

Stepping out of the shower and trying to compose her raging emotions, Jane dried herself in front of the mirror. She suddenly wondered how Richard might imagine she looked under her clothes when she caught him undressing her with his eyes. Would his imagination be better than the real thing? Would she disappoint him? Would other men be disappointed? She self-consciously took stock of herself from head to toe in the mirror.

The long blonde hair still showed no sign of gray and still possessed its natural curliness. Her body was still lean and athletic and betrayed no sign of childbirth. Her breasts were a bit small for her long and willowy limbs, but gravity had not yet taken its toll. And her backside was still firm and youthful. Her face betrayed no signs of her age. Most people thought she was ten years younger than her actual age.

Jane had one of those Scandinavian faces that seemed to defy aging and her freckled flesh radiated good health. She would have looked like a tall Amazon princess, were her overall appearance not so girl next door wholesome. Overall, she reassured herself that she was still an attractive woman.

Then she stopped herself. What was she thinking? She blushed in shame. Her husband was in jail, she was about to lose her house, her kids future was hanging in the balance and she was wondering how a guy who gives her the creeps thinks she looks naked. What was wrong with her? She immediately put the disgusting thoughts out of her mind.

Agitated and uneasy with her own thoughts, Jane hurried to the bedroom to get dressed. First, she donned her not very attractive granny panties and then her sports bra that flattened her breasts even further, and then finally the drab flowered pastel sundress that completely covered her shoulders and upper arms before reaching down below her knees. She was the very image of the drab parson's wife. As she finished putting her white socks sneakers on the doorbell rang.

As Jane opened the door she gasped noticeably.

"Is everything OK?" asked Richard with alarm at her reaction.

Jane blushed, explaining that she thought he would still be dressed in his business suit, not a t-shirt and gym shorts, and that she had not thought he would be there so soon. Jane stared down at the bulge in Richard's shorts and was noticeably flustered as she nervously rambled on.

Jane staring at his crotch did not go unnoticed by Richard as he laughed and explained that he changed at the office. He was off to the gym immediately after he got through meeting with her, he further explained, and that his final client had cancelled at the last minute and that was why he was so early.

"May I come in?" he asked, as he pushed his way through the door, brushing against Jane's left breast, in an almost massaging motion, as he did so. Jane jumped backward as though she had just received an electric jolt. She never allowed herself to get too close to other men, much less have them touch her breasts. The tingling sensation she felt startled her. What was wrong with her?

Richard sat down at the dining room table and read the letter from the church. When he was done, Richard looked at Jane as she sat across from him. She had a forlorn look on her face. There were tears welling up in her eyes that she could barely hold back.

"What am I going to do?" she finally wept. "I've never had to work. I've always been married, a housewife. I don't know how to do anything else."

"I'm sure we can work this all out. First, I'll contact the church and see if I can buy you some time. Then I'll make a couple of inquiries with some of my other clients. Perhaps one of them needs a receptionist or secretarial help," said Richard, trying to give the situation a positive spin. "You've done a lot of that around the church, so it's not like you don't have skills. Let me see what I can come up with."

Jane's spirits brightened at Richard's encouraging words as he got up to go. Perhaps things would work out. Jane's momentary sense of relief took hold of her emotions and the flood gates opened.

"Just hang in there. This too shall pass," said Richard as he stepped toward her and wrapped his arms around her, drawing her into a tight bear hug. It happened so quickly that Jane did not have time to react. Before she knew it, her body was pressed against Richard's.

Jane felt the same tingling sensation as before, only stronger, and she felt slightly light-headed as the blood rushed to her head. The tingling intensified and now seemed to be centered between her legs. She pulled away, realizing that the source of her tingling sensation was the hard, pulsating muscle beneath Richard's gym shorts that was pressed hard against her flat stomach.

Jane became beet red and could barely speak as she stepped back.

"Thank you so much," Jane stammered hoarsely. "Please don't let me keep you any longer. I'm sure you want to get to the gym."

"Absolutely!" said Richard with feigned seriousness. "You know what they say about muscles, don't you? Use them or lose them."

Jane blushed, an even deeper shade of red, wondering if there was a hidden meaning in what he had just said. Was Richard making fun of her? Did he know she could feel his hard manhood pressed against her? Did he do it on purpose? Richard disappeared down the driveway, so she would not get an answer, even if she had the nerve to ask, which, of course, she did not.

"This is going to be even easier than I thought," Richard smiled to himself as he got in his car and pulled away.

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