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The Professor's Wife

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His wife asserts herself at last.
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Charles Gray was the sort of man who would not be noticed in a crowd.

However as Professor of English at the local University he was instantly recognisable by his students.

They knew him as a dedicated teacher and although very popular, he was also the butt of many a joke told at his expense.

To be blunt, Charles Gray was a weedy looking individual, skinny with a slight stoop.

He looked older than a man in his late thirties, slightly balding but quite handsome in a feminine sort of way.

Many of the jokes centred on the fact that this eccentric character had the most stunning wife who was at least fifteen years his junior.

Most of the male students had at some time lusted after the demure Mrs Gray, imagining her as their secret lover.

The Gray's could not look a less likely couple if they tried.

Julie had been a student of Charles and he could not believe his luck when she regularly asked for personal tuition after hours.

Through time they grew very fond of each other and were often seen enjoying romantic walks, usually ending up in one of the numerous waterside pubs popular with the University crowd.

After Julie graduated with honours, Charles proposed to her.

Julie immediately accepted and they were married three months later.

At no time during their courtship did Charles ever get fresh or try to seduce his beautiful fiancée, he was always the gentleman, at all times.

Julie Gray had attended her local convent school where she excelled in her studies under the strict guidance of the nuns.

Both her mother and her father had been killed in a tragic car accident when Julie was only eight years old.

Subsequently, she had been raised by her maternal grandmother who had made every effort to give her a normal upbringing.

When Charles Gray proposed, Julie had accepted readily, especially since he was an older man and she subconsciously saw in him the father figure missing from her life.

From the outset Charles refused to even consider Julie getting a job, his wife would be a proper housewife and look after him and their home.

He imagined her waiting for him to come home in the evenings, supper all prepared with his slippers warming beside a real fire in the hearth.

And this is basically how they had lived up until now.

They had been married for almost two years and if truth be told, it hadn't been a very exciting time for Julie.

The honeymoon had been a big disappointment for her as Charles hadn't a clue about foreplay, and in fact he had no experience about sex at all.

Julie was a virgin but she didn't reckon on her husband being one too.

The fact that he only had a four inch penis was not what upset her so much, but that he never varied his approach, always missionary position and never lasting more than ten to fifteen minutes.

At the start of their marriage they made love at least two or three times a week, but this had soon dwindled to once a week at the most.

Julie did however love her husband and just wished that he was a little more exciting than he had been up till now.

Charles had buried himself in his work and was usually too tired to notice that Julie needed a more normal life.

She felt that she had missed out on her youth and she longed for the opportunity to let her hair down, just like her friend Lucy who seemed to be able to lead a quite exciting life outside of her mundane marriage.

Lucy had been trying for months to get Julie to accompany her on a night on the town.

She tempted her with tales of randy young men eager to please and how she had allowed herself to be seduced on more than one occasion.

She told Julie how exciting it had been to be made love to by these fit and handsome young men.

Not at all like being with her husband who like Julie's husband was older and a bit fuddy-duddy.

One Thursday morning over coffee, Lucy again pleaded with Julie to come with her that night to the dance bar in town.

She tempted Julie again with stories of how exciting it was being chatted up by good looking guys and knowing she could have any one of them that took her fancy.

In truth, Julie was tempted, very tempted and she shocked Lucy when she suddenly said "Okay, you win, I'll go with you tonight."

"Do you really mean it?"

"Yes I must find out about the real world, and maybe even sex and younger men.

Lucy you have finally made me see that I live a very dull life, secure, I know, but dull, dull, dull. I need to get this out of my system once and for all."

Lucy was ecstatic, she grabbed Julie and embraced her saying, "You will never regret this, you are about to change your whole outlook on life and I am so excited for you.

I am going to make a couple of phone calls to guarantee that tonight will be a night you will never forget.

Thursday night at the Dance Bar is very popular and busy and I want to make sure that my boyfriend Mike will be there with his pal George.

They will ensure that we enjoy ourselves, believe me.

Oh, by the way, George is a former lover of mine and I know you will be well looked after by him."

Julie looked shocked but before she could say anything Lucy said "Don't worry we are only good friends, now that I've moved on to Mike."

Julie shook her head in disbelief. This was her friend Lucy, happily married, but she still played the field and was even willing to share a former lover with her. She found it very difficult to comprehend her friend's lifestyle.

"Lucy, this may sound silly, but how do I tell Charles I am going out with you tonight, I mean I can't say I am going to a dance bar, can I?"

Giggling, Lucy said, "Just tell him I've invited you to a girl's night out and you have no idea where we are going, it's a surprise.

Oh, and I know you are a very attractive girl Julie, but tonight I think you might have to loosen up a bit, wear something a little more sexy and daring."

"Lucy, I don't think I have anything which could be described as sexy, certainly not daring."

"Look, wear that black silk skirt and blouse that you wore last Saturday night. You might think of undoing the top few buttons to show your cleavage and wear heels, not these flat things you shuffle around in all the time.

I'll pick you up at seven pm prompt. Now run home and start getting ready for tonight, remember, wear your best perfume."

Later that evening Julie had knots in her stomach as she stood behind her husband seated at the dining table.

He was unaware that she was there as he continued eating the delicious prawn salad Julie had prepared for him.

She still had not told him she was going out and she didn't know how to, then all of a sudden she heard herself saying, "Darling I'm going out with Lucy this evening, she's invited me to a girl's night out."

Charles could not believe what he was hearing and sat frozen with his fork about two inches from his mouth.

"You're what?"

"I'm going out if that's all right, you don't mind do you?"

"Well, er, I, er, where are you going?"

"I have no idea, Lucy said it was to be a surprise, in fact that's her car now, I mustn't keep her waiting, don't wait up, bye."

And with that she almost ran out of the door before her shocked husband could say anything.

It was then that Charles noticed that Julie was looking particularly attractive, she was even wearing her high heels.

As the door closed behind her the draught swirled the air in the room and Charles was suddenly aware of the heady perfume that his wife was wearing and naively wondered why.

The dark corner booth that Lucy had guided them to had a good position. From there they could see the entrance to the bar and therefore everyone who came and went.

It was also close to the bar and the ladies powder room.

Lucy ordered two gin and tonics then settled down on the comfortable seating letting her eyes take in the scene before them.

Turning to Julie she asked, "Like it then?"

Julie was enthralled, the music, the moving mass of people and not least the fabulous atmosphere of the place.

"Oh Lucy, it's wonderful. I haven't been so excited since my final exams over two years ago."

Laughing, they began to appraise the quality of the many handsome men milling about near to and around their table.

Julie watched Lucy with interest, as she fluttered her eyelashes at several guys as thy passed by and it wasn't long before they were virtually surrounded by a group of men all asking at once whether they could join them for a drink.

Right on cue two muscular guys pushed themselves to the front and turning to the assembled crowd said, "Sorry boys, but these two beautiful ladies are spoken for. Better luck next time."

Turning to Julie, Lucy said, "This is Mike and this is George, and boys, this is my friend Julie, I hope you are going to make this a special night for her as she doesn't get out very much these days,"

Both men hugged Julie whilst kissing her cheek and she just knew that this was going to be a super evening.

After the preliminary handshakes and niceties the four of them responded to a toast proposed by Mike.

"To the two most beautiful girls here this evening, may this be a night to remember. Cheers."

Clinking their glasses they all said "Cheers" in unison.

The evening flew by for Julie, as the all embracing beat of the music, the atmosphere of the busy place and the idle but sometimes suggestive chatter, all contributed to put her at her ease.

George and Mike were very courteous and conducted themselves like true gentlemen always trying to impress the two young married women, who enjoyed every minute of it as they drank and danced the night away.

Julie decided that she liked George very much. He danced well and had a great sense of humour.

As the evening progressed he did however become a little more daring and Julie was sure she could feel his erect penis against her tummy as they swayed to the slow romantic music.

Strangely, she found herself responding by pressing into him and she was no longer in any doubt as he held her close.

She could feel the whole length and shape of his big throbbing cock.

She had never been in this sort of situation before and surprised herself when she did not pull away from him.

In fact she deliberately moved her tummy back and forth massaging his raging erection, teasing it tantalisingly.

Back at the table she could not help flirting openly with him, this was so much fun and she was enjoying it.

At about 10.30pm, Lucy said to George, "Would you see Julie home, Mike and I are leaving now."

Immediately, George, replied, "Of course I'll take Julie home and we'll leave now as well. If that's okay with you Julie?"

"I'd like that very much, George, it's very kind of you." Julie whispered.

As they were leaving the Dance Bar, Lucy pulled Julie aside and said, "Try to be home around midnight, just in case our dear hubbies compare notes. Anyway, enjoy the rest of the night, lucky girl. I'll call you in the morning, bye."

George's car was parked in a dark cul-de-sac just across the street from the Dance Bar. It was only when Julie got into the car that she began to worry about what might happen.

Especially, when George leaned over and kissed her and brushed the front of her bosom with the back of his hand.

"Gosh, Julie, I have wanted to do that from the moment we met."

Then taking her in his arms he started kissing her lovingly and tenderly and it seemed so romantic to Julie that she actively responded.

After a few minutes, Julie felt George's hand begin to slide up the inside of her legs, stroking the shiny surface of her nylons.

Instinctively, she closed her knees together trapping his hand half way up between her thighs.

George almost swooned, thinking she was playing hard to get. He could imagine how thrilling it was going to be when she released her grip and allowed him to touch her most private parts.

But that was not about to happen.

"Please take your hand out of there George. I'm not ready to go that far, yet."

George reluctantly withdrew his wandering hand and put it to his nose breathing in her perfume. "Sorry, Julie, I just got carried away. We'll play by your rules, okay"

So, for the next half hour or so, they kissed and snogged and George even managed to gently squeeze her tits which gave great pleasure to them both.

Julie had never had her breasts touched by a man other than her husband.

On the journey back to Julie's house it was agreed that George would phone Julie the next day, Friday, while her husband, Charles would be at work.

It was 11.45pm when Julie got home.

She found her husband sitting on the couch with a strange look on his face.

It looked like a mixture of anticipation and fear.

Julie felt strangely calm and sure of herself, not a feeling she was used to by any means.

After Julie had left the house earlier that evening, Charles began to worry that she was going out with Lucy.

He had heard through the grape vine that Lucy was quite a girl and that she regularly cuckolded her husband who was reputed to be a bit of a wimp.

Perhaps that's what people think of me, he pondered.

It strangely affected him to think that this is what might be going to happen to him.

His immediate reaction was to feel extremely worried and annoyed and yet he was aware of this growing feeling of excitement that Julie might actually want to make love to another man, a man who he didn't know.

He sat at his desk unable to concentrate on the work he had brought home with him.

His mind was full of fleeting images of Julie kissing a stranger and making mad passionate love.

Someone could be trying to seduce her right at that precise moment.

He found himself wandering around the house, his stomach in knots, a feeling of helplessness and yet he found the scenario extremely arousing.

He suddenly realised he'd had a stiff little hard on almost all evening.

From 11pm onwards he was almost apoplectic with worry.

At 11.45pm he heard a car pull up outside their gate and he hurried to the front door and peered out through the letter box.

Whose car was that, it wasn't Lucy's, someone else must have brought Julie home.

He couldn't quite see what was happening in the car but his imagination convinced him that Julie was kissing someone.

Julie suddenly emerged from the car and approached the front door of their house. Charles quickly scampered through to the lounge and sprawled on the couch.

Within seconds she was standing there in front of him.

Her hair was messed, her lipstick smudged and she looked slightly drunk, but she also looked incredibly sexy and self assured.

"Still up darling?" she said, nonchalantly, as she joined him on the couch.

He was in shock and unable to answer her so he just nodded his head.

"Aren't you going to ask me if I enjoyed my night out with Lucy?"

"Did you have a nice time, darling." He said, not knowing how she would answer.

Julie cuddled up close to her husband and stroked his face. Then, looking straight into his eyes, she said, "I have had the most wonderful time and I'm afraid we are going to have to talk at length about how things are going to be from now on."

Almost cowering, Charles licked his dry lips and stuttered, "Oh God, what have you, you have, haven't, you, am I a cuckold?"

Completely flustered, Charles found himself tongue tied and wondered why Julie hadn't replied.

He tried speaking but the words would not come out the way he wanted them to.

At last Julie spoke.

"You're not a cuckold Charles, at least not yet.

Would you like me to cuckold you? I think you would like that.

I know that you want me to be happy and let's face it you hardly excel in the bedroom.

Lucy has convinced me that I need to find out how exciting life and sex can be with someone who knows how to please a woman.

So, that's how it's going to be, from now on."

"Have you met, someone?" Charles croaked.

"Yes, his name is George and he tried very hard to seduce me tonight.

I convinced him that if he backed off, I might be more willing next time.

I wanted to speak to you first.

I want you to ask me to do it.

I want you to beg me to do it.

Charles, I want you to kneel at my feet and tell me that you love me and admit that you are unable to satisfy my needs."

Charles sat there, stunned.

This was not the Julie he knew.

She seemed to have changed into another person.

This was a woman who would not take no for an answer.

Slowly he slid from the couch and knelt at her feet.

He knew that she was now in complete control and that if he wanted to remain her husband, he would have to accept her dominance over him.

Just as he was about to speak, Julie stood up and said.

"Charles, kiss my feet."

Prostrating himself he did as he was told, lovingly kissing each patent leather shoe in turn, not realising that he would forever more be shackled by this fetish.

After a few moments, Julie said.


Kneeling in submission, eyes focused on her dainty feet, he heard himself saying.

"Please, Julie, please cuckold me.

I know I am unable to satisfy you sexually, so I would ask you, no, beg you, to please cuckold me by allowing this guy George to seduce you.

I know this is right.

I love you so much, I adore you and worship you and I will do anything for you."

Looking up into Julie's eyes he noticed a look of satisfaction on her face.

Taking him by the back of his head and pulling his face against the front of her silk skirt she allowed him to breathe in the sweet smell of her expensive perfume.

Later, as they got in to bed together, Charles tried to snuggle up to Julie and attempted to caress and kiss her.

She removed his hand from her breast, saying, "Charles, from now on you will ask my permission to touch me intimately. I have decided that you will not be granted any sexual favours until I have cuckolded you, do you understand?"

"Yes Julie."

"In future, in the bedroom and wherever or whenever I decide, you will address me as Mistress from now on.

You must understand this is not a game, Charles."

Quietly, Charles answered, "Yes Mistress, I understand."

The following morning Lucy arrived at Julie's house and said.

"Right, I'm here for coffee and to hear all the details from last night.

Did he shag you?"

For the next hour, over coffee, they recounted the events of the previous night.

Lucy was astonished that Julie had not allowed George to make love to her.

But, she was even more astonished when Julie told her about her new arrangement with Charles.

"You mean he just accepted it, didn't he try to get out of it, you really mean he actually begged you to cuckold him."


"Well, I never, you are some girl, Julie Gray. This is really, really exciting, we are going to have a ball finding lots of handsome men for you to have your wicked way with. Woweee!!!"

Not long after Lucy had left, the phone rang, it was George.

"I'm not sure how you are going to react to this Julie, but, will you come out on a date with me?"

For an opening line that was pretty direct, as was the immediate response.

"George, dear, I would love to go on a date with you, when would you like to meet?"

"Tonight, if that's okay. I thought we could go for a little supper then I could show you my cosy little apartment."

"That will be lovely George, pick me up here at the house at seven pm."

"But, what about your husband, what if he answers the door, who will I say I am?"

"Just tell him that you are George and that you have come to pick up Mrs Gray, oh, and, you could say I'll try to have her back by midnight!"

"Okay, if that's what you want, I'll do it. See you at seven o'clock, bye."

That evening as Charles sat down to the meal Julie had prepared he was stunned to hear his pretty wife declare that she would be going out in half an hour and that she might be late home.


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