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The Promise

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She discovers the pleasures of forced intimacy.
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Thank god the day was over, Astrid thought as she walked in the door of her apartment. It was raining outside, and the sound of it pounding against the roof relaxed her. The only thing she wanted to do now, after a long day at work, was kick off her shoes and take a long, hot bath.

The trail of her clothes followed her as she made her way into the bathroom. Astrid took off the last of her undergarments, and then ran the hot water. While the steel tub filled, she got into the cabinet and took out several scented candles, placing them on the windowsill above the tub. She lit them using a nearby lighter. Soon the tub was full, and she slipped into the steaming hot water, letting out a sigh of relief.

Astrid submerged herself up to her shoulders, and then closed her eyes. The rain outside was pouring harshly now, and lightning lit the sky. Astrid barely noticed, for she was recalling an erotic book she'd been reading. She was in a far off world, with a man with dark hair and dark eyes- what was his name? Oh, it didn't really matter. Right now, he was looking at her with his intense, breath-taking gaze. His strong, rough hand was stroking her long brown hair, while the other was on her hip. He was leaning his head in to kiss her mouth, urgently thrusting his tongue inside. Astrid moaned softly.

Then he had his hand on her bare breast- picturing this, Astrid began to stroke her nipple. Then he was stroking her between her thighs. Astrid rubbed a finger against her clit. She was smiling dreamily to herself.

Suddenly, there was a loud knocking at her front door. Startled, Astrid cursed aloud. Hoping the intruder would go away, she sat still and waited. When the knocking persisted, Astrid sighed and stood up from the tub. Not even bothering to towel off, she grabbed the bathrobe from the hook on the door and put it on.

The knocking came again as she walked toward the front door. "Hold on, I'm coming!" she yelled, irritated. She finished tying the belt around her waist, and then opened the door.

She almost gasped as she came face to face with a stranger- a very, delectable looking stranger. A man of about thirty, with shortly-cropped brown hair, deep set brown eyes, and a height of six foot two. He was wearing a tight white t-shirt, showing off his muscled chest and stomach, as well as tight denim jeans. He carried a toolbox in his hand.

"Hello, sorry to bother you," he said, in a very business-like manner. "Your landlord told me that you were having problems with your electric outlets. It's a good thing I came, what with that storm outside."

Astrid was befuddled. "I don't know anything about electric problems. Are you sure you've got the right place?"

Furrowing his brow, the man glanced at the number on the door. "Three o' one? Yeah, it's the right place. I just got the call about an hour ago; they said it was pretty urgent. So if you don't mind-"

He pushed his way in, and Astrid was still left in irritated confusion. She gave up the idea of trying to argue. Instead she sighed and said, "Okay, well you go ahead and start- doing whatever it is you do. I'm going to get dressed."

She turned and made her way toward the bedroom. In the back of her mind she thought, God, how embarrassing! A hot guy walks into my apartment while I'm in a bathrobe and my place is a mess. But more than that, she was angry that nobody had bothered to call her and tell her he was coming. Plus that fact that he had been so rude. Once in her room, she took off her robe and let it fall to the floor.

But before she could even get a chance to walk to her closet, she was grabbed harshly from behind. She cried out in alarm, struggling futilely as she was thrown onto her back on the bed.

There above her was the stranger, pinning her arms above her, and smiling darkly down on her.

Shocked and frightened, Astrid screamed and tried to squirm out of his hold. But somehow he had managed to hold both of her arms down with one hand, and with the other he muffled her mouth.

"Well, aren't you a fighter?" he smirked. "If you scream again, beautiful, I'll strangle the life out of you. Understand?"

Her eyes wide with fear, Astrid nodded. Tears had welled in her eyes, and she was unable to keep them from streaming down her cheeks. The intruder took his hand from her mouth, gently brushing the tears away. "Shh," he whispered. "A pretty girl like you shouldn't cry like that. It breaks my heart."

"Fuck you!" Astrid managed to spit at him. "Let me go!"

He laughed softly. "Trust me, sweetheart, it won't hurt. You may come to enjoy it."

Still gripping her wrists in his hand, he leaned over the bed where his toolbox was waiting. From it he produced a long strand of rope. He then proceeded to tie her wrists to the bedpost. She was crying still, and had begun to whimper softly.

"Shh," he said again. "Just trust me, honey." He ran his fingers through her hair, and then trailed them down to her lips, which were trembling. "Open your mouth," he demanded, though his voice was soft. She didn't want to comply, but fearful of him, she did as he asked. He put his fingertip between her lips, touching it to her tongue. He made a sound of pleasure, as he pulled out his finger and trailed it over her chin down to her neck, leaving a trail of wetness that gave Astrid chills. He chuckled as he felt her shiver.

Then he wasted no time in putting a hand to her breast, giving it a squeeze. Astrid uttered a soft cry of reluctant pleasure. He rubbed his thumb against her nipple, causing it to harden involuntarily. He did the same to the other nipple, and Astrid writhed. He laughed softly. "Don't worry, sweetheart. The fun is just starting."

"Please," she whispered. "Please, stop." The fight was out of her, and the last thing she could do now was plead. She didn't want this. She was certain she didn't want this. But even as he kept going, now flicking his tongue against her nipple, she moaned in defeat.

He was suckling her breasts like a newborn, his hand slowly moving over her quivering stomach, then to the inner part of her thigh. Then he slid his hand over her nether lips, slipping a finger inside to find that she was already wet.

"I knew you were enjoying it," he taunted her; his breathe hot against her skin. Astrid cried out with passion as he rubbed his finger against her clit. She hated his smugness, but now had come to love him for what he was inflicting upon her. As his head lowered, an "Oh, God!" escaped from her lips, as she was very aware of what he was to do next.

His mouth enveloped her, and his tongue flicked deep inside her. Astrid moaned loudly, squirming beneath him, and yet lifting her hips to encourage him. He went on forever, it seemed, until at last she came in a way that she had never done before, screaming as she did so.

Then the intruder stood up and began to undress. Astrid could not tear her eyes away, as he lifted his shirt and revealed the hard muscled chest that she knew he already had. Then he took off his jeans, showing that he wore no underwear beneath. His member was intimidating, even frightening. Astrid was fearful of being hurt. As he came back to lie on top of her, Astrid had begun to cry again a little.

Again, he laughed, which annoyed her. "Don't worry, love. I promise I'll be gentle." First he slid his phallus against her opening, making her whimper. Then ever so slowly, he began to ease inside of her. Astrid gasped. Then he was fully sheathed, they both exhaled a low moan. He began to move, lowering his head to rest in the crook between her neck and shoulder. The pain Astrid felt lasted only a few seconds, then the sheer pleasure took hold. She was rocking her hips against him with every thrust he delivered, crying out in rapture. She wanted more than anything for him to release her hands so that she could dig her nails into his flesh.

"Please," she cried out. "Please untie me!"

He stopped for a moment and looked at her suspiciously. But it must have been the wanton look on her face that made him comply. Even as he was still inside her, he reached up to untie her wrists from the bedpost. Astrid sighed with relief, but didn't waste time as she rolled him over unto his back and straddled herself atop him.

She began to rock against him fiercely, digging her nails into his chest, causing him to cry out. She tossed back her head as she fucked him, and he moaned and played with her bouncing breasts. Soon both of their moans were rising, until the two of them were screaming their release at the same time. Exhausted, Astrid fell against him, her head on his chest. They were both slick with sweat, breathing heavily. After a long, quiet moment, Astrid felt him gently roll her off of him until she was on her side. She lifted her eyes to look at him. Smiling, he placed a hand on her lips.

"Hush," he whispered. "Don't say a word. I've got to go now. But if you swear to me that you won't tell anyone what happened, I might just be back."

Astrid nodded. "When?" she asked hopefully.

The intruder grinned. "Soon," he said. "I promise."

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rightbankrightbankabout 9 years ago
I promise

to immediately call the police emergency number, go to hospital and collect all fluids and other dna traces, and testify at the hearing.

PrincessJezebelPrincessJezebelabout 12 years ago

Exactly the kind of non-consent story I always look for and rarely find--a little threat, a little bondage, a little force, and then bliss. I only wish the story were longer!

angelx602angelx602almost 14 years ago
It was a stormy night...

I really like the progression of this story and his character was great. Dominant yet gentle. That was really great.

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