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The Psychiatrist Ch. 01: The Bet

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Conservative wife makes a foolish bet and loses.
7.8k words

Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/10/2019
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This will be an eight-chapter story and I will submit them two at a time. All eight chapters will be submitted within the next four days so please keep watch for them as they make their way through the posting process. This is a story of a loving couple where the wife has sex with people who are not her husband but she does so without her full consent. If this type of story offends you, please move on to other submissions. There are thousands to choose from. I enjoy constructive comments and expressions of how you enjoyed the story but arrogant angry comments will be disregarded. The story is being told by the husband but much of this first chapter is him hearing about recent events from his friend Chuck. Hope it's not too confusing. Enjoy the story of Rob, Holly and a Psychiatrist named Jim.




The Bet

I suppose Holly and I are like thousands of other couples out there. We've been married twelve years now and have a delightful ten-year-old daughter named Jennifer who we call Jenny. She is the light of our lives. Right after graduation from college I was lucky enough to land my dream job in our local fire department.

As would be expected, I started out at the ground floor in the fire department but was hired on because of my college degree in fire management. I was then able to quickly start moving up the ladder figuratively speaking. In firefighting, you quite often literally move up a physical ladder as well. While I was starting at the fire department, Holly also immediately found a great job working as the office manager for a local orthopedic surgeon.

Once Jenny was born we decided together that it would be ideal if Holly could be a stay at home mom. By this time, I was a captain at the fire department and my income allowed that to happen. We weren't rich by any stretch of the imagination but at the same time we weren't paupers either. Again, like so many couples, we were getting along OK financially but not setting any records in the savings department.

Before Jenny was born I would describe our sex life as pretty 'hot'. And even after we had a child in the house we were still able to maintain a healthy level of romance. Being deeply in love with one another makes that even easier of course.

Holly was a virgin when we married. Having been brought up in a solid Christian home she took what they call a "Purity Pledge" when she was a freshman in High School. She was at a Christian Youth Retreat when she took the pledge. Her parents were so proud of her when she returned from the retreat that her dad bought her a solid gold "Purity Ring" that she wore continually until the day we were married. The idea was that on her wedding day, her dad would take the ring off her finger and give it to her husband as a token of her chastity.

Unlike Holly, I had some experience sexually before I met her but certainly wasn't what you would call a player. I had a girlfriend my senior year of high school with whom we both surrendered our virginity. We were pretty clumsy about it but we did ultimately figure out how to make all the sex parts work. We screwed a dozen times or so before a guy on the football team caught her eye. She always wanted to wear a guy's letterman jacket around campus and that was something that I couldn't provide for her.

I dated three other girls before graduation from high school and got to first base with two of them, meaning that I was able to squeeze some bare tit. The third girl gave me a tongue lashing, heart throbbing, wet and sloppy blow job on four different occasions but never would allow me to return the favor on her.

Then as a freshman in college I met a cute girl named Peggy at a sorority party I somehow got invited to. We were both pledging at the time. She was in the sorority for the "popular" girls and let's just say that the frat I was pledging was more known for their academics. Don't get me wrong, we weren't the geek squad or nerd guys, but we weren't the jocks either.

Even though I've always been in pretty good shape physically, I just never went out for any of the sports teams which is something I still wonder about. I think I could have done well but growing up on a family farm there were always too many chores to do to allow for all the practices after school. Well anyway; I digress.

Somehow Peggy and I hit it off and by our second date I was already in her pants. She was way more experienced than I was and I learned a ton from her about how to satisfy a woman. She was one of those gems who weren't afraid to tell a guy exactly what she did and did not like. As a result, I can say that I was honest when I told Holly that I had only had sexual intercourse with two different girls. I just neglected to tell her that I had probably screwed Peggy something close to seventy-five times in the nine months that we dated!

Unfortunately for Peggy, she had to transfer back to a Community College in her home town after having a tough time balancing sorority life and still maintaining her GPA. In other words, she flunked out her freshman year. I felt pretty bad about it when I realized that our over active sex life had also proven to be a big distraction from her studies. The last I heard she was doing great at the Community College and wouldn't you know it, I lost her to another jock. This time he was a soccer player. Oh well, life goes on and I soon lost track of her.

I met Holly in an English Lit class that was one of the electives required for my degree. That was during our sophomore year. We would sometimes collaborate on class projects and homework but didn't start dating until May. Shortly after we started dating we returned to our home towns for the summer vacation. Before leaving for summer vacation, she had lined up off campus housing with a friend of hers for the following year.

Each of us were tentatively hopeful that the other wouldn't have a summer fling and fall in love while we were apart, but neither of us were sure how solid our relationship was. It's not like we were going steady or anything because we had really only dated for about a month. We were both nervous when we got back on campus for our Junior year but each of us were greatly relieved that the spark had kept burning despite our summer separation. Both of us had hung out with several home town friends, male and female during the break but neither of us had actually dated anyone over the summer.

It was during that summer when I really got interested in firefighting as a career. Up until that point I had been heading for a degree in Business Management but during the summer I served an internship at our local fire station and loved every minute of it. When I got back to campus I spoke with my academic advisor and started taking classes that would prepare me for a degree in Fire Management. That track was a specialized field within the Business School at our university. Fortunately, all my freshman credits were easily transferred to my new degree program.

Holly and I really got serious about one another during that Junior year. She was also in a sorority, but unlike Peggy whose sorority was a party house, Holly had pledged a house that was similar to my fraternity in their dedication to scholarship. She was majoring in English and thinking perhaps of teaching as a career but wasn't sure if that was what she really wanted to do. Mostly she just needed to declare a major and she liked to read so she picked English literature.

Of course, she had told me early on about her "purity pledge" and explained the whole deal about the ring she wore. I respected her for her commitment. We never did have actual sex but we were able to get into some pretty heavy petting and kissing. I proposed to her after asking her father's permission just before the end of our Junior year. In fact, I remember that it was May 15th. We were separated again for the summer but talked nearly every day by phone racking up some serious long distance charges. I was once again a summer intern at the fire department.

We picked right up where we left off once school started up. Then, midway through our senior year Holly's roommate got called home for some sort of family emergency. She had to drop out of school for the rest of the term. That left Holly out on her ear so to speak with nowhere to live. She checked in with her sorority and learned that there were no beds available but they said one might open up in a few weeks if she could find a temporary place to live in the meantime.

My roommate and I had been high school friends and roomed together from day one at the university. For the last two years, we had scored a nice two-bedroom apartment not far from campus. It was really a big older home that was split into three separate apartments. My room came furnished with two single beds.

Much to her parent's chagrin Holly moved in with me on a temporary basis. But before doing so, we both met with her parents at the apartment when they came down for a campus visit one weekend. I assured them that we had both honored her purity pledge and would continue to do so until the day we were married. We even laid out plans we had already agreed to with my roommate to ensure that Holly would have complete privacy when changing clothes or using the bathroom.

Believe it or not, she, my roommate and I lived together the rest of the school year and we abstained from having intercourse. Even though we did spend a few sexy nights lying together naked in my little twin bed. It was tough but I really did love and respect her for her commitment. Within three weeks after graduation we were married in her home church and there wasn't a dry eye in the place when her dad took the purity ring off her finger and handed it to me. I was even tearing up myself!

From day one you could have asked either one of us and we would have told you that ours was indeed a marriage made in heaven. We found a nice duplex to rent in my hometown since I started on at the local fire department. I even started going to church with her on Sundays and enjoyed it. I had accepted Jesus when I was a kid but as is so often the case I backed way off during my teen years so coming back to church was a comfortable thing for me to do.

We became somewhat involved in various church activities and our circle of friends now included church friends as well as our work and social friends. We belonged to a local country club where we both played golf. I try to play at least once a week, Holly gets on the course one or two times a month. The club isn't one of those super sophisticated snobbish places but it is a nice club and well maintained. It has a restaurant, bar, swimming pool and all the things you would expect.

As a couple, we seemed to agree on almost everything and I can't even remember the last time we had an argument. We attended a marriage retreat weekend at a local resort that our church sponsored. As the weekend progressed, the leaders started pointing to us as the "Poster Perfect Marriage". Hey, we had to agree! Each of us seemed only interested in pleasing one another.

Fortunately, the training I had received from Peggy when I was a freshman was quickly put to good use as Holly and I were enjoying a wild and passionate sex life together. It was definitely worth the wait! I might add, that the leaders of the marriage retreat we went to were adamant in teaching that God approves of sex and that He intended sex to be for pleasure as well as for procreation. I'm so glad they taught it that way because that freed Holly up to let her hair down so to speak. The leaders showed us from the Bible where the marriage bed is undefiled. That means that in marriage, nothing is off limits provided both partners agree. Wow! A free slate!

Holly and I enjoyed doing everything together, be it a simple walk in the park with a picnic lunch or dinner and dancing at the club. Sometimes we even enjoyed hitting one of the local taverns to hang out over a few drinks. Some churches teach that alcohol is strictly off limits, ours teaches that excess is wrong but everything in moderation is acceptable. Our daughter Jenny was born soon after our second anniversary, not completely planned but certainly welcome just the same.

It was an easy and natural decision that Holly would stay home with Jenny and be a stay at home mom. We were able to do that since I was moving up quickly at the fire department and we could make it OK on just my income. It would be a little bit tight but we knew we could do it if we worked together on the budget. Now our walks in the park included Jenny and we were a deliriously happy little family.

Holly and I still planned regular "date nights" when Jenny would spend the night at one of the sets of grandparents. On those special nights, we typically went out for dinner followed by either dancing or stopping by one of our favorite watering holes for a night cap before heading home for a passionate night of exceptional sex.

It was during one of these date nights that our whole world got turned upside-down. From that point on, nothing has ever been the same. Oh, don't get me wrong, we are still very much in love with one another, it's just that things are different now and the jury is still out whether they are different for the better or for the worse.

Maybe it's neither better nor worse but just different. I'll let you decide while I just tell the story of what happened.

Jenny was spending both Friday and Saturday nights at Holly's parents. They had trips to the zoo planned along with a chance for her to go fishing with her grandpa in his little boat. She was totally stoked about her special weekend. Of course, we were stoked as well since it meant we would have a special weekend too!

There was a new steak house restaurant in the town next to ours so I made dinner reservations for Friday night. Being a steak house we dressed just a bit nicer than our normal causal wear but still nothing outrageous. Holly has a little black dress that manages to hug every one of her curves to perfection.

Dinner was great and we each had a nice red wine to go with the meal. The restaurant had an adjoining bar with an DJ and small dance floor so we decided to spin a few dance moves before heading home. Holly loves to dance and I love dancing with her. I especially love the looks we get from all the envious guys who are continually checking her out while she remains completely oblivious.

You see, Holly is a knock out but doesn't know it. I can't believe that I am the fortunate guy who was able to land her as my own. I know that lots of guys were interested in high school and college. But, when they learned how serious she was about her "purity pledge" they all backed off. Lucky for me, I hung in there and those guys will never know what they missed out on.

Finally, about 9:00pm we decided to head toward home but on the way, we were passing by one of our favorite hangout places called "Lou's Tavern". We decided to stop by for a couple of drinks before heading on home. There were only about a dozen folks in the bar and some of them were already starting to call it a night. While we were talking with Lou at the bar, in walks one of my golf buddies named Chuck. With him was a nice-looking guy about our age who Chuck introduced as an old friend from college who went on to become a psychiatrist.

I know, I know. It always seems odd hooking up with a psychiatrist on a social level because you think he might be analyzing everything you say. But in all reality, it didn't take long at all for us to be comfortable with Jim. He seemed like a regular nice guy so we all shared a few drinks and good conversation. Mostly talking about the old college days and such. Chuck and I had gone to rival universities so we were constantly ribbing each other about our respective football teams.

Then a little past 10:00 I got an emergency call telling me that I needed to get to a fire station on the other side of town to cover for an hour or two because that crew got called to be a backup team for station five. The commander assured me it would be two hours max. Chuck piped up saying: "I'll make sure Holly gets home safe."

I asked Holly if she was OK with that arrangement and she assured me it was fine so I shook Chucks hand and said: "Thanks buddy, I owe you one." Then I leaned in and whispered in Chucks ear to try not to let her drink much more because I could tell she was already near her limit. I didn't want her passing out or getting sick and messing with the hot night of sex we had both been looking forward to.

Chuck just responded: "Not to worry Rob, I'll watch out for her." I gave Holly a kiss and told her I would see her at home in a couple of hours.

As is so often the case, the two-hour max turned into something closer to three hours and I finally made it home to a dark house about ten past one am. Of course, I figured that Holly had already gone to sleep so I tip toed up to the bathroom so as not to disturb her. In the bath I quietly brushed my teeth and changed clothes for bed wondering at the same time if I should be naked or wear my silk boxers as usual. When I got to the bedroom and pulled the covers back I was shocked to find that Holly wasn't there. In fact, the bed was still made up. She hadn't been home at all!

I first called her cell phone but there was no answer. I called Chuck's cell and no answer there either as it went straight to voice mail. Now I'm starting to panic just a little bit and I'm getting ticked off at Chuck at the same time. He promised to watch out for my bride. Instinctively I knew that Chuck wouldn't hurt her, but where were they?

I threw my clothes back on and by 1:30am I jump back in my car and was heading to the tavern which was about 20 minutes away. I was surprised that no one was in the bar even through the door was open and there were a few cars in the lot. It was still ten minutes before closing time but the place was empty! My heart sank thinking I had gone on a wild goose chase since neither Chuck nor Holly were in the bar.

Just at that moment I heard some muffled cheering from the back room where Lou had his office. I had been in there before. It was a large and nicely appointed office with leather furniture and a massive walnut desk. He even had a full-size bed in the office since there were several times a month when he spent the night when he had been drinking to the point that he thought it was unsafe to drive home. His wife of 40 years was completely understanding since she didn't want him on the road when he had been drinking either.

I made my way to the office and as I entered through the door, I just stood there absolutely stunned. There on the bed was my beautiful, conservative, church going wife, Holly! She was naked as the day she was born, sitting on Lou's cock with four naked guys standing around her watching and cheering her on. Just as I was about to shout out in anger I felt the blow to the back of my head. Someone had seen me come in and had hit me from behind.

When I came to I found that my arms and feet had been tied to a restaurant style chair and I had a gag over my mouth and wrapped around my head. I had no idea how long I was unconscious but by now Lou was finished and Chuck's doctor friend Jim was behind Holly taking her doggy style. Meanwhile Vic, the huge bouncer who had the biggest cock I had ever seen was buried in Holly's mouth. I couldn't believe my eyes!

Why in the hell didn't they at least have the decency to stop when I showed up? As I struggled against the ropes Holly looked right into my eyes. It was obvious that she was really enjoying what was happening to her and she was even begging for more. But her eyes looked like she didn't even recognize who I was.

What's happening to my conservative, totally faithful wife of 12 years that would cause her to act like a total slut? This is just so totally unlike her. "What the hell is going on?" I shouted into my gag. A couple guys looked over when they heard me even though there was no possible way for them to understand what I was saying.

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