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The Quarterback and the Tutor Ch. 04

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Tom spends the night and declares his love for Lucas.
5.6k words

Part 4 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 02/19/2015
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Beginning in our freshmen year, I had frequently seen Tom in the halls of the engineering building. We'd barely acknowledged each other although my heart always leapt into my throat when I'd see him and I'd often jack off later, fantasizing about him. I dreamed about him but said nothing to him and managed to waste over two years in quiet frustration.

Now he'd always speak to me, sometimes only wave or wink, but gone were the days of not acknowledging each other. Others now knew we were friends, knew I was his tutor, and we regularly took breaks and lunch together. Even so, for two days after he fucked me I didn't see Tom on campus at all.

Then as I was standing at a urinal in one of the busiest restrooms in the engineering building on Thursday morning he appeared beside me.

My urine stopped at once as he fished his penis out and began to pee.

"Shy, are we?" he snickered.

"Surprised is more like it," I laughed and began to pee again.

He looked at my cock, arched his eyebrows, and licked his lips, grinning. I laughed, looked at his cock, and made a sucking motion with my lips.

We finished and washed our hands. The stall doors were open and as soon as the janitor walked out the door we knew we were alone. Suddenly Tom pushed my back against the door and pressed his mouth on mine, his tongue pushing down my throat. He kissed down my neck and bit me, sucking a new mark on my neck.

"God, I've missed you," he said softly, his voice filled with emotion. "I can't wait until tonight to be with you. You wanna have lunch in the cafeteria at eleven?"

"What about San..."

"Don't mention her name to me," he said. "I can't stand to hear it come out of your lips."

Someone pushed on the door and we moved so they could enter and we could exit.

"Are we on for eleven?"

"Yeah, sounds good to me."

"I'll meet you on the green by the oak tree as soon as we get out of class."

I beat him to the tree by a couple of minutes. He was laughing, the center of attention, as he walked down the steps of the engineering building. He jogged over when he saw me, his body language that of a happy man.

"I think Crenshaw needs to get laid. The bastard keeps piling on the work like we don't have anything else to do but his class," he snorted. "I've never had a professor handing out work assignments like this."

"Crenshaw's an ass. I've heard he's had a couple of nervous breakdowns and it makes him squirrely nuts occasionally. All I can say is thank God he doesn't teach anything I need for electrical engineering. Just hang tough."

"Great. So I'm dealing with a psycho."

"A friend of mine took his class last year and when he suddenly went crazy she complained to the dean about his workload. She said it worked."

"You KNOW I can't complain to the dean. That's all I need, the dumb quarterback who has to have a tutor can't keep up with his class assignments."

"Look, I'll take care of it."

"You're not in his class."

"I don't care, an anonymous note to the dean could come from anyone."

"You'd do that?"

"Tom, if you're having problems I'm sure you're not the only one. I'll do it today, something general to start with and then if he doesn't slack up in a few days I'll do another note."

We were walking side by side and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close to him.

"What would I do without you, Lucas?"

Two guys came up and he let go, laughing with them.

"Let me introduce Lucas Blake. He's my tutor for this goddamn engineering math. Lucas, this is Harvey Willis and this is Ricky Tate."

Both were on the football team and were well known popular men on campus.

"Hey, I could use a tutor in statistics," Ricky grinned.

"You could use a tutor in everything, Tate," Harvey laughed.

"These guys are business majors," Tom said.

I figured as much. The business building was next to ours, plus both were carrying business textbooks.

"Are you two headed off to your next classes?"

"Nah, Willis, Lucas and I are headed to lunch at the cafeteria before we take on the afternoon drag."

"That's where we're headed. Care if we join you?"

We went through the line and I got a bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich with fries. As I put my tray on our table Mary Beth Hudson appeared at my side in a rage.

"Who have you been fucking?" she demanded. "At least you could cover your hickeys up, you son of a bitch!"

The cafeteria got quiet and I felt my face turning red.

"You're the one who said we had no strings attached, Mary Beth."

"You bastard!" she screamed as she slapped me. "Everybody told me you can't keep your dick in your pants! We're done!"

"Yeah, we are. Now go away and leave me alone."

As she stormed out the cafeteria I sat down while everyone looked at me. The silence was broken by Tom laughing.

"Bro, don't you know when a girl says you can sleep around she doesn't mean it?"

Everyone laughed and the cafeteria went back to normal.

"Hey, Lucas!"

A girl at the table across from us spoke to me. I looked over to see four girls smiling at me.

"Mary Beth's problem is that she likes to do the dumping. Plus, she's been telling the girls in the dorm that you've got a foot long...uh...penis and that you're great in bed."

I felt my face turn hot red again as several people laughed and made sexually suggestive comments about my physical attributes.

"Don't pay 'em any attention," said Ricky. "They're just jealous. Hell, I'm jealous if you've got a foot long cock."

"This place makes the best BLT sandwiches I've ever had," I said feebly.

"I agree," said Tom. "And their real home cut fries are fantastic."

It was an obvious attempt to change the subject and I wanted to move past the Mary Beth incident. Tom's eyes were enigmatic; I couldn't tell if he was amused or angry. I could tell Ricky and Harvey wanted to say something else but Tom's eyes had told them to shut up about it. We finished lunch and walked out front.

"One more thing, Lucas," Harvey said quietly. "You couldn't have known that Mary Beth Hudson's a bit on the crazy side. She's had a couple of bad breakups with guys I know. Don't let it get you down."

"Thanks, Harvey, I think I'm going to become a monk now," I laughed.

"Wait until your hickeys go away first," Ricky chuckled. "Man, I wish I was getting some pussy. Why don't you send your castoffs to me?"

"You can have Mary Beth Hudson if you like."

We all laughed and Ricky and Harvey left, headed to their next class, and I headed to the library with Tom beside me.

"You got something you need to do at the library?" I asked. "Don't you usually go to the athletic building now?"

"It's just practice and it can wait. Are you okay, Lucas? You took a lot of heat about those hickeys I put on you."

There was genuine concern in his voice.

"I'm okay, don't worry about it. I told you I needed to break up with Mary Beth and now it's done."

"Well, I can't say I'm not happy about the whole thing. Just thinking of you in someone else's arms makes me sick with jealousy."

"Really? The green eyed monster can take a rest. My relationship with her is over."

"And boy is it ever! This could be good for you in the long run. Now your reputation as a lover is going to be known all over campus."

"You think that's a good thing, Tom?"

I didn't and my voice made it clear. I'd always played my cards close to my vest and preferred my own degree of anonymity.

"It'll die down. All I care about is you being MY lover and I don't want to share you with anyone else."

His voice was husky and emotional. I wanted to say something about wanting the same thing with him but decided to just let it go. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it, his thumb rubbing my palm gently.

"Do you mind if I stay over at your place tonight?"

I was stunned.

"Sure, if you want to but aren't you afraid of what people will say?"

"I've gotten locked out after dorm curfew before. Nobody'll say anything."

"I'll fix us something to eat, I'm a pretty good cook."

"You gonna fix your man supper?" he grinned.

I blushed.

"I AM your man, aren't I?"

"Yeah, you are, you're my man."

"And you're mine."

We'd made it to the library steps.

"Look, I gotta go, Lucas. Are you sure you're alright? If you're not, I'll take you home and skip practice today."

"Come on, Tom," I laughed. "The coach would kill you and they'd probably kick me out of school if you lost the game tomorrow night. Trust me, I'm okay. It's not my first breakup and on the whole it was a lot easier than most I've had."

"I'll see you tonight," he grinned.

"Don't forget to bring your books and assignments. Maybe I can help you with some of Crenshaw's stuff."

"Yes, Professor Blake, will do."

As he walked away I watched his magnificent body moving confidently, knowing that I was already in love with him and that he ultimately could break my heart.

That afternoon I went grocery shopping, planning to make pot roast. I worked quickly in the kitchen getting it ready so it could slow cook in the oven and I was sweating when I was done. I sat at the kitchen table and did my own work assignments and then took a quick shower.

I was sitting on my couch reading a textbook when my doorbell rang. It was Tom, his hair wet from a shower, wearing his usual jeans and jersey. This time he wore flip flops and his arms were loaded with books, a canvas bag hanging from his shoulder.

As we stepped in the door he kissed my lips gently.

"Looks like we've both just taken a shower," he smiled. "I thought about taking mine here but I was just too dirty to wait. Something smells good."

"I hope you like pot roast."

"I'd like anything you make but as it happens, I love pot roast. My mom makes it all the time."

"Uh oh, I'm competing with your mother. No one can cook as good as a mom."

"Well, she can't compete with your dessert," he grinned.

"Why don't you put your books and stuff by the couch and I'll take your bag to the bedroom."


When I came back out he'd taken his jeans off and was sitting on the floor in his jockeys with the TV remote, scanning the channels. I had to restrain myself from eating him up right then. He beamed when he saw me.

"I hope it's okay if I sit around in my underwear and jersey. I hate to relax wearing clothes."

His grin said he knew it was okay with me. I could tell he was partially erect.

"Why don't you strip down and join me on the floor? This carpet is nice. We can watch Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy."

I dropped my jeans and sat on the floor next to him in my boxer briefs and tee shirt. We watched Wheel and then during commercial he kissed me. He pulled our shirts off and sat between my legs, his back against my chest, and his head on my shoulder.

We both had erections and I knew he could feel mine pressing into his back. I looked down his front and his cock looked like it was about to explode out of his shorts. He rubbed his back against my chest.

"God, I love the way your hairy chest feels."

He took my arms and put them around his chest. Before I could react he called out an answer to Jeopardy. We spent the remainder of the half hour trying to beat each other answering the questions.

After the game ended he muted the TV and took my hand, kissing it tenderly.

"I could get used to this," he said softly.

"So could I."

He turned his body and pushed mine to the floor before lying next to me, his face in my chest. Our bodies were melded together, arms and legs around each other. We lay quietly and soon I could tell by his steady breathing he'd fallen asleep. I kissed the top of his head and held him close to me. I watched the silent TV screen, one of the many comedies that were not funny. After a half hour or so he stirred.

"I love you, Lucas," Tom said softly.

He'd awakened and his face was buried in my chest hair. I cradled his head and brushed his hair with my fingers.

"I love you so much I can't live without you."

His voice was so quiet I could barely hear him. He burrowed his face into my underarm and his chest heaved. I thought I could feel wet, like maybe he was crying but no sounds came from him. I held him tight.

"I love you too, Tom, I think I have for a long time."

He pushed his face deeper into my underarm as if he was trying to burrow into my skin. We lay like that for almost an hour and I knew without doubt that I was in love with this incredible man. At last he sat up next to me, pulled his knees to his chest and put his face in his crossed arms, not looking at me.

"I saw you at freshman orientation and I knew I wanted you then. Then I was so happy when I found out you were in engineering with me. I watched for you every day from the beginning, wanting to see you, just watching you walk by. I tried to get in a class with you but it was already full."

I rubbed his bare shoulder.

"Why didn't you just come up and talk to me, Tom? I was doing the same thing. I watched you all the time, always wanting you but I didn't have the nerve to approach the great quarterback. I've jacked off thinking about you since I first saw you."

He lifted his head and smiled sadly.

"Really? So have I, I mean for you."

"So why did it take so long to get together? How could we be so stupid?"

"Because I'm a fucking coward," he said harshly.

His eyes were filled with his misery. He took my hand and kissed it, holding it to him.

"Lucas," he whispered with emotion, "all my life all I've ever wanted to be is a quarterback in the NFL and there are no queer quarterbacks."

He could barely speak as he fought not to cry.

"I tried to make it work with Sandy but it never will. And it's not just because I'm gay. It's also because she doesn't love ME, she never has. All she cares about is that I'm THE quarterback and she can brag to everyone she's my girlfriend."

I couldn't believe he'd just admitted to me that he was gay.

"That's just how she is, Tom. A lot of girls are just extensions of their boyfriends. Or their husbands. It's sad in a way."

"I think I hate her. No. I KNOW I hate her."

"So break up with her."

That's when I thought he was really going to lose it.

"I can't! Oh god, I don't know WHAT to do. All I know is I love you, Lucas, and I've got to have you."

We sat silent for a few minutes and I knew what his problem was, I knew what he needed. I turned his head to mine, forced him to look me in the eyes.

"Tom, we both lead straight lives and no one suspects anything. We've only had sex a few times. Can't we keep the front up and keep our personal lives private?"

His eyes were filled with torment but I could feel him relaxing.

"You'd do that for me?"

"Answer me this. You've taken several risks with me, Tom, kissing me in the bushes and in the restroom. What would you do if we were caught? Would you deny me, make fun of me, pretend that it was my fault?"

He kissed me then, a deep soul wrenching kiss, so hard it bruised my lips. At last we broke apart and he held my hand, kissing it, looking into my eyes.

"I swear before God, with my life, I'll never deny you, Lucas. If we ever got caught together I'll tell everyone the truth; that I love you and I can't live without you. If it cost me my career then so be it."

"I couldn't stand it if you were to toss me aside like trash but the same goes for your dream of a pro football. I couldn't stand being the one to take that away from you."

"I'll never treat you like trash, Lucas, it's not in my character. I hope you know that."

"I've loved you from afar for a long time but I don't really know you that well, Tom. You don't know me that well either."

"I'd like to spend the rest of my life getting to know you better."

"That's going to be kind of hard," I laughed, "living in the closet. What are we going to do when this semester ends and you don't need a tutor anymore?"

"That's easy. I've decided I'm going to need a tutor until I graduate," he grinned. "I've already thought it out. And you're going to become my new best friend."

"What about Sandy, Tom? I know she doesn't like me too well, she's jealous of anyone that takes your time away from her. And somehow I think it won't be hard for her to suspect if you're cheating on her."

"I'll handle her."

"Look, our sexual relationship, THIS relationship is new and to be honest I'm not ready to throw my straight image out the window yet. You're my first man..."

"And you want to be sure?" he asked with a tinge of bitterness. "What you're saying is that you don't love me back."

"Don't put goddamn words in my mouth, big boy," I replied angrily. "I'm not some female that you're going to just walk all over."

"But I..."

"Shut up and let me finish."

He squared his jaw and his eyes flashed but he said nothing.

"Don't tell me I don't love you. I do, and I want to keep it that way but sometimes you're like a puppy dog, a little boy and that's one of things that's so lovable about you. We both will stay in the closet, maybe until we graduate, because if it comes out you're gay and it ruins your football image you'll hate me."

"I could never hate you, Lucas, don't say that. EVER."

"Yes, you could. How would feel if you threw a lousy pass and some asshole yelled 'the queer can't throw worth shit' from the bleachers?"

He didn't answer but I could definitely see he didn't like the idea.

"People in sports just don't announce their homosexuality and I don't want you to be hurt."

"What are you saying, that we're going nowhere?"

His face was pained and I definitely thought he was about to cry.

"No, I'm not saying that, I'm just saying we keep it low key. You know, just not throw in everyone's face. Can't we go on like we are, at least for now?"

"Answer me this, Lucas, the same question you asked me. If you were confronted about our relationship with irrefutable evidence would you deny it, would you cast me aside?"

"I'd do whatever I could to let the ball go in your court, let you decide if you wanted to go public."

He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight.

"I love you so much, Lucas. I can't believe you're willing to live a lie for me."

"I guess what I'm saying is I'll do whatever I need to in order to keep you."

Tom's eyes were filled with love for me and suddenly he kissed down my neck and chest, then his mouth was on my nipples, biting them gently and sucking them. I felt my cock harden and the sexual flush in my groin as my semen churned. He continued to kiss down my stomach and then he removed my boxer briefs, kissing down my legs to my feet as he pulled them off.

Then he was lying between my legs as he sucked my balls tenderly. He pushed my legs up to my chest and I felt the cool air on my asshole.

"I want your ass, baby," he said, his voice husky.

Then his tongue was on my hole, licking and probing, alternating with his kisses, and his teeth gently pulled the hair in my crevice. I was burning with desire for him and my muscles were so weak I could barely move. Then he stood and stripped naked before me.

"You look so magnificent, Tom," I whispered.

"I know," he grinned.

Suddenly he knelt over my face, his asshole at my lips, his cock and balls lying on my forehead. I attacked his hole with passion, kissing, licking, sucking until it was open, the sphincter relaxed. He slid down my torso until he could kiss my lips.

"Fuck me, my love."

My love. It sounded corny, like something out of a romance novel, and yet it was so real coming from his lips. He pulled me up to a sitting position and grabbed a condom and lube he'd under the edge of my couch. He lubed me and then himself before he sat in my lap, positioning my cock to enter his hole.

He moaned and arched his back as I entered him and he slid down on my cock.

"Fuck me, Lucas, fuck me," he whimpered.


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