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The Red Bikini Legacy

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The legacy of the Red Bikini Landscape Service continues.
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All characters are 18 years of age or older.


It had been a month since his Grandmother Sandra, the former pornstar, had gone back to her life in real estate in Las Vegas. Surprisingly Glen had not heard much from her. She had sent him a couple of texts asking how he was doing but there had been no pics, no long cybersex chats, not really anything to support that the two of them had engaged in an incestuous relationship earlier this summer. Glen figured she wanted to keep it secret from his parents and so leaving a minimal evidence trail was a good way to do that. So he was happy to see an email from her with an attachment waiting in his inbox. Check this out it said and so he quickly opened it.

To his disappointment there was no nude picture showing off her fearsome tits and curvy body but instead he saw a web address. The address certainly made no sense so he looked it up in a search engine in case it was a virus in disguise but it seemed to be legitimate. He clicked on it.

There was no video but instead a picture of a logo: Webstein Productions. Glen clicked on the logo and a female voice began.

"At Webstein we produce the best adult content available and we're looking for actors aged 18 and above to join us. Ours is an invitation only service and this web address is only for a single use so someone thinks you might be what we're looking for. Candidates must be 18 or over, nice looking but not overly glamorous, fit and with no tattoos, piercings or severe hairstyles. If you fit this description reply to the link that will appear at the bottom of your screen and we will contact you with further details."


His Grandmother had sent him an invite to start a career in porn! The link appeared and he clicked on it. He looked it over noticing it did not want much information, just an email address and what day and time he would be available. Just to be safe he put in a junk email address in case this was a scam or prank although somehow he knew it was legitimate. When he finished he thought about calling Sandra but decided to see this through first. But one thing was for sure and that was that he would not tell his parents anything about this.

He was about to get up and go on about his day when his computer chirped letting him know an email and come through. He opened it and found a confirmation of an appointment with Webstein Productions for tomorrow at 2:30. Perfect he thought since his parents would not be home until sometime in the evening due to business travel for his Dad's job and his mom's car would be here for him to use.

The next day he put the directions to Webstein in his phone and drove to their location. The company was in a nicer than expected building in an office park with the entrance clearly marked with their logo. Glen walked in and saw an attractive older woman behind a reception desk.

"May I help you?" she asked.

"Um, hi, I'm Glen Pullins. I made an appointment over the internet."

The woman made a couple of clicks on her computer screen. "Okay. Come on back with me."

She got up and walked over to a door with a key code on it. She punched in some numbers, opened it and motioned for Glen to follow her. Glen could see a room that was maybe half the size of a gymnasium at the end of a hallway where there seemed to be a lot of activity but she made a right turn down a shorter hallway where there was one door at the end. She opened it and announced him. "I have Glen here, your 2:30."

A man probably in his fifties came to the door. "Hi Glen. I'm Rick Kaltstein. Come on in."

Glen walked into rick's office. It was large but not overly so, well-furnished and clean with a view of the parking lot from the window. "Have a seat," he said.

Glen sat down in a comfortable chair facing Rick's desk. Oddly enough he was not nervous. He knew all this had to do with porn but this place looked more like an accountant or lawyer's office than a porn company.

Rick sat back behind his desk. He reached in a drawer and pulled out a small stack of papers stapled together and put them in front of him.

"So you got the invite and decided to come." Said Rick

"Um, yeah."

"Okay let me tell you about things. As you already know I'm in the adult entertainment business. I've been in it for over 25 years now and have done pretty well but about 9 months ago I decided to take a different track. Where before I just produced regular old porn I checked statistics and guess what the fastest growing area of porn is."

Glen had no idea what it might be and figured he shouldn't try to guess at an answer. "I don't know," he said.

"Fantasy incest."

"Really?" If Rick only knew what Glen and his Grandmother had done over the summer his jaw would drop to the floor.

"That's right. But honestly most of the product you see out there is, well, not really believable. The actors don't look alike. The one's playing sons and daughters are too old or the moms and dads are too young to have kids that age. It's not really well done in my opinion so I set out to produce higher quality product which is why I'm looking for younger actors that look like they could actually be a son or daughter to the older actor. You following me so far?"

"Yeah, yeah. I agree that most incest porn isn't that good."

"Okay good. And since I'm not going to find actual family members to have sex on camera I wanted to at least try and make a better product. It's worked really well too. I have a subscription website with over 90,000 members and if you take into the DVD downloads and sales, well we're doing really well here."

Glen didn't really know what to say. He wasn't going to be an investor so all this business talk really didn't interest him. "Where do I come in?" he asked instead.

"I'll be honest you look like the kind of guy I need for this. Now I'm not giving you a line a crap here. If you can perform on camera you could do pretty well in the business but this business is not for everyone. It's not all fun and games either. Do you want to hear more?"

"Yeah," said Glen. Hell yeah was what he really wanted to say.

"So before we start, you have had sex before."

"Um, yeah."

"How many times?"

"Glen counted in his head. There was the two times with regular girls then the 7 times with his Grandmother. "Fifteen times with 10 different girls." No harm in stacking the resume a bit.

"Ok then."

Rick talked to him about scheduling, salary, which was per diem to start, chances for advancement and getting screened for STDs. He could work as much or as little as he liked during the week or on weekends if he was in school. But the one thing that would get him fired was talking to his friends about it and trying to get them in the mix. His actors were contacted by invitation only to avoid a bunch of horny teenaged doofuses knocking on the door. Glen assured him that he would stick by company policies.

"Okay let's go out and show some of what goes on here. We have 3 shoots today and one should be finished by now so let's go out to the production sets."

Glen followed Rick out of the office and down the long hallway but instead of going to the soundstages he led Glen to a room off to the right.

"Have a seat in there for a bit. I need to go clear things with the director and set manager."

"No problem," answered Glen.

"He walked in the room which was obviously a lounge based on the number of chairs, couches, soft drink and coffee machines present. And sitting on a couch listening to some music via earbuds and checking her phone sat a lovely young girl. Glen froze in his tracks when he saw her. She looked way too young to be here in any capacity. She was petite with long straight brown hair and wearing jeans and a yellow blouse. Frankly she looked like most of the girls he had gone to high school with but younger like she was in a lower grade. She noticed him, took out her earbuds, smiled and greeted him.

"Hi, I'm Chrissy," she said with a smile.

Glen walked over to her and extended his hand. "Hi I'm Glen," he said as she gently shook his hand.

Glen was a bit in shock at her youthful looks and tried to come up with something to say but instead stammered out Uh, um, um.

"I know what you're thinking. I'm 23."

With her age settled Glen relaxed and sat down in a chair close to her.

"I guess Rick's given you the company manifesto already," she said.

"Um yeah. We just got through talking."

"So you're going to try it out?"

Oh Hell yeah I'm going to try it out was what Glen was thinking but instead he answered. "Yeah I think so. I'm going to need money for school and stuff," It sounded lame even to him but it was the best he could do at the moment.

Chrissy reached in her purse and pulled out a cigarette. "Do you mind?" she asked. Glen shook his head and she lit up. "It's a fun job, for me anyway. The money's good. The benefits not so much but I also work in a coffee house so that's covered. You'll need to know how to file self-employment taxes if you stick with it."


"Don't worry. I can show you. It's not really that hard."

The door opened and Rick walked in with another woman: a woman very familiar to Glen.

"Chrissy you're on in 15min..." Rick said only to be cut off by a loud shriek.

"Oh my god!"

Glen froze for what seemed like a very long time. "Mom?"

"Glen...what are you doing here? I mean...Oh my god!"

"Mom what's going on?"

The room suddenly became quiet as the four people in it looked at each other obviously confused.

"He answered the email. He's looking to get started with us," said Rick

"Oh my god, oh my god!" said Glen's mom Karen. She was wearing a robe with some underwear peeking out from the edges. "Glen who sent you that email?"


"My mom! But how would she ...oh shit!, Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!"

"Wait this is your real mom?" exclaimed Chrissy with glee.

The door opened again and a tall muscular man came in. "Chrissy we're ready for..." he too froze in mid-sentence as he saw his son standing there. "Glen? What in Hell?" He looked over to Karen.

"My mother sent him the email," she said.

"She did? But that would mean..."

"Big Mike is your dad? Holy shit!" squealed Chrissy.

"Yes that's what it means," said Karen. She walked over to where Chrissy sat.

"Chrissy could I get one of those please?"

Chrissy opened her purse and handed Karen a cigarette then lit it for her. Karen collapsed in a handy chair and took a long drag off her cigarette, exhaling a long cloud of grey smoke. The room was now quiet but tension and confusion filled the air.

Glen looked back and forth to both of his parents. "What is going on?'

"This is your son, your real actual son?" asked Rick.

"Uhh, yeah. This is Glen. I guess you two have already met," said Mike.

"Jesus! I didn't know. He was only listed as Glen on my schedule. You say Sandra sent him the email?"

Mike shrugged his shoulder as Karen took another long drag.

Rick looked first at Glen, then Karen, then Mike then back to Karen and Glen again and his facial expression began to change as if he were doing calculations in his head.

"Forget it Rick! I'm not fucking my son!" said Karen loudly.

Rick seemed to be jolted back to the situation at hand. He seemed embarrassed but at the same time one could still see the wheels turning in his head.

"Well honey if Sandra sent him the email then...well you know, it's already out there. And remember the threesome with all of us."

"Threesome? What threesome?" asked Glen.

"Mike hand me your phone," said Karen reaching a hand out.

Mike walked over and handed his wife his phone then he turned and looked at Glen. "You and Sandra?" he said quietly then gave his son a big grin followed by two thumbs up.

"Mom. Hi. Mike and I are at the studio. Guess who else is here?"

The laughter that came from the phone was clear to all in the room even without having the phone on speaker. Glen recognized it immediately as that of his Grandmother.

"I hope you two had fun mom because you are DEAD you hear me. DEAD! DEAD! Totally Dead!"

More laughter.

"Love you mom. We'll talk later." With that Karen hung up the phone stood up from the couch, walked over to Mike, handed him the phone and walked out of the room.

All was quiet for a few moments as everyone present tried to take in what had just happened.

"Mike, why don't you and Chrissy go out to the set and get started. I'll stay with Glen," said Rick.

Mike shrugged his shoulders. "Come on Chrissy," he said.

Chrissy stood up from the couch. "I love your family Glen. They're fun," she said with a big smile.

"You drove here right?" asked Mike.


"I'll probably need a ride home."

"No problem dad."

Mike and Chrissy left the room leaving Glen and Rick alone there. Neither one said anything for a few moments until Rick spoke. "Well that was...I honestly don't know what that was. I've been in this business for over 25years and I can truly say that nothing even close to this has ever happened. "

"My mom and here...for you?"

"Yep. They haven't been back for that long, a month or so. They worked with me about 20 years ago, them and Sandra."

"My mom and dad did porn too?"

"Sorry Glen. If you want to drop out of this whole thing, no problem. I know things got real weird real fast today."

Glen sat quietly on the couch, not saying anything, his mind racing with new and unexpected information that he was having trouble processing.

"I got to wait around for my dad. I guess we'll have a lot to talk about later."

"Yeah I guess you will. Hey come on out to the set and get a look at how it all comes together."


The two left the lounge and made their way to a soundstage on the other side of the large production room.

"You need to stay quiet while they're shooting, okay."

"Sure," answered Glen.

They threaded their way through a mass of cable, boxes and equipment until they came up behind a small station where a man sat looking at a computer monitor, giving instructions through a headset. Rick put a hand on Glen's shoulder indicating they needed to stop there. Glen had been looking more at his feet as they walked along due to all the equipment present but now he looked up and the soundstage. It took all of his self-control not to shout out Holy Shit at the sight before him.

His dad and Chrissy were on a big couch on a set which looked like a living room. Chrissy sat on Mike's lap facing outward and the biggest dick Glen had ever seen was thrusting up into her over and over as she squealed in delight and possibly pain. It took a second to realize that the giant dick belonged to his dear old dad, Mike. He took a step back as if he were going to quickly exit the area but, instead, held his spot. He watched his dad fuck Chrissy in several different positions using both her pussy and ass until she finished him off with a blowjob that culminated in an astounding amount of sperm shooting on to Chrissy's face.

"Cut! Wrap!" the director shouted.

Mike and Chrissy seemed to relax on the couch. A woman walked over to the couch with a tray of towels, including some hot ones and the two wiped themselves off. Mike reached up and dabbed at a spot on her face Chrissy had missed and she laughed at herself for a moment. The crew started gathering up equipment and rolling up cables. After a moment Mike caught Glen's eye and gave him a big smile. Glen smiled back even though he wasn't sure why.

Rick took Glen back to the lounge then left to attend to whatever porn producers attend to at the end of the work day. Glen waited for about a half hour not doing anything but trying to process what had happened on this day. His parents had been in porn movies, likely they had met doing porn, maybe he had even been conceived on a porn set and, most astounding of all, had done a threesome with his mother and Grandmother. Try as he would he could not get that vision out of his mind and wondered how far his mom and Grandma went with one another. Just then his dad poked his head through the door.

"Come on, time to go," he said.

Glen got off the couch and walked with his dad out to the car. His dad got in on the driver's side so Glen got in on the passenger side, buckled up and the two were away.

Glen expected a long silent ride home but instead his dad started talking almost immediately.

"So let me fill you in with all the details," he said and proceeded to give Glen an oral history of the events leading up to today's revelations.

Mike had not been in porn long only a few weeks and had done a scene with Sandra beside a pool at the house of one of the producers. Sandra later invited him to her place and he went over a couple of nights later where he met Karen. She had only done three shoots over the course of a couple of weeks, none with Mike, and decided she didn't want to stay with it although Sandra continued in porn for a few more months. They did have a threesome that night but offered no details. Mike was quite taken with Karen and the two started seeing one another regularly. Mike started cutting back his onscreen time and transitioned to set manager mainly because he felt that he and Karen were going to stay together and if she wasn't going to do porn neither was he. They eventually left the business altogether until Rick contacted them about his new venture. They talked a lot about it and decided to do it mainly just for the money. It seems they wanted to retire early and having essentially a second career in porn would enable that. Since both of them were very open-minded sexually and had done some swinging over the years, their feelings towards one another and marriage wouldn't be affected. Mike's explanation was direct and to the point, almost business like and when he asked Glen if he had any questions Glen responded no.

His mom was not home when they arrived. She was staying with a friend that night. Good, thought Glen.

The next day Glen was up and out of the house fairly early he met up with Jordi and the two just hung out for the day until Glen returned home that evening.

His dad's car was gone. His mom's was in the driveway.

He went in.

"Hi sweety," said his mom like she always did. "I got you a Greek platter. It's in the oven when you're ready.

Glen was hungry so he ate his dinner while his mom took a basket of laundry upstairs to fold. Despite everything that happened the day before it actually seemed normal in the house.

Glen finished his food then headed upstairs but his mom was coming down with the empty basket.

"Come on out on the deck with me," she said.

Glen complied and went out the backdoor and sat in one of the lounge chairs. His mom came out a few minutes later holding a large margarita and a pack of cigarettes. She sat in a lounge chair directly next to him, lit up a smoke and took a long drink from her margarita. She leaned back in her chair then began to speak.

"I'm sorry you found out about, well everything, the way you did. I'm not very happy with my mom for her little prank but what's done is done."

"What about, you know, me and ...?"

"You, my son, fucking my mother, multiple times while we were gone. We talked and she told me all about it. Believe it or not I'm less upset about that then you would think. Your dad let slip our little threesome secret so now you know that all of us have had sex with my mom."

"So you and Sandra...?"

"Well, you have to know there were a lot of drugs and alcohol involved which you are never to try yourself, except for booze when you are of legal age, so there really weren't any inhibitions left as the night went on. And yes my mom and I did everything. We kissed, went down on each other and put a dildo that was only slightly larger than your dad to good use. In the morning there were no regrets of any kind and we've done it a few more times over the years, not in a long time though."


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