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The Repurposement Of City Waste

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An enterprising businessmen captures & pimps street walkers
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Marco sat at his computer smiling. He had sent his six best catchers out into the bowels of city to catch some bitches and he was happy with their catch. His six had brought him eight and looking at his watch he realized the night was still young. He could get even more if he was greedy. He took a sip of his scotch and smiled greed hadn't hurt him yet.

Julius had brought in three tonight and was quite pleased with himself. When the call came in to go try and get more he volunteered. He entered his black town car quickly checking it over for signs of a struggle. Happy with what he saw he told his driver to gas it up and headed back inside to straighten himself up. Within twenty minutes he was out on the road. After giving it some thought he told his driver to head to the opposite side of the city.

Once they had arrived they cruised through twice getting the lay of the land before knowing who he wanted to swoop in on. Once sure of his target he would have the driver pull up to it and start his schtick. It always ended with new bitches for his bosses stable and lucky for Julius his boss wasn't greedy.

Erika was dead tired she had been working this corner for hours now with no bites and her girl Trisha was jonesing something bad. Then like manna from the heavens a sleek black town car pulled up with a well dressed black brother in it. He was recruiting for a corporate party and was willing to take two. They settled on a price and he paid half upfront. They hopped on and in a flash were back on the highway speeding toward the city center. Trish hit the man up for drugs making Erika cringe. The man demurred allowing that he didn't have any offering rum and coke instead. Trish took it guzzling it down greedily. He offered Erika one as well she declined and he then offered just the coke then. She again declined and he told her he could have it her way. He smiled at the driver in a way she really didn't like. Her concern was interrupted by Trish starting to slur her speech and flail around. Julius grabbed her friend placing her on his lap with her legs spread. He began to manhandle her tits as Erika watched her friend lose consciousness. Frantically she pulled on the door handle but she couldn't unlock it. She went to yell for the driver when she felt a prick on her thigh. She looked down and saw Julius removing a needle. Instantly she slumped backward. She could hear him soothing her to unconsciousness.

Marco watched the screens as his cars came back. He figured he now had seventeen. He did a mental calculation for his earnings based on fifteen girls and was supremely happy with the number. He always counted on having to toss a girl or two back but hoped tonight he would be lucky.

Ana stared at the first girl brought to her doctors table, analyzing her critically. She was pretty, drugged all to hell but pretty. Her ability to sympathize with the huddled masses brought through here had long faded. She now figured most were better off. She pulled on a pair of gloves and lashed number one to the exam table.

She spread the legs as far as they would go before pushing two fingers into the pussy. Finding no resistance she put all four in. If the bitch had been conscious she would have been howling as her insides were checked. She pulled her hand out trashing the glove noting that bitch number one's pussy was well used and appeared to be healthy. She grabbed the ultrasound machine and began to scope the abdomen. She stopped and smiled rechecking the uterus. A pregnant bitch Marco would be so happy. She changed the wand on the machine and began to squish the hell out of bitch's breasts covering every centimeter happy they were healthy.

She heard a knock and a lab tech entered leaving a stack of papers. She grabbed the labs looking over them bitch was a druggie but no parasites that was nice. She flicked a switch and the table rotated leaving the ass in the air. She put on a new pair of gloves and without lube began to probe the asshole. Finding nothing special she turned the table back over removed her gloves and prepped an iv line. In no time the detox drugs were coursing through the bitch's veins and it was being wheeled away. Ana smiled when the first one was a keeper it was usually a good night. She called for the next victim as she snapped on a new set of gloves.

Marco looked over the printouts as the sun rose. Ana sure did good work every file was detailed and even included how experienced the pussy was. He was very pleased every bitch was a keeper and one was pregnant. He then noticed that one of his catchers had caught five, one of which being the future milk cow. So he sent for him.

Julius was sitting with his feet up smoking a cigar and wishing he had gotten to fuck that blonde bitch Trish but hey he understood the job no penetrating the merchandise. The other one was feisty he liked that but for that you would have to have time and energy. He just about finished up when the word came down the boss wanted to see him. Julius stood up straightening out his clothes. He put out his cigar and headed down his favorite hallway. All of tonight's bitches were bound to a chain link fence. All were naked, some had iv's, and all were still passed out. He pinched nipples as he passed giving the one's he had caught extra attention. Once through the hallway he caught the elevator up to the boss's floor.

Marco laughed as he watched Julius on the monitor he loved that hallway too. It had been one of his finest ideas. It suited his need to survey his merchandise and also served to scare the piss out of his bitches. He always made sure they were split up so no one could comfort the other. The ding of the elevator pulled him out of his revelry. Julius strolled in taking the seat he was offered.

Marco started off by thanking the man for his work ethic and acknowledging his skill at the pickup. He liked the way Julius took the praise not humble at all but still respectful to his boss. Marco decided then and there to offer the man a girl or two for the weekend. If he could serve as a trainer great but if not he would be motivated for the last months of his contract.

Julius was tickled that the boss was pleased with his work but also mindful that Marco was not a man to be trifled with. When Julius had first started here three months ago a six month contract had seemed like a nice long time but now he was realizing that it really wasn't. Hell he understood it bitches start recognizing a brother and then they get to talking and business relied heavily on discretion and the fact that society was keen to be rid of the burden of caring for the bitches.

He took the offer of a bitch or two for a few days happily figuring why not get his. It never even occurred to him that it could be a test. He thought it over for a second and picked his last two. His boss thanked him again and Julius gave up his sleep time to head off and prep the bitches.

The instant the elevator door closed Marco was on the phone with Ana. He always trained the pregnant ones himself. Firstly he was mindful of someone damaging the highly valuable cargo and secondly he just enjoyed it too damn much. He informed her that he wanted the bitch ready to be examined by him. She told him it would take ten minutes he gave her five.

Julius returned to the hallway and quickly found Rolfe the master of this realm. Julius pointed out the two he wanted and Rolfe pulled their files. Julius had never seen these before and read through them quickly. He soon noticed they were in a shorthand he didn't understand and began asking questions of Rolfe. From memory the man began to spew information about the two something that astounded Julius.

The blonde one was gonna be hurting soon, detox was never pretty. After she got through it she would be trained to be a hotel slut. Keen to learn Julius asked what that meant. Rolfe laughed the boss owns hotels all over the world mostly in places where it is perfectly acceptable to have bitches on call to fulfill a guests every need. Julius laughed sounded like his kinda place.

The brunette was a different case. Julius stared at her as she hung unconscious from the fence. Rolfe gave her tits a squeeze. She won't sell how she is and everyone's so picky about plastic surgery. We'll see if her body improves after a baby or two if not a breed bitch. Julius touched her face surprised at the lack of response, the others were slowly coming to but not her. Rolfe laughed seeming to read his thoughts, the injected always take longer. Julius nodded ready to get started "Where do I get set up?".

Ana double checked the straps holding the still unconscious bitch still. She removed the IV bag knowing its agony would start soon. She cleaned the area of the line. Knowing Marco would want a good look at the uterus and that the bladder had emptied she pulled out a kit to reverse fill it. She used one hand to spread the pussy lips and the other to begin to slide a hollow tube up the piss hole. The bitch bled a little which was normal and once the tube was in Ana began to pump in liquid. She sent through 20 ccs at a time till the liquid began to drip back out. She then clamped the tube shut preventing the bitch from pissing on herself again. With its bladder full the bitch began to squirm Ana sighed tightening the straps even more. She looked up saw Marco and took a step back, allowing him free range over his property.

Julius stood in a room with more sex toys then he had ever seen in his life. He paused briefly taking it all in before beginning to select what he would need. He first focused on the brunette, the blonde would come to first so he would start with her so he needed the brunette nice and controlled while he did it. He stopped in front of a cage. The bitch could get on her knees in it but no more, that would suit nicely. Rolfe strolled over carrying some kind of a harness. As Julius looked it over Rolfe explained how it worked. Julius smiled bitch would like that. He next grabbed a large o ring adding to the brunette's pile adding some handcuffs for good measure he began work on the blonde.

Jonesing the way bitch was he knew she wouldn't need much. He saw some gloves that would limit the use of its fingers because no bitch was gonna scratch him. He then grabbed a gag just in case her whining got to be too much and some rope just in case. Confident everything was set up in his playroom as he wanted it he returned to the hallway for his bounty.

Marco stared at the bound bitch wondering what he would call her. Her eyes began to open he decided leche would suit it just fine. He stared at it watching it begin to squirm and murmur about needing to us the bathroom. He laughed and positioned the ultrasound machine. Once he had it up and running he verified her condition. He took longer than necessary both because he was still formulating a plan of attack and because he liked watching them suffer.

Julius leaned against a wall savoring the moment. He had both where he wanted them but neither was conscious yet. The blonde lay on the mattress in the center of the room. He had placed the gloves on her strapping them tight so she couldn't remove them. He had found her naked and naked he left her. He had been known to dress his bitches for the sheer pleasure of stripping them but figured tonight he would have enough pleasure without it.

Walking over to a cage on the floor he looked in at the brunette. She was still slumped over on her side, not even close to coming to. He looked her over happy with what he saw. He had locked her into a leather brief that had the added benefit of having a spot to put a vibe in it. As her luck would have it that spot lined up perfectly with her clit and he , well he had the remote control so she didn't have to worry about a thing. He flicked the switch and watched as she began to whimper and twitch. He turned it off saving the fun for when she was conscious.

Returning to the bed he decided he was done waiting and grabbed the blonde. He flipped her onto her stomach pulling her legs around his waist. He penetrated her easily more concerned with getting his rocks off. He found a pace that suited him and let his mind wander a bit. The others had tried to warn him about this one. How she would be jonesing like he hadn't spent his life around junkie hoes just begging, hell he could handle that.

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MichelMabelleMichelMabellealmost 10 years ago
Agree with previous comments

The back and forth between the different characters with every paragraph is off-putting. Spend a little while with each man/woman. Let the reader get into their head a bit. You don't have to give us everything for each of them, but at least let us start getting acquainted with them. Right now, it's just back and forth between these two men (and one woman, the doc) that we have little investment in, and that's not going to keep readers coming back for more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Good start!

I agree with the previous comment. Do you have more chapters in the works?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Where's the story?

I think it's a good intro. Good idea, I like calling the women "it" and whatnot - dehumanizing them a bit. I'd switch between characters less frequently, let them DO something before changing POV rather than just alternate every paragraph. It's a decent start, but it just stops so abruptly - seems like the middle of a paragraph. There may be a chapter 2 on the way, but with the way this ended I don't feel any need to read on. I'd continue from here, finish the paragraph and give the reader reason to continue. Perhaps change some of the paragraphs around so it flows a bit better and follows each character for more than a couple lines so it's less choppy. But again, decent start - keep it up.

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