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The Request

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My childhood friend and her wife have a special request.
5.6k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 03/13/2024
Created 10/06/2023
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Part 3 of My Roommate and I

(Disclaimer: I have removed the closing paragraph of this part of the story because yes it was a bit ridiculous. I'm not exactly Shakespear so I do occasionally mess up. I hope it'll be an overall improvement going forward.)

This story is based on real events that have occurred to me in real life, but the overall plot is fictional.

Our apartment tends to get very cold during the winter, guess that comes with being near the top floor, but it was particularly so one snowy morning in January.

"Thia?" I asked when I got home, taking off my boots and hanging up my coat, "Honey, are you up yet?"

"I'm back here, Red," she answered from our bedroom.

I found her still in bed under the covers wearing one of my high school hoodies as she read a book. Personal question here, why do girls steal hoodies? Like seriously, almost every girl I have dated has stolen one of my hoodies. I knocked on the doorframe, she looked up and smiled.

"Still in bed?" I asked, with slight amusement, "C'mon, day's wasting."

"I have a better idea," Agatha purred, putting her book aside and lifting off the blankets and pulling off my hoodie showing off her naked body, "I could use some snuggles."

I smiled as I stripped out of my clothes and climbed up beside her, we kissed tenderly as we held each other in our arms. My hands lovingly caressed every inch of her beautiful body as she stroked my cock.

"What did I do to deserve you?" I mused quietly.

Agatha giggled as I started kissing my way down her neck to her breasts, taking a moment to suck on each nipple, before kissing my way down to her belly, making sure to pepper our child's temporary home with lots of love. I finally made my way down to her shaved pussy, making sure to show her clit some love too.

"Mmmm, yes," Agatha moaned as my tongue slipped into her wet embrace.

I stared up into her eyes as my tongue brushed spots I knew were sensitive. She grabbed my hair and pulled me deeper into her gushing snatch.

"I want you inside me," she practically purred, her hand beckoning me up.

We switched places and she straddled my hips as she lined up her pussy with my throbbing hard cock before sliding herself down in one long stroke. We moaned loudly as her pussy tightened rhythmically, my hands caressed and squeezed her thighs as she started riding me with urgency.

"God you feel so good," I groaned as I thrusted up to meet her.

"Fuck! Yes!" she moaned loudly, leaning back and bracing herself on my legs as she rolled her crotch into mine, smiling down at me, "I love you!"

I pulled her into a tight hug and we kissed tenderly as my hands groped her ass. We rolled over onto our sides and the bed squeaked loudly as I matched her thrusts. Agatha moaned and gasped into my ear spurring me on before I shot my cum into her pulsating pussy.

"I love you," she whispered again, holding me tightly.

"I love you too," I whispered back, kissing her lips.

Agatha straightened herself, allowing my now limp cock to slide out with a thick trail of our mixed juices across her inner thigh. She looked down at it lovingly before I slid my fingers through it and brought some of the creamy liquid for her to lick clean.

"I really love how we taste together," she whispered, smiling.

We laid there together enjoying our shared love for over half an hour before Agatha's belly growl loudly, we both laughed before getting up and she stepped into the kitchen to make breakfast while I stepped into the bathroom for a shower. When I came out I found Agatha cooking up some eggs and ham chunks. I wrapped my arms around her waist and lovingly caressed her belly.

"Why do you do that?" Agatha giggled, placing her hand on mine and interlocking our fingers, "I'm barely showing."

"Would you prefer I grope your tits?" I asked, grabbing one with my free hand and pinching her nipple.

"Stop that!" She playfully snapped, swatting at my hand.

I hugged her a little tighter and kissed her cheek, my hands caressing her belly again.

"When is Christy moving back?" I asked.

"She said it should be around July or August, I'm excited to have her come back."

Christy was Agatha's identical twin sister and had been living in San Diego for the last couple of years. According to the records at Boys Town, the sisters were brought in one morning by firefighters who said they were dropped off at their station the previous night. Police were called, but it was unclear who their biological parents were, other than one of them was black and the other was Irish based on DNA tests.

The sisters had been adopted by a middle aged couple when they were barely a year old and had a happy life, unfortunately their adoptive mom, who's name was Alexandria, died from an aneurysm when the sisters were fifteen and their adoptive dad, who's name was Edward, died from terminal cancer from his service in Vietnam a few months before Agatha graduated from nursing school. He was actually the reason why she became a nurse in the first place.

"Did you speak with the landlord?" I asked, taking my plate of eggs and ham and sat down on the couch.

"Don't get me started with that dumb nigger," Agatha almost growled, "Thinks he can extort me cause I'm mixed... god."

I winced slightly, Agatha very rarely spoke like that, so she must've been really pissed off. And frankly our landlord wasn't exactly a nice person. When he found out we were having a baby he tried to triple our rent. Hence why we were now looking for a better apartment and now that Christy was moving back from San Diego Agatha had suggested sharing a place for maybe a few years or so. I thought it was a good idea since I got along with Christy pretty well before.

When we finished breakfast Agatha rode me again until I'd given her another hot load in her pussy, we kissed passionately for a while before she had to leave for work. I took another shower before going to sleep when my phone suddenly rang, checking the number I saw it had a Texas area code.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey, Rooskie, what's up?" a woman's chipper voice asked through the speaker, "It's been a while hasn't it?"

"Oh, hey Skye," I said, "Not much, just going to bed."

We talked for the better part of twenty minutes before Skye cut to the chase, "So... listen, Emm and I have a... special request."

She explained that she and her wife Emily had been looking to raise a child. They'd tried to adopt but they stopped after the fourth failed attempt so now they were looking for a sperm donor, Emily is barren so Skye would be the one having the baby. Apparently the two had been looking for over a year before the pandemic but couldn't find anyone they both approved of... until Emily heard that Agatha was pregnant and suggested me as a candidate.

"So whaddya say?," Skye asked, "We'll pay you of course."

"C-could you give me some time?" I asked.

"Alright, but don't take too long," She hung up, I stared down at my phone for a long time thinking over what just happened.

My Dad has always told me that a good friend will help you move a couch, but a true friend will help move a dead body. If that's true then I have very few true friends left in the world, one of them is Skye. Excluding my siblings and cousins, Skye is my oldest true friend. We lived in the same neighborhood after her family moved to Omaha from Kyiv, Ukraine and were thick as thieves growing up, spending damn near every day together.

Then we started dating in high school, but the morning after graduation Skye confessed to me she was a lesbian and finally had to accept it. I was torn but we remained close... in fact I was the one who introduced Skye to Emily at a family Christmas party. I found it very comforting to watch my oldest friend being genuinely happy for the first time in years even when Emily got down on one knee and asked Skye to marry her. Of course Skye said yes.

The wedding had been at my parent's house and I was the one who walked Skye down the aisle to give to Emily since her mother had disowned her.

While the thought of helping my best friend and cousin out felt like the right thing to do, how would Agatha react? I know she said she wouldn't get mad seeing me with another woman, and while I don't understand the appeal of swinging... personally it sounds really fucking dumb to open up a relationship to additional problems... Skye and Emily wanted to have a child, which was a whole other kettle entirely.

I thought it over for a couple of days before one afternoon, I was still in bed when Agatha got home around seven. She came into our bedroom and smiled at me, but stopped when she saw the expression on my face.

"Can we talk?" I asked.

"What's up?" she asked, stripping naked and coming up to sit beside me, "Something wrong?"

"Well, I got a call from a childhood friend the other day," I started very carefully, knowing I was stepping on eggshells, broken glass and landmines, "And she and her wife want to raise a child... and she asked me if I would be willing to be the sperm donor," I continued, ripping off the band aid.

Agatha silently stared at me for a long time before asking, "What's her number?"

I gave her my phone and she immediately called Skye, she got up and stepped into the main room and the two of them talked for the better part of an hour. I got up and used the bathroom. When I finished, Agatha was sitting on the bed waiting for me, arms crossed under her breasts.

"So?" I asked, very hesitantly, "What... what do you think?"

Agatha stared at me with narrowed eyes for a long time before asking in a tense voice, "Do YOU want to help them?"

Alarm bells immediately blared in my head as red flags shot up, this was obviously a trap... I had to think fast to avoid a possible fight.

"Well... Skye is my oldest friend... and Emily is my cousin... so-" the second I said the SO I knew I'd just fucked up so I quickly added, "But if you don't want me to then I won't."

My fiancée wordlessly got up and stepped into the bathroom to take a shower. I went to the kitchen and started making her pork stir fry for dinner. After about twenty minutes Agatha came out and hugged me tightly, her breasts and belly pressing into my back.

"Do you want to help them?" she asked hesitantly, perhaps with a little fear in her voice.

"Look, I know you said you wouldn't get mad, but would it really not bother you to see me with another woman?" I asked, spinning around in her arms, "Could you bear it if she had my kid?"

"Well... you'd be helping them," she started, hugging me tighter, "And we could use the money..."

We discussed the subject for several more weeks before Agatha gave me her permission, but she made it very clear that she would be involved. I called Skye the following morning to mail me the paperwork. I could hear Emily cheering happily in the background.

The paperwork stated that Skye and Emily would pay me a one time payment of two thousand dollars upon confirmed conception and wouldn't be able to sue me for anything regarding the child. Given how they were both lawyers I doubted child support would ever come up. I in turn couldn't claim any guardianship nor could I interact with the child without their written approval. Once I was finished signing everything I mailed it back so the couple could file them.

Emily called me in March to tell me that the paperwork had been approved so we set time off for the first week of May when Skye should be ovulating.

As Agatha's pregnancy progressed I became more enamored with her beauty, often caressing and kissing her belly whenever we were intimate. Agatha found it endearing and she often whispered things about how she couldn't wait for me to see the baby and to be happy together. She said wanted a big loving family like I had growing up with lots of kids and I wanted to give them to her.

She also started to develop strange behaviors... for example she became very anxious and went on cleaning sprees... sometimes when I was sleeping... which was interesting to say the least. She also only wanted to eat ramen and I had to force her to eat more varied foods.

Then May rolled around, Skye flew up Sunday afternoon and Agatha and I went down to the airport to pick her up. A tall slender woman wearing a jean jacket over a pink tank top, ripped up black jeans shorts and blue chucks came down the ramp with other passengers but stopped when she noticed me. She took off her black aviators and stared at me with sapphire blue eyes.

"Rooskie!" she called happily and literally ran down the ramp into my arms, "It's been too long!"

I spun her around in my arms on the spot and said, "It's good to see you too, Skye."

"Agatha, this is my childhood friend, Mikhalitsina Nikolayevna Aleshikovsky, or just Skye for short."

"It's good to finally meet you," my fiancée said, shaking Skye's hand, "Red's mentioned much about you."

"So you're the little vixen that took my bestie's heart," Skye laughed, carefully hugging Agatha and even pecking her cheek, "Look how big you are, is it twins?"

"Doctor said it's just one," Thia laughed, smiling and rubbing her belly, she leaned in closer to Skye and said in a low voice, "It's not too late to back out of the deal."

"After the year Emm and I had?" Skye asked rhetorically, playfully pushing Agatha's shoulder, "Not a chance."

We stopped at a pizzeria Skye and I used to go to every day after school and picked up an eighteen inch Hawaiian pizza, Skye's favorite, and headed home. Skye put her bag in Agatha's old room and we enjoyed dinner while watching Spaceballs, one of my favorite Star Wars movies. It's better than any of the Sequel Trilogy, I dare you to fight me on this. We laughed and joked as the girls asked each other questions. When the movie was done we took Skye back to our room, Agatha told us to wait for a little bit while she got something.

"So?" I asked Skye when the door closed, "What do you think of her?"

"I see why you fell for her," Skye joked, cracking a smile, "She cute and funny and obviously loves you a lot."

There was an awkwardness for a little bit before Skye asked, "But... is she really okay with this?"

"Whaddya mean?" I asked, leaning against the dresser.

"This. I mean you're gonna try to knock me up," she clarified, brushing her shoulder length silver blonde hair behind her ear, "I feel like most girls would have something to say about that... unless you guys are into some really bizarre swinging."

"Well, we discussed it for a long time and you're my best friend and all..." I said, rubbing the back of my neck, "And we decided this'll be a one time thing."

"So you guys don't swing?" Skye asked, confused.

"No, we don't," I said, folding my arms across my chest, "I know in my heart I only want her and she's told me the same."

There was another long silence Skye spoke, "Well, if it's any consultation... I'm glad it's gonna be you and not some stranger."

I smiled at that.

The door opened and Agatha came in wearing a bathrobe. I gave her a curious look and she explained, "Well, since I'm letting you knock her up, I'm gonna have a little experimental fun with her too."

She let the robe drop and pool on the carpeted floor revealing her naked body, "Fair is fair after all."

I turned to Skye and asked, "This okay with you?"

My friend didn't say anything as she stared at my fiancée, cheeks redder than the devil after his fiddle contest.

"Uh oh, I think she short circuited," I joked.

"Well that's not good," Agatha mused.

She smiled and stepped up to my friend, took her face in her hands and softly kissed her lips. Skye blinked a couple of times before coming to her senses, her hands grasped Agatha's wider hips as she returned the sudden affection.

"You're not a bad kisser," Agatha mused.

Skye looked at me as Agatha kissed and nibbled at her neck, she gestured to see if I was okay with what was happening and I gave her a thumbs up. She seemed to relax after that and she started freely kissing and caressing my fiancée's body.

"Not bad," Agatha mused, pushing her onto the bed, "But let's see how your slav cunt tastes."

I leaned against the dresser and watched as Agatha ate Skye out. You might find it a little odd that I wasn't feeling anything like envy or jealousy, nor did I think this was inherently erotic.

I know a number of men find watching lesbian porn hot, but I never really thought of the subject in that way. I'm definitely not homophobic, I mean Skye and I wouldn't be friends otherwise. I just didn't think that two individuals of the same sex expressing love for each other was any more attractive than straight couples doing the same.

Besides we were trying to help Skye conceive a child for her and Emily. This wasn't sexual... but instead clinical.

Agatha's skilled tongue and fingers quickly brought Skye to a squirting orgasim. My fiancée looked up at me and smiled, "Enjoying the show, Love?"

She beckoned to me to stand by the bedside and pulled my shorts and boxers down as I took off my shirt. Skye leaned up and watched as Agatha lovingly fondled, sucked and licked my cock to full hardness.

"When did you get that colored in?" She asked, motioning to the tattoo on my left hip and thigh, a blue koi fish jumping over a Shinto gate.

She was the one who did the outline back in high school and Mom had been very disappointed when she found out, she has irezumi tattoos across much of her torso. She'd gotten them done when she was old enough to work in her family's nightclub back in Japan... but before she met Dad when he taught English back in the 90s.

"Dom finished it back in College," I answered.

"Oh, how's she doing?"

"Good, she's working at a tattoo shop in Benson."

Skye and Dom used to be pretty close as kids, they were in the Girl Scouts together and Dom confided to me that she thought of Skye as the older sister she'd always wanted... much to Ann, Lizzie and Lucy's chagrin.

Agatha let my cock slip from her lips and asked Skye, "Wanna taste?"

Skye's face reddened again but she did sit up and tentatively take my cock in her hand. She looked me in the eye as she shyly kissed my cockhead before taking me into her mouth and slowly bobbed along my length.

While not as skilled as Agatha I had to admit Skye wasn't half bad. Suddenly Agatha spread my ass cheeks and stuck a finger at my asshole making me buck my hips so my cock pushed into Skye's throat making her gag. I felt my edge approaching, I grabbed Skye's hair and pulled her off me just in time.

"Sorry," I groaned, releasing my friend's hair, "Nearly blew there."

"Smart catch," Skye said smirking, "Gonna need all of that in me for this to work."

"How'd he taste?" Agatha asked, hugging Skye and groping her smaller tits.

"Well, not good... but not bad either," she answered, "Just not my preference."

"Well, duh," I said, "Otherwise we'd still be dating."

"Or married..." Skye mused, looking up at me, "Maybe a couple of kids and a dog."

The girls climbed onto the bed and Skye repositioned herself on her elbows and knees so her pussy faced me, I rubbed my cockhead against her still dripping lips before pushing inside.

"Blyat!" Skye cursed out as she pushed back against me.

"Easy, Red," Agatha chimed, cupping Skye's face, "She ain't a dick lover."

"Sorry," I said, carefully patting Skye's hips and asking, "You good?"

"Yeah... just gotta..." she groaned out, carefully shifting her hips around, "Fuck... It's just as big as last time."

"Last time?" Agatha asked, looking up at me.

"Didn't he mention we fucked once?" Skye asked, smirking down at her.

After Skye had adjusted to me I started a careful pace for a while before increasing the lengths of my thrusts until we were fucking with intent. Skye's loud moans were muffled as Agatha pulled her into her cunt.


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