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The Rescuer Pt. 08

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The Generals visit but that doesn't slow down the sex.
15.8k words

Part 16 of the 17 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/18/2019
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Everyone having sex is at least 18. This is a work of fiction. I made it all up. This story more so than most of my writing is proof that I write fiction. That means that no, I am not in the Army, I don't live in Canada, I have never been on a dog sled, and this story will most likely never happen. It is a heck of a story, so check reality at the door and enjoy it for what it is.

Warning: this is a self-edited story. I do use Grammarly to help reduce my ability to murder the English language. Special thanks to goducks1 for his help.


Chapter 31 - The General Visits

2 weeks later ...

Kim is all smiles, Barry is doing much better and is being released from the hospital today. He will be resuming command. Tom is going home but is leaving behind several key people to assist Barry with his command. Barry is still sore and weak. I would do anything to help, but they need a bureaucrat to fill out forms, and I clearly do not fill out forms. They still giggle about that.

I have not been needed for a long time now. They feel like I help Barry out though. I think it's much more likely he enjoys seeing Penny, Kim, and Mary. I can't say I disagree with him. The girls are ready to go home. The living conditions here are far from what we have at home. We reside in a beautiful house, but Penny has brought a new level of luxury to the home, and everyone appreciates it.

I have been working with my team a lot. They have been busy rounding up the few strays that are still trying to hide. They are all almost as good as me. I am still the best at planning and preparing them for what can go wrong. It's amazing at how often one of the situations we discuss comes up. They know exactly what to do. With three of them, they are sent out both individually and as teams. The extra dogs are helping as each seems better at something.

Before we leave, Tom takes me aside into the newly remodeled conference room, and we have a talk.

Tom says to me confidently, "As of this moment, you're now a Major. Congratulations." I am in shock, that is like five levels up. "They tell me I'm not allowed to do it; you can only move one level at a time." He smiles at me. "I filled out five forms and signed off on each." We both chuckle at the amazing way bureaucracy works. "I also promoted Phil. He's a good man and will be taking over for you. My smile is gone. "I am reassigning you to a new position. A position that allows you to work from home. Your #1 goal is to create more soldiers, man or woman, I don't care which. I do know that they will be the best shots in my command. If they want, they are guaranteed an officer level position sight unseen.

"#2, I also want every dog you deem worthy for service. $5000 a dog. Keep in mind, I am supplying my friend in America now. He too has expanded his program. I want extra dogs just in case we lose some. #3, I want to buy guns from you." I look at him with an odd expression. Tom laughs, "How in the hell do your wives end up with the most advanced rifle on earth, and it's sporting a barrel they don't sell?"

I laugh hard, "You know about the agents that came out to see me about the Dimitri situation. Well, I helped one of their wives and two rifles show up a week later for my wives'. They each had many kills. You can tell when a body is hit with a .50 caliber round. We don't know what the split was, but the body count was astounding. There were only two misses based on ammo used and bodies found."

Tom continues, "#4, I want you to create a layman's guide to crisis management. The more we look, the more we love how you divided power and got things done. Nobody has time to read a damn book in a crisis. However, that means doing seminars to teach it. I want you doing six classes a year. If it's ok, we'll build a building for teaching the course on your property. Then we'll rent rooms from you to house and feed the soldiers. I think twenty at a time should be about right. You are writing the manual by the way.

"Finally, #5, either your American General friend George or I will be sending you special people every so often to have a session like both Lieutenants (husband and wife) did with you. They say it helped a ton. I can't send everyone your way, but we each have special people we know, and I think you being you can help them out. I know you don't charge but if there are any expenses, bill me personally. That's the type of people I will be sending to you, people like yourself, people that made a difference."

I sit stunned. Wow. What do you say to that?

Tom looks me in the eye, "You walked away from your last mission without leaking blood, without being carried out, and did an outstanding job of getting it all done. I would say that's a fine way to end your active duty. They'll never call on you again, you have given enough. Now, I have a favor to ask of you." Oh? "Those three women of yours were awesome. However, I can't promote them. I asked my wife what I should do. If I have your permission, I would like you to go home and rest while I take your women to Montreal where my wife and I will go on a three-day shopping spree with them. Your team and my two security specialists will protect us."

I laugh at him, "Go for it, they will love every moment."

Tom is more serious now, "A lot of good people here got injured and still did extraordinary work. I want to reward them. When I started asking around, most would like to spend a week on one of your hunting or fishing trips. Some have families and the horseback tours and a week by the lake sound relaxing. Some just want to spend quality time in your cottages. They are rumored to be awesome."

I explain, "Penny spared no expense on linens and decorating. When our lodge was being remodeled, we spent time in them. Each cottage is five-star quality all the way. Mom, Penny, and Mary can book all trips. If needed, I can hire more guides and, in a pinch, dad and I can lead a group. I'm already in debt to Barry for one week. I owe him a dog as well."

Tom grins, "Yeahhhh, about that. If you ever have a dog, or two, left over. I sure would love one for my wife and me. The idea of an extra level of protection is very appealing."

I knowingly smile, "I know exactly what you mean."


Fast forward a year.

Life is very hectic; the base keeps the lodge full. We've even had to hire extra guides. If the army isn't paying for it, the people are. The horses are a huge hit. We get a whole new type of customer, families. We have three airplanes now and a boat to bring in our supplies. Using the horses for hauling the supplies was a brilliant idea. We get two containers at a time. It's truly amazing at the amount of food we go through. Kim is kept busy in the clinic and has hired a nurse.

The parents are less involved with the business and more involved with Daniel, Penny's son, James and Peggy, Mary's twins, and Chris, Kim's daughter. With being less than three months apart, it's a lot of crying babies. All the moms are tired and worn out. Penny's son is sleeping through the night, the others are close. The business is bustling during the day and then being mommies at night, they need a break.

I call Barry. I explained my problem. He told me not to worry about it, he will arrange something and soon. Both sets of parents have been awesome. However, they are all older, and four babies is a lot of work. Then making lunch and dinner. They are all worn out. In the real world, you get by because you don't have a choice. I have resources and a ton of favors. I think it was an impressive use of a favor.

I have had no sex in about four months. I hope that this will spur some change. Soon!


A week later an older woman, probably in her sixties, is dropped off to see me. She is stunning, nearly six feet tall with long platinum blond hair. Breasts on the smaller side but they are perky still. That's impressive. She is called Dora and won't tell me her last name. All I know is that she never saw combat, but her husband has. She wants to understand more since he won't talk about it. Apparently, it's driving a wedge between them in their marriage.

I take her out hunting. She has never shot a rifle before. Second day out, she has a shot lined up with three elk. She can't take the shot, she can't kill the mother. I suspected as much.

I explain to Dora, "Now imagine that elk has an AK-47 pointed at you and me. Could you kill it then? If not, we both die. That's what your husband lives with. He was forced to take that shot, or you'd never have met him. He's dead because he couldn't do what I just asked you to do. Now imagine four years or more of having to make that decision and then seeing the results of your work. Imagine a hole through that beautiful animal and knowing you're responsible.

"It's two years later, and you are sitting up in bed at night. You can clearly remember the face of the person when you did pull the trigger. You can see the surprise or anguish on their face as they realize their fate. You can't understand the horrors your husband has faced. The death he has seen and caused. Now imagine that elk we saw had an AK-47, saw us first, and he killed me. I am dead, next to you. You are pinned down and can't move. It's hours before my body can be removed. How hard do you think it is to forget?"

Dora starts crying. She reaches out to me for a hug.

I apologize, "I am sorry for doing that to you. You are lucky, that's as close as you'll ever get."

She realizes her gun isn't safe. She quickly turns on the safety and removes the round.

I smile at her, "It's ok. Those are blanks. They make noise but no bullet. There was no need to kill the mother, I just wanted you to feel the emotion. You've never used a rifle before, you don't get live ammo."

Dora laughs hard, "Thanks' for your confidence. Did I pass your test?"

I ask Dora, "What do you think?"

Dora smiles at me, "Let's go back, I would much rather spend the rest of the week in one of those cabins of yours and cooking for your family. I saw the condition of your family, they need you."

I laugh at her, "Funny, I was enjoying the peace and quiet of the forest. No diapers and no babies to feed."

Dora laughs at me, "Yeah, but no breasts to relieve either."

That is something that I do love. Before the babes were born, we had three sets of sore breasts that needed to be relieved, and sucking was the answer. I have sucked enough breasts that I need a break. At first, it was awesome, but with three sets, I couldn't keep them happy.

At the end of the week, a helicopter comes to pick her up. However, she doesn't get on the helicopter, she helps people get off. Tom, the Canadian General, his two cute security guards, Barry, General George McMichael, my American friend, and his wife, DeeDee.

I notice that Dora and DeeDee are close, they hug and kiss each other and Tom hugs and kisses Dora. I have been set up. Six more women get off the helicopter. These are young women, probably thirties and forties yet they are in uniform. Two stand out and rush me.

Karen from the hospital is first. She practically jumps into my arms and gives me a big kiss. Second is Patty, Greg's wife from Alaska. I look and all the women look familiar, I think they were at my wedding. I have been ambushed by my own country. There is a chilly wind out, we all go inside. Mom and Connie have several bottles of wine and hors d'oeuvres on platters. Shit, my own family is in on this.

Four women including Karen and Patty take the children to the nursery and playroom. Two have already been trained to handle our computer system for reservations and bookings. They are taking over for the week so we can all have fun.

Both generals and Barry are laughing at me as my mouth hangs open. A pair of large breasts push into my back, and I feel a kiss on my neck.

Penny whispers into my ear, "You have no idea what you set in motion when you asked for help. You touched everyone's heart. Not for yourself, but for us. Dora's needs were real, that was her idea. Everyone has been working feverishly to make this work no matter what it took. More wives and an executive chef are coming to help with the children and the cooking. Kim, Mary, me, and your mothers are all banned from doing any work.

"For Karen and several of the others, they've not held an infant in years, and nothing was going to stop them from helping. Your mother spent hours in the video conference room training four women to handle bookings. A pediatrician and gynecologist will stop by to examine the mothers and children. We have a week free with your friends and their wives. Thank you. You have no idea what this means to us."

I feel tears falling on my back. I can't do anything because Kim is crying and running at me from the front.

Kim whispers in my ear, "Wow when you call in reinforcements, you get two generals and a base commander. That's not too bad. Have I ever told you that I love you? I do. All of us needed this, including you."

Penny adds, "She is right. Tomorrow we start our adventure."

I am released. I wonder what they have in mind. Probably not what I thought as strangers will be here. Oh well. At least they will be happy.

My parents played some old 80's music through the night while everyone drank wine and ate little finger food. More wives showed up later, and the helicopter stayed because of the VIP's. We had quite the group there. They took turns looking after the babies, and they were on restricted wine consumption duty. They didn't mind, they got to hold babies. You could see the gleam in their eyes, they loved it. For me, it's not so special anymore as holding babies leads to changing diapers.

Barry takes me into our video conference room, and we sit down. Soon, the two generals follow us in.

Barry says to me in a somewhat proud way, "How did you get so smart? You just seem to always know what to do. I have been here a few hours, and I can see the difference in Penny, Mary, and Kim. Your mother looks weary. Asking for help was an awesome thing to do. That was the perfect decision."

Tom picks up the conversation, "Everything you suspected about the defunct Major was true. He was selling secrets for years. He was working with the drug smugglers and had Intel and several others on his payroll. You were a marked man. He had a grudge against you and Barry which almost cost Barry his life. Had you and your wives not arrived when you did, his seat would be empty now."

Wow, that hit home.

Barry continues, "We three have become good friends because of you. You have no idea how odd it was to get a call from America and hear him sell me on the idea of trading two men for a year or so. He told me I was getting the better deal out of it. Damn glad I didn't hang up on him. All three of us share information much more freely now, and I think it's helped, everyone."

George adds, "When he first sold me on the idea, I thought he was nuts. However, within two days we had a pilot go down in a questionable area. He found him, dragged him to a safe spot, and was removed. That was Greg, the first man on his rifle. I sent him on several more rescues, and each time he did amazing things. I had no idea he was taking his own dog with him. The first time Brian got shot, we had a problem. What do you do with a killer dog that protects his master and won't leave him? We let him do whatever he wanted, and it worked out well. That is one loyal dog."

Barry continues, "The Operations Center was recorded. It took them a long time to catch every word and figure out how you three worked together. It was simply amazing to hear how those women were masters at taking in data, evaluating it, and making sure you made the critical decisions. That was groundbreaking for crisis management. You saw the big picture, and they handled the minor things. Together, everything worked efficiently. You had time to think about organizing the cleanup and prepare for prisoners long before you had a problem."

Tom adds, "We didn't understand your problem and the manual didn't have a section for bases being attacked and the commanders being killed. You made me see the light and the shortfalls in our system. Hundreds of men including everyone in Ops owes you their life."

Barry takes my hand, "I obviously have a lot to thank you for. Countless others do as well. I don't tell you this because I owe you my life, I do it because we're going to have a nice week and I want you to understand that everything we do is because we owe you and we all love you and your family. So, accept our time, generosity, and the love we give you because you and your family truly deserve it. I don't want to hear you complaining that we're doing too much or are taking too much of our time."

George adds, "We truly are here for you and your family. This is from our hearts. We had many volunteers once word got out. We had to turn people down, so many people wanted to help. Every woman with your children is a nurse, has a family and it's been a while since they have held an infant. Trust me, this is no great feat for them, they are all loving this."

Tom is serious now, "Because of the nature of this party and who we are, the CIA has offered some extraordinary people that make a living out of not being seen and protecting people. If you just happen to see one, please don't shoot him. They will approach your dogs' so they learn that they are friendly. I just want to warn you, so you don't kill a friendly. I know you're known for being protective. With those three, I would be too."


The next day is a ride on the "bus" to the stables. Kim, Mary, and I have no issues, we are experienced now. For everyone else, it's an adventure. Generals are used to Jeeps, not live animals. They are smart, they adapt. The first night, we have a spectacular setting sun while sitting atop the hill overlooking the lake. Several bottles of wine cap off a perfect night. Barry shared the night with Tom's security detail, the two good looking women. It was an unusually quiet night, far from the last time we were here.

I am stunned when Penny takes us to the hot springs. Not at all where I expected us to go. The guide sets up some clothes hanging stands and then a small table with a stack of blankets. He then rides off.

Dara says, "That looks like a hot spring. That sure would ease all the aches and pains in my old body."

DeeDee purrs and says, "Who is going to be first?"

I see Barry urging on the two security girls, but they resist. Swell, I guess I get to go first again. It's one thing to do this in front of the family, a whole different thing in front of friends. I slip my shirt over my head. My chest is now on display. Both wives and the two security women are now straining for a better view. I turn around and unzip my jeans.

Penny calls out, "Are we shy? These are friends."

Penny reaches for my arm and turns me around. She is on her knees and helps me unbutton and then slowly pulls down my pants. I can feel her warm breath on my stomach. She is exciting me and embarrassing me. She whips off her shirt, up and over her head and tosses it aside. The three men are staring at her now. She reaches behind and undoes the latches on her breasts. They are stunning and perfect, just as I remember, only they are significantly larger.

My erection turns hard in my boxers, and it's evident to all that she has turned me hard. The women gasp at seeing me. I finish taking off my boxers with Penny assisting. I step out, and Barry says, "Wow!"

The two security women take a step closer before Kim says, "Wait a minute you two. I don't care who you work for. That's our man."

They ignore the warning because they want Penny. Each takes a nipple in the mouth and sucks, tasting her mother's milk. Penny shudders and lets out a moan. She then blushes and giggles as the feeling is divine. Her back arches as I feed her my cock. She gags before relaxing and swallowing my entire meat stick, a feat she has never performed before. Very few have.

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