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The Research Institute Pt. 01

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3 mothers and sons at the institute of taboo subjects.
3.4k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 09/17/2023
Created 08/24/2022
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Second Meeting

'As we knew all along, your sons' computers were hacked, their passwords were used to go into the dark web and search for unspeakable videos, the danger of them being branded as paedophiles would have destroyed their lives, the hackers were a paedophile organisation which thanks to the "Research Institute of Taboo Subjects" or RIOTS, we have eradicated.' The professor smugly rubbed his hands together, 'however it raised something of interest to RIOTS,' he looked around, 'yes, you know what I mean, "mother and son" sex, or incest.'

The three mothers and their sons looked distinctly uncomfortable upon hearing this, it had been brought up at the first meeting which gave them time to consider this from every angle, but the one thought foremost in everybody's minds was "how much?" 'You no longer have anyone blackmailing you as the "hackers" intended, and' he paused for emphasis, 'if you want to go ahead and arrange to assist the Institute, you will be rewarded by earning a minimum of $800,000-00.'

This bought gasps of astonishment, the six people in the audience were awestruck, not at the amount so much, everyone dreamed of being rich, but for people in their impoverished circumstances it was a life-saving amount, and it was within their reach! It would open all sorts of doors, college, new house, chance of a better job, the dreams were endless.

Geoff, Ellen's son was the first to speak, 'the thing is professor, we go onto mother and son sites to see mature women with younger men, but I don't think we could.... er, you know, get it up.'

This brought some nervous laughter and a sense of reality descended upon them.

'Geoff, I'm sure you could use more appropriate language,' Ellen spoke good-humouredly.

'Yes, but it's probably true, fantasy is one thing but putting it into practice is totally different, thus spoke Harry, Coral's son.

'If you agree to at least try, you will have six weeks of thorough preparation in which you will have no contact with your mothers, nor them with you, and you will as a result find yourselves thoroughly improved, I guarantee. Oh, and one last thing, use you phones to assess your bank accounts.'

'But' Will was about to speak.

'We placed an app on your new phones, check your bank account details.'

Silence reigned as each hurriedly accessed the accounts, Geoff was the first to speak, $10,000-00, in my account, the same message was uttered by the others, $10,000-00 echoed around the room.

'So, say goodbye I'll see you all in this room in six weeks' time.'

Six Weeks later

The Sons

They were all beyond the age when they should have started college, but they had to work to help out, menial jobs did not really allow for the chance to save. Every one of them considered how the money would make a huge difference to their lives.

Geoff pursed his lips and exhaled, 'this is it guys, crunch time,' he could see Will and Harry were pondering his statement as they got into the limousine.

'Yeah, I still can't figure out how this got so far, I mean, making love to your own mother, it's not going to happen...., is it?' Will looked enquiringly at the other two.

'That's why it's crunch time,' Geoff repeated, 'mind you after six weeks doing nothing but sports, gym and maths and English lessons, plus,' he hastily added, 'they weaned us of smoking,' he looked out of the window of the limousine, 'I'm feeling fit and horny, maybe if we close our eyes.' They all laughed at this more from nerves than anything else.

Will, the quiet one had the last word, 'imagine if it works out, you won't need to go chasing stuck-up college girls, you'll have sex any time you want from your mother.'

'How'd you figure that,' Harry asked.

'Because, if we all go ahead with it, they'll have no choice but to go along with having regular sex, it would be difficult for them to refuse,' but uncertainty set in, and his voice meandered off into silence.

'Mind you, it would be good if Will is right,' Geoff offered his tuppence worth, 'no need for a girlfriend that your mum disapproves of, no trying to please her family or put up with her obnoxious siblings, just think, your mum's ironing away and you say, I feel like sex, have you got much more ironing to do, and if she says yes I've got loads, and you reply well I've got a load of semen and I need to get rid of it, how about you stop ironing and bend over the ironing board, so she agrees, you move behind her, lift her skirt, pull her panties down to mid-thigh and stick it in, wave it about for a minute or two and then unload into her, simple.'

Silence for a moment as each had a slightly different picture floating around in their minds, big smiles spread across faces, the car carried them back to the institute, Geoff spoke first, 'damn it guys, I've got an erection.'

The Mothers

Their mothers were also considering what was going to happen in the next few hours, 'It may be that we don't have to do anything, right away, I mean, it's been six weeks and look how much we've changed.' Ellen was right of course, from overworked, frumpy mothers looking after a son and a home, plus going out to work, they had emerged like butterflies from pupae, teeth fixed, hair done, some small cosmetic work, and each had been given a stunning wardrobe of new clothes. The new wardrobes did not include jeans or trousers but did have a collection of sexy lingerie.

'I think they'll be randy as hell, and, if we've changed, for the better, so will they, do you agree,' Coral asked, both Ellen and Siobhan nodded, 'we could be almost like strangers.' Ellen and Siobhan weren't quite that optimistic, 'we'll see,' they both said in unison.

First Meeting in Six Weeks

The two vehicles drew up in the courtyard of the large villa, the professor in charge of the research noted the three mature women leave their limousine and stood waiting for their three sons to exit the second one. The wind blew their skirts, and they held them down with one hand.

They greeted each other with hugs and kisses, all pleasantly surprised to see the changes that had taken place, the sons had developed muscular bodies, they'd lost their "ghetto pallor" and looked fit and honed, the ladies all looked ten years younger, the compliments, the oohs and aahs were flying thick and fast.

After a few minutes of talking to each other, they were ushered into the villa and led into the meeting room, the professor sat on a raised platform, on something like a throne which dwarfed him. He leant forward, resting his arms on a desk, he cleared his throat to gain everyone's attention. They sat upright, interested in what would happen next.

'Ahem, I'd like to thank you for participating so enthusiastically in our research, the last six weeks have been challenging for you, but I'd like to think you are better people for the effort we have all made.' He spread his arms out to include the three assistants, who he introduced as, Jerry, Terry and Perry, no one took them to be their real names.

'Now, in the next few weeks you will be led into a series of events that will result in you committing something seen as taboo, in our society, incest.' No holding back, they each felt a shiver as the statement was absorbed. The sons looked down at the parquet flooring, the mothers at each other, smiles forming on their faces, enjoying their sons' embarrassment.

'But first we'll all lunch together and then a rest.'

Lunch was a convivial affair; everyone was old enough to be able to drink alcohol and thanks to the professor and his witty stories all were totally relaxed by the time lunch was over.

That Afternoon

Harry walked around their room, it was plush to say the least, 'only one bed' he pointed out.

'What did you expect, single beds and separate rooms?'

'I didn't know what to expect really, do you think they'll want to film us?'

'You mean, to prove we did it, I doubt it, they're a bit more subtle that that, anyway, think about $800,000-00, minimum,' she emphasised the "minimum".

Coral sat up on the bed, he could see his mother wore stockings, he couldn't ever remember seeing her in a skirt, and as for stockings! She had a very limited wardrobe at home, consisting mainly of jeans.

'They gave you some nice clothes at least,' he waved his arm over her and towards the open wardrobe and drawers.

'And you some nice muscles, and you're give up smoking, I'm really pleased.'

Each mother and son chatted in a similar vein during their post-lunch rest and catch-up session, relating what they'd done, suffered in some cases, mainly the cosmetic surgery, minimal though it was and the withdrawal symptoms when giving up cigarettes.

Two o'clock came round, 'time to go' Coral swung her legs off the bed, again giving him an eyeful of white thigh and lacy ribbon attaching the garter belt to the stocking.

Harry thought to himself as he walked to the medical room, "she's trying to make it easy for me, at least", he walked behind her and noticed her stockings were seamed.

The Medical Room

It was cluttered with, tables, stools, chairs, screens for getting undressed behind and most intriguingly, artists drawing pads.

The professor clapped his hands for attention, 'lots of things here, but today we'll concentrate on your artistic side, you'll each be asked to draw a part of the human body and points, which means money, will be awarded, my three assistants will be the judges helped by modern technology.

Everyone wondered what the hell is he talking about, they were soon to find out.

'Your first task is for you mothers to remove the pubic hairs from around your sons' scrotums and penises, not completely, we have set the trimming devices to four millimetres, after which you will do a drawing of your sons' erect penises, the most accurate gets most points and so on.'

At this the mothers giggled, clasping their hands and trying not to laugh out loud.

Ellen spoke up, 'it's a good job you've set them to four mm., otherwise there could be some nasty accidents, the three ladies again struggled to stifle their laughter,

The sons had not expected themselves to be the first to undergo a test but reluctantly undressed. They were told to lay on a couch and the mothers sat on a chair, 'you may begin any time, this is not a race, no extra points for finishing first,' the professor explained.

The ladies were handed a hair trimmer each and shown how to work it, Siobhan gingerly held her son, Will's penis and began, her face was a picture of concentration as she held his penis away from the trimmer.

Ellen began on Geoff's scrotum, he was making, ow, and ooh noises, Ellen was getting the hang of it and told him not to be a wimp. She held his penis in the palm of her hand, and he achieved an erection, he levered himself up on his elbows, 'gee whiz,' he exclaimed.

'What's wrong,' Ellen asked, 'that's something to be proud of.'

'Yeah, I know but, well, in front of everyone.'

Harry looked over on hearing this, 'his was the biggest in the gym,' he spoke to Ellen.

Just then his penis sprung into life and grew even larger, 'I'm enjoying this,' and so saying placed his hands under his head and relaxed.

They eventually conceded that they had removed as much hair as possible, and the noisy buzzing sound ceased as they pressed the respective 'off' buttons.

At this point the three assistants stepped forward and photographed each penis, then presented each lady with a large drawing pad and thick pencils.

'I'd work quickly if I were you ladies, it's drawings of the erect penises, not flaccid ones,' upon hearing this advice from the professor, Siobhan and Coral drew away madly, but Ellen was using her hand as a measuring device, thereby keeping Geoff's penis erect.

When finished they handed everything back and talked amongst the six of them, 'that was a good icebreaker,' Coral opined, 'yes, it's been years since I saw Harry naked,' she looked over at Harry, taking in his new physique and darting a glance at his penis.

There were nods of agreement, 'how was it for you guys,' Siobhan asked.

'Fun all the way,' they said.

I wonder if that's it for today.' Ellen asked.

Just then the professor and his assistants returned having taken the drawings into another room, 'no ladies, it's not, in fact we have stage two, I would also like to say how much I admire your competitiveness and artistic skills, now stage two, sons will do the same to their mothers, pubic hair cut to four millimetre and drawing of the vulva, labia and all that.'

'Are we allowed to touch,' Harry asked, 'I mean it's a complicated part of the body, all those folds, and there's an inner labia.'

Siobhan piped up, 'I don't think that's necessary, we were instructed to draw the "erect" penis, so, we had to touch.'

The professor held up his hands, 'I recommend that you touch, if for no other reason than it is fun, a lot of ladies also enjoy the vibration of the hair trimmer, you can use that to provide enjoyment, unless of course the mother says no.'

There were a few moments of humming and aarghing, which stopped when the professor suggested they remove their skirts and panties and mount up on the different beds that the assistants had prepared, they were gynaecological tables with stirrups to hold their legs apart and in the air.

The ladies all pulled a face, 'oh no, do we really,' to which the professor replied, 'these are young men, the easier we make it and the more they learn about the female body, the better, surely you agree.'

Siobhan was about to continue the argument but reluctantly decided to go along with it, especially when the other two started to get out of their skirts and quickly removed their panties, 'you know maybe we should have got your sons to undress you, what do you say Siobhan.'

She was struggling with her waistband, 'I could do with a hand, okay Will,' he stepped forward and helped her out of her skirt, 'go the whole hog, Will,' Siobhan told him, and he removed her panties with the minimum of fuss. This brought a round of applause and a few bravos.

'If I may say so, Will, like a professional, have you been practicing,' he asked him.

'No of course not,' insisted Siobhan, 'well not with me anyway'.

'Siobhan,' the professor said, 'practicing beforehand is not cheating, in fact the more you all practice the better. One last point,' the professor intoned, 'you will notice that mature women have the inner labia visible, having a child and "life events" tend to reduce the coverage provided by the outer labia, now, you may begin.'

Sat on a stool, staring intently into their mothers' vulvas, was a most pleasant experience, they had all seen porn movies and had received lessons in school about the "facts of life", but none had an opportunity like this, to just stare and touch.

They were recommended to start in the area above the labia, this way they got the hang of the trimmers. They were all pretty much keeping pace with each other. The labia weren't quite so easy, and it was with great care that they each took one labium between thumb and forefinger gently teased it aside, they concentrated hard when applying the trimmers. The professor and his assistants could tell when this happened as each woman responded with faint movements, shivers of pleasure. It took what seemed like ages before the sons, reluctantly switched off their trimmers.

'Not so soon, you young men, none of you ran the trimmers in between your mothers' labia, near the clitoris, nor did I see any of you place the trimmer anywhere near the vulva, the opening which gives a woman so much pleasure, Terry, Gerry and Perry, please show them what I mean.

The ladies had thoroughly enjoyed the sensation of lying down having fingers grasp the labia and gently trim their hair. Each felt as though they had achieved "Nirvana", Ellen actively had, had to prevent herself from writhing with pleasure. It seemed a lifetime ago that they had receiving such cosseting.

The three assistants took the sons' places on the stools, Gerry spoke to them all, 'see this Geoff, he pointed to Ellen's opening, the others looked over his shoulder, there's a few bits of hair which have stuck to your mother's lubricant,' he leant back and allowed each of them to see.

'What you need to do in future trimmings is to insert a small dildo, the hair sticks to your mothers' natural lubricant on the dildo and when you remove it, the hairs come out when the dildo is pulled out.' Each of them nodded, 'that's useful information' and 'wow' and 'that's great'.

Will came up with the best response, 'how long will it take to grow again, any ideas?'

Even the professor laughed at Will's enthusiasm.

'Now before we finish, if the ladies will allow, use the blunt end of the trimmers to stimulate the area of the clitoris and the opening, ladies?'

Ellen, 'of course, don't stop now,' Coral, it's too good an opportunity to waste', and Siobhan, 'let's get it over with.'

Strangely, when Will placed the blunt end against her opening she made the most noise, breathing heavily, then the clitoris, 'leave them in contact,' the professor urged and one by one each of the women orgasmed.

The guys were fascinated at how each mother acted, thigh muscles twitched, pussies pushed onto the vibrating trimmers, each astonished by the power they had exerted.

'Before you wash your hands remove the pubic hair, especially any that are inside, this means of course you have to do a thorough search,' the professor advised, this suggestion was met with enthusiasm and fingers searched inside, labia were gently parted, and the mothers were once again on cloud nine, resting on their backs with their legs in the air, none of them seemed bothered about probing fingers or their undignified positions.

'Okay, enough, wash hands and draw what you see, assistants take photographs please.

'How much longer are we going to be hanging about like this?' Siobhan asked.

'Siobhan, relax and enjoy every aspect of this, this is a turn-on for your sons, the sons are always the weak link in this research, if they can't achieve an erection, then ....' his voice trailed off.

The ladies looked ceilingward as they pondered his statement.

'Also,' the professor resumed, 'we provided you all with erotic lingerie, yet I see only Coral has stockings on, the more the young men see what you can offer in a sexual way the more they will forget you are their mother and see you as a lover instead.'

The guys returned ready for the next phase, sitting down and staring into the well-lubricated pussies, Harry pushed his stool back and quickly started to draw his mother's pussy and thighs determined to draw her stocking tops.

The professor looked on and catching the eyes of the three assistants shook his head and waved them over, 'for the next stage tomorrow I want you to blow up the drawings so that only the vulva is visible, however I like Harry's enthusiasm,' he added.

The guys weren't too keen to finish but reluctantly handed in their efforts when told it was time.

The ladies had been in their stirrups for a good half hour and were helped out of them by their sons at the urging of each assistant.

You can all dress and watch TV, we have two rooms so you can decide, "porn or Downton Abbey", you decide.'

It was a foregone conclusion; the women went one way and the guys another.

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KR7907KR79079 months ago

Someone's getting triggered very easily. ;)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Don't kink shame. There's plenty of people (of all genders) who have a breeding kink, and it's pretty often even more intense with it comes to 'forbidden' pregnancies.

TakashiTakashiover 1 year ago

Yeah, I don't know, maybe don't mention pedophilia in the first paragraph of an erotic story. Or ever, really. Kind of be nice not to actually have to dwell on that sort of a thing. Real weird way to start an erotic story, pal. Real weird.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Why do you want the mothers to get pregnant?

Are you one of those wimps that think the only they can prove to themselves they are a man, is to get a woman pregnant???

kennyboy82kennyboy82almost 2 years ago

This could be very good - lots of potential, more please, and soon.

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