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The Royal Fuck Pt. 03

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Royally fucked sister becomes a target.
3.8k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 08/18/2022
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Thank you lovies for the reception of the last two stories!

I wanted to try a MF story this time.


All characters 18+


"So you got the information from him?" King Gerald looked upon Buck.

"Yes, his house in Ole Village has woods behind it. An abandoned church located directly behind the house deeper into the woods. Also, a cave, somewhere further in the woods with supplies to last months." Buck said confidently.

The King looked at Buck with grim eyes. "You find his older sister, bring her to me, and you can have Leo. His brother, once found, will be used for the rest of them. I trust you to do this alone. No harm is to come to the girl. If the brother is found there as well you can use your best judgment."

"No harm to the girl. The boy will be caught and tamed eventually. You will have the girl by nightfall, my King." Buck said as he turned away from the King and marched out the door.

Ole Village, a poor farm town about forty minutes away from the capital by horseback. Namly forgotten by another farm closer to the capital that is supplying the crown with their wheat. Buck got on his horse with his armor and quickly sent off to Ole Village.

Arriving at Ole Village, the townspeople looked on at Buck scared as to why someone from the crown was there. Buck bobbed his head up and down at the villagers in a sign of respect to lessen their fear. He was only here for one, but maybe two. Looking down at his directions, he figures that Leo's house must be at the end of the road. That was the only house with a forest behind it.

Trotting up to his house or more of a hut, Buck gets off and takes rope from his horse's side pouch while tying his own horse off to the house. Walking up to the front door with rope in hand, he tries for the door handle. It is locked. Feeling around the old door with his left hand, looking for cracks and the condition of the door. Sizing it up, Buck steps back, and rams his body into the door at full force.

Bursting through the door with a loud crack. Buck starts taking in his environment. Completely wiped out of food, clothing, and random sheets thrown about. The house is empty like someone had to leave quickly and didn't have a choice whether or not. Buck sees the back door wide open and he smiles to himself. Always has to leave a mess.

Going out the back door, Buck starts walking into the woods. After a while he spots the abandoned church poking out of the trees. He walks up to the church and sees ashes from a fire that was here recently. On high alert now, Buck starts scanning his surroundings, going quiet to listen to whatever was around him.

Hearing a slight movement inside of the church Buck hastenly moves to the front door. Rope in hand he tries to open the handle. It is unlocked. He shakes his head as he opens the door quietly. Peering into the church with sun poking through the ceiling and the grandstands scattered about the room. Buck closes the door silently behind him and he looks further into the church.

Sitting on a bench in front of the altar looked to be a small blonde head bobbing up and down slightly. Moving as quietly as possible, Buck silently stepped his way behind this person. Standing directly behind this person who doesn't even realize that he is there, he looks over and find's Leo's sister.

Reaching his left around to cup her mouth and his right to gather her hands, he quickly grabs her and pins her down onto the ground. A muffled screech is heard.

"Be nice and I'll be nice to you." Buck says darkly. Which makes the woman struggle more. He takes his hand away from her mouth to get a cloth from his left side.

"Well." He says.

"I had nothing to do with what he did. Don't tie.. MMPH" She said as Buck shoved the cloth into her mouth quickly knocking her out.

Quickly getting a glimpse of her limp body he sees why the King would want her. Blonde hair cascading down her back, blue eyes, with a pretty face covered from legs to arms in a one piece dress. Buck tied her limp body together and carried her back to his horse. Getting her to his King before he had his dinner.

I woke up on the back of this King's guard's horse with my arms and legs tied hanging off the side. My chest and stomach are getting bounced with every galop of the horse. Whoever is riding with haste to I can only assume the capital. All because my brothers had to bite off more than they could chew. I would be taken too. Of course.

So I acted as if I was still out cold, going limp when the horse stopped moving. The guard unceremoniously got me off the horse, slung me over his shoulder, and carried me into the King's castle.

As I was being carried I peeked through my eyes and saw the back of this guard's legs with me hovering a couple of feet off the floor. We must have walked for a few minutes before coming upon a big door. He threw the doors open and hauled me off his shoulder. I landed with a soft thud.

"You can stop acting unconscious now." Buck said.

I got up on my knees and opened my eyes. King Gerald was sitting on a leather chair looking at me curiously. I looked at him in the flesh for the first time ever being in his vicinity. He was glorious and just as special as the gossipers said he was. Sitting there he was dressed in a soft robe tied around his waist. I looked in awe. Just staring at each other the King waves his hand and the guard leaves the room, leaving me alone with him.

"Name?" He says still looking into my eyes.

"Abbey. My King." I say without hesitation. I do not want him to think I mean harm.

"Abbey..." He tastes my name on his lips.

"Abbey, do you know what happens when people take from me?" He says darkly. I shake my head.

"You may speak." He nods.

"I know that bad things happen to them but can you please.."

"Ut ut ut." He waves his hand. "Tell me why I shouldn't make another example out of you."

"I uh. I wasn't a part of whatever my brothers did." He looks at me with suspicious eyes but I continue.

"I heard the bells just like everyone else. The bells that haven't been rung in over three hundred years. So I rushed to the town theater with all the townspeople. Fully expecting a show to go home and talk about for weeks. But not expecting to see my brother tied to the pole in the middle of the pit. Stunlocked in the crowd mushed in with everyone else, my hands were in front of my waist." I had to look away from his undivided attention and looked at the ground.

"Growing up with my parents, who are now dead, they didn't want me to go outside when you and the King's guard would do their annual parade around all the towns. I was furious with my mother who would not let me see you like the rest of the girls around town. They would all get together, dress up, and pick their flowers for you.

Then talk to each other at school about how handsome you were and how much you were growing the previous year. My mother forced me in my room to look from the window at the parade. The girls all handing you flowers while I was looking down at their joy, I imagined myself in their shoes." I got down on all fours and looked at him with heated eyes.

"What I would do when I gave you the flower and every way you'd react. I'd give you the flower, you'd take it with my hand, and swing me up on to your horse back to your castle. I fantasized about you." I said as I started to slowly crawl over to the King still in his chair.

"And when you walked out in your tunic, I knew then and there that my brother was fucked. There was no helping him then, and there is no helping him now, not that I would. As soon as you threw your tunic over your head, my fingers reached into my dress, and I started playing with myself, hell, I think half the crowd was."

Slowly making my way across the room to in front of him, I was now looking up at him on my knees with my hands on my lap. He looked at me with fire in his eyes. His right hand came down to rest on my cheek in a caring way. "Please continue, lovely."

I rub my cheek against his hand and with bated breath I continued. "You are better than my imagination. Everything about you, bigger than I ever thought. When you fucked my brother I imagined myself in his place." He stares into my eyes.

"You mean that Abbey?" King Gerald says. As I turn my head slightly I start kissing his hand. He looks at me with curiosity and wonder.

"Yes. My King." I said between kisses. "You don't have to take me, you can have me. I've waited my whole life just to meet you. Now I have a chance to make my own destiny instead of someone deciding it for me. Untie my hands and I will show you." His hand disappeared from my face as soon as I said untie and I missed the small warmth. I pout.

"Abbey, do you know the punishment for treason?" He asks rhetorically. I shake my head.

"Death. Stealing from the crown, stealing from me, once it happens it doesn't happen again. Yet, with everyone of them I can tell when they are who they say they are. Thieves, rapists, murders. I can tell because I am that. But you're different." King Gerald says.

"That's because I'm telling you the truth. Fuck my brothers. Leo and Ralph both of them can go fuck themselves. They're my family, but they left me to die at the house when they decided to steal from the crown." I say as I hold my hands up to him.

"My King. Untie my hands please." I say with confidence.

He reaches down and unties my hands. I wince with pain from the rough rope. I stare into his eyes as I rub my wrists in my lap, slowly biting my lip with my bottom teeth looking at his body filling the chair. I start undoing the rope tied around his robe and he looks at me with fire in his eyes.

Silent, I look at him after taking the rope from his robe and throwing it across on the bed nearby. I slowly reveal his body to me as I move his robe away from either side of his body. From the crowd it was a show, being in front of this man was something entirely different. King Gerald looks like Hercules with a cock longer than my forearm. He was semi-hard already.

Looking back up at his face revealing he's been staring at me this whole time.

"Let me show you, you don't have to hurt me." I say.

I take his cock with both of my hands and lead it into my mouth.

"Wait. Untie your legs and take off your dress. Submit yourself to me Abbey." King Gerald says as I take my hands off his cock.

Without hesitation I move my legs in front of me and start untying them. With my legs loose, I stand up to take off my dress. King Gerald kept his eyes glued to mine. I turn around away from him and bend down grabbing the end of my dress to start taking it off.

"Don't make me wait much longer. Abbey." He said with slight frustration.

As he finished his sentence I ripped the dress off my body and tossed it on the side of the bed. Peeking over my shoulder I look at King Gerald. The King is examining my ass and legs trailing up my shoulder into my face. I've never seen someone look at me as he was with such lust.

"My mother did teach me one thing. My King. If you take care of your body your man will take care of you. So since I was little I made myself a strict diet and a hard training schedule. Just for a chance to meet my dream man and show him that I can be his. That is you, my King." I say as I turn around to reveal the rest of my body to him.

King Gerald looked at me in awe.

"You are truly a work of art. Just perfect." He said.

I move back in front of him to go back on my knees. Taking his cock in my hands again to lean it into my mouth, he doesn't stop me this time. I started kissing all over his cock, worshiping this man as I knew he was going to take me. King Gerald's cock started getting harder with more kisses I laid on him.

Just as his cock was at his peak, I took it into my mouth and immediately choked.

"Take it easy." He laughed.

But that just made me want to take him more. After coming up for air from his cock, I take a deep breath and attack it again. Getting his shaft slobbered up with my spit, dripping down to his massive balls. Watching a line of spit fall down his shaft, I come up for air to lick that strand of spit back up his cock. I can't even wrap my fingers around him as I take both my hands to start jerking him off.

"Take me." I slur as I'm pumping his cock with slight aggression.

He takes his right hand and grips the back of my head to pull me away from his cock. My hands are still pumping him as he steers my head down to where he is hovering right above me, face to face. With heated eyes, he drools into my mouth to immediately take me with a kiss.

I've never had my face devoured such as this man was doing now. I didn't even think about breathing until he finally sucked all the air from me. Releasing me from the kiss, he lets go of my head, panting with breath, I stare up to him in awe.

He says nothing as I bite my lip, take my right hand to start massaging my breast, and my left hand goes down to my pussy to start rubbing it. Looking at this specimen of a man, I knew I was going to come quickly especially after tasting that monster. I take in all that I can of him, from his handsome face, washboard abs, huge cock, and tree trunk thighs. I was so close to cumming when he put his hand up in a stopping motion. I freeze.

"Get on the bed. Abbey." He says my name with heat.

I jump up from my sitting position and hop onto the bed. Getting on my knees, facing the wall, my face pressed into the mattress. Looking back I see him get up from the chair, his eyes taking in my backside, he stalks over to my open pussy and slaps his cock on it a few times.

I can hear the moisture that I'm producing for this man. He takes his left hand and grabs ahold of my left ass cheek.

"I see that your family has good genes when it comes to the lower regions of your body. You and your brother share quite an ass. But I can tell you have trained yours to perfection."

He says as he gives my ass a light slap. I yelp in surprise and lust. I'm almost growling at this point. I take both my hands and spread out my ass to him.

"Take me. Take me my King. Use..." I say as he sheathed his cock into my pussy. I open my mouth wide and let out a light yelp. My eyes roll back into my head and my hands immediately drop down to my sides.

"Fuck you're tight." He states as he starts pumping my pussy. Back and forth he saws his way in and out only leaving a few of his inches out of my pussy. I'm filled to the brim as I take my right hand to put on his abs to try and keep the distance. His long cock fills me up to the point where I'm seeing stars, can barely take a breath, and drooling into the mattress.

He is making me his personal fuck toy in this position. He took hold of my right hand trying to keep the distance from our bodies with his right hand. Grabs a hold of my other arm with his left and brings my arms across my back. Now, taking both wrists with his left hand, he pulls back on my arms to bring my head up with each thrust of his cock.

"So. Fucking. Hot." He stammers as he thrusts with each word. I yelp in time with him. Something primal in me takes over as I start feeling the first shocks of my first orgasm coming along. I start ramming back to meet his cock with every thrust. By the third time of me hearing my ass slap up against his hard stomach, I came all over his cock as he kept fucking me.

He let go of my arms and they flailed out to my sides to immediately grab ahold of the sheets for support. My body rocking from my orgasm and the King still pumping into me. I look back at him in awe as his body is glistening from his sweat of fucking me. As we connect eyes, he pulls out, and I feel suddenly empty.

He leans down with me still on my knees, faced toward him, and kisses me on the mouth again. This time I will take all that I can get. After what he just gave me one of the most intense orgasms of my life, I wanted to give it back. He chuckles as he tries to release the kiss but I turn and latch onto him now facing towards him on my back. He stares at me, hovering over me, face to face.

Wordlessly, he rested his body behind mine laying down. I open my legs for him to have easier access and swing my right leg in between his legs. His heat consumes my back as he reaches around for my breast with his right hand and starts to gently pinch my nipple. I start grinding against his abs with his cock resting on my ass. I moan when I feel his cock twitch.

I'm resting on his left bicep as he nozzles his nose against my ear and takes a deep breath.

"Sir take my pussy. It's yours. I can be yours." I say as I really start humping against him now.

"You want to be my good girl?" He looks into my eyes as he says that.

"Yes sir. I'll be your good girl." I say as I start kissing the bottom of his lips to his jaw. He brings over his left hand to put his fingers into my mouth and I start slurping on them as if it was his cock. Seemingly impressed with my efforts to satisfy him, the King then pushed into my pussy again.

Already on edge from my submission to him it was only going to take a few more thrusts for me to cum again. I did just that, with him pumping my pussy and squeezing my nipple another orgasm roped through me.

"AHHHH, fuck me hard when I'm coming. PLEASE." I scream. As he picks up his pace in time with my orgasm. I moan, and become weightless as he sits me up on top of his cock, my legs sprawled out behind him, my arms hanging on to his upper torso, and my pussy dripping around his hard cock.

"Such a good girl." He says as he takes my nipple into his mouth and comes off of it with a loud popping noise. My body shaking from my second orgasm, he pulls out, and flips me back on to my stomach. He digs his hand into the lower of my back as he rests his knees on either side of my body making my ass meet his cock. He dips his cock back in my waiting pussy.

"Please go slow. I just came." I say as I try to look up at him, my tits jutting out in front of me, and his right hand reaching my neck to slightly choke me.

"Is this what you want?" He whispers. I look at him with my hands dug into the sheets below me, mouth wide open, and just nod my head excitedly.

"Tell me." He whispers as he starts thrusting more and more of his cock into me.

"AH, Please take me. Please break my pussy. AH. Use me like the good slut that I am. OH FUCK."

"Show me." He starts fucking me harder. My ass bouncing against him and breasts swinging wildly in the air.

"OH OH OH, like that YES! PLEASE OH! I promise I'm a good girl." I moan.

"Show me, cum for me." He rested his front against my back as he pummeled into me. Choking me with his hand still, I see stars as I come for him again. This time feeling him come inside of me as well. Feeling every spurt as my orgasm rocks my world.

We stayed in that position for a few more minutes with his cock slowly pumping more of his cum inside me and coming down from my highest of highs. While still inside me, he drops us down to a lying position. He hugs me to himself as he catches his breath, my body on top of his. I start kissing his pecs and collarbone in my post ograsmic bliss. He takes a hold of my face with both of his hands and pulls my face to his.

"You're perfect." He states and starts making out with me. I take all that he gives me and he releases my face.

"Stay?" He says with both of his hands still holding my head.

I smile and nod before I start grinding his cock in my pussy back to life.


End of Part 3.

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Maybe Pt 4.

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