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The Runaway Aristocrat

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Decide the fate of a runaway nobel.
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(This is part of an interactive story)

You are Isabelle Starlight a noble`s daughter and it`s only two days to your birthday and also your marriage. It`s a grand occasion and it will be celebrated for a whole week. Everyone is talking about it and they congratulate you on your oncoming wedding.

However right now you are sitting in front of your mirror with tears in your eyes. Your father ordered you to stay in your room to repent.

(Why should I repent? Am I really in the wrong?)

You don`t want to marry Lord Mark of Cornwall. You have seen him only once and he is nearly thrice your age, fat and disgusting. He is also very arrogant and snobby. He cares nothing for his own people and has a reputation of being merciless to everyone he dislikes. He has a frightening aura. Even your father is intimidated in his presence.

You have tried to persuade your father to cancel this arrangement today again but this only got him in a rage.

“I have spoiled you far too long and have always followed your wishes. Now you have really become too stubborn and willful. Our family depends on this marriage and you will go through with it!” he told you this sternly not leaving any room for discussion.

You start to think deeply about your future.

1.) What are you planning? -> You plan to run away.

You calm yourself and there is suddenly a flash of determination in your eyes.

(I can`t sit here and keep crying. It won`t change anything. The only option for me now is to run away. Didn`t a big merchant ship arrive today? I must board this ship before it sets sail tomorrow.)

You start packing your favorite dress and a little money into a small cloth bundle and wait until everyone is asleep. At midnight you leave your room and stand in front of your residence to give it a good look for the last time.

(I will really miss my parents, relatives and friends. Will I be able to come back once I`m leaving now? I think my father will be furious if I run away from my marriage with Lord Mark now…)

Tears start to form in your eyes and you are having doubts again…

2.) Will you really run away? -> Yes, you are determined!

However just thinking about your impending marriage with Lord Mark a cold shiver runs down your spine and your doubts are dissipating quickly.

(I have to get going before anyone notices that I am missing. I won`t have a second chance to escape again.)

You quickly move towards the port and arrive at the merchant ship about an hour later. The only person on board was what looked like a deckswab, passed out drunk.

(They must be visiting the local tavern now, getting drunk and enjoying the company of some immoral wenches. Just the imagination of how these whores are offering their service to this dirty and stinky crew for a few coins disgust me.)

You easily sneak in into the cargo hold and hide yourself in a corner. You make yourself comfortable and fall asleep.

The ship leaves the port the next morning according to schedule. You don`t know its destination but you are happy to have escaped your arranged marriage.

You hide yourself for nearly two days but hunger and thirst are getting unbearable. You know that you won`t survive unless you get some nourishment. Cursing your own lack of foresight you have to leave your hiding spot only to notice that the hatch to the deck is locked.

3.) What will you do? -> You call out for help

You start to panic and beat the hatch calling out for help.

“Hello, is there anybody? Please open the hatch!” you cry out again and again.

There are mumbling sounds of surprise and curiosity and it takes about ten minutes before a man opens the hatch. He grabs your hand and helps you up onto the deck. You are surrounded by what seems like fifteen crew members. They are looking at you with lecherous eyes and ask you a lot of questions. In your frightened state you reckon to fare better to keep your mouth shut.

After a short discussion they decide to take you to the captain`s quarter and let him decide how to deal with you.

To your surprise the captain is a young man in his mid twenties at most. He is muscular and his shoulders broad. He has a thin moustache and rugged stubble, his dark black hair shoulder-long. You would consider him attractive if there isn`t this gruesome scar on his face giving him an intimidating look.

He orders his men to go back to work and sits down comfortably on his desk starting to examine you from head to toe. He seizes you up like a predator would his prey making you feel extreme uncomfortable. Nevertheless you are too afraid to rebuke him.

At last he starts to talk, “I think you have some explaining to do.”

You gather all your courage and reply, “I apologize for getting on your ship. I …”

He cuts you off before you have a chance to finish your sentence, “I´ll ask the questions, you just answer them. Who are you?”

4.) How will you answer him? -> You make up a lie

(I don´t want him to know my identity. He will surely turn me in for a hefty reward.)

You try to think quickly, “I`m a tavern waitress.”

He grins, “What is your name?”

“I am Isab…” you reply without thinking. Knowing it was too late to change your answer you give him your real name, “I am Isabelle.”

“Isabelle what?” He asks.

You are momentary speechless, “What?”

The grin on his face is getting bigger now, “Are you as daft as you are pretty or are you playing dumb?”

“Oh you mean my last name? I am Isabelle Miller.” you answer.

This is your servant girl`s last name and the first thing coming into your mind.

“Ok, Isabelle Miller. Why did you board my ship?” he questions.

You have never been good at lying and so you aren`t able to think of a plausible story at all. “It was a terrible mix up. I booked another ship but it was dark and…”

“It was dark so you got on the wrong ship. Am I right?” he helps your out.

You grip this straw and readily agree, “Yes, yes. You are absolutely right. It was just a mistake.”

“Then why did you hide all this time? We are nearly two days out of port.” he lets out a sigh.

“I fell asleep and…,“ you mumble not knowing a better answer.

A big grin is forming on the captain`s face, “You are an unimaginative noble girl aren`t you?”

You laugh nervously, “Do you really believe that I am a noble girl?”

“Do you think I am stupid? That`s quite an expensive dress for a tavern wench… your jewelry… the way you speak… your posture… need I go on?” he states the obvious.

(So I am a terrible liar after all. He knew about this from the very beginning. There is no use to continue this charade now. I need to change my approach.)

“Does it really matter who I am? I can compensate you well for your service. Please just drop me off at the next port.” you reply.

5.) What will you offer him? -> Offer him your gold pendant

You take off your gold pendant and hand it over to him, “This is a gold pendant. It is our family heirloom and it is worth a few hundreds of gold. I think it is a good deal for you.”

The pendant is the most valuable item you possess. However the captain doesn`t even take a glance. He keeps staring in your eyes.

After a while he sighs again, “I am pretty sure of whom you are… You are Isabelle Starlight and you should be marrying Lord Mark of Cornwall today. In fact I know his son Tristan of Cornwall. You are running away from your marriage. I am I right?”

You are in shock. This man knows everything. You just stood there, mouth agape for a long time not knowing what to say.

After a while the captain continues, “It will be my loss to accept your offer. I think the reward on your head is far bigger right now. I think Lord Mark is dying to find his runaway wife. We will turn around.”

(No! He can`t do this. That would be my end. Lord Mark is known to be cruel. He might even kill me for the disgrace he suffered today.)

Without thinking you grab his tunic and beg him desperately with tears in your eyes, “No please Sir… don`t turn around! I beg of you!”

To your surprise the captain puts his right arm around you and hugs you tightly. He caresses your back and comforts you, “Calm down girl. Everything will be alright…”

This action takes you off guard and you look up into his eyes with confusion. You ask puzzled, “So you won`t hand me over for a reward?”

The captain smirks, “You smell so good. Tell me Isabelle have you ever pleasured a man in bed before?”

You feel sick in your stomach upon hearing this. Being a noble the thought that he wants to bed you never crossed your mind.

(It`s absolutely impossible. He is just a commoner. However he is holding all the proverbial cards right now. I might really have to do his bidding if he insists.)

6.) How will you react? -> You try to get out of this awkward situation

You squirm hard to free from his grasp, “I am not married. Please take you hands off me.”

The captain ignores your request and his hands wanders to your bottom. He squeezes them hard. You try to push him away but it was no use. After two days without food and water you have no energie at all.

“So you haven`t done it have you?” he asks still holding a firm grip of your body.

You are getting desperate and furious, “Of course not! And I don´t intend to until I find a suitable husband. Please let go of me already.”

Unexpectedly he really lets go of you and answers in a calm tone, “Alright Isabelle here is my proposition to you, and there is no room for negotiation. Either we turn around and I turn you to Lord Mark for a reward or I take this pendant and you pleasure me tonight, and every night after until we reach the next port. I have to look after my crew now. My cook Martha will provide you with food and wine. You can also take a bath. Make up your choice when I return tonight.”

The captain leaves the room and about ten minutes later Martha arrives with a tray of food. Martha is a plump middle-aged woman. She doesn´t speak a word but just prepares the food and bath for you silently.

After two days without a meal you are very hungry and finish it all before taking a long relaxing bath. You ponder about what you should do tonight.

(I have no wish to please this Ruffian. However I must never fall in the hands of Lord Mark now. He suffered a huge loss of face today. A Lord whose bride is running away on the wedding day...)

You can`t help but smile when you think about Lord Mark but you also shudder when you think about the potencial consequences. He might even burn you alive on the stake to vent his anger.

The captain returns about three hours later. He lies down on his bed and looks at you expectantly.

“Isabelle, you look much prettier now after taking your bath. Do you have considered my offer?” he asks.

7.) Do you really have to do his bidding? -> Yes, you have no choice

“I really don`t want to sir. I won`t feel comfortable but you know I don`t really have a choice. My future husband will surely kill me for the disgrace he has suffered today. I will try my best to do whatever you want.” You reply weekly.

The captain grins from ear to ear after hearing your answer, “I know you would be smart. It has been a long time since I last had an inexperienced and pure girl. I don`t want to hurt you. Come here, undress and get on my bed. I want you to masturbate until you are ready.”

You slowly remove you clothes piece by piece and can`t help but feeling greatly embarrassed. You sit down on the bed and start to masturbate in front of him. He watches you intensely, laughing and telling you to concentrate on your clit before standing up and removing his own clothes.

You have never seen a prick before and are terrified but also curious at the same time. So you can`t keep your eyes from staring at his prick.

"OK, Isabelle" he said "you said that you have never done anything with a man before. I think we have to start your education from the very beginning."

You shudder and look at him dumbfounded.

(I have thought that he will just rape me and get it over quickly. Now he even made me masturbate in front of him and my pussy is dripping from all the rubbing. I wonder what he wants me to do now.)

8.) What does he want now? -> You have to wank him

"I want you to feel my prick and balls gently until I tell you to stop." he says.

You look fearfully down. His prick was semi-erect with a blob of pre-cum staining the bead-spread. You are terrified and don´t want to touch his disgusting thing.

He speaks in your ear, "Do it or we will sail back tomorrow. It is your choice."

You hesitate a little but still reach out with your right hand and gingerly touch his prick about half way up the shaft. The captain closes your hand around his shaft and shows you how to wank him. His prick rapidly becomes fully erect under this treatment. It is about seven inches long and thick now. The pre-cum starts to run down his prick and onto your hand.

(This is so sickening and it smells so fishy. I just hope it will be over soon.)

“Considering that it is your first time you are a pretty good little wanker. I think that you should thank me for teaching you how to wank. Don`t you know how to be polite?"

"Thank you..." you speak barely audible.

"Why are you thanking me?" He asks.

"Thank you, for showing me how to wank you." you whisper miserably.

“Good girl. I think it`s time for us to move on with your lesson.” he replies.

9.) What does he want you to do now? -> He wants a blowjob

“Isabelle, do you know what a blowjob is?" he asks.

You shake your head not knowing what he is talking about. Your life has been sheltered and it is not proper for noble girls with good upbringing to know about relationships between man and woman before they are married.

“Take my prick in your mouth and suck it” he orders.

You look at him in absolute horror and disbelief. You shake your head violently and jerk your hand off his shaft, “You can`t make me do this. It smells so nasty I will puke.”

“You will get used to the taste soon enough and I promise I won`t ejaculate my juice in your pretty mouth.” he replies.

He grips your head and moves his penis to your mouth and tries to push it in. However it goes only past your lips but not past your teeth.

“Isabelle, you really want to return to your husband tomorrow don`t you?” he asks maliciously.

As before this threat is all he needs. You feel a great sense of hopelessness and open your mouth slowly, just wide enough for him to push it in.

"Now, Isabelle, for your first cock-sucking lesson. Run your tongue around the end of my prick and gently suck." he commands.

Your closes your eyes tightly and follow his orders. The taste of his pre-cum disgust you but you do your best to cope with it.

“You are very good. Now move your head backward and forward. Just keep my prick inside your lips and take it in as far as you can. Run your tongue around the end and keep gently sucking and wanking."

You have already lost your will to resist and quickly pick up the idea.

After a few minutes the captain stops you “That`s enough. You are a natural cocksucker Isabelle. I think it is time to make you a woman now.”

A shudder is running down your spine and you can`t control your emotions anymore. Your start to sob and tears are now flowing freely.

"Look into my eyes, Isabelle." he orders.

You open your eyes and try to fix them on his. Suddenly he puts his lips to yours and puts his tongue deep into your mouth.

(Now he has also gotten my first kiss. Strangely I don`t really hate this feeling.)

While kissing he puts his left hand straight to your pussy and pushes two fingers inside, “You are very wet down here. I think we can move on.”

The captain sits down on the bed with his prick as hard as iron.

"Now Isabelle, put my prick into your cunt. Open your cunt-lips with your left hand and use your right hand to guide my prick in." he orders.

(This is what I`ve dreaded the most. Do I really have to give him my virginity? I might even get pregnant. What will I do then? I really don`t want his baby.)

“Please don`t take my virginity. I don`t want to get pregnant. I will please you with my mouth and even swallow everything. I will make it really good for you now.” you try to sway his decision.

“Oh my, even though you are inexperienced you are not totally stupid. It seems you do know how babies are made.” The captain replies with a big grin. “But it has been such a long since time since I last had a virgin. I would never pass on this chance. You have done such a wonderful job until now, Isabelle. Will you really give up? Just do as I say and I promise you to let you off at the next port.”

10.) Will you give him your virginity? -> Yes, You have lost your will to resist

(He will not be satisfied unless he gets my virginity. It is useless to beg him further. He will never change his mind.)

You reluctantly put your left hand down to your pussy and spread the lips. Then you take his prick in your right hand and lower yourself on his tool. The wetness in your pussy helps his tool to enter your body without much difficulty. However after sliding his prick in about two inches deep you suddenly feel a resistance.

(This must be my maidenhood...)

"Do you need help my precious?" he smirks.

11.)Do you need his help? -> Impale yourself on his prick

Strengthening your resolve you force your body down hard on his prick. Your hymen snaps and you feel excruciating pain.

You cry out, “Ahhh… this hurts so much.” You look down your pussy to see blood seeping out and can´t stop feeling regretful.

(I have lost my innocence now. I will never be able to give it to the man I fall in love with in the future.)

The captain has a delightful expression of triumph on his face, “Congratulations Isabelle. You have turn from a girl to a woman now. It will only hurt the first time. I am sure in the future you will enjoy the feeling of having a prick inside your cunt. Now start to fuck me slowly and move your pussy up and down my prick.”

Seeing the captain so happy savoring your loss your can`t help but loath him. Slowly you began to move up and down upon his cock. He just lay there with his hands behind his head seeming to enjoy the ride of his life. He keeps telling that you are doing great. You feel totally miserable and are crying but he doesn`t seem to care at all. In fact it seems to turn him on even more.

After a few minutes his breath gets quicker and you feel his penis getting bigger in your cunt. You know instinctively that he is going to dump his seed soon.

You start beseeching him, “Please don`t cum inside me. I don`t want to get pregnant.”

“Isabelle, you should know that men love it the most to cum inside a girl. We love it even more if the girl is a virgin and fertile. Do you really want to deny me this pleasure?” he asks you. Dissatisfaction is clearly showing on his face.

You are getting desperate now, “But… but I really don`t want your baby, Sir. What will I do if I get pregnant?”

Seeing you this appalled he tries to reassure you a little but still insists on inseminating you, “Calm down Isabelle. You won`t necessary get pregnant the first time you catch my sperm. Many women have to fuck like rabbits everyday to get knocked up. You have to do your best to please me tonight and just take the chance. Do you understand?

12. What will you do? -> Let him cum in your pussy

You nod meekly, “Yes, I understand.”

(He seems very unhappy right now. It`s better not to spoil his mood or he might really want to get the reward on my head. I should not pursue this matter any further. My maid has been intimate with our cook for three month now and yet she still isn`t with child.)

“I am getting close now Isabelle, where do you want me to cum?” the captain asks.

You know what he is expecting you to answer, “In my pussy… please cum in my pussy.”


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