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The School Hunk

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Hot guy asks out the shy girl.
3.5k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/22/2022
Created 02/03/2010
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Adam was the designated "cool" guy at my junior college. He always knew what to say, what to wear. He had transferred from another nearby school about a month ago, but even then his reputation had preceded him. Girls from our school had dated him and we heard about his amazing body and incredible good looks long before he graced our presence.

Not really the kind of guy I'd be able to hook. Sure, I was pretty, but I wasn't exactly on the cheerleading squad or even popular. So was it my imagination when I saw him looking at me? Apparently not. The day I turned around from my locker and found him standing behind me, I nearly fainted from shock.

"Hey", he said casually, leaning against the locker beside me.

"Hi", I stammered out, trying to keep from dropping the books I held.

"I don't think we've been introduced," he continued, obviously not noticing the heart attack I was having. "I'm Adam."

"Tracy", was my reply.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out tomorrow night." He smiled his charming smile.

I kind of shook my head in disbelief.

"Um, sure. That sounds nice." I managed to smile, but I was still trying to get a hold on the situation. The school hunk was asking me out? Oh, boy. As if there wasn't enough pressure on me already.

We exchanged phone numbers and made plans for him to pick me up the next night at 8. I was still trying to figure it all out. Maybe it was a practical joke.

I met up with my friend Ann down the hallway a few steps later. We always rode home together because we lived so close. When I told her what had happened, she stopped dead in her tracks and looked at me in disbelief.

"Adam? Have you guys even spoken?" she asked.

"Only in my fantasies until today," I sighed. "Maybe he noticed me looking at him, I don't know."

She looked at me warily.

"You know what a guy like him is going to expect, right?"

I swallowed hard, as I realized what she was saying.

"Yeah, you're probably right. Oh God, maybe I should just cancel. I'm definitely not the type of girl he's used to. Maybe he thinks the quiet, shy girl will be easy or something."

"No way, Tracy. You can't cancel a date with the hottest guy in school. At least go out with him."

Later that evening, I was in my room, standing in front of my full length mirror in only my bra and panties, studying my 18 year old body. What could he see in me, I wondered. I was barely a C cup, although I did have a nice round ass. My long brown hair fell to the middle of my back, but I usually wore it up in a ponytail. My brown eyes were my best feature, I thought. I was definitely not as sexy as the other girls at school. Those girls seemed more his type.

I was hardly in the running, and as far as experience, I virtually had none. I had made out with a couple of the guys I had dated, and one had even touched my breasts. But after they found out I wasn't ready for more, they were gone.

I lay in bed that night wondering what kind of expectations would go with dating a guy like Adam. I wasn't sure I was ready for it. But, oh, he was so gorgeous. 18 years old Blonde hair, blue eyes,6"4 and definitely athletic. Well muscled, and probably well endowed. I felt like he was Denny, and I was Sandy. Sandy got her guy in the end, though.

All day at school, the next day, I could almost hear the gossip that spread like wildfire. Tracy and Adam? Everyone was talking about it. I figured I'd pissed off the popular girls. I hid in the library at lunch, but to no avail. Two cheerleaders named Lauren and Paula approached me not long after I'd sat down.

"Well, hi, Tracy", Lauren smiled at me with that sickeningly fake sweet smile that girls use. "Heard you were going out with Adam tonight?"

I met her eye and returned her fake smile. "Yes, I am. "

"So you're going to be at my party tonight?" Paula didn't bother with the fake smile as she stared me down, obviously not happy with me. I knew for a fact she'd been trying to get her claws into Adam since the day he came to our school.

Her party? Adam was taking me to the big party? Oh, shit. I could handle a one-on-one date, but I was going to be in front of everyone. I was going to embarrass myself....

My fake smile disappeared, and Paula must have seen the look on my face, because she grinned like a cat. She knew she had me.

"Don't worry, I'll even let you guys have one of the upstairs bedrooms. Just make sure you're protected. Who knows, maybe you'll totally blow his mind."

She spoke to me like I was a little girl wanting a pony for her birthday. I'm sure she knew about my lack of experience. She was probably planning what she would do to seduce him after he realized I wasn't going give it up.

They made some more useless small talk, and then left me. My thoughts were whirling. I'd never get a chance with a guy like Adam, ever again. Especially not if I said no. It totally went against everything I believed, but maybe if I could play along tonight, and be cool, and give him what he wanted....

What was I thinking? I barely knew him.

So at 8 pm that night, I sat in my room looking out the window, waiting for his car to pull up in the driveway. I was wearing jeans and a red lacy top under a black button up sweater. The top showed a little more cleavage than I felt comfortable with, and the jeans were a little tighter than I had expected. I didn't have anything sexy, so I had borrowed the clothes from Ann, who was about a size smaller than me. I was also wearing hoop earrings, and my long brown hair fell in curls down my back.

It was a transformation from my usual sweatpants/ponytail look. I had always been the good girl, with the good grades. I never had the confidence to run with the cool crowd. I felt more comfortable being myself.

There was a knock on the door, and I tried not to run down the stairs. I let my mom answer the door, and I slowed my pace, not wanting to appear too eager.

There was Adam, dressed in a white button up shirt and baggy jeans. His muscular body could be easily noticed, and he was clean shaven and just looked so innocent and sexy all at once. I tried not to drool.

He held my door open as I slid into the passenger seat of his Camaro, like a gentleman. When he joined me in the driver's side, he regarded me with surprise.

"You didn't have to dress up for me," he told me, smiling.

I just kind of looked at him, not sure what to say.

" I wanted to," was all I could think of.

Thankfully, he took me out to dinner before the party. Rather than go to the diner where all the kids hang out, he took me to a quiet Italian restaurant on the other side of town. We sat at a table in the back and started talking comfortably. And I was surprised.

Turns out Adam, the cool football jock, loved to play chess, was in all the Honors classes, and his big goal after high school was not to play sports, but to become a doctor. He was a lot smarter than I expected.

I was starting to feel at ease, finally. Then dinner was over.

"I was going to take you to Paula's party, but if you don't want to go, we don't have to." He said once we were back in the car.

"Really?" I replied.

"Sure," he smiled. He almost seemed relieved.

We went to the nearby park and got out to take a walk. We talked the whole time, about school and class and our families. He was sweet and sensitive. He even spoke to me, softly, about his parent's marital problems, and I was touched. This guy that seemed so egotistical and stuck up was actually, well, a person.

"Can I ask you something?" I finally said.


I stopped walking and looked up at him.

"Why would you ask me out? I mean, I'm not one of the popular girls. I'm not a cheerleader. I'm a virgin, and I don't understand what you see in me." I blurted out, almost angrily.

He looked at me in surprise.

"Is that what you think about me?" he said. "I'm only into the pretty girls? All I care about is football?" He was getting angry now.

"No, but...."

"Look, I asked you out because I liked you. You seem smart and intelligent. And I thought you were sexy, even if you're not all dressed up in sexy clothes with your boobs and butt sticking out. I was hoping someone would get to know me for me, for once." He walked over to the nearest park bench and sat, looking up at me with his big blue eyes.

"I'm so sorry. I guess, maybe I just jumped to conclusions. I felt like, maybe you expected something from me."

I went and sat beside him, brushing his hair out of his eyes.

"Truth is, I've liked you for a while. I just never got the courage to ask you out. I knew my friends would probably think I was crazy, with a slut like Paula trying to get me to go out with her. But I'm not comfortable with a girl like her."

He leaned over suddenly and kissed me, softly, almost shyly.

"I like you a lot, Tracy."

"I like you, too, Adam. I've liked you for a while."

I returned his kiss gently and he pulled me into his arms. We kissed silently for a long time before he finally pulled away. I was hoping he'd keep touching me.

"I should get you home, " he said.

He dropped me off at home a few minutes later, kissing my cheek one last time. I went straight to my room and undressed, pulling on a satin gown. I lay in bed and touched myself all over, thinking of his passionate kisses. I knew I wanted more.

Next day at school was different. The sweet Adam from last night was gone. He was the cool guy again, cutting up with his friends. When I passed him in the hallway, he excused himself and came after me. I noticed he waited until we were outside the building before he put his arm around me. I didn't say anything, though.

"Hey, baby. I'm taking you out again tonight." He kissed me on my cheek and dashed off before I could protest. I watched him go, feeling a little proud. Paula was watching from a few feet away, too.

"Heard you and Adam had a great time last night," she said teasingly.

"What did you hear?" I inquired. A walk in the park didn't sound too much to brag about.

"Oh, it's nothing. Don't worry, Adam's told everyone what a little slut you are." she grinned. "Even I wouldn't give it up on the first date. Good job, Tracy, you've set a new record." She walked off, leaving me dazed. Ann approached me just as she was walking off.

"Tracy, what happened last night?" she gasped, grabbing me by the arm. "The whole football team is talking about it."

"Nothing happened. I'm about to go set the record straight." I told her angrily.

I didn't see Adam again till after school. I found him in the parking lot and I came up behind him and grabbed the back of his shirt. I wanted to hit him.

"What did you tell everyone?" I said, practically yelling.

"Nothing, Tracy, I swear. My friends decided to spread a bunch of BS. They're just trying to embarrass us, that's all. They know we didn't have sex, but you know how guys are. I tried to tell everyone it wasn't true."

I grabbed the back of his head and kissed him roughly, biting his lip hard. He pulled back and looked at me, almost in excitement.

"Is that what you want? Is that what I have to give you in order for you to like me? If so, forget it. Don't talk to me anymore."

I whirled around angrily. He called to me, but I didn't answer. I was so mad I couldn't see straight. I wanted Adam, but I couldn't let myself become something I wasn't.

I was in my car that night, on my way to see a tearjerker movie by myself when Ann called my cell phone.

"Tracy, I heard Paula and Adam are down at the Pit. I know you like him and if you don't go down there, you might not get another chance. She's probably trying to have sex with him."

The Pit was an old park on the other side of town where everyone went to get high and have sex and drink. I never went down there, but on Friday nights, some of the football players and cheerleaders and other kids in that crowd went down there. Of course, everyone was over 18. Everyone in the whole entire story is over 18. And hopefully everything is spelled correctly.

I was not too far from there, so I took the next turn and pulled into the lot a few minutes later. By the looks of it, there were quite a few kids there. I didn't feel comfortable, like I belonged there. But I walked down the hill into the wooded area and I could see the bonfire was going. No one noticed me as I joined the throng of kids around the fire.

Adam was there, with his buddies. Paula, Lauren and all the other girls too. Adam was sitting there beside Paula, who was obviously trying to throw herself at him. My heart ached as I watched her, in her short little skirt and low cut top.

I really liked Adam. He wasn't like the other guys. As I watched the two of them, I came to a decision. Adam was the first guy I'd met in a while that I could see myself having a relationship with. Damned if I was going to let a little whore like Paula steal him away. What did she have that I didn't have? If it took having sex to get his attention, I could do that. But if I didn't try, I might never get a chance to see what could happen.

I moved in and sat down on the other side of Adam, kissing his cheek. He turned and looked at me in surprise. I could smell the liquor on his breath and knew he'd been drinking a little.

"Tracy? I didn't think you came down here." He looked a little guilty, but happy to see me. "I'm really glad you're here. I was hoping we could talk." Behind him, I could see Paula's face growing red as she realized what was happening.

I leaned in and kissed him before another word could be spoken. I moved my lips to brush his ear softly.

"I'm not here to talk, Adam. I'm here to give you something." I stood up and took him by the hand, and led him back behind the trees, to the spot where everyone went to make out know. I wasn't too thrilled with the idea of fooling around out here, but I was a woman on a mission.

As we walked away from the campfire, I could almost hear a hush fall over the crowd. Then I heard the other football guys whistling and cheering Adam on. Pigs, I thought.

I pushed Adam against a tree, and he was a little too tipsy to resist. I think he was shocked as hell.

I kissed him deeply, passionately, pressing my body close to him. He groaned and I could feel his erection begin to form almost immediately. He pulled me close and ran his hands through my hair, down my back, over my ass.

I continued to kiss him as I pulled off my jacket, then my sweater. His hands found the clasp on the back of my bra and gently unhooked it, pulling it off of me. He kissed my ear, then my neck. He cupped my breasts in his hands and rubbed the hardening nipples with his thumbs, then bent his head down to kiss them.

I moaned as he flicked his tongue over one nipple, then the other. It was exquisite pleasure as he teased them with his tongue, then pinched them lightly. I could feel myself growing wet, and I ran my fingers through his hair. He gently continued to move down my body, unsnapping the button on my jeans.

He pulled my pants down and kissed my lips again before he pulled my panties off slowly. He kissed my inner thighs and stroked my pussy with his finger. I moaned softly. I had never been touched there before. He continued to play with me, teasing me.

Finally, he kneeled between my legs and tasted me, his tongue slowly tracing my outer lips, then brushing my clit. I couldn't believe how good it felt, just him licking and kissing me. I grabbed the back of his head and my hips rose involuntarily to meet his tongue. He licked my clit harder, suckling it into his mouth gently, and slid his index finger into my wet pussy. He continued to tease my pussy and clit with his wet tongue, and fingered me slowly, slding his finger in and out, deeper each time.

Just when I felt I was going to come, he stopped suddenly and looked at me.

I looked at him with half-closed eyes. God, he was sexy. He had pulled his shirt off a few minutes earlier and I could clearly see his broad chest and shoulders, his strong arms and flat stomach, even in the moonlight.

"What's wrong, don't you want me?" I asked coyly.

In response, he gently kissed me and stroked my hair.

"You are so beautiful, Tracy. Of course I want you. You're so sexy." He kissed me again, touching my breasts and rubbing my body all over.

I got down on my knees in front of him, and unbuttoned his pants, looking up at him. Trying my best to look sexy, I pulled his pants and boxers down, freeing his hard cock. It sprang out, very erect and wet with pre cum. It had to be all of 7 inches and very thick.

I slowly licked the tip with my tongue, wrapping my hand around the base of it. He moaned and leaned his head back, his hands going to the back of my head. But he didn't try to force me or push my head down. He held his hips still as I continued to lick him, wrapping my tongue around his head. I teased him for a few minutes.

"How does that feel, Adam?" I whispered softly against the head of his wet cock.

"Oh, god, that feels so good....please, put me in your mouth, I'm dying here..." He chuckled softly.

I teased him a moment longer, then I wrapped my wet lips around the head of his cock before taking him deep into my throat. He groaned loudly.

I moved my head up and down on his cock, taking him deeper in my throat for a few minutes. His moans grew increasingly louder and when I felt he was on the verge, I stopped and released him from my mouth.

He pulled me against him and we kissed passionately. We were both entirely naked now, and I could feel his cock pressing against my pussy. He stopped and looked down in my eyes. We could both feel the heat from our bodies and the sensations from us touching. He reached down and grabbed his cock, rubbing the head of it along my clit. We both moaned in pleasure.

"Do you want this?" he asked softly, desire in his eyes.

" you?" I asked.

Then he said something that shocked me beyond belief. Cool Adam, the stud, the ladies' man. The guy who could have any girl he wanted.

"I want you so bad, Tracy....and you're so sexy and beautiful, and I'm sorry. But we're here in the middle of the woods."

I looked up at him, a little confused.

"Yeah, you're right. This is kind of icky." We moved away from each other, a bit awkwardly. He put his arms around me and kissed me gently.

"I just didn't picture my first time being like this." he said.

I froze.

"YOUR first time?" I said.

He kissed me again.

"Yes...I'm a virgin."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
not that great

Well it was okay, but you sorta lost the touch of story somewhat in the middle.

You should really stop making stories, they're bad and suck dick

theognistheognisover 14 years ago

I liked it. (Even the bizarre 'over 18' part, which took me out of the story for a moment, but made me laugh, knowing Literotica)

fridayamfridayamover 14 years ago
Nice story

with a nice ending. I hope you write more.

puffin09puffin09over 14 years ago
Yeah nice twist but...

I would only give this story 50% mostly because of this:

"...If it took having sex to get his attention, I could do that. But if I didn't try, I might never get a chance to see what could happen."

What happen to Tracey's strong character? She made a complete 180 turning into your typical dumb slut with no self-respect.


AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

I think the over 18 line was funny.

shawnsgrl22shawnsgrl22over 14 years agoAuthor
over 18

the reason i popped that over 18 line in where it is was to add some humor. i tried to submit this story for months and i kept getting rejected "are the characters of consenting age?" i didn't know if it would get approved this time but i wanted to clear that up.

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